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The Mystery of the End of the Age
The Mystery of the End of the Age
The Mystery of the End of the Age
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The Mystery of the End of the Age

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There is a desire for all believers to know that time of the end,
this book opens that door for you to enter a place, a time where
no other has gone before. The dates have always been there
it just was Gods desire to let us know at the last moment, so
we would understand it and reach out to all others we know.
Release dateApr 3, 2024
The Mystery of the End of the Age

Mark A. Spaziani

He reached out to the heart of God vowing to help people learn about Jesus before it was to late, and they would be judged. Then some 30 years later God inspired him to start searching and he found all that is in this book, it will amaze you as a reader.

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    The Mystery of the End of the Age - Mark A. Spaziani

    Copyright © 2024 Mark A. Spaziani.

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    Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-5020-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-5019-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-5021-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024902113

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 03/18/2024




    Chapter 1   Understanding God’s Plan

    Chapter 2   Why Me?

    Chapter 3   The Lord God’s Covenants with Humanity

    Chapter 4   The Effects of Curses and Punishments

    Chapter 5   America and the Rights of Her People

    Chapter 6   Tested and Saved

    Chapter 7   The Beginning of the End of the Age

    Chapter 8   America Has Fallen


    This book is written in the loving memory of my granddaughter, Alessia Marie Chahoy. Her life, although it was short, made such an impact on my heart that I was able to feel the calling and understand why she was so important to me and my family. Her loss of life gave me the desire and feeling that God was calling. This was a rekindling of a feeling I’d had thirty-five years ago, but it was a little too soon back then. That feeling linked me to the searches I needed to make—what God was directing me to. And I have written about my findings in this book. I believe the end of the age will happen very soon, and maybe by the end of this book, you too will believe the same.

    Keep an open mind as you watch what is going on now and in our future. That is all I can ask. The stories in the Bible that I was led to use in this book helped me understand that the Tribulation and the end of the age are soon to happen. God wants us to know that He is here guiding us. I can be sure of this: God’s greatest desire is for a big change in our hearts and minds before it’s too late. He hoped this would happen while the ark was being built. He knows that not all people will turn to Jesus as their savior.

    One example of America changing over two hundred years is my favorite commercial; it still brings tears to my eyes. This commercial aired during Super Bowl 2011. If you have never seen it, you should watch it on YouTube. Budweiser can train eight Clydesdale horses to kneel and bow their heads for those we lost on 9/11; yet we can’t learn to respect and bow to Him who loves us so much that He gave His only son to die for our sins that we may enter heaven. This book teaches that can happen at the right time, and you don’t have to die. So, it is worth reading on.

    I could have chosen to use any of many different Bible versions, but I choose the New King James Version (Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.) I give thanks that all words come from the Lord, and He means to bring His family home.


    Many may be skeptical about the title of this book, for many have foretold the end or the rapture. I was even hoping that September 7, 2021, was the start of Tribulation, but we were not so lucky. It may seem crazy to look forward to the start of Tribulation, but you can’t have the rapture without it. I will be showing why as you read on. I am only telling you what I see in the writing of certain parts of the Bible, and you can judge for yourself.

    The end of this book may make people upset, worried, or in disbelief, but it is written that you might turn to Jesus at a necessary time, like right now. I know that many may hate the book’s possible truth about the timing, but for now, no one can say it’s false. I know that people will either like or hate the book, and they will either like or hate me, but that does not change what I must write. Maybe events won’t be exactly as I have written about them, but I cannot worry about how people may judge me for writing this book. I can only think what will happen, when I stand before Jesus, if I had chosen not to write the book for fear of how I might be treated. He could say, The book of life is missing millions of names because you feared what people would think of you. Now, how do you think Father and I feel about you? I don’t think it would get me to hell, but I wouldn’t want one person to miss heaven because I didn’t react as I was supposed to when I felt the Holy Spirt touch my heart.

    We should know this one fact about God: if you are not willing to follow His plan for your life, He already has someone as a backup to do His will. I’m just kidding! He never needs a backup. He can see the future from the beginning to the end, so why would He need backup to create any future event that needs to be fulfilled? It’s not possible. When He picks someone for His desired plan, the outcome will be as He planned it. When he chose the mother of His son, He knew she would do His will because of her love for Him. Jesus picked Judas because He knew that he would fulfill his part to help Jesus open the door to salvation by His death on the cross so that all who wish to be saved can be.

    For better or worse, I am writing this book and hoping I bring millions of hearts to Jesus, whether they are lost, confused, or have never known Him. I’m hoping that’s what He wanted when He touched my heart to write this book, knowing that it might change so many people’s hearts at a time when change is so necessary. Again, God sees all from beginning to end; He moves those of us who are written in the Book of Life like chess pieces to help others who are also written in the book. Yes, you have that free will, but Satan is working against it all the time. Now God is stepping up to gather His sheep, whom Jesus died for.

    Many people already believe in Jesus and the rapture; however, this book goes against a lot of other theories about when the rapture will take place. So here it goes. Love what you are about to read or hate it. Maybe I am wrong, but I don’t think so. Only God knows the truth about the future. That is why Satan reads everything printed about end-time events, and he reads the holy Bible. He is looking for what we should be looking for. God wants you to be saved; Satan wants to use you to hurt others and stop them from being saved. He is trying to defeat God. Good luck with that, Satan!

    Something to think about is that God had a plan from the moment he forced Satan out of heaven along with the third of all the angels who followed him. Satan’s desire to take over heaven cost him his elite position in heaven. Even from the moment that God created Adam and Eve, God knew that Satan has some control over our weak minds. We don’t even know how often he is grooming us for some future need he has that we can fulfill, like creating anger with someone we love or someone we don’t even like. He would play right into God’s plan. His limited power to see the future was God’s greatest gift. As you read the story of Job in this book, you will see that Job was being tormented by Satan, who tried to get Job to break down and turn away from God. Satan first had gone to God and asked permission to test Job. Satan’s great power is limited to our desires. He works hard to use those who don’t know God or say they hate God. Families that are raised going to church and show a great love toward God and Jesus are most susceptible to torment from Satan. His strength is in our weakness. You are not going to see Satan flood the earth in forty days; that can be done only by the One who has the power over all things. God could have let Noah and his family die in the flood, and no one would have been left. That was not God’s plan. Instead, He let them repopulate the earth, and He chose to give us our own free will to live our lives as we see fit. It is a God-given right for each of us to choose what path we want—to choose heaven or hell for our eternal home, forever with no changes.

    I will tell you this: I often wonder about the time when my father was in the hospital. I sent everyone home, but I decided to stay in case something happened that would require the family to return to the hospital. I made that decision, or God put it in my mind. Shortly after everyone left, I sat near him and started to read the Bible. Soon my father started to breathe strangely, so I called the nurse. She recommended that I call everyone back to the hospital. Everyone came back to the hospital. I went out of the room to pray, and when I got back to the hospital room, he was still breathing oddly, taking long pauses between each breath. I knew it was time to let him go, but where would he go—to heaven or to hell?

    Here I am now, some thirty years later writing a book believing and knowing in my heart that God is the actual author. Where was my dad going to be? I knew he had experienced a tough time in

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