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The Lake Keepers
The Lake Keepers
The Lake Keepers
Ebook45 pages31 minutes

The Lake Keepers

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About this ebook

Oliver and Jack, two inseparable teenage boys, stumble upon a hidden legacy left by their grandfather – a secret underwater lab beneath the tranquil surface of Emerald Haven Lake. As they delve deeper, they discover a fantastical world teeming with bioluminescent creatures and guarded by a powerful entity known as Elara.


Their curiosity soon turns into a mission of protection as they learn of the lab's potential to disrupt the delicate balance of the lake's ecosystem. Guided by Amelia, a wise old woman with a deep connection to the lake, Oliver and Jack embark on a thrilling underwater adventure.


Facing treacherous currents, mythical creatures, and ancient tests, they must rely on their newfound diving skills, unwavering friendship, and the courage passed down from their grandfather. Their journey leads them to the heart of the lake, a swirling vortex of energy where they must confront a difficult choice – secure the lab and honor their legacy, or risk unleashing its power and jeopardizing the underwater world they have come to protect.

PublisherAjiwe Slade
Release dateApr 10, 2024
The Lake Keepers

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    Book preview

    The Lake Keepers - Ajiwe Slade

    Chapter 1: The Secret Attic

    The last bell of the week clanged through the school hallways, a symphony to Oliver and Jack's ears. It was Friday, and freedom stretched before them like a sun-drenched meadow. As they shouldered their backpacks and bumped fists, Oliver announced, Remember tomorrow? Operation: Grandpa's Attic!

    Jack grinned. Wouldn't miss it for the world! Got my flashlight charged?

    Oliver patted his backpack. Always prepared, my friend. Now, how about some pizza to fuel our exploration?

    Their stomachs rumbling in agreement, they raced off to their favorite pizza joint, plotting their grand adventure.

    Oliver's grandfather's house stood on the outskirts of their village, a lonely sentinel overlooking rolling hills. It had been empty since his grandfather's passing a year ago, shrouded in a veil of dust and forgotten memories. Oliver, too young at the time, barely remembered the place, but stories from his parents painted a picture of a house filled with warmth and laughter. Lately, a strange itch had been growing in him, a desire to explore the house, to see where his grandfather once lived.

    That evening, Oliver approached his parents with nervous excitement. Mom, Dad, can Jack and I visit Grandpa's house tomorrow? Just for a little while?

    His mother, a woman with eyes as warm as the cinnamon rolls she often baked, looked thoughtful. The house hasn't been touched in a while, sweetheart. It might be dusty and a little spooky.

    We won't go far inside, Oliver promised. Just peek around a bit.

    His father, a man built strong from years of working the land, chuckled. Remember when your grandfather used to scare you with stories of grumpy ghosts in the attic?

    Oliver's cheeks flushed, a memory of a childhood visit surfacing. Back then, the creaking floorboards and shadowy corners had held a terrifying allure.  We're not scared anymore, are we Jack?

    Jack shook his head with mock seriousness. Of course not! Ghosts are for little kids.

    A smile tugged at Oliver's mother's lips. Alright, alright. Just be careful, you two. And promise to call if you need anything.

    With a triumphant high five, the boys set about preparing for their expedition. The next morning, Oliver packed a flashlight, a first-aid kit (just in case!), and a couple of granola bars for sustenance. Jack, ever the practical one, added a roll of sturdy duct tape and a multi-tool to the mix.

    They pedaled away on their trusty mountain bikes, the early morning sun dappling through the leaves. The air buzzed with the chirping of birds, and the scent of wildflowers hung heavy in the air. Their

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