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The Disappearing Act
The Disappearing Act
The Disappearing Act
Ebook331 pages3 hours

The Disappearing Act

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The conclusion of Mysthallan's tale showcases a city rejuvenated and resilient, thriving in the aftermath of its trials. Eliora, reflecting from the city council's balcony, observes the vibrant town square where the community celebrates the Festival of Renewal. This festival not only marks their recovery but also their new commitment to unity and progress. The once-dangerous archives are now a center of learning, encouraging the integration of magic into daily life and fostering a deeper understanding of history to prevent past mistakes. Theo and Mervin, once protectors against hidden threats, now engage with citizens on educational reforms. As night falls and the square glows with enchanted lights, music and laughter fill the air, symbolizing Mysthallan's enduring spirit. This scene encapsulates not just the end of their hardships but the beginning of a new chapter, with the community ready to embrace their future, guided by the lessons of their past.

Release dateApr 16, 2024
The Disappearing Act

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    The Disappearing Act - Victoria S. Grant

    The Disappearing Act

    Legacies of Light and Darkness

    Victoria S. Grant

    Copyright © 2024 by Victoria S. Grant.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


    First Edition: April 2024

    Table of Content


    Table of Content

    Chapter 1: The Spectacle at Mysthallan

    Beat 1: The Gathering Crowd

    Beat 2: Eliora's Arrival

    Beat 3: Alistair Crowe's Entrance

    Beat 4: The Spell Goes Awry

    Chapter 2: The Spell Goes Awry

    Beat 1: Immediate Aftermath

    Beat 2: Eliora’s Initial Examination

    Beat 3: Public Reaction and Media Frenzy

    Beat 4: Council’s Concern

    Chapter 3: Forensic Beginnings

    Beat 1: Gathering the Evidence

    Beat 2: A Disturbing Discovery

    Beat 3: Consultation with Theo

    Beat 4: Decision to Investigate Further

    Chapter 4: A Mysterious Ally

    Beat 1: Encounter in the Library

    Beat 2: Mervin’s Offer

    Beat 3: Delving into Forbidden Lore

    Beat 4: Forming a Tenuous Alliance

    Chapter 5: Clues and Conspiracies

    Beat 1: The Hidden Archives

    Beat 2: A Revelation in the Dark

    Beat 3: Ambush in the Archives

    Beat 4: Pledging to Uncover the Truth

    Chapter 6: Deeper into the Shadows

    Beat 1: A Clandestine Meeting

    Beat 2: Unveiling the Network

    Beat 3: A Dangerous Encounter

    Beat 4: Reflection and Resolve

    Chapter 7: Confrontations and Revelations

    Beat 1: Planning the Ambush

    Beat 2: The Ambush

    Beat 3: Interrogation and Insights

    Beat 4: The Cost of Knowledge

    Chapter 8: Unlikely Refuge

    Beat 1: Seeking Sanctuary

    Beat 2: Elderglade's Peace

    Beat 3: Gleaning Local Knowledge

    Beat 4: A New Plan Emerges

    Chapter 9: The Gathering Storm

    Beat 1: Strengthening Defenses

    Beat 2: Rallying the Allies

    Beat 3: A Spy Uncovered

    Beat 4: Preparing for the Onslaught

    Chapter 10: A Precarious Alliance

    Beat 1: Assembling the Team

    Beat 2: Training and Preparation

    Beat 3: A Moment of Doubt

    Beat 4: The Sect Strikes First

    Chapter 11: Undercover in the Enemy’s Lair

    Beat 1: Infiltration

    Beat 2: Gleaning Information

    Beat 3: A Close Call

    Chapter 12: The Hidden Diary

    Beat 1: Discovering the Diary

    Beat 2: Deciphering the Entries

    Beat 3: Unveiling Motivations

    Beat 4: A Clue to the Next Step

    Chapter 13: Betrayal and Escape

    Beat 1: Ambush at the Ancient Site

    Beat 2: Mervin's Revelation

    Beat 3: A Desperate Escape

    Beat 4: Regrouping and Reflection

    Chapter 14: The Ethical Crossroads

    Beat 1: A Night of Reflection

    Beat 2: Discovering the Spell's True Power

    Beat 3: Seeking Guidance

    Beat 4: A New Resolve

    Chapter 15: Preparing for Battle

    Beat 1: Rallying the Allies

    Beat 2: Distributing Roles

    Beat 3: Gathering Supplies and Artifacts

    Beat 4: A Moment of Doubt and Encouragement

    Chapter 16: The Siege of Mysthallan

    Beat 1: The Sect's Initial Strike

    Beat 2: Mobilizing the Defense

    Beat 3: Tactical Retreats and Regrouping

    Beat 4: A Glimmer of Hope

    Chapter 17: The Power of the Eclipse

    Beat 1: Unleashing the Spell

    Beat 2: Eliora's Confrontation

    Beat 3: Theo's Sacrifice

    Beat 4: Breaking the Spell

    Chapter 18: The Turn of the Tide

    Beat 1: Aftermath of the Ritual

    Beat 2: Regaining Control

    Beat 3: Public Address

    Beat 4: Laying Foundations for Peace

    Chapter 19: The Fall of Silas Grimbard

    Beat 1: The Final Confrontation

    Beat 2: Breaching the Fortress

    Beat 3: Silas Grimbard's Last Stand

    Beat 4: Silas's Defeat and Reflection

    Chapter 20: Reflections and Resolutions

    Beat 1: Aftermath and Healing

    Beat 2: The Trial of Silas Grimbard

    Beat 3: New Safeguards

    Beat 4: A New Beginning

    Chapter 21: Regathering Forces

    Beat 1: Assessing the Damage

    Beat 2: Rebuilding Trust and Infrastructure

    Beat 3: Strengthening Alliances

    Beat 4: Training and Empowering the Magical Guard

    Chapter 22: Unraveling Mysteries

    Beat 1: Deciphering the Sect's Archives

    Beat 2: The Hidden Chambers

    Beat 3: A Breakthrough in Magical Theory

    Beat 4: The Oracle's Prophecy

    Chapter 23: The Conclave of Shadows

    Beat 1: Summoning the Conclave

    Beat 2: Debating the Path Forward

    Beat 3: Unveiling the Shadow Codex

    Beat 4: Forming a Secret Coalition

    Chapter 24: The Festival of Renewal

    Beat 1: Preparations for the Festival

    Beat 2: Lighting the Renewal Flame

    Beat 3: Reflections Amidst Celebration

    Beat 4: A Vow Under the Stars

    Chapter 25: New Beginnings

    Beat 1: Reflection and Growth

    Beat 2: Theo's Commitment

    Beat 3: The Academy as a Beacon

    Beat 4: Looking Ahead


    Chapter 1: The Spectacle at Mysthallan

    Beat 1: The Gathering Crowd

    As dawn broke over Mysthallan, the Central Plaza buzzed with the energy of an eager crowd. Vendors shouted over one another, peddling glowing amulets and enchanted snacks to families weaving through the throngs. Children, their eyes wide with excitement, darted between legs, pointing at magicians whose robes flickered with incandescent threads. The air was rich with the aromas of roasting meats and sweet pastries, mixing with the electric tang of anticipatory magic. Above it all, banners fluttered in the gentle morning breeze, proclaiming the day’s event as one not to be missed.

    Eliora Quickmyst, clad in her understated but distinctly embroidered cloak, moved through the crowd with a calm authority. Recognizable to many, she nodded politely to the greetings of city officials and fellow magicians, her presence a comforting sight to those who knew her role in maintaining magical law and order. Her sharp eyes missed nothing—a suspicious twitch of a cloak, the nervous glance of an overzealous apprentice—each detail filed away in her methodical mind. Despite the festive atmosphere, her thoughts lingered on the inherent risks of public magic displays, her skepticism a shield against the widespread enchantment of the spectacle.

    The murmur of the crowd crescendoed into a roar as Alistair Crowe stepped onto the raised platform at the plaza’s center. His entrance was marked by theatrical flair—a swirl of his cape revealed a cascade of sparks that lit up the morning light. With a charismatic smile and a voice that carried over the clamor, Crowe addressed the assembly, weaving promises of awe into his welcome. As he described the spell he would attempt—a feat no magician had yet mastered—the crowd hung on his every word, drawn in by the allure of witnessing potential history.

    Silence fell as Crowe raised his arms, the incantations rolling off his tongue with practiced ease. The air thickened, the energy of the spell crackling like static around him. As he reached the climax of his chant, a brilliant pulse of light erupted, blinding the spectators. When their vision cleared, Crowe was nowhere to be seen. In his place, only a faintly glowing sigil marred the stone floor of the plaza. Panic fluttered through the crowd, quickly quelled by the swift intervention of the city guards. Amidst the confusion, Eliora stepped forward, her face set in concentration. Approaching the sigil, she could tell immediately this was no ordinary spell gone wrong—it whispered of forbidden magic and hidden dangers, pulling her into the depths of a mystery that would challenge everything she believed about the order of magic.

    Beat 2: Eliora's Arrival

    In the immediate aftermath of the startling disappearance, a hush descended upon the Central Plaza as the crowd struggled to digest the sudden vanishing of Alistair Crowe. Whispers swirled like the morning mist, each conjecture wilder than the last. Had the spell succeeded beyond comprehension, or had it catastrophically failed? Among the spectators, unease grew into a palpable tension, marked by the occasional cry of alarm or a mother’s call to a wandering child.

    Amid this confusion, Eliora Quickmyst stood by the sigil, her gaze intense and unwavering. The glowing mark on the cobblestones seemed to pulse with an otherworldly light, drawing the eye and stirring a mix of dread and fascination. She crouched beside it, her fingers hovering inches away, sensitive to the residual magic that lingered in the air like the scent of ozone after a storm.

    Miss Quickmyst, should we evacuate the plaza? a city guard asked, his voice betraying a hint of his own concern.

    Eliora looked up, her expression composed. Not yet, she replied. I need to assess whether there’s any danger to the public. Keep everyone back for now.

    As the guard nodded and turned to relay her orders, Eliora turned her attention back to the sigil. She whispered an incantation, a subtle spell of her own design to gauge the stability of the magical residue. The sigil responded, its glow fluctuating slightly, like the pulse of a living creature.

    Nearby, Theo Mystarin, a scholar of arcane lore and Eliora’s occasional collaborator, approached with a cautious gait. His eyes were wide with both curiosity and concern. Eliora, what do you make of it? I’ve never seen anything quite like this.

    It’s unlike any magical signature I’ve encountered, she admitted, keeping her voice low. It’s structured yet volatile, as if it’s barely contained. We need to find out what Crowe was attempting.

    Theo knelt beside her, his gaze fixed on the sigil. Could this be related to the Eclipse Spell? The patterns are eerily similar to those described in the forbidden chapters of the Arcanum.

    Eliora’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. It’s a possibility. Alistair was always pushing the boundaries of accepted magic. But if he was experimenting with something as dangerous as the Eclipse Spell in public, the ramifications could be catastrophic.

    Their conversation was cut short by the approach of Lorcan Veil, head of the city’s Magical Council, accompanied by several of his aides. His face was stern, the lines around his eyes etched deeper by the day’s chaos.

    Eliora, I trust you have the situation under control? Lorcan asked, his voice carrying an authoritative edge that demanded a swift update.

    For now, but this sigil is highly unusual and potentially dangerous, she explained. I believe Crowe might have been dabbling in restricted magic.

    Lorcan’s frown deepened. That would be most troubling. I fear the repercussions this event might have on the community’s perception of magic. We must handle this delicately and determine whether it was an accident or, worse, an intentional display of forbidden magic.

    Theo and I will need access to Crowe’s personal effects and any recent research he’s conducted, Eliora said, already planning the scope of their investigation.

    Granted. But be discreet. We cannot afford a panic, Lorcan insisted, turning to leave before pausing to add, And Eliora, be mindful of the shadows you may find yourself exploring. Not all secrets are eager to be uncovered.

    With the council’s departure, Eliora and Theo exchanged a look of mutual understanding. The investigation would take them deep into the arcane underworld of Mysthallan, a path fraught with as much peril as promise.

    Let’s start at his residence. If Alistair was experimenting with forbidden spells, there will be traces, Eliora suggested as she stood, her resolve hardening.

    Theo nodded, his mind already turning over the possibilities. And I’ll look into the Eclipse Spell connections. There has to be a reason he chose such a public forum for this display.

    As they departed the plaza, the sigil continued to glow ominously behind them, a stark reminder of the mystery that lay ahead, its secrets shielded by the remnants of a spell too powerful, or perhaps too reckless, for any one magician to wield alone. The city of Mysthallan, with its deep magical roots, seemed to watch and wait as two of its keenest minds delved into an investigation that could unravel the fabric of their world.

    Beat 3: Alistair Crowe's Entrance

    The narrow streets of Mysthallan’s arcane quarter were lined with tall, shadowed buildings that leaned close together, whispering secrets of the city’s magical heritage. Eliora and Theo made their way through these cobblestoned alleys, heading towards Alistair Crowe’s known residence. The area was quieter than the bustling central plaza, with only the occasional cloaked figure passing by, their steps hurried and eyes averted, as if the shadows themselves were listening.

    Alistair’s home was a tall, narrow townhouse sandwiched between a potion shop and a dusty book repository. Its exterior was unassuming, the stone facade blending into the architectural melody of the quarter. However, the wards that flickered faintly around the doorframe spoke of the occupant’s proficiency and paranoia.

    Eliora raised her hand, pausing before the front door. She muttered a spell under her breath, a soft incantation that caused the protective wards to shimmer briefly in recognition before granting them passage. He never did take security lightly, she remarked as the door creaked open.

    Inside, the home was an eclectic mix of opulence and chaos. Shelves crammed with artifacts and scrolls lined the walls, while various magical instruments cluttered the tables. The air was thick with the residual energy of countless spells, some still active, pulsing with a life of their own.

    Theo glanced around, his expression a mix of awe and caution. Alistair was always more of a hoarder than a scholar. Each of these items could be a clue—or a trap.

    Stay alert, Eliora advised, leading the way to Crowe’s study, where they hoped to find his recent research notes or any indication of his experiments. The room was at the back of the house, its door slightly ajar.

    As they entered, the scent of burnt sage and ink filled the air. The study was dominated by a large oak desk, covered with scattered papers and open tomes. Eliora approached, her eyes scanning the chaotic array, picking up various sheets and reading snippets.

    Here, a diagram of celestial alignments; there, a series of complex mathematical calculations that made little sense at first glance. She picked up a journal, flipping through it until she paused, her finger tracing a line of text.

    This could be something, Eliora murmured, holding out the journal for Theo to see. It was an entry regarding the theoretical application of dimensional magic, a field so fraught with danger that few dared to tread its paths.

    Theo read over her shoulder. ‘The boundaries that divide one reality from another are thinner than one might presume. With the correct alignment, these barriers can be manipulated, even torn...’ Does this mean he was trying to breach dimensional boundaries?

    It appears so, Eliora replied, her voice tinged with worry. And such a spell could explain the instability we saw at the plaza. If he succeeded, even partially, Alistair might have torn through into another dimension.

    Or unleashed something from it, Theo added grimly. He moved to examine the rest of the desk, lifting a stack of letters bound by a velvet ribbon. These are correspondence with other magicians. Maybe they were collaborators, or perhaps they tried to warn him off.

    As Theo sifted through the letters, Eliora continued her inspection of the room. Her attention was drawn to a small, locked drawer. She reached into her cloak, withdrawing a slim lockpick enchanted for just such occasions. With a quick flick of her wrist, the lock clicked open, revealing its contents—a single, densely written manuscript and a peculiar, faintly glowing stone that pulsed rhythmically, as if beating with the heart of another world.

    This must be it, Theo. This stone could be a conduit for the spell, she said, her voice a mix of excitement and fear. She wrapped the stone carefully in a cloth before tucking it into her bag.

    The manuscript would require thorough study, but for now, they had a tangible piece of the puzzle. The potential implications made her stomach tighten in apprehension.

    With the stone secured and the manuscript under her arm, Eliora turned to leave the study. Let’s take these back to my lab. We need to understand exactly what Alistair was attempting—and what he might have unleashed.

    Theo nodded, carefully replacing the letters. I’ll come with you. There’s more at stake here than just a rogue spell gone awry. We’re potentially dealing with interdimensional forces.

    The sun had begun to set as they left Crowe’s house, casting long shadows across the cobblestones. The weight of their discovery hung between them, a silent acknowledgment of the dangerous path they were about to tread. Yet, as they walked through the dimming streets of Mysthallan, there was an unspoken bond of trust and shared duty that fortified their resolve to face whatever lay ahead.

    Beat 4: The Spell Goes Awry

    Night had fully descended upon Mysthallan by the time Eliora and Theo reached her laboratory. The lab, a cavernous room lined with shelves brimming with esoteric instruments and arcane tomes, was dimly lit by the soft glow of enchanted lanterns. The air was tinged with the scent of old leather and the sharp tang of magical reagents.

    Theo set the stack of Alistair’s letters on a sturdy oak table, while Eliora placed the wrapped stone in the center of a protective circle she had drawn earlier. She unwrapped the cloth with careful hands, revealing the stone’s pulsing glow which now seemed to cast eerie shadows on the walls of the lab.

    Eliora, what do you think this stone is capable of? Theo asked, his voice low, as if afraid to disturb the quiet energy of the room.

    It’s likely a focal point for the dimensional spell Alistair was working on, she responded, adjusting her spectacles as she peered closely at the stone. See how it pulses? It’s in sync with a very specific magical frequency. It’s not just channeling energy; it's almost like it’s breathing.

    Taking a cautious step closer, Theo observed the stone’s rhythm. Could it be maintaining a link between our dimension and another?

    That’s my fear, Eliora admitted. She began setting up instruments around the stone, tools designed to measure and analyze magical energies. If Alistair managed to create a breach, even a temporary one, there’s no telling what might come through from the other side.

    As she activated the instruments, a series of soft chimes filled the air, each tone corresponding to a different magical frequency detected by the devices. Theo watched the readings, his brow furrowed in concentration.

    This is extraordinary, he muttered, pointing to a fluctuating reading on one of the displays. The energy patterns are unlike anything I’ve seen. They don’t conform to known magical laws. It’s as if...

    As if they’re not from our world, Eliora finished his thought, her tone both fascinated and alarmed. She scribbled some notes on a parchment, her handwriting quick and precise. We need to determine the stability of this breach. If it’s still open, it could be dangerous not just to us but to the entire city.

    Theo nodded, his gaze still fixed on the glowing stone. Can we close it? If it’s as connected as you suggest, could we sever that connection?

    We might be able to, Eliora said thoughtfully, her fingers tapping against her chin. But it would require a deep understanding of the spell Alistair used. This manuscript might hold the answers. She

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