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Detective Derby Private Eye And The Birthday Heist: Detective Derby Private Eye, #1
Detective Derby Private Eye And The Birthday Heist: Detective Derby Private Eye, #1
Detective Derby Private Eye And The Birthday Heist: Detective Derby Private Eye, #1
Ebook52 pages32 minutes

Detective Derby Private Eye And The Birthday Heist: Detective Derby Private Eye, #1

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Derby Is A Young Girl Who Wants Be A Detective When She Grows Up However When She Gets Invited To A Birthday Party And Valuable Item Goes Missing Her Dream Of Becoming A Detective Might Come Sooner Then She Thinks 

Release dateJun 25, 2024
Detective Derby Private Eye And The Birthday Heist: Detective Derby Private Eye, #1

Isaiah Fransen

Isaiah who has autism resides in the beautiful Okanagan Valley which is situated in the Southern part of British Columbia, Canada. Taking in the latest movies at the local theaters is one of his favorite pass times. His interest in solving mysteries has lead to his desire to write about them. His books is full of exciting plots and adventures. Playing video games keeps him busy the majority of his time but finds time in his sometimes hectic schedule to write and looks forward to publishing more of his work. 

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    Book preview

    Detective Derby Private Eye And The Birthday Heist - Isaiah Fransen


    500 Years Ago

    ONCE, 500 YEARS AGO, there was a beautiful kingdom where there were lots of villages and people. There was also a king and queen. However, one day, it was the queen's birthday, and the king surprised her with a beautiful bracelet. The queen loved it! However, when they went to bed that same night, something terrible happened! A thief snuck into the castle, in the middle of the night, and stole the bracelet! The king and queen had their guards search the entire kingdom for the thief and the bracelet. However, as much as they tried, they never found the thief or the bracelet anywhere in the whole kingdom! So, they never saw the bracelet again! Many years have passed since then. People changed, and technology began to evolve. The kingdom eventually faded away and became Springshore heights. Eventually an archaeologist found the bracelet and it ended up in the museum. It was one of their top exhibits. However, one day the museum got a phone call. A family wanted to donate a large amount of money to the museum. However, in return, they wanted the 500 year old bracelet. They wanted the bracelet as it was a family heirloom. It had been in their family for several generations. The museum thought long and hard on what to do. The museum eventually said, You have a deal! So the family donated a large amount of money and came and picked up the 500 year old bracelet from the museum. However, the museum warned the family that thieves would be after the bracelet, and told the family to be on their guard. So what happens next? Well, here's their story!

    Chapter 1

    Getting Ready For School

    ONE DAY THERE WAS A 9 year old girl named Derby who lived in a small town called Springshore Heights. One day,Derby was getting ready for school. However, she kept getting distracted, daydreaming about being a detective when she grew up. Her room was full of detective collectables. Today she was excited to be finishing up her project assignment for school because her assignment was all about what she wanted to be when she grew up. Of course, it was about becoming a detective! Derby suddenly snapped out of her daydreaming when she heard her mother, Scarlett, pounding on the door. Her mother said, For goodness sakes Derby, hurry up! You're going to be late for school again! Meanwhile, Derby’s best friend Carla, who lived not far from her place,

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