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The Embrace of the Frostborn
The Embrace of the Frostborn
The Embrace of the Frostborn
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The Embrace of the Frostborn

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Within the pages of this book, love takes on the guise of sacrifice, weaving the destinies of cursed souls bound by an uncontrollable force. The story digs into the lives of those entwined by an unforgiving curse, witnessing the weight of their sacrifices

Release dateApr 19, 2024
The Embrace of the Frostborn

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    Book preview

    The Embrace of the Frostborn - Sanskriti Choudhry

    Chapter 1

    The piercing sound of the alarm bursts my eardrums. Finally, jolting me awake I shut to damn alarm clock off. I still wanna stay in bed, it's too cozy. I get out of the comforter reluctantly and make my way to the bathroom to start my morning routine. The realization of the time finally hits me, prompting me to switch into a hyper-energetic mode. I glance at the clock; it’s five minutes past six thirty already. Instantly, I kick into high gear, ready to speed through the chores.

    I have got to leave before am too late, by hook or by crook. You always get us late, Scar! my father whines, addressing me using my nickname.

    My father often drops me off at school today is one such day. We are on our way and I have yet again got us late. It wasn’t my fault, Dad. Of course, it was, it always is.

    My parents embody perfection in every way possible. In addition, as a cherry on the icing I have a sister whose name, I’m sure, is about to enter this yet another unnecessary, unimportant, and seemingly incessant argument that feels like the most repeated thing in the entire world.

    Being late occasionally is still alright, but how do you manage that every single day? No, Scar, this is unacceptable. Just look at Sam, she's always punctual., here we go. Not that she's any better than you are, you both are very good kids but just be careful with punctuality. Here we go, Samantha, or Sam at times like these, is the twin of my favorite sibling and my elder sister, 3 years ahead of me.

    I sigh loudly and dad bursts out laughing followed by my giggles. That’s exactly what mom would have said! We both exclaim together midway laughing.

    Between the laughs and giggles, I couldn’t help myself from thinking that my life began even before I was born into this family. And that my life will go on even after my life gets over as part of this family.

    Sometimes I end up dreading the moment my fake family will realize who I am, when they’ll get to know that the girl they raised and loved as their own pure blood is someone who has no roots in their clan.

    It’s heart-breaking to imagine living without mom, dad, Sam, Alex and most of all, Seanthair. It’s as if I am so addicted to their love that sometimes I wish I wasn’t the person I actually am.

    Dad honks twice to pull me out of my chain of thoughts and I realize we were already in the driveway as I hop off. Waving a quick bye at him I run into the building. The bell has already gone off when I enter the school premises. I rush to my class already running late. I am anxious, it’s our first day after the long Autumn break and I just don’t wanna mess it. New people, new faculty and top of all Monica’s childhood friend Nat and I have been looking forward to meeting. It’s just scary. I am having a strong feeling this childhood friend is someone I know, someone I can’t afford to have close to me, not this time.

    In class, I sit next to Natalie and Monica's seated in the seat in front of me; my best friends. The day is literally dragging on and on! Minutes feel like hours… hours feel like days, if this is going to be the same every day, I can be sure that the week is going to feel like Darren’s curse.

    Finally, the bell decides to heed to my prayers and buzzes off for recess.

    It is not that I don’t enjoy school or I couldn’t focus on my studies, it’s about me. I am feeling cold today which is impossible unless…

    Scar, what's wrong? Natalie asks me.

    Today's different from the rest; I don’t understand how this is even possible.

    I am feeling a little cold. I try to end the conversation before it begins. You are feeling cold? Scar that's not even a possibility! Do you think it's because of the court’s rumor? Do you think it's possible? Is… Is this when you tell me the rumor was true? Well, I guess I failed at my attempt.

    "Nat, I know what you are talking about and I would love to let you know that I don’t believe it. But-" she stops mid-sentence and widens her eyes dramatically. I turn around to see why she's so shocked-

    NO! I scream.

    Chapter 2

    Isee Monica entering our class accompanied by him. How is it possible! He looks exactly like him. Why am I feeling cold again?

    Are you okay? he asks me, his voice exactly like him. Mon? Who the heck is he? I turn to Monica abruptly, ignoring his question.

    Scar, be polite! Guys this is Kevin Damen, Kevin this is Natalie and Scarlett. Monica introduces us.

    Umm… I gotta go. I excuse myself as he extends his hand for a handshake. I am colder than ever.

    Monica begins to stop me but Nat signals her not to. She knows it’s no use stopping me right now.

    Scar, I wanna talk to you for a sec? Shit no. God, no. Please, not now. I really hope she hasn’t noticed. What? I ask her in my calmest voice. You aren’t as heated up as you are comparatively. How can I forget it’s Monica, my moon, she notices everything.

    Chill bro, it’s all okay just some chilled water I allowed to touch me this morning. I wink at her and we are all laughing now. Alright enough of the jokes now, let's go back now, the bell's over. Natalie informs us.

    We are still smiling when we enter the class, still in that moment of our goofiness. My gaze keeps on shifting back to the watch waiting for him to come. Finally, after what seems like years, Shabin, my brother, enters the class. He murmurs something to the teacher and her eyes divert in my direction. Is something wrong Ms. Kaiser? I ask her not to be able to contain my curiosity.

    No child. Shabin here says you are required in the auditorium, that's all. She tells me politely. Oh that. Can I go and see what this is about, miss? I ask her as patiently as possible because as much as I hate this, I have to stay away from him.

    His presence is distracting me, pulling me to a world of sweet memories and past, giving in to those memories would do nothing other than to fail me again.

    So, here I am in the Auditorium. Shabin, too, is surprised to find Kevin in my class, this close to me. He also told me that our week-long holiday begins tomorrow in lieu of renovations happening in the school. I am not the least bit bothered, neither are Natalie and Monica, because we three do not like being away from each other.

    We will have those three days working when I hate to be with anyone- 30th, 31st of October and 1st of November. The dates I can’t and won’t ever forget, my life changed ever since these dates gained their significance.

    The bell rang, marking the dispersal time, breaking my chain of thoughts and punching reality into my face that I was with my brother and I can’t daydream else he’d understand something’s up… I get up and walk to the podium in the hall then to the windows which are unlocked, for it is windy today.

    I spot Eric leaning against the wall looking out of one of the high pane windows. The moment he spots me he waves me over.

    Eric is a blonde. He might be just a few inches taller than average people. He is an easy person to talk to, without craning my neck or slouching down, just right to stand normally and talk. He is a very sweet boy from my childhood who followed me around, coincidentally.

    Hi! I say warmly.

    Hey! Umm Scarlett there was something I heard a few days ago, thought I should let you know. He tells me.

    Okay… Am all ears then. I smile giddily.

    Well, I heard the teachers say something about a trip to the Philippines. Some sites they think are real beauty. I think they are going to make you the student representative for collecting registrations, preparing and approving itinerary, arranging VIP passes for some places etcetera. He says and I am confused.

    Philippines? Why? There are a lot of beautiful places around the globe. Why the Philippines? Plus, why am I being designated for that position?

    teacher's pet theorem will be well-fitted here. he winked and won a playful punch from me.

    Okay I think I should get going, your mum must be waiting for you. I wave a bye at him and leave.

    I spot mum standing under the bower with Shabin. I go there and realize Shabin wants to take me somewhere and mum has consented.

    How do you always get successful in convincing her of such things? I hiss while he tells mom we’ll be back soon and mom says she's not the least bit worried.

    I am her son, Sera, what do you think. he smirks.

    I told you not to call me that in or around school. I scolded him. Anyway, why are you star-napping me? I smile.

    Because we have a few things to talk about. he says with finality and we walk the rest of the distance in silence till the Moonlight Mountain.

    Okay everyone come out quick come on, out. Shabin calls out to no one specifically.

    Slowly all of those who remember who they were, who they are, trickle out from behind the trees.

    Why is this unofficial meeting organized, Shabin? I ask anxiously.

    We heard we are going to the Philippines. he answers.

    So? I ask.

    Scarlett, all of us know what had happened there the last time we were all there. The waters there relax you but the place itself has the ability to pull so much heat and energy out of you that you can burn anything that comes in contact with you. he says in his matter-of-fact voice.

    Is the purpose of the meeting here to discuss, ‘me? I am annoyed.

    Have you forgotten everything that has already happened or you have let dust blur your memory of how dangerous that place and you, both can be? he questions.

    Chapter 3

    "Shabin, I understand what you are trying to warn me against. I know that place is full of memories for me but I know how to control myself. Last time I was there awakening him, which is why it happened… this time I am alone." I say trailing down.

    Scar? Nat says.

    I turn in her direction and she moves towards me. She holds me by my shoulder before speaking. Scar, we know you can but all of us are just worried for you that's it.

    Why do I feel like you guys are hiding something from me? I squint my eyes at Shabin, knowing that this boy is definitely lying.

    Alright you won! Most of us believe that this is our final chance, the loop-hole and that large group includes me too and we don’t wanna lose the last ray of hope.

    So? I squeak.

    We have decided that either you would not go at all, however if you do go, you will always have at least two of us by your side 24/7. The ones near you will keep you away from him and close to the waters. Roland speaks up.

    That's unfair. I would look like a prisoner on a walk. Shabin, I can protect myself! Please! I know how to stay away from him and near the water, I am not a kid! I protest.

    All in vain my protests go down the drain.

    It's decided we weren’t asking; we were telling and we expect your cooperation in this, Your Highness. he barks his command, ugh such a dog!

    I hate you, Shabin! I spit and leave alone stomping my feet, like a baby.


    Did you enjoy yourself with Shabin and Dakota? mom asks as soon as I step in the house.

    Oh yes they were chatting and cracking jokes and I felt like the third wheel, I really enjoyed feeling like a nosy little sister! I say.

    Why? What happened? she asks. I can’t believe you allowed him to take me there. I said spitefully and left for my room leaving my laughing mom behind.

    What does he think of himself, I am no kid he’ll tackle with I am his goddamned sister and Queen.

    My furious thoughts take over me and I don’t remember falling asleep.


    You can’t go, please, don’t Sera please, I promise I’ll never tease you, or annoy you please Sera don’t go! he cried his pleas and I cried my goodbyes.

    I don’t think I will be able to stay with him for another day, so I lean in towards him and decide to end our agony.

    I see people assembling around us, watching us with pity and pain. I decided to let go and free him from this pain for facing another one.

    I love you and will always do, I will wait for you in our next life. Good bye, love. I say and close the distance between us. The moment his lips touch mine my mortal body blasts and turns to ashes within seconds, freeing my soul and leaving him in his great ago-"

    Scarlett! Wake up! I feel the sting of the slap that has woken me up from the dangerous slumber I had slipped into.

    I can see Samantha is worried. Here, have some water. I take the glass from her and gulp all of it in one go. I’m fine, am sorry I woke you up. I apologize to my sister.

    It's okay, Scar. Am sorry I slapped you, you were moaning as if you were in great pain and murmuring things in a language I couldn’t fathom, I got scared and had to wake you up… She explains.

    Sam, it's fine, maybe because of the nightmare… I wasn’t really doing this you know the thing called brain capacity, I think it's because of that that I was speaking another language or something. I am perfectly alright. I pacify her. She nods and then we both lay down beside each other and sleep, this time I cling to her like the baby that I am and I can feel her smile because of the gesture.


    I wake up to find that Sam is already up and, in the kitchen, helping mum. I get up to leave but my phone starts vibrating, I look up at the clock and realize it's too early to receive a call. But when I look at the caller ID I decide otherwise.

    Hey, Sera? Am sorry for yesterday, I was being a brat, I realized. What the hell happened to me while I was asleep that every other person is apologizing to me when it's me who should be doing it.

    Three words- I am annoyed.

    Shabin, it's okay. I am not upset.

    I say and hang up. I can’t tolerate the pity his voice had.

    It's holiday week and I am glad we have a holiday beginning today. I finally leave my bed, choose my clothes from the closet and shut myself inside the bathroom.

    Last night's flashback was one hell of a punishment for me. What have I done, Merlita, how can I give in to my anger like this?

    I turn the shower faucet on and the cool water comes tumbling down in sharp streams, the kind that pricks one's skin but to me it's relaxing.

    Most of the people have started using warm water but I can’t bear any more heat than I already do, so I am very happy to find that the water is freezing cold.

    It soothes me.

    After spending half an hour in the shower, I finally get dressed and leave my room.

    Good morning! Mom and father wish me chirpily. Morning I smile at them.

    Just when I thought I could relax, the doorbell rings. Mom asks me to check.

    I abide by the request and open the door, and the person standing there grabs my hand and pulls me out leaving the door open. I try to pull out of the grip but she keeps on dragging me until I am thrown into the lake.

    Chapter 4

    The hell, Mrs. Kaiser! I yell once I have myself balanced and floating in the water.

    Cuss at me, not her; it was I who asked her to bring you here. Mr. Rector comes into the picture.

    Why? one single word that represents all my questions.

    "I asked you to keep your mind and soul in control of yourself. But you let your heart, your mind take over you. You keep doing this Sera, you give in to your agony and suffer. This satisfies Darren who lives in YOUR house, sits in YOUR throne and rejoices in YOUR suffering! he bursts.

    I told you; your emotions are your greatest weakness; they overrule your control over yourself time and again and you know the results!

    a… am sorry, Mr. Rector. I was furious at Shabin for treating me like a kid. It won’t happen again; you have my word. This seemed to cool his temper a bit as he smiled a little and gave me his hand. I dried up within seconds which wasn’t odd.

    Go home. he whispered,

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