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Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ
Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ
Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ

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In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner's Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, AMaliba explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, he discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today's readers can draw meaning from Jesus's words and actions.


The chapters cover various topics:


1. Restoring sight to the blind: Examining the deeper meanings through metaphors of comprehension found in Mark 8 and John 9.

2. Healing the paralyzed man: Exploring the significance of caregivers in the narrative of "Take up your pallet and walk."

3. Walking on water and calming the storm: Offering ecological interpretations of these Gospel passages.

4. Feeding the multitude: Reflecting on the symbolic importance of bread in the account of the feeding of the 5,000.

5. Raising Lazarus: Delving into the profound themes surrounding mortality and the significance of taking death seriously.


The praise for "Signs and Wonders" commends AMaliba for his exceptional ability to provide insightful exegetical analysis accessible to readers of all backgrounds, whether they have formal theological training or not. AMaliba's approach is likened to a friendly conversation over tea in one's living room. He consistently emphasizes the importance of interpretation, shifting the focus from mere historical accuracy to deeper questions of meaning and relevance. By inviting readers to engage in this interpretive journey, AMaliba encourages them to consider how ancient miracle stories can offer hope and transformation in their contemporary lives.

"Said by Dr. Juliet Osei Assemblies Of God Church"


AMaliba is portrayed as both a remarkable symbol and an extraordinary phenomenon in himself. His approach of interpreting the New Testament through Jewish perspectives is hailed as not only crucial but also enlightening. With his characteristic blend of enthusiasm, wisdom, humor, and profound insight, AMaliba consistently delivers exceptional work. His latest book is praised as no exception, offering accessible and captivating insights that readers eagerly anticipate and embrace.


Dr. AMaliba skillfully unveils the remarkable intricacies of the key miracles found in the gospels with his brilliant insight and distinctive humor. Through his exploration, readers are not merely spectators but active participants in understanding and experiencing the ongoing miraculous acts of God. AMaliba's work goes beyond storytelling; it empowers readers to embrace their roles as both recipients and contributors to divine miracles unfolding in their lives.


This resource by AMaliba is praised for its richness and accessibility, offering a valuable tool for those seeking deeper comprehension of the Gospels and their portrayal of Jesus. AMaliba guides readers on a journey of learning from the miracle narratives, encouraging them to not only marvel at the stories but also contemplate their significance and relevance. By engaging with these accounts, readers are inspired to reflect on their own lives and how they can respond to the teachings and miracles of Jesus.


In his work, AMaliba skillfully bridges the gap between believers and skeptics, seamlessly linking the miracles attributed to the God of Israel with those performed by Jesus. Through poignant examples such as friends who pave the path, a desperate father pleading for his daughter, and steadfast sisters, AMaliba prompts readers to appreciate not only the healer but also the helpers and the healed. By vulnerably sharing snippets of his own journey, Maliba highlights how the miraculous can intersect with our everyday lives, reminding readers of the profound ways in which divine intervention manifests in our own experiences.

"Dr. Peterson"

PublisherHalal Quest
Release dateApr 7, 2024
Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ

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    Book preview

    Miracles Performed By Jesus Christ - Halal Quest


    About 2000 years ago, Jesus, born in Bethlehem, Israel, was both fully God and fully human. He lived among us to serve as the perfect atonement for sin, offering forgiveness and salvation to believers. His birth, mission, death, and resurrection were prophesied in the Old Testament and documented in the New Testament.

    Jesus lived among the Jews under Roman rule in Israel, preaching and performing miracles for three-and-a-half years until his crucifixion by the Romans. He died on a cross and was buried in a tomb.

    Jesus Christ's life did not conclude with death; instead, he was resurrected. Due to his perfection, he can unlock the gates to the Kingdom of God. His sinlessness allows him to forgive our sins, granting us entry into the Kingdom of God. Jesus elucidates this concept in John 3:16, stating, For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

    The following is an overview of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

    THE VIRGIN MARY IS told she'll give birth to Jesus

    (see Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25)

    THE BOOKS OF MATTHEW and Luke in the New Testament detail the virgin birth of Jesus. Mary, engaged to Joseph but not yet married, received a visit from the angel Gabriel. Gabriel informed Mary that she would conceive a son named Jesus, who would be known as the Son of God. In Luke 1:27-35 (NIV translation), the passage reads:

    During the sixth month, God dispatched the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a city in Galilee, where a virgin named Mary was pledged to marry a man named Joseph, who was of the lineage of David. The angel greeted Mary, saying, Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.

    Proof of the accuracy of Bible prophecy

    100 concise examples of how the Bible's prophets accurately predicted events involving the land and people of Israel, the rise and fall of empires, and the life, mission, death and resurrection of the Messiah.

    Mary was deeply troubled by the angel's words and pondered their significance. However, the angel reassured her, saying, Do not fear, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.

    How will this be, Mary asked the angel, since I am a virgin?

    The angel replied, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. - Luke 1:27-35 (NIV)

    Jesus is born in the town of Bethlehem

    (see Luke 2:1-7)

    JUST BEFORE JESUS' birth, the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus ordered a census across the Roman Empire, including Israel. This compelled people to return to their ancestral towns for registration. Joseph and Mary, residing in Nazareth of Galilee, had to journey to Bethlehem in Judea as per this requirement.

    Upon reaching Bethlehem, Mary was prepared to give birth to Jesus. Since they couldn't find any other accommodations, Joseph and Mary sought shelter in a manger, typically used for housing animals. Thus, it was in this humble setting that Jesus was born.

    Bethlehem holds significant importance in Messianic prophecy. King David, who reigned over Israel around 1,000 years before Jesus, was born in Bethlehem. Additionally, the prophet Micah, who lived approximately 700 years before Jesus, prophesied that Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the Messiah:

    But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. - Micah 5:2 (NIV translation).

    Ephrathah is the ancient name for the town of Bethlehem in Judah.

    Star of Bethlehem appears

    (see Matthew 2:1-2)

    When Jesus was born, a star appeared over Bethlehem. Scholars today speculate on various explanations for the star, considering it could have been a meteor, a supernatural event, a celestial alignment, or an actual star. Many scholars estimate Jesus' birth to be around 4 BC to 8 BC. Notably, ancient Chinese astronomical records suggest the presence of a star-like object in the Middle East around 5 BC, approximately 2000 years ago.

    King Herod tried to kill the new-born King (Jesus)

    (see Matthew 2:3-12)

    THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM drew visitors from the East who interpreted it as a sign of the birth of a new king. These visitors may have been acquainted with biblical prophecies, anticipating the birth of a Messiah King in Israel who would have global significance.

    Indeed, Israel was under the rule of King Herod the Great, who was appointed by the Romans to govern the Jews. Herod's reign was marked by brutality, as documented by Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian, who described him as a ruthless ruler responsible for the deaths of numerous family members. Upon learning of the visitors' quest to find and worship the newborn king, Herod ordered the massacre of all infants in Bethlehem, hoping to eliminate the king they sought.

    The infant Jesus and his parents escape to Egypt

    (see Matthew 2:13-15)

    AN ANGEL ALERTED JOSEPH to Herod's intention to massacre the children of Bethlehem. Consequently, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt with baby Jesus, residing there until Herod's death. Throughout history, Israelites sought refuge in Egypt during times of crisis, such as Jacob and his

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