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The Ultimate Power Within You
The Ultimate Power Within You
The Ultimate Power Within You
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The Ultimate Power Within You

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Many of us get caught in the routine of work, home, TV, bed, wash, rinse, repeat. You are more valuable and powerful than that. You have special gifts, talents, and abilities no one else has. Unlock those gifts and achieve the abundant glory God has in store for you. Me

Release dateMay 28, 2024
The Ultimate Power Within You

Chet Spence

Chet is a certified empowerment coach and founder of Walking In Love Coaching. He empowers people to live a fulfilling life on purpose. Prior to coaching, he helped clients achieve their financial goals through various life seasons and stages but now focuses on one's self-worth rather than net worth. Chet lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is married with two wonderful children, and loves to camp and hike.

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    The Ultimate Power Within You - Chet Spence


    The Ultimate


    Within You

    Chet Spence

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2024 by Chet Spence

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.TM Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.TM. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. Scripture quotations marked BSB are taken from The Holy Bible, Berean Study Bible, BSB. Copyright ©2016, 2018 by Bible Hub. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 979-8-89041-826-5

    ISBN 979-8-89041-827-2 (ebook)


    First and foremost, thanks to God for giving me this

    assignment. He wants you to know how powerful you

    really are. His promises are unbroken and everlasting.

    Thank you to my incredibly loving and supportive wife, my

    baby, for your unwavering love, belief, and support. You are my

    muse. My soul is complete with you in my life. You show me

    every day what love is and challenge me to be better every day.

    I definitely married up.

    To my son, James, thank you for your love, thoughtfulness,

    compassion, and care. You truly have a special gift.

    To my daughter, Alyssa, thank you for showing me what

    unwavering faith is and for making me laugh every day.

    You have no fear except of the Lord.

    Sarah, thank you for your extra pair of eyes and your editing

    skills to help me put this book together and for your support.

    Sam and Patience, thank you for your support, encouragement,

    and love. You are my brother and sister in Christ.

    I thank the pastoral staff of Res Life Church in Grandville,

    Michigan, for their ministry and for pouring into their

    congregation with love and instruction to grow, win souls,

    and make disciples.


    Thank you for making it this far. I usually skip this part of the book when I’m browsing and get right into the heart of it, but since you’re here, I’d like to share a little bit about myself and this book. I promise it won’t take long. But first of all, I just want to tell you that you are the most powerful person I know, and I don’t even know you. So, how can I say that? Because you can create anything into existence simply because you can imagine it. How else could we fly? Or travel in space? Or how could the World’s Largest Ball of Sisal Twine in Cawker City, Kansas, exist? How could we do all the phenomenal feats each day that we take for granted? This book is dedicated to you and the ultimate power you have to thrive, not just live. Unfortunately, it took me a while to learn that lesson.

    My life changed in a big way on March 16, 2020. I was getting ready for work as usual when news of a pandemic struck, and everything was closing down. COVID-19, as it came to be known, hit not only the entire world but also my city. I had an appointment with a client that morning at a little coffee shop not too far from my house. I called the coffee shop an hour prior to our meeting to see if they were open. They assured me they were. When I arrived, I met my client at the door of the coffee shop, but the door was locked. In that short sixty-minute period of time, they closed. That was when I surrendered.

    Up until then, I had spent twenty-six years working in the financial services industry, developing investment plans and strategies on behalf of my clients to achieve their financial goals. My livelihood was primarily face-to-face meetings, asking questions, clarifying, revising, and implementing. I was blessed to gain their trust and allow me to serve them in that way, but the truth was, I was living a lie. I had no interest in financial markets, nor did I care about economic trends. I did not play golf, nor did I smoke cigars. I learned trends and understood the markets to apply strategies and help my clients grow their net worth. I helped others develop long-term plans with no plan of my own. What kept me motivated to stay in the industry was to see my clients succeed.

    But what to do now? Everything was closed or closing. All my business was face-to-face, but no one was going anywhere. My daughter’s summer vacation started two months early. Every day became Blursday. We had just bought a new house, and my wife was not working at the time. Our livelihood was based upon my roller-coaster income stream going up and down, and at this moment, it had derailed. I took stock in what was important to me, such as the relationships I built with my clients. I served them as they built their careers; I served them as their children grew; I served them as they retired. I watched them accomplish their goals. But now, the time had come to let it go.

    What I let go of was all of the regulations, requirements, and administrative oversight, which usurped most of my productive time. I realized that I had a passion for helping others improve themselves and transform their lives, and that is what I held on to. Without any clue of what my already unpredictable income would be, I told my wife, Julie, I wanted off this financial roller coaster and instead help others improve their self-worth rather than their net worth. She said, Go for it. It turned out she was miserable watching me be miserable, and I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it!

    Another advisor agreed to manage my clients’ assets, so in December 2020, I got off the roller coaster and became certified as a Life Coach, and in January 2021, Walking In Love Coaching was started. I prayed for God to put people in my path that I could help and who could help me, and He showed up in a big way! He led me to individuals who were transformed by my coaching services. He is abundantly good!

    Then, in February 2022, God instructed me to write this book and show you that you, too, have the ultimate power to live an abundant life and thrive to your fullest potential. You are not here to just get up, go to work, watch TV, go to bed, wash, rinse, repeat, but it would seem that is what most do. Half of employees working in the United States are unhappy at their jobs. Half of marriages end in divorce. About a third are depressed, at least that we know of from those who are willing to admit it. Drug overdose deaths have been on the rise, and medical marijuana use has been increasing over the years to help mask the pain. This is not the abundant life that God intended for us.

    You have the power to create awesome things or destroy the world. You can wake up and face the world with excitement or trudge through the day with the same stuff, different day attitude. All that you do has great value and meaning. You have the power to think anything into reality. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s not too late to stop, change direction, or tune up a bit and keep going. Most let life happen to them. Be intentional with yours.

    This book contains the power to fulfill the purpose God has for you. All you have to do is turn it on. What He does for one, He does for all. His promises are for everyone. The stories in the Bible show how men of great faith achieve great things. They also show how power can corrupt what was once virtuous. You might be a veteran Christian, or brand new, or not even sure what a Christian is. You may have it all together or wonder where your next meal is coming from. Whatever your situation, His promises are for you to be prosperous, not to harm you, and give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

    This book is not only my testimony but a testimony of those who have done exactly that, from Abraham, Moses, David, Job, and Jesus, to name a few. This book is also a testimony from trailblazers like Sam Smiles, Peter Mark Roget, Colonel Harland Sanders, and Walt Stack, as well as superstar children who are transforming the world around them. My hope is that this book will be the kickstarter to your testimony, and you will be able to harness the ultimate power to transform your life. So strap in, buckle up, and get ready to turn on the ultimate power switch.

    I. It All Begins With God

    Chapter 1:

    The Beginning

    Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to have this unstoppable drive that nothing will get in their way? What drives them to persevere against what seems to be insurmountable obstacles? What separates those from thinking and those from doing? Is there some supernatural capability that these people are born with that we can only wish we had?

    This book examines and uncovers the ultimate, unstoppable power that we have as normal human beings and looks at these questions in a unique way to answer where our ultimate power comes from to do things we wouldn’t normally do on our own. Does everyone possess this power? How do we discover and tap into this power? To dive into these questions, we will look at the very nature of where we come from, what we are doing here, and why.

    First, let us be clear about where we came from. It may surprise you to find that we were created from nothing more than dust. Yes, dust. Merriam-Webster defines dust as 1: fine particles of matter (as of earth); 2: the particles into which something disintegrates; 3: something worthless.¹ Think about that for a minute. The most sophisticated and complex machine ever created that established civilizations, complex governments, and financial systems and engineered some of the most spectacular feats on this earth started from dust. God tells Moses about how He created man: The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and then man became a living being (Genesis 2:7).

    I know it is not romantic or exciting to learn we are descendants of dust, but this gets me pumped because that tells me we are all equal. We all literally started from the same level playing field. Kings, presidents, CEOs, generals, captains, and leaders of industry, arts, and crafts all started from dirt. In fact, King Solomon, the wisest and richest man in the entire world, said, All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return (Ecclesiastes 3:20).

    I associate dust with being, well, dirty, much like riding down country dirt roads on hot Saturday afternoons in the summertime in a pickup truck my dad borrowed from his uncle. We used it to haul garbage from work around the house we did. Living in the country on an acre of hills surrounded by farms, there was always something that had to be done. We lived so far out in the countryside that we did not have garbage pickup, so we had to dispose of it ourselves. We burned the small stuff and hauled the big stuff to the local landfill. We rode in this old beat-up truck with a seat, worn and cracked from the sun beating down on it, stretched over badly worn springs that bounced me up and down. There were no seatbelts. I had to be careful where I put my feet on the floorboard because it felt as if they would go right through the floor. We did not have an air conditioner, so the only relief was rolling down the windows, hoping for enough of a breeze to cool off. We rolled them down by hand using a crank on the door. There was nothing electric in the truck except for the AM radio in the dash and the heater/fan. That provided a bit of relief, especially with my face and clothes drenched in sweat from loading and hauling trash barrels or tree stumps or whatever Dad had to take to the dump. Until the dust kicked up. The stifling air would just push the dry dirt around and stick to my sweaty skin and clothes. I swallowed dirt every time I breathed in. And on a hot August day with no wind, dust lingers in the air for a while when it is kicked up.

    Is it possible, then, that humankind was whipped up in a cloud of these worthless disintegrating particles just like that? It turns out the answer is yes. And scientific evidence seems to support this truth as well. Clay and soil contain dissolved minerals, which are absorbed and stored in plants for our consumption or eaten by an animal that we later consume. In fact, scientists have found that the major components that make up our body can be found in dust. Dust, as it turns out, is full of minerals and essentials we need to live. Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, considered to be the major building blocks of life, are found in dust particles. These alone make up 96 percent of our body mass! The other 4 percent of our body mass is composed almost entirely of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and iodine, which contribute to bone growth and structure, red blood cell production, and blood flow.² That will make you think twice about what is on the duster the next time you clean the living room!

    Those who subscribe to Evolutionism, made popular by Charles Darwin, are cringing at the thought that this could be true since most evolutionists believe we emerged from apes. His theory, however, while heavily opposed among Christians and theologians because it goes against Creationism, can be broken down into three simple explanations:

    Species (populations of interbreeding organisms) change over time and space. The representatives of species living today differ from those that lived in the recent past, and populations in different geographic regions today differ slightly in form or behavior. These differences extend into the fossil record, which provides ample support for this claim.

    All organisms share common ancestors with other organisms. Over time, populations may divide into distinct species which share a common ancestral population. Far enough back in time, any pair of organisms shared a common ancestor. For example, humans shared a common ancestor with chimpanzees about eight million years ago, with whales about sixty million years ago, and with kangaroos over 100 million years ago. Shared ancestry explains the similarities of organisms that are classified together: their similarities reflect the inheritance of traits from a common ancestor.

    Evolutionary change is gradual and slow in Darwin’s view. This

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