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Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book3: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #3
Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book3: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #3
Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book3: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #3
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Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book3: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #3

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To help save her father's company, Liz is forced to marry the CEO of a technology company: Enzo Monet, a bitter and arrogant man who believes that women only want his money. But that will change when he meets sweet Liz.

Release dateApr 17, 2024
Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book3: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #3

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    Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book3 - Natalia França

    Marriage by Contract

    Chapter 161

    Enzo heads to the bedroom, and Liz is just finishing getting ready.

    Enzo: You look beautiful in that dress.

    Liz: Thank you.

    Enzo: It's just too short.

    Liz: It's not.

    Enzo: You used to not be like this.

    Liz: Now I've decided to change, to try out different kinds of clothes.

    Enzo: I don't like that.

    He speaks with a serious expression while removing his tie.

    Liz: But it's good to change. Before, I hardly had anything and they were simple, but now I've decided to vary it a bit, not to stop being simple but to wear other styles that accentuate my body more.

    Enzo: I hate it.

    Liz: Well, I don't hate it. I'll maintain my respect even naked; clothes mean nothing.

    Enzo: I'm not talking about that, but about the men who are going to look at you. I know what they think when they see a beautiful woman, my love.

    Liz: So, you've thought the same when looking at other women?

    Enzo: Yes, I have, but now I'm with you and I don't want anyone thinking anything when they see you, especially with that body.

    Liz: It doesn't matter what they think. I'm yours and will always be. I'm not interested in others, only you.

    Enzo: Not even one younger? There are lots of young guys out there, teenagers, handsome....

    Liz: Not a single one, Enzo. Do you think if I wanted someone else, I wouldn't have already pursued that? You need to stop being insecure just because you're older than me, and trust that I won't replace you with anyone in this world.

    Enzo: It's hard, my love. You're 20 years old and could be experiencing the world in other ways instead of being here with me, a grumpy, annoying 30-year-old man, locked in a house...

    Liz: Who is the love of my life, the father of my children, my husband, affectionate, a good father, now a good son, an incredible husband, and a wonderful man.

    Want more? I wouldn't trade all that for anything, Enzo. My life only has room for you, and only you. You could be 50, but I would still love you.

    Enzo: I just don't want you to have regrets. I only want you to be happy by my side.

    Liz: I am complete, very happy, and I will never regret anything. The only thing I'll regret is not having met you sooner.

    Enzo: I love you so much.

    Liz: I love you absurdly, intensely.

    He goes to her and gives her a passionate kiss. When they run out of breath, they part, and he heads to the bathroom to shower. Liz sits, brushing her hair, still smiling foolishly.

    Enzo comes out of the bathroom and starts to dress.


    Enzo gets ready and waits for Liz, deep in thought, and she goes up to him and hugs him.

    Liz: You look handsome like that.

    Enzo: Like what?

    Liz: Without the suit, the tie. Less serious, haha.

    Now you have to button up that shirt; you can't go with it all open.

    Enzo: Haha, jealous, I love seeing you jealous, you know?

    Liz: Why?

    Enzo: Because you don't usually get jealous, and when you do, it makes me feel more significant to you.

    Liz: Uh-huh, hm.

    Enzo: Haha, shall we go?

    Liz: Yes.

    Liz kisses Alice, and they leave for the mall.

    Chapter 162

    Arriving at the mall, Enzo takes her hand, and they walk in. Heads turn their way and Liz feels a hint of shyness as some patrons snap photos and others whisper among themselves. They make their way to the children's store where Liz beelines for the clothing section, Enzo trailing her and grabbing everything in sight.

    Liz: Love, slow down a bit. You need to check the sizes too.

    Enzo: But they're all little; he's going to be little, so all of these will fit.

    Liz:chuckles\ You're something else.

    Enzo: You pick out the shoes; that's beyond me.

    Liz:laughs\ Alright.

    Enzo only picked out fancy clothes meant for going out, focusing his search on dressy outfit sets for outings.

    Liz, on her end, picked up what he overlooked—the homier attire, the more comfortable wear for lounging and sleep.

    Whatever Enzo laid his eyes on, he selected—even the best of the best, as if the baby would wear all of it. Liz, however, gathered the essentials: diapers, bonnets, booties, mittens, soft toys, towels, crib bedding, a few sheets for the small bed and crib, a changing pad, containers, tissue holders, little boxes for diaper storage, and all that was necessary.

    Enzo stuck firmly to the outgoing clothes department, eventually filling two shopping carts, leaving Liz to stare at him in disbelief.

    Liz: Love, with so many clothes, he won't get to wear all of these; most will go unused.

    Enzo: Of course, he will; when we go out, he'll sport a different one each day.

    Liz: As if we go out that much.

    Enzo: That's because you're pregnant, but once he's born, we'll definitely go out.

    Liz: Why don't you remove some things? There's plenty of clothes there, love.

    Enzo: I like them all, so there's nothing to remove.

    Liz: No end to your excesses.

    Enzo: This boy's going to be quite the little gentleman.

    Liz: And you, quite the doting dad.

    Enzo: I'm going to take these clothes to the checkout so that the lady can finish up, and then we'll pick out the crib.

    Liz:laughs\ Okay.

    He pushes the two carts away leaving Liz still bemused. He unloads them at the checkout, the cashier looking on amazed and smiling. Returning to Liz, they then search for a crib.

    The store is large and spacious, filled with pricey garments and the best of items. After selecting the crib, Enzo heads to another section, scooping up various wallpapers and toys, again filling two carts with playthings he deems cool.

    Time passes and Enzo’s enthusiasm doesn't wane. Liz is tired by now, having collected all the necessities while Enzo continues hunting, convinced he must scour the entire store to not forget anything.

    At the checkout, the cashier rings up their purchases, having already processed the clothes and filled carts; only the newly added items remain. She finishes, and the total sum is staggeringly high. Liz is taken aback but unsurprised, given Enzo’s haul. He remains unworried, swiping his card with ease.

    Liz finds it all a bit much but stays silent, knowing it wouldn't change anything, and Enzo has already paid. They leave some items at the store for home delivery, and security personnel only carry the bags of clothes to their car.

    Chapter 163

    Enzo: Love, let's grab something to eat; you can’t just skip meals.

    Liz: Sure, I'm actually quite hungry.

    They head to a restaurant and place their orders.

    Liz eats while Enzo watches her, making her feel shy.

    (Imagine she's wearing the dress)

    Liz: Are you going to keep staring at me?

    Enzo: Just admiring the love of my life.

    Liz: You’re making me blush.

    Enzo: You're beautiful when you blush.

    Liz: Haha, stop it.

    Enzo: Who would’ve thought I’d be here with such a beauty by my side and shopping for the kid.

    Liz: Tell me about it.

    Enzo: I love you, gorgeous.

    Liz: Love you too, silly.

    Enzo: What’s left to buy?

    Liz: You want to shop more?

    Enzo: We still need paint, cars, a car seat because we only have Alice's.

    Liz: Okay, we’ll look for that, but that's all, darling.

    Enzo: Ugh, fine, but if I see something else we need, I'm getting it.

    Liz: Okay.

    They finish eating and Enzo asks for the check, but as the waiter comes to hand it over, Liz quickly grabs it and pays. Enzo is immediately upset and goes silent, while Liz acts nonchalantly; to her, it’s a non-issue and she never spends, only he does.

    They leave and go to another store, Enzo remaining quiet and cold. They enter and he says nothing, just searches silently. They also buy some toys and accessories for Alice.

    After buying everything needed and a bit more, they head home. Enzo stays silent for the drive back.

    Liz: Are you going to stay mad just because I paid the bill?

    Enzo: You know I was going to pay.

    Liz: I know, but what’s the problem with me paying?

    Enzo: Because that’s something I should do, you know I like to cover everything but you never accept anything, always wanting to be independent.

    Liz: Honey, you always take care of everything and I just paid this bill, it was just a snack.

    Enzo: A snack I could have paid for.

    Liz: I can’t believe you’re upset over this.

    Enzo: You know how I am, you never accepted my money, or used what I gave to you. If it were dirty money, I'd understand, but it isn't. I don't know what your problem is.

    Liz: I never used your money because I have my own, honey. I never bought anything I couldn’t afford and needed to use yours, and yes, I did accept it because you paid for everything for Alice and now the baby.

    Enzo: That doesn’t count, those are our kids. But you never asked for or touched the money I put in your account, the credit card, even the cellphone I gave you. You think I don’t know it’s just sitting in the closet?

    Liz: Okay, Enzo.

    Enzo: You don’t know how much it bothers me.

    Liz: Do you want me to go around spending on things I don’t need, just for the sake of spending?

    Enzo: I wish you would, at least you’d be spending. I can't believe you don't need anything.

    Liz falls silent, seeing that the discussion is going nowhere, and Enzo remains moody, driving them home. Occasionally, he takes deep breaths but Liz says nothing further.

    Chapter 164

    They arrive home and go inside, the security guards take the bags out of the car and leave them in the living room, Enzo heads to the bedroom and Liz stays in the living room because she doesn't feel she did anything wrong to have to apologize.

    Liz: Hello sweetheart, Mommy missed you so much.

    Alice: Mama.

    Liz: Mommy got you lots of little things and some toys, too.

    Alice: Toys, toys!

    Liz: Yes, my love.

    Cecilia: Liz, there's a delivery guy outside.

    Liz: Okay, I'll be right there.

    Enzo descends the stairs wearing only shorts and goes out front. He signs the paper, and the delivery people leave the items in the living room. Liz goes to her room, takes a shower, and puts on a comfortable nightgown.

    She comes down to the living room where Enzo is sitting on the couch with Alice. She sits on another couch and picks up the bags with clothes.

    Liz: Ceci, these clothes need to be washed; there's a lot, can you help sort them?

    Cecilia: Of course, dear.

    Liz: It's best to separate the colored ones because it's easier to wash.

    Cecilia: Yes.

    Liz: Don't worry, I'll help you with the washing.

    Cecilia: No, I can wash everything.

    Liz: Not at all, there's a lot of clothes here and two people can wash faster.

    Cecilia: Okay then.

    Alice: Mama.

    Liz: Hi sweetie, Mommy will pick you up in a bit.

    Ceci, do you think it's better to wash everything now or in the last month?

    Cecilia: It's up to you; if you want to wash now and have everything ready, it's a lot of help.

    Liz: You're right; I'll also fetch the crib set to wash.

    Cecilia: You guys bought a lot of stuff.

    Liz: Yes.

    Enzo watches Liz silently as he is still playing the drama act. He admires his wife and how dedicated she is, how beautiful she's looking, and how she completes him. He interacts and plays with Alice but doesn't take his eyes off Liz. Occasionally, Liz bends down to take some things out of the bags, offering Enzo a bit too much view. He looks around to see if there are no security guards; he wants to argue with her, but they are already on bad terms, and he doesn't want to make things worse, so he strives to bear it in silence.

    The doorbell rings, and Cecilia goes to open it.

    Erika: Good evening, sorry to intrude.

    Liz: Hi, not at all, please come in.

    Sorry for the clothes and the mess; we just got back from shopping and I wanted to be more comfortable.

    Erika: I know how it is; don't worry, besides, you look beautiful.

    Liz: Thank you.

    Please sit down.

    Erika: Maybe I should have called first, shouldn't I?

    Liz: No, not at all, whenever you want to come over, you're always welcome and there's no need to call.

    Erika: Hi sweetheart.

    Alice: Dodo.

    Enzo: Is something wrong for you to come at this time?

    Liz: Enzo!

    Liz reprimands him excitedly, and Enzo is taken aback by her reaction.

    Enzo: Sorry, I just found it strange.

    Erika: I called you, but you didn't answer, so I had to come here because I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

    Enzo: So I'm right, let's go to my office.

    Erika: Excuse me, Liz.

    Liz: Feel free.

    They head to the office, and everyone could perceive Erika's discomfort.

    Chapter 165

    They entered, and Erika took a seat facing Enzo.

    Enzo: What happened?

    Erika: Your father sent his lawyer to the hotel to give me a message. He said if I don't stop, he'll take away what little I have left and that he already knows who the judge will be. I'm lost, Enzo. He'll surely bribe the judge and win, taking from me the little I have left.

    Enzo: That scoundrel, damn it!

    Enzo curses, punching the table.

    Enzo: He won't succeed. He might be clever, but he's raised an even viler snake than himself. Don't worry; I’ll find a way to deal with this.

    Erika: He has many connections, son. He won't rest easy, probably already found out you're helping me.

    Enzo falls into a thoughtful silence and makes a call to his lawyer.

    Enzo: Any news?

    Lawyer: Hello, Mr. Enzo. Your father is currently dining at the judge's house.


    Lawyer: Stay

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