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Foolish Determination
Foolish Determination
Foolish Determination
Ebook187 pages2 hours

Foolish Determination

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Our friends, partners, and family often dictate what we do daily, whether by distracting, derailing, or motivating us. However, there should be no moment you contemplate their intentions. Without fully comprehending your immediate surroundings, you will tend to fill the void of awareness with negative or intrusive thoughts. These 'special' people we hold on a pedestal are not always suitable for us, as your blood family should be irrelevant if the blood that runs through those roots and veins is snake poison.



Entertaining a narrative that supports hopelessness by the personas of these 'special' people brandish will provoke a universal response. One can be compared to a dog that inhibits an emotional uproar when it loses its owner or a son whose father abandoned him but maintained his belief that the silly man would return one day. You cannot buy into this front as it is a strategy to dismantle your ambitions. There is but one way to counteract these negligent occurrences. If we were to regard them as non-existent in our lives, the power of influence these people have over our minds would be significantly diminished. Words are a powerful tool that can be utilized to empower, manipulate, or even tarnish a person's desires.



Hope, determination, perseverance, passion, and support are all powerful words, but one that triumphs over all is that of belief. Your friends, teachers, parents, partners, and co-workers may not believe in you, leading you further demoralized. However, the only one that counts is yourself because that person truly wants you to strive to do the greatest and achieve your goals. Deep down, those with a spark ignited that drove their passion and have their visions dwindled by negativity should deem the nay-sayers irrelevant, dead to you if you must.



As they say, only losers despise and slander who they see as future winners. They will see you as a fool and voice their nonsensical opinions to discourage you and label your efforts in vain. In this story about a young man named Thomas, he defied the odds against him and shone through the darkness of self-doubt, shame, and ridicule. We can all take a page from his book for his confidence, bravery, and grit. But always remember, watch what you say you will do around people before it is done, as they will be the first to say, "Ha, I told you so." Tread carefully and trust your intuition, as you are your biggest ally.

Release dateApr 16, 2024
Foolish Determination

Mithun Sudarshan

Mithun Sudarshan is a young author who strives to promote moral teachings in his works. His 'Diaries of Darkness' series has garnered attraction from his first released volume,  'The Hidden Graveyard.' Mithun aspires to leave a legacy behind within his writings

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    Book preview

    Foolish Determination - Mithun Sudarshan



    Thomas O'Neal is a determined and hardworking young man who dreams of escaping his troubled past and achieving success in the business world. He is tall, with short, dark hair and a lean build. Despite his difficult upbringing, he possesses a strong sense of self-worth and is driven by an unyielding desire to prove himself.


    Robert Bob Jenkins: A wise older man with a mysterious past who becomes Thomas's mentor. Bob is graying at the temples and sports a neatly trimmed beard. He has a calm demeanor and is skilled in the art of negotiation, providing Thomas with invaluable guidance as he navigates the challenges of the business world.


    Samantha Sam Davis: A childhood friend of Thomas, Sam is a tough and independent young woman who takes no nonsense from anyone. She has long, curly hair and a muscular, athletic build. Despite her rough exterior, she is fiercely loyal to those she cares about. Sam's own experiences have left her wary of trusting others too quickly.


    Carla O'Neal is Thomas's older sister, who suffers from her family's toxic environment. She is a petite woman with a sad smile who often hides her pain behind humor. Deep down, Carla wishes for a better life but feels trapped by her circumstances.


    Billy The Bull Thompson: The leader of a local biker gang, Billy is a menacing figure with tattoos covering his muscular arms. He sports a bushy beard and has a deep, gravelly voice. As an antagonist to Thomas, he is ruthless in his pursuit of power and control over their small town.


    Angela Angie Lewis is a high school teacher who never believed in Thomas's potential. Angie is an attractive woman in her late thirties with short-cropped hair and glasses. Underneath her professional exterior, she resents those who challenge her authority or question her methods.


    Uncle Pete O'Neal is Thomas's alcoholic uncle, who often causes trouble for the family. He is a middle-aged man with a scruffy appearance and a wild, unkempt beard. Despite his volatile nature, he occasionally shows glimpses of genuine concern for his nephew's well-being.


    Jenny Thompson is Billy's younger sister and an unexpected ally to Thomas. She is petite and soft-spoken, with long, wavy hair. Her brother's reputation often overshadows Jenny, but harbors a strong desire to break free from her family's destructive cycle.


    Each character brings their unique personality and backstory to the novel as they interact with Thomas during his journey towards success. Their personal struggles and relationships serve as a backdrop for the overarching theme of self-improvement and determination in the face of adversity.


    Thomas O'Neal is a young man with big dreams, but his dysfunctional family and toxic environment in the outskirts of Jasper make it difficult for him to succeed. Inbred locals and biker gangs surround him, and even his family members are plagued by disease, violence, and alcoholism. Despite his struggles, Thomas is determined to become a successful businessman and leave his troubled past behind.


    As he works at the local gas station, Thomas meets an older man who becomes his mentor, teaching him the skills he needs to succeed in the business world. With newfound confidence, Thomas sets out to make a name for himself but faces constant criticism and doubt from those around him. His friends, family, and teachers never believed in him, fueling his determination to prove them wrong.


    Through much pain and suffering, including the loss of loved ones, Thomas perseveres and eventually rises to the top. However, he succeeds alone, accompanied only by his own shadow. Along the way, he learns that the people he thought were his friends were never truly on his side and that true success comes from within.


    As Thomas reaches the pinnacle of his success, he reflects on the journey that brought him there. He realizes that grit allows him to overcome the obstacles in his path. Ultimately, he stands alone at the top, a testament to what one can achieve with hard work and perseverance.


    Foolish Determination is a gripping tale of self-improvement and triumph over adversity. It will inspire readers to believe in themselves and their abilities, no matter how insurmountable the odds may seem.

    CHAPTER 1 – Setting The Stage

    Thomas O'Neal stood like a lighthouse amidst the sea of rusting cars and faded billboards that dotted the outskirts of Jasper. His tall stature cast a long shadow in the evening sun, while his short, dark hair seemed to absorb the light, giving him an air of intensity. The lean muscles that lined his arms and torso were not just for show. They were the product of hard work, the physical testament to the countless hours he spent pushing beyond his limits.


    Another day, another dollar, he muttered to himself as he locked up the front door of the old convenience store where he worked. He turned with practiced precision, avoiding the broken step that had claimed more than its fair share of unsuspecting victims.


    As he strode home, his mind was ablaze with figures and strategies, the foundations of his dreams. In his pocket lay a crumpled business magazine, its edges worn from constant handling. Its pages were filled with stories of self-made men and women – beacons of hope for someone like Thomas, who saw a blueprint for his ascent in their tales.


    O'Neal, still dreaming big? the voice pulled him from his reverie.


    Thomas didn't need to look up to recognize the sneer that always accompanied such a question around here. Bigger than this place, he replied without missing a beat.


    Ha! You and your big city dreams, the voice scoffed before fading into the background noise of Jasper's everyday life.


    Thomas clenched his jaw but kept walking. Dreams were all he had, and Jasper would not suffocate them with their ever-present cloud of hopelessness. Not if he could help it. He envisioned boardrooms and suits, handshakes and contracts, a world away from the neglect that defined his formative years. He yearned for a world of control and respect, where his past wouldn't loom over him like a relentless storm.


    His pace quickened as he passed the dilapidated houses, each a mirror reflecting the life he desperately wanted to leave behind. The toxic environment that had been both his cradle and cage fueled a fire within him, a fire that whispered of potential and change.


    Thomas! A child's voice sliced through his thoughts, high-pitched and urgent. He looked down to find his neighbor's kid, Timmy, looking up at him with wide eyes. Are you gonna be a businessman?


    Absolutely, Thomas replied, bending slightly to meet the boy's gaze. You've got to dream big, Timmy. Remember that.


    Even bigger than Jasper? Timmy's voice was a mix of wonder and disbelief.


    Especially bigger than Jasper, Thomas affirmed, straightening up and offering the boy a smile. Now, you better run along home.


    He watched as Timmy scampered off, a sign of innocence in a world that seemed hell-bent on crushing any semblance of it. Turning away, Thomas felt the weight of his aspirations settles firmly on his shoulders once again, but they were a burden he welcomed. They were fueling his journey forward, his escape velocity from a past that had already taken too much.


    Jasper won't hold me, he whispered to no one in particular, his voice steady and sure. I'm going to prove it.


    With every step, Thomas O'Neal walked not just towards his modest home but towards a future he was determined to forge, where the shadows of his upbringing would finally lose their grip.


    The chime above the gas station door heralded the start of another long shift. Thomas O'Neal, wiping grease from his hands onto a ragged cloth, watched as the familiar troupe of inbred locals shuffled in, their faces etched with years of hard living and more problematic drinking. They nodded at Thomas, grunting acknowledgments that were as much a part of the morning routine as the first cup of coffee brewing behind the counter.


    Morning, Tommy, slurred one of the regulars, a man with a face like leather and eyes that had long since lost any sparkle. Pump four ain't workin' right again.


    Thanks, I'll check it out, Thomas replied, his tone even but his mind racing with the list of repairs the dilapidated station needed. Every day was a new challenge, a test of his patience as he juggled roles from mechanic to cashier, all while keeping an eye on the ever-present threat of violence that hung in the air like the smell of gasoline.


    The rumble outside drew Thomas's attention to the arrival of Billy The Bull Thompson and his biker gang. The ground seemed to vibrate under the weight of their Harley engines, a prelude to the chaos they brought with them. Thomas tensed, knowing the potential for trouble increased tenfold when the bikers were in town.


    Keep your head down, do your job, he murmured to himself, a mantra against the intimidation that Billy exuded as he swaggered into the station. The Bull's beard was a wild tangle, and his deep laugh cut through the hum of conversation, silencing the room.


    O'Neal, you lookin' scrawny as ever, Billy barked, his voice laced with mock concern. You need to eat more, or you won't have any strength when things get rough.


    Thomas swallowed the retort that sprang to his lips, choosing silence over confrontation. He'd seen what happened when tempers flared around Billy, and it wasn't pretty. Instead, he offered a tight-lipped nod and returned to the register, where a line formed.


    I can't choose your customers, he muttered, ringing up sales with mechanical precision. Each ching of the register reminded him of the life he yearned for—a life free of this place.


    As the day waned, Thomas's thoughts drifted home, where empty bottles often littered the floor and raised voices served as a haunting soundtrack to his evenings. His family, caught in a vicious cycle of disease and despair, seemed content to drown their sorrows and pains in alcohol, numbing themselves to the bleak reality

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