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ON YOUR MARK, GET READY, GET SET, GO! This book helps the believer with their spiritual race. Our Father is glorious and good, and He does all things well. Isaiah 54:17 declares, "No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper." The enemy has designed spiritual weapons to stall the believer in the n

PublisherNekisha Cosey
Release dateJun 1, 2024

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    GO! - Pastor Nekisha L. Cosey



    By: Pastor Nekisha L. Cosey

    All Rights Reserved by Nekisha Cosey Ministries, LLC.

    No part of the publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN: 979-8-869271556

    Book Production: Nekisha Cosey Ministries, LLC.


    This book is dedicated to all my sisters and brothers in ministry who have overcome the challenges and hurdles of the calling. As your sister in Christ, I want you to know that I appreciate you and your service to the Kingdom! May our Father grant you wisdom and strength to endure the warfare and the weight of the call. GO!

    Romans 10:15 - And how shall they preach unless they are sent, as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, of them that bring good tidings of good things!

    Table Of Contents

    Go Out on the Water!


    Get Unstuck and Go!

    Go Away! I’m Not Happy Here!

    Go Kill It!

    Go Through It! The Jackie Joyner Kersee Anointing!

    Go, So you can Glow!

    Grieve and then Go!

    Go Delivery Style - Uber Eats and Door Dash Anointing

    Restart the GPS and Go!

    Go! Get Un-Stuck out of Start

    Go There!

    Gas Up and Go!

    Go! In Jesus’ name!

    About Author


    Go Out on the Water!

    Iam reminded of a time in my life when it seemed hard to trust God. It was not that I didn’t love Him or believe that He was real, but there was something about free will that made me want to control even the most chaotic aspects of my life. That was until I learned to meet the Master out on the water. Matthew 14:22-33 revisits the story of Peter and the lesson Jesus taught him in the middle of the lake. I love this story because it shows the contrast between the system of doubt and the beauty of faith. I implore you to read the complete story in your time of meditation and prayer, but for the sake of this chapter, I will pull out the relevant passages. The scripture records that the disciples were in the boat, already some distance from Jesus, who had stepped away to dismiss the crowd he was ministering to and to go up the mountainside to pray. Later that night, it became very windy on the lake, and the waves began to beat against the boat. If we use our imaginations here, we can visualize the boat violently rocking back and forth, appearing as if it were going to tip over.

    It was at that very moment that the disciples turned their attention to a presence in the water. Bear in mind that Jesus was not on the boat with them. He had sent them ahead, presumably to meet them on the other side. The Bible shares with us that they were terrified. They had a ‘Harpo, who this woman’ moment out on that lake. I could imagine them wanting to run in the spirit of Forrest Gump, but they were in the middle of the lake with nowhere to go. The Bible states in verse 26 that they thought Jesus was a ghost. Fear will cause you to see things outside of reality. Have you ever scared yourself so badly that, while trying to get away, you hurt yourself in the process? No? That has never been you? Okay, well, allow me to testify for myself because this has happened to me. I do not mind laughing at myself. I laughed then, and I will laugh now. We moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 2011. Our very first house there was a one-story bungalow. It was a tiny house with three bedrooms and one bath. The kitchen was adjacent to the living room. I was around six months pregnant with my son Nicholas, and I was parched. I got up out of bed to get a drink from the kitchen. I walked down the hallway, turned on the kitchen light, poured a glass of juice, drank it, put my cup in the sink, turned off the light, and headed back toward the bedroom. The only light between the bedroom and the kitchen was the light showing the time on the stove. This will give you an indication of just how dark it was in the house. As I exited the kitchen, I navigated the area slowly because it was dark, and I wanted to avoid running into anything. I heard a sound that went like, ‘chhhhhhhhhhhhhh’. That is not a word, but it is the only way I can describe what I heard. Before I could interpret the sound, I took off running, crashed into both sides of the wall, hit my big toe on the edge of the wall, and slammed into the bedroom door. I am sure when I came flying into that room; my husband probably thought he saw a ghost. He burst out laughing, like, ‘What are you running from?’ I told him that there was something in the kitchen, and I took off running. He reminded me that the day before, I watched a horror flick at the movie theatre, and I almost took off running out of there. My husband got up to diagnose the noise, and he heard it, too. I know you are asking what it was that caused a demon chaser to go flying out of the kitchen: an automatic, battery-powered air freshener. I had to giggle at myself and not judge Peter too harshly. If an air freshener sent me on a Delta Airlines flight for my life, surely seeing a ghost in the middle of a dark lake would frighten anyone. Back to our text, these men looked upon the water and thought Jesus was a ghost.

    They began to cry out in fear. They lost their minds right out there in the middle of the lake. I am sure Jesus wanted to say, ‘Man, it’s me.’ However, Jesus tells them to take courage and not be afraid. At this point, they should be convinced that this is not a ghost, but it is the Master. Peter yells and says, ‘Lord, if it is you, tell me to come.’ So, Jesus tells him to come. Verse 29 shares with us that Peter steps out of the boat and begins to walk on the water toward Jesus. Verse 30 goes on to state that when Peter saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink. As Peter is falling, he cries out to Jesus and says, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately, Jesus reaches out his hand and catches him. He replies, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’ Let us examine what happened here. Jesus shares with the disciples as they are panicking out on the lake

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