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Valkian: The Journey
Valkian: The Journey
Valkian: The Journey
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Valkian: The Journey

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Kiniko Haruki is just your average teenage girl enjoying life. An incident occurred during the celebration of the school's MMA team at the local park that placed both her and her friend endangered, but she and Terri came out victorious.

Soon, Kiniko learned of her true family heritage--as a powerful being of the Valkian race, just like her mother. Thus, she embarked on an adventure across distant planets in the galaxy to stop one madman from his plans of complete destruction and to reunite with a long-lost sibling in the process.

Release dateApr 4, 2024
Valkian: The Journey

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    Book preview

    Valkian - Din Niko

    Table of Contents




    Planet Kotiliku

    AD 3525

    Chapter 1

    Planet Kotiliku

    Chapter 2

    The School's Gym

    Chapter 3

    Incident in the Alley

    Chapter 4

    That Odd Feeling

    Chapter 5

    A Deadly Encounter: Part One

    A Deadly Encounter: Part Two

    A Deadly Encounter: Part Three

    Chapter 6

    True Identity: A Valkian

    True Identity: A Valkian

    Chapter 7

    A Girls' Night: The Sleepover

    Chapter 8

    News Flash: Planet Indigo

    Chapter 9

    Planet Indigo: The Ancient Texts

    Chapter 10

    Planet Gorda: The Golden Sphere

    Planet Gorda: The Golden Sphere

    Chapter 11

    Planet Nakeiru: The Cobalt Sphere

    Planet Nakeiru: The Cobalt Sphere

    Chapter 12

    Midnight Struggles: Knowing One Love

    Chapter 13

    An Explosive Reunion

    An Explosive Reunion

    Chapter 14

    A Sisterly Bond: Tikami and Kiniko

    Chapter 15

    New Abilities: Part One

    New Abilities: Part Two

    New Abilities: Part Three

    Chapter 16

    The Kaiser Express: Part One

    The Kaiser Express: Part Two

    Chapter 17

    Hidden Feelings: Part One

    Hidden Feelings: Part Two

    Chapter 18

    The Galactic Ring: A New Ally

    The Galactic Ring: A New Ally

    Chapter 19

    The Confrontation: Friend or Foe

    Chapter 20

    Planet Kolain: The Battle Begins

    Planet Kolain: The Battle Begins

    Chapter 21

    Planet Karuda: The Final Showdown

    Planet Karuda: The Final Showdown

    Planet Karuda: The Final Showdown



    Valkian: The Journey

    Din Niko

    Copyright © 2024 Din Niko

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-88763-938-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88763-939-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Athousand years ago, on a planet named Karuda, a warrior of the Valkian race saved the galaxy from the evil Shindoku Empire. It was later known as the Great War. Sadly, the final battle of the Shindoku ended with the sacrifice of the warrior's life. The warrior's spirit remained intact, so did the Wolf Claw—an ancient blade which was hidden in the caverns of Karuda.

    The Wolf Claw is one of the most powerful blades ever seen across the galaxy alone. Many have come to seek the mystical blade, but most of them turn away as those that seek the blade, none ever returned. On the wall, deep within the hidden chamber of the caverns, is written in the ancient language of the Nekains: Only the chosen will find this blade and become the new champion of Karuda and the galaxy. Those who were chosen must be of Valkian heritage blood to behold this blade. This warrior will arrive in over a millennia of time.

    Planet Kotiliku

    AD 3525

    Two young girls at the age of five were in the fields, lying on the grass and watching the night sky. The slightly taller girl's name is Kiniko Dinku-Haruki, a spunky girl with canny abilities—a strong-hearted tomboy at times—with wild brown hair, brown eyes, with wolf-like ears, and a tail. The other is Terri Kasaki, a girl with hidden strength, wild bangs, and sky-blue eyes. She is shorter in stature than Kiniko, her best friend. The two were quietly watching the starry sky, lost in each other's thoughts about their day together.

    Slowly, a blue star started to shine more brightly. The wild-haired girl sat up, still staring at the bright star. Strangely enough, the blue star started to move toward her. All she could do was to stare in awe and curiosity as a strange smoothing calmed her. As it got closer, an image of a person appeared in the blue light. This person is clearly a female, and based by the clothing, she's a warrior. A look of confusion was on Kiniko's face.

    The mysterious warrior only smiled at the young girl and quietly called out her name. Kiniko.

    Kiniko gasped as not only did she hear her speak but noticed that the warrior looked much like her. This interrupted Terri's thoughts as she too sat up, looking at her friend.

    Kiniko, what's the matter? said Terri with concern.

    Huh? She looked back at her friend. Oh, nothing. I just thought I saw something up there, that's all. Kiniko smiled, then turned back to the figure, only to find nothing but the moon and stars. She must be a spirit, thought Kiniko as Terri got up off the grass.

    It's time for us to get inside now, said Terri, slowly dusting herself off.

    Kiniko stared at the sky once more before getting up. Okay. Race you back to the house! shouted Kiniko as she started to run toward the house.

    Hey! Wait up! Terri shouted back as she too ran. The two laughed all the way to the house and entered inside.

    The spirit, now resting on a nearby tree, quietly stared at the house, facing toward the sky and looking at the moon. Soon…soon, child, you will find out your true powers as a Valkian as well as the past of the home planet Karuda. For my name is…—the spirit closed her eyes then reopened them, this time, glowing brightly red—Kiriku. The spirit left with the wind.

    Back at the house, in the bedroom where one of the girls was sleeping, Kiniko lay awake in bed as Terri soundly slept. She looked at the window toward the tree where the spirit was moments ago. Smiling, she closed her eyes, Kiriku. And with that, soon fell asleep.

    And here, starts a new legacy of Valkian: The Journey.

    Chapter 1

    Planet Kotiliku

    Tililoku High School

    Ten years later

    Welcome to Tililoku High School, right here in the city of Sekoto, Katainu. It's a sunny day for a Friday at this school. Teens around were planning for the parties in the weekend, to hang out with families and friends, and to have a good time. Today is a great day for everyone.

    kiniko haruki!

    Well, almost everyone.

    Kiniko was walking down the hall in a calm stride to get to one of her favorite courses—art class. She also joined the mixed martial arts (MMA) class for the school's team, the Orion Clan. What made it sound bad was that Kiniko was wearing a camouflage uniform in the color of dark blue, still wearing her traditional hi-top red sneakers and wild bangs with a ponytail.

    Kiniko Haruki! I know you're hearing me! said Ms. Leida, the MMA trainer, following hot on her tracks.

    Kiniko stopped and turned around to see a very upset Ms. Leida.

    "Kiniko, I want you to go the office, immediately," said Ms. Leida.

    Kiniko completely complied and silently walked toward the Main Office with the trainer behind her.

    Kiniko, you know that wearing a uniform in any other color than the school uniform is against the school's dress code policy, especially that particular uniform, said Ms. Leida as Kiniko sat down, placing her bag on the floor.

    I have heard the worst of trouble from known students, but to see you in that uniform…, said Mr. Taichi, I'm surprised…from you of all people. You never seemed to amaze me more.

    They would have known that Kiniko wouldn't react in a way other students would, but she didn't make any signs or shown any emotions except to stare at the two administrators.

    Kiniko, this is not a joke. Policies that were broken must be acted out in discipline, warned Mr. Taichi.

    You could be sent to ISS, sent home or, probably, in a parent-teacher conference, said Ms. Leida, eyeing Kiniko as a smile showed on the teen's face.

    Before Kiniko could explain, Terri came in the office.

    Excuse me, but have you seen— Terri stopped in midsentence when she saw Kiniko seated in the chair with Ms. Leida and Mr. Taichi. She quickly got the hint that the two adults were very upset about her friend's clothing. Terri knew they were in hot water now.

    Terri Kasaki, do you know about this? asked Mr. Taichi. I would like to know what this is about.

    She came in and closed the door. Both school staff members gasped when they saw that Terri was wearing a similar uniform except that the color is red.

    What's going on here? Is there something that we don't know? said Ms. Leida, shocked.

    Terri looked down and stared at her feet nervously.

    Well, Ms. Terri, I'm waiting for an answer, said Ms. Leida impatiently.

    Terri looked at Kiniko with a slight sense of amusement in her eyes. Kiniko, please help me out. Kiniko then got out of the chair.

    Please, it's not her fault, if that's what you think. If you both calm down, I'll explain everything that you need to know, said Kiniko in a calm, well-defined tone.

    Mr. Taichi looked at the wolfen girl. Well, it wouldn't be fair to jump to conclusions, Kiniko. We just wanted to know the truth.

    Kiniko sat back down and looked in the eyes of the teachers.

    Like I said before, Terri had nothing to do with this, and I had acted on my own as did Terri. You both know that we're in the MMA class, played athletic sports, and very active at the things we both do. I'm wearing this because it suits me better, said Kiniko, and her expression hardened. "Besides, nowadays, the guys are ogling up girls, and the last thing you want to hear from me is a guy getting his arm snapped in ten different ways possible if he even thinks of making a pass at me."

    Terri nearly laughed as she heard her friend's comment toward the issue at hand.

    Of course, said Terri, "it would be a shame if we don't act on our own. We both understand the dress code policy, but Kiniko is a tomboy, and I like to play a bit rough myself. If I was wearing a skirt as much as I do during the day…—she thought about that little segment and lightly scratched her head—well…we do want to wear a uniform for the ceremony due to the Orion Clan's victories over this past month."

    Ms. Leida, is this true that you informed the students to wear uniforms for the ceremony? asked Mr. Taichi.

    Yes, it's true that I informed the students to wear uniforms, but to not wear uniforms that are inappropriate, said Ms. Leida confidently.

    Kiniko smiled once more, then nodded. Ah, but you forget something.

    Ms. Leida paled at Kiniko's taunting voice, knowing what she was about to say.

    What did she forget, Kiniko? asked Mr. Taichi.

    Kiniko's smile turned into a big grin. "She forgot to tell you, not only did she say that, but to wear our uniforms in as ‘comfortable a way as possible.' You both know I like to wear baggy jeans as long as they fit my size, and along with Terri's comfort, then it's appropriate."

    Mr. Taichi thought over for the moment as he looked at the two students and Ms. Leida.

    Ms. Leida, I believe we have done a terrible mistake with their action, and since you informed them, I'll let it go. In fact, said a smiling Mr. Taichi, I'll inform the school district council and remove this ridiculous policy. Kiniko, Terri, you may both go back to your classes.

    Both girls nodded, then Kiniko thought of something as they went to the door. Ms. Leida?

    The trainer looked up. Yes?

    I don't want to sound like there's anything wrong, but it would help you and the students if you won't be so…hard on us as well as being a pain at most times. Kiniko reassured the Kendo teacher even before she could respond, Try doing something that relaxes your mind and body. Believe me, it will help. Just ask some of the teachers and Mr. Taichi as he will give you the details. Good day, Ms. Leida, Mr. Taichi.

    After that, they left the office.

    The two were now walking toward the gym down the hallway from the main office.

    Geez, thanks, Kiniko. I don't know if I could even handle that back there, said Terri, laughing at the situation moments ago.

    Yeah, well it's not that hard, and besides—Kiniko placed her right arm around her friend's neck—you're my best friend, and friends help each other out, right? said Kiniko, smiling.

    Yeah…plus, I knew you might be in some kind of trouble because of Ms. Leida's voice as well as the fact that the students saw you went in the main office, said Terri, grinning and returning the gesture.

    Chapter 2

    The School's Gym

    A Moment of Stride

    Everyone was on the racetrack with Coach Kris.

    All right, girls. I want you to practice your running speed on this track. You will be timed on how fast you are on the 500-meter dash, so no horse playing, said Coach Kris.

    Kiniko was checking on the racetrack.

    So, what are you thinking about the racetrack, Kiniko? asked a curious Terri.

    Kiniko was still staring at the track. I think it would have been a piece of cake.

    She turned her attention to her friend and gave a playful silly look. Terri giggled at the gesture and nodded to the left. Kiniko followed the hint and both turned to see Coach Kris as the rest of the group circle around.

    All righty then, the first two are Kiniko and Terri. Both of you, up to the starting line, announced Coach Kris. Everyone turned their heads to see the two girls going to the starting line.

    Kiniko and Terri are both fifteen, in their sophomore year, and are known for their skills in athletic sports. What they didn't tell them (and for safety matters) was that their fathers are skilled fighters. Terri's father, Torin, is a fighter with his traditional iron hammer and hidden strength that would explain the huge hammer that he carried around at the construction site. Kiniko's father, Kiroshi, is a master of swordsmanship and in martial arts, with his own fighting style. Both girls were trained since the age of five, and during their practice rounds, they soon learned their own fighting styles and techniques.

    3…2…1…Go! shouted Coach Kris as she started the stopwatch.

    Both girls ran as soon as they heard the word. Terri is a fast runner, but Kiniko is fast sprinter. Neither one really cared about winning or getting the best time. What they really cared about was to enjoy themselves as they run. The two were running side-by-side as they ran closer to the finish line.

    This is just like the old days when I was with Dad in the fields three years ago, thought Kiniko.

    Terri took a glimpse at Kiniko and smiled. At least, she's happy about something, all right, thought Terri.

    At last they made it past the finish line.

    Timed! said Coach Kris. Nice work, you two. I'll tell you the time that you made. Go and get some rest.

    Kiniko and Terri walked over to their usual resting spot, in the cool shade under the trees. The two sat down and watched the others get timed on their runs. Terri pulled out a small bag and took out two Gatorade mini bottles, one red and one blue. She then handed Kiniko the blue bottle, who thankfully took the drink.

    So what do you wanna do after school? asked Kiniko as she gulped her drink.

    I dunno, really, said Terri as she lay in the grass. Then an idea came to her mind, and she quickly sat up. Hey, how about we have a race back home?

    Kiniko thought over the idea. No way. It sounds too easy to me. How about something that is worth a challenge for a bit?

    Then how about the secret way home that I've shown you? said Terri in a dark voice.

    ‘What?' Kiniko turned to see Terri with her evil grin. "You mean the alleyway that you've shown me? That same alleyway?" said Kiniko.

    Terri only nodded, and Kiniko matched her evil smirk with a toothy grin.

    Then it's a challenge that I would gladly take, said Kiniko as she went back to watching the others.

    Okay, girls, come here so I can tell you the time that you all have made, said Coach Kris as the others came to hear their time. Kiniko and Terri, your time for the 500-meter dash is 2:45:15. Great time! We are very proud of you both.

    The others clapped while some cheered for their classmates.

    During the hear outs, Kiniko just couldn't shake off a bad feeling. Maybe I just was overreacting. Just maybe. Kiniko shook off the feeling and went with the others in the girls' locker room.

    Hey, Kiniko. Great run you did out there, said Kei, changing her shirt.

    Well, you did a fine job yourself. Kiniko chuckled as she got dressed in her cameo uniform.

    Hey, I heard that you guys are celebrating at Konto, the city's central park, for the Orion Clan winning streak tonight, said Sakari excitedly.

    "Yep, and the

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