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The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business
The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business
The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business
Ebook165 pages2 hours

The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business

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About this ebook

Introducing "The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy In A World of Crap," the ultimate self-help book designed for individuals who are tired of living in constant stress, overwhelm, and frustration. Jennifer Dawn, a renowned business and life coach, offers a lighthearted and practical guide to help you discover true happiness and joy in your daily life.


Here's what you can expect from this transformative book:


  • Identifying and changing limiting beliefs: The Joy Guide empowers you to recognize and overcome the negative mindset that has been holding you back from living your joy. Through 13 powerful lessons and exercises, you will learn how to break free from these constraints and experience a profound mindset shift.
  • Immediate practical exercises: No need to wait for change—Jennifer provides you with practical exercises that you can implement right away to start feeling better in your daily life. These actionable steps enable you to make tangible progress towards a happier and more fulfilling existence.
  • Unlocking your natural ability to excel: Discover how to tap into your inherent capacity to work each day with clarity and focus. The book equips you with effective tools to enhance your productivity, enabling you to achieve your goals with ease and efficiency.
  • Creating a vision of your dream life: The Joy Guide guides you in creating and defining a vivid vision of your ideal life. Furthermore, it teaches you how to stay aligned with this vision, allowing you to experience greater joy, ease, and flow in your everyday experiences.

By the time you reach the end of this book, you will have gained profound insights into the barriers that have hindered your joy and acquired powerful tools to overcome them. Jennifer Dawn's expertise as a successful business coach and her dedication to transforming lives shine through in her writing, providing readers with the guidance they need to live each day with more joy, passion, purpose, love, laughter, and even financial abundance.

Release dateApr 30, 2024
The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business

Jennifer Dawn

Jennifer Dawn is a plethora of talent and originality. She has an amazing imagination and has been deemed as being the female version of Quentin Tarantino. She is an award-winning film producer and director, photographer and author. Ms. Dawn has had several of her landscape and nature photographs featured in Oregon Calendars and on puzzles. Born in the Pacific Northwest, she loves the outdoors; camping, hiking and fishing. While surrounded by the beautiful mountains and beaches of Oregon, her imagination soars!

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    The Apple Stand - Jennifer Dawn


    The Apple Stand

    Copyright © 2023, Jennifer Dawn

    Published by: Bright Pathways Media

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, stored in a database and / or published in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Galley copy, not for resale


    This book is for all the business owners who feel lost and alone in their business and question why they even started it in the first place. You want a way out of the pain and discomfort and so far, nothing else has worked.

    Hating your business isn’t a fun or sexy topic we like talking about at dinner parties, but at some point, nearly every business owner has felt it.

    If you are hating your business right now, I wrote this book for you.

    I promise not all is lost and you can find your way through this.

    Let’s go get the love for your business back.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1:  The Spark

    Rediscover the true you and never let anyone dim your light.

    Chapter 2: The Stand

    Get back to basics and the inherent good in your business.

    Chapter 3: The Money

    Stop chasing money and start allowing financial abundance in all forms.

    Chapter 4: The Flow

    Get into effortless alignment with your dreams and manifest them by working in the zone.

    Chapter 5: The Tactics

    Pair tactical action with emotional intelligence to clear limitations and see your efforts go farther.

    Chapter 6: The Impact

    Lead through compassion and emotional awareness instead of criticism.

    Chapter 7: The Ride

    Stay true to your heart , use challenges to fuel your fire, and enjoy every moment of the journey.


    M any of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ~ Thomas Edison

    DID YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL idea for a business, followed the inspiration, and turned it into money?

    In the beginning, it was fun, exciting, and challenging; you were learning new things, meeting new people, and maybe, we could say, drinking the Kool-Aid of living the entrepreneurial dream.

    Now, you've grown the business to some level of success.

    Considering 50% of businesses fail within the first five years, and 70% within ten years, you are still here, so you know you’re doing something right.

    But... it may feel like all the new and shiny things aren't so new and shiny anymore. That once beautiful dream feels more like a nightmare you can’t wake up from. The drive for entrepreneurial freedom, which has kept you going all this time, feels so far away. Some days, you might even curse the initial idea which caused you to take action and start your business in the first place.

    Here you are now, with this soul-sucking monster.

    In your heart you still want to have a really successful business. In fact, you go over it endlessly in your mind every morning at 4 a.m. when you are wide awake trying to figure it all out.

    In your soul, you don’t want to give up, but you know there's just no way to make it happen by continuing to do what you’ve been doing.

    You can't possibly work any harder. In fact, just getting started each morning seems to get tougher and the last thing you want to do is deal with it another day.

    Maybe you feel like a glorified babysitter instead of a leader when it comes to the people on your team and putting out their fires all day makes you want to jump off the nearest cliff.

    Maybe you want to run away and hide from your financials. No matter what you do there just never seems to be enough money for everything you need to pay for.

    Maybe your marketing makes you cringe every time you look at it but the idea of hiring another agency who overcharges and under delivers has you curled up in a fetal position.

    There are numerous reasons why business owners lose the loving feeling for their businesses. 

    Whatever the reasons for hating your business right now, they are valid and real. I know hate can be a strong word but if you dislike any part of your business, that emotion is tied to hatred, and it won’t get better by pretending or distracting ourselves from it.

    Right now, it’s okay you can't see the way out of this mess, and while it feels painful and disheartening, it can get better.

    There is good news and it’s this: You’ve found your way here and with this book in your hands you are in the right place to turn it around.

    You are not alone in this struggle.

    J.K Rowling went from a nearly homeless single mother to the first author to ever achieve a net worth of $1 billion. She’s the author behind the Harry Potter series and said it best: "I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life."

    Many other business owners have taken this journey and come out on the other side stronger, smarter, and more successful.

    You can too.

    If you are ready to break free and rediscover the love for your business again, just keep reading.

    Breaking free requires us to go deep into the source of what’s causing the pain, push past our fears, and address the mess at the core. This will enable you to expand into new places and flourish, not just in business, but in life too.

    To move through this challenging phase of your business will take more than just working harder, re-branding, or hiring a Virtual Assistant to solve the problem. Those things are good, but they won’t fix a broken heart or old beliefs.

    Our first goal is to get clarity and understand what’s really going on in your business, like looking underneath the hood of a car. There’s a problem in the engine and we can’t fix it by putting more junk in the trunk. We’ve got to pull the engine apart. Often, we try to make repairs by doing quick fixes to address the symptoms of dysfunction, but those problems will keep coming back to haunt you— and we don’t want that.

    Symptoms of dysfunction which suck the love out of us in business are things like never taking a real vacation, feeling guilty when not working nights or weekends, living paycheck to paycheck, doing the work for people on your team, thinking no one can do it better than you, sacrificing time with family and friends, being a martyr or victim to your business.

    It might seem like working sixty-plus hour weeks, month and month, year after year, to keep up, or taking out debt to stay afloat, or cleaning up behind your team are the answer, but over time these actions backfire and become a grind and slow death of your passion.

    It's easy to convince ourselves these efforts work; but they are not the long-term solution to realize the original dream you had for your business. I’m not saying at times we don’t need to dig in and work extra hours or take out a loan to fund growth. We do. The issue I’m speaking to is when these things get out of hand or become the way we stay in business year after year... and it never improves.

    As our business grows, we want to see ourselves as the owner, working less and relying on our team more. We want to see our financial resources grow and our debt decrease. We want to be able to step away and take longer vacations and know the business can continue to flourish without us.

    Yes, there will be ups and downs along the way, but we want to be trending in an upward direction. As business owners we solve problems daily. It’s not the solving of a problem, that’s the issue here. It’s trying to solve the same problem, sometimes for years, without resolution that wears us down.

    Every day you most likely put on a brave face for the people who depend on you. You smile to the outside world when you feel like you are dying inside. Let’s stop kidding ourselves right now and pretending things are better than they really are. We need to be very clear in our intention here to not only rekindle your love for the business, but to also make sure you never lose it again.

    Let’s decide right now, to grow your business in a different way. To scale it to the level your heart is yearning for but do it in a way that’s actually fun and feels good.

    When we lose the love for our business, we start looking for any way to fix it, and fast. We become the perfect prey in our desperate state for the predators selling quick fixes. They are sold to us daily in programs, courses, and endless offers blowing up our inbox, Linked In, social, text and voicemail.

    This will take more than building a funnel or developing a course. Maybe you’ve even tried some of these programs without any lasting results (except frustration, time lost, and less cash in your checking account). It’s time to stop falling for quick fix solutions.

    The ultimate solution lies within YOU. Without going to a new place deep within yourself, it’s impossible to fully unlock your true potential and have a business you adore.

    In this book we’ll explore the key areas to help you rekindle the love for your business from rediscovering your spark to getting back and working in the flow. We’ll explore when to take action, when to slow down, and when to stop. Plus, how to work with your emotions instead of fighting against them.

    Your love is worth fighting for and to get it back we’ll need to discover and overcome internal roadblocks which include fears, limiting beliefs, poor mindset, lack of focus and clarity, roles and labels we’ve placed upon ourselves, judgement, guilt, and shame. They also include all the unhealthy ways we cope with these things like over-drinking, drugging, eating, shopping, exercising, sexing, and even over-working ourselves to excess.

    Healing all that is the key to freedom.

    If you have the courage to go to these deeper places with me, to finally clean the junk from your trunk and stop trying to quick fix the problem, you’ll fully unlock your true power and potential.

    All you need is a bit of courage to open the door, peek into the dark room, and, together, we can turn on the lights to see the real beauty within. Not only can you love your business again, but you can rediscover a whole new love for your life.

    Be patient. Don’t rush the process or try and skip to the end. Take your time and I will deliver practical tools to address this issue effectively. If you are willing to go on this ride with me, and not half-ass the work, your reward will be the lasting transformation you’re seeking.

    I have been through many versions of hating my business.

    I found myself thinking things

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