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Sexcapades 2! Six: New Lover, Old Friend
Sexcapades 2! Six: New Lover, Old Friend
Sexcapades 2! Six: New Lover, Old Friend
Ebook12 pages10 minutes

Sexcapades 2! Six: New Lover, Old Friend

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Join our married couple as they embark on Sexcapades2! In the sixth short story in the second series, the husband brings an old friend to meet his new lover...

PublisherMJ Smith
Release dateApr 18, 2024
Sexcapades 2! Six: New Lover, Old Friend

MJ Smith

MJ Smith is the author ot the short story series, Sexcapades, which are free to read on Smashwords!

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    Sexcapades 2! Six - MJ Smith


    Six: New Lover, Old Friend

    MJ Smith

    Copyright 2024 MJ Smith

    Published by MJ Smith at Smashwords


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