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Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book2: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #2
Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book2: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #2
Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book2: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #2
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Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book2: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #2

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To help save her father's company, Liz is forced to marry the CEO of a technology company: Enzo Monet, a bitter and arrogant man who believes that women only want his money. But that will change when he meets sweet Liz.

Release dateApr 17, 2024
Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book2: Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money, #2

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    Contract Husband Thinks I'm After His Money Book2 - Natalia França

    Marriage by Contract

    Chapter 81

    After a ten-hour flight, Liz arrives in Brazil. Determined to get away, she had chosen Brazil, a country made more accessible by her parents insistence on learning other languages during her childhood, hence she understands Portuguese, which makes things easier.

    Finding herself at a loss for where to start, Liz spots a taxi and approaches the driver.

    Liz: Excuse me, sir, do you know of any small villages around here that aren’t well-known?

    Man: Yes, I do. There's one quite close by. I live there myself; I can take you if you'd like.

    Liz: Do you know if there are any houses available to rent or something similar?

    Man: There are. There's one, but it's rather small.

    Liz: I don't mind that. Can we go there?

    Man: Of course, let me help you with your bag.

    The man assists Liz with Alice's bag, and she gets into the taxi. The man appears to be between fifty and sixty years old and is very friendly. He chats with Liz throughout the journey about how quiet and undisturbed the place is. His name is Mario, and he lives with his wife and two teenage children.

    After a 40-minute drive, they arrive and the man takes Liz to the house.

    It's on a secluded and peaceful street. The house Liz will be staying in is painted blue. Mario claps his hands and a man comes out.

    Mario: Hey Tiago, are you still renting out the house?

    Tiago: Hi Mario, yes, I am. Just came to clean it up in case someone comes looking to rent.

    Mario: This lady here is looking for a place, and I thought of yours.

    Tiago: Sure, would you like to take a look, miss?

    Liz: Yes, may I?

    Tiago: Of course.

    They enter, and Tiago shows her around the house.

    It's a simple and small house with a living room that includes a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom.

    Liz: How much is the rent?

    Tiago: 200 reais, miss.

    Liz: Okay, I'll stay. How do we handle the payment?

    Tiago: You can take my number and when you have the money, just send me a message and I’ll come to collect it.

    Liz: Sounds good. I'll pay you for this and next month now. Can I ask you both a favor?

    Tiago: Sure.

    Mario: Of course.

    Liz: If anyone asks about me, please don't say I'm here. I'm not a criminal or dangerous; I just want to stay away from someone and don't want them to find me.

    Tiago: I don't even know your name.

    Mario: I've never seen you before.

    Liz: Great, good to hear. Thank you so much for helping me.

    Tiago: There's a small market next door if you need anything.

    Liz: Alright, I'll be heading there soon. I need to buy some stuff.

    Tiago: Welcome.

    Liz: Thanks again.

    They leave, and Liz looks back at the house and turns to Alice.

    Liz: Well, daughter, this is our new home now.

    Chapter 82

    Enzo spent his day frantically searching for Liz, but she was nowhere to be found, which sent him spiraling into panic, pacing restlessly. Evening came, and Enzo hadn't eaten anything; consumed by worry, he lingered in his office. Although the investigator had sent over Sabrina's report, Enzo was too preoccupied with finding Liz to read it – she hadn't used his credit card, and her phone was switched off.

    Security: Boss, we've got news.

    Enzo: I hope it's something about my wife's whereabouts.

    Security: We discovered she took a red-eye flight to Brazil.

    Enzo: Brazil? What on earth is she doing there?

    Security: What's our next move?

    Enzo: We're going to Brazil to find her, arrange for the private jet to take off immediately.

    Security: Right away, sir.

    Enzo, puzzled over Liz's reasons for traveling to Brazil, packs a suitcase, boards the private jet, and they set off on their journey.

    Liz stops by a small grocery store to pick up some food items, feeds their baby Alice her milk, and soon after, Alice falls asleep. Exhausted, Liz also goes to bed, cuddling close to Alice.

    The next morning, Enzo arrives in Brazil and heads to his hotel while his security detail scours the city for Liz. Liz wakes up, prepares breakfast, feeds Alice her bottle, and then, enjoying the tranquil street below, she decides to take Alice out for a stroll.

    Enzo finally gets around to reading the report about Sabrina and uncovers a betrayal: her boyfriend – who was also Enzo's security personnel – had been unfaithful, opting for a new girlfriend who ousted Sabrina from their shared living situation. Sabrina's parents, remaining affluent, ensured she herself was wealthy, with millions in her account and no need for more. Sabrina's four-year-old daughter, fathered by her former lover who had no current interest in parenthood, prompted her to bribe a nurse to falsify a DNA test and to pay off a hotel owner to evict her.

    The more Enzo absorbed the report, the more he reeled in shock. Before her time with Enzo, Sabrina had been with an older, wealthy man who passed away, leaving everything to his daughter; hence Sabrina moved to New York and started dating Enzo. Over the years, she had siphoned Enzo's money into her secret account, undetected, and she had not only been with Enzo's security but also with his father.

    The more Enzo read, the more repulsion he felt, unable to process the deceit any longer. Enraged by the lies, and the thought of having let Sabrina into his home, causing his marriage to end, he was beside himself. Backstabbing was something Enzo couldn't stand, and with his newfound knowledge, his urge to confront Sabrina verged on homicidal. He began smashing the room in a fit of fury, then stormed out into the streets, a renewed and intensified desire driving him to find Liz.

    Chapter 83

    Liz strolls down the street and comes upon some children at play, joining in the fun with them and with Alice.

    Stranger: Hello.

    Liz: Hi, how are you?

    Stranger: Good, and you?

    Liz: I'm fine, thank you.

    Stranger: You're new around here, aren't you?

    Liz: Yes, I moved in yesterday.

    Stranger: Are you the girl Mario helped?

    Liz: Yes, do you know him?

    Stranger: He's my father.

    Liz: Oh, that's nice, and quite the coincidence.

    Stranger: Is this your daughter?

    Liz: Yes.

    Stranger: She’s as beautiful as you.

    Liz: Uh...thanks.

    Stranger: I'm Pedro.

    Liz: I'm Liz, nice to meet you.

    Pedro: The pleasure is mine.

    Pedro: Are you planning to stay long?

    Liz: I don't know yet, only time will tell.

    Pedro: I hope you do stay.

    Liz: I’m going inside; it's too hot for Alice here.

    Pedro: Okay, see you around soon.

    Liz returns home to prepare lunch, while Alice plays on the floor near where Liz cooks, chatting with her from a distance, melting Alice’s heart.

    Enzo meets with his security team, who report again that they haven’t found her, with no hotel check-ins. Enzo orders them to keep looking as he heads to a bar down the street, drinking until nightfall. His bodyguards take him back to the hotel while he incessantly calls out for Liz.

    A month passes and Enzo hasn't found Liz; he returns to New York without hope but leaves his security in Brazil. He reverts to his routine, from work to home and back, immediately upon arrival he exposes Sabrina, who had been acting as if she owned the place, even making Maria wear a uniform. Enzo kicks her out of his home and reports her for embezzling his money, leading to her arrest. Although her father is a business partner of Enzo's, he is disappointed in his daughter and doesn’t bail her out, though she's released days later after posting bail.

    Liz finds a job at a bakery near her home, befriending Mario’s family, with his wife taking care of Alice while Liz works. Liz and Pedro grow close, with him always there to lend a hand whenever she needs. Liz notices Pedro developing feelings for her, but she makes clear they can only be friends, a boundary he understands. Liz’s pregnancy progresses, nearly in the second month, and the persistent morning sickness makes her weak and anemic, due to inadequate nourishment.

    Liz purchases a new phone and calls Mikaela to update and pass a message to her mother that she's doing well, without any plans to return because she doesn't want to confront Enzo again. Does she miss him? Every single day. Her wish was to have discovered Brazil with him, and there’s not a day she doesn’t think about him and wish to be with him. Yet, she can't return to the life she had before.

    Chapter 84

    Liz wakes up electrified the next morning, today she's going for a routine ultrasound to check on her baby and she's very excited. After tending to her personal hygiene and getting Alice ready, she heads downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. The doorbell rings and she answers it.

    Liz: Good morning, Pedro.

    Pedro: Morning, cutie, the car's all set.

    Liz: Alright, I'll grab my bag and Alice so we can go.

    Pedro: Okay.

    They head to the car Pedro has borrowed and drive to the hospital. Liz checks in and waits; Pedro walks in with Alice in his arms while Liz gets her ultrasound. She hears her baby's heartbeat and is deeply moved. The baby's gender is still unknown, but the joy is immense. After the appointment, Pedro drives them home.

    Pedro: Did you like it?

    Liz: Are you kidding? It was wonderful, I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

    Pedro: Got any names in mind?

    Liz: Lots, but I haven't decided yet.

    Pedro: Can I use your kitchen?

    Liz: For what?

    Pedro: I’ll make lunch today.

    Liz: I didn't know you could cook.

    Pedro: There's a lot you don't know about me.

    Liz: Like what?

    Pedro: That I'm a catch, and I can cook really well...

    Liz: Haha, that you're full of yourself too.

    Pedro: Me?? My person?? Never that.

    Liz: Haha, silly.

    Pedro: But seriously, I'm going to make a chicken lasagna; you like?

    Liz: My mouth is watering already.

    Pedro: Can I have a sip? Haha.

    Liz: Pedro, haha.

    Pedro: Just kidding, goofball.

    Liz: You're so much fun; who knew a guy who looks like a playboy could be this entertaining.

    Pedro: Hey, respect the dad.

    Liz: Haha, seriously.

    Pedro: I only have the face of a pretty boy.

    Liz: I have a friend in New York just as crazy as you; you two would make a pretty couple.

    Pedro: Why didn't you bring her along?

    Liz: Got interested, huh? Haha.

    Pedro: You're the one who brought it up.

    Liz: Haha, let me give you a hand.

    Pedro: Not a chance, you stay there with Alice and I'll handle this.

    Liz: Okay, haha.

    While Pedro prepares the lasagna, Liz plays with Alice. Her phone rings and it's a video call from Mikaela.

    Liz: You’re not gone for good.

    Mikaela: Ahhhh, I’ve missed you.

    Liz: I was just mentioning you.

    Mikaela: Who to?

    Liz: To Pedro, he's a friend I've made here where I live.

    Mikaela: And is he cute?

    Pedro: I am, very much so.

    Pedro chimes in, popping into the video, which leaves Mikaela blushing.

    Liz: Haha, he's as mad as you.

    Mikaela: Liz, you didn't tell me he was there.

    Liz: Haha, that's Pedro, my friend.

    Mikaela: H-Hello.

    Pedro: Hello, beautiful, come to Brazil.

    Mikaela: I can't, I've got work.

    Pedro: One day when you decide to come, I’ll be here.

    Liz: Look at that, haha.

    Mikaela: Haha, he’s so full of himself, right? And you, speaking like them with their accent?

    Liz: I slip up with a word here and there, haha.

    Mikaela: I miss you and Alice.

    Liz: Me too. How are things at the cafe?

    Mikaela: A nightmare. Since you left, we haven’t found a replacement and the director and I have to sort it out, or else go to the company and speak to Enzo. His head's in the clouds; the company's rating dropped because he's not focused.

    Liz: Hmm... and how's my family?

    Mikaela: Sorry I mentioned him; your family's fine, we all miss you.

    Liz: Me too.

    Mikaela: How's the baby?

    Liz: Doing well. I had an ultrasound today and everything's perfect, still can't tell the gender which makes me anxious, haha.

    Mikaela: I can imagine.

    Liz: Mikaela, I need your help with something.

    Mikaela: Go ahead.

    Liz: Can you find me a lawyer there to start divorce proceedings?

    Mikaela: So you're really going through with it?

    Liz: Yes, I've thought about it a lot and I can't go on like this or live the life I had before.

    Mikaela: I understand, I'll see to it.

    Liz: Thanks.

    Pedro: She’s going to marry me, she just doesn’t know it yet, haha.

    Mikaela: Haha, look at this playboy, waiting for me just a moment ago.

    Liz: He’s really just a big goof; Pedro likes his jokes.

    Enzo: Mikaela, I need to...

    Liz hangs up as soon as she hears Enzo's voice and freezes on the couch.

    Pedro: Hey, is everything okay?

    Liz: Do you think he heard me talking?

    Pedro: I don’t think so because you disconnected quickly.

    Liz: I hope so.

    Chapter 85

    Enzo heads to the cafe to check how things are and stops by Mikaela's office, unaccustomed to knocking, he enters and thinks he hears Liz's voice. Mikaela looks at him, startled, and quickly hides her phone.

    Enzo: Were you talking to Liz? Was that Liz on the phone?

    Mikaela: No, it was just a friend.

    Enzo: Mikaela, if it was Liz, please tell me. I've been desperate for a month, and I can't take it anymore; I need news about her and my children.

    Mikaela: I'm sorry, Mr. Enzo, but it wasn't Liz. I haven't heard from her either.

    Enzo: Are you sure about that, Mikaela?

    Mikaela: It wasn’t her. Look, I was talking to someone else.

    Mikaela turns her phone's screen to show a picture of another person with a different name. Enzo sees this and feels frustrated. Mikaela has always been scared of someone finding out, so she saved the contact under a different name but Liz had changed her profile picture and also her number.

    Enzo: I came to see if everything's alright here?

    Mikaela: It's nothing personal, Mr. Enzo, but we really need a deputy. We’re juggling both roles and things are hectic.

    Enzo: I can't appoint another deputy, Mikaela. That's Liz's place, and if she returns, it will be waiting for her.

    Mikaela: And if she doesn’t come back? We can't be without a deputy forever.

    Enzo: She will come back. This is her place, even if it takes years, she'll return.

    Mikaela: Okay.

    Enzo: I have to go, but call me or come by the office if you need anything.

    Mikaela: Will do.

    Enzo leaves, still haunted by the thought of Liz. He was almost certain he heard her voice, but maybe it was all in his mind. He heads to his car and drives straight to the office.

    Mikaela sends a message to Liz, reassuring her that all is well and that Enzo hasn’t heard anything. She then calls a lawyer to set up a meeting to explain everything.

    Liz reads Mikaela's message and feels relieved, having thought Enzo may have uncovered her whereabouts.

    Pedro: The lasagna is ready.

    Liz: Mmm, I'm starving.

    Pedro: Hope you like it.

    Liz: If it tastes as

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