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The Strength In A United Family: Vol. 1 The Power of Destiny
The Strength In A United Family: Vol. 1 The Power of Destiny
The Strength In A United Family: Vol. 1 The Power of Destiny
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The Strength In A United Family: Vol. 1 The Power of Destiny

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Nobody can take away your destiny, and whatever God has planned for our lives can only be delayed but can't be taken away. There are times when some people are like pacesetters in life. I'm sure our parents are our pacesetters, and we'll win the race. Even that stupid and foolish thing that Uncle Paul said about Michelle is not right, and defini

Release dateApr 20, 2024
The Strength In A United Family: Vol. 1 The Power of Destiny

Mercy Mundih Bah

Michelle is the middle child in a family of seven. She has a very strong and closed bond with her family, but most especially with her twin sister, with whom they compete in almost everything, and they are very close and the best of friends.After a mysterious sickness and the sudden pregnancy of her older sister, she came out of her coma, became the adopted mother of her niece, went back to school, and became a chemistry teacher. But after the sudden passing away of their beloved mother, whom all the siblings had promised to better her situation, Michelle was so heartbroken and decided to leave her family and travel to Europe to further her education.Since becoming a teacher was her mother's dream for her, she stopped living her mother's dreams and focused on what she wanted to do and what made her happy.Little did she know what would happen to her while away from her family. She encountered lots of difficulties with the language, the people, her environment, and even a friend she helped who betrayed her and left her in debt.

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    The Strength In A United Family - Mercy Mundih Bah



    Daddy is the breadwinner in our family, and he makes his living driving a bus in small towns around the city of Bamenda. Bamenda is one of the ten cities in Cameroon, and it’s English-speaking. Mama is a homemaker, but she keeps herself busy by selling a variety of foodstuffs at the food market. After school, we go to the market to help her while she attends her peer group meetings at the church. Our family is a staunch Christian family, and we put God in everything we do; and on every occasion, most of the time, it’s Catherine and Michelle who help because Jodi is in a Boarding school and comes home only for the holidays. Elvis is renting a room close to his school, and Felix likes to help her too, but he is still too young to be by himself in the market. But we all love to help our mother and believe that she is the best and most hardworking mother in the universe.

    We just love to be there for our parents and siblings no matter what’s going on because we believe that a family is only good when we’re all gathered together, even if that means we’re under a tree, so long as we’ve got each other by our side. At times we share the work that’s between Catherine, most of the time called Cathy, and Michelle. Either Cathy is in the market while Michelle stays at home to prepare dinner and care for Felix or vice versa. It’s fun, and we love doing it although most of our friends consider it too strenuous, because we’ve got to come back from school every day from Monday to Friday, starting from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Then one of us will go to the market to help Mama, while the other will stay at home to prepare dinner. We don’t look at it the way our friends do, maybe because we love our parents so much that we just want to do everything for them to ease their burden.

    We’re a small, nice and beautiful family, and everyone is happy and busy helping each other out. Despite the fact that Elvis, our elder brother, is no longer living at home with us except during the holidays, he just loves coming home once in a while, mostly on weekends. He is our elder brother and is preparing to write his final year exams in high school. He is studying building construction, and he is the only one in the family to have technical education while the rest of us study in grammar schools. Elvis is seventeen years old, and he is a nice brother that, we love him so much, and he loves us too.

    Then there’s Jodi, the drama queen in the family, if there’s anything negative, or good in the family, we turn to her, although she has positive and negative character traits, we love her. Our father’s advice is that a good and united family should overlook the mistakes of each other. Moreover, if we’re united, then we’re a team, so we don’t want to be worried about her; she is a good sister and it’s just that at times, she is unfortunate. She is fourteen years old, but she thinks that she is our mother at times. According to our parents, she is the most unfortunate one in the family; and she is the only one among us who has been sponsored to study in one of the most prestigious schools in the country.

    The Strength of a United Family

    Volume 1

    There’s Cathy and Michelle, who are twins and best friends besides being siblings. We’re always together, no matter what. We could fight and be angry at each other, but we still walk to and from school together, even though we barely speak to each other. We love each other so much that some teachers in school say that if one of us is ill, another sibling falls ill soon after. Even when we’re angry at each other, we still keep it a secret because our parents don’t want us to fight with each other, they believe that siblings fight but they make up after a few hours because it will be unhealthy for the family. We’re only twelve years old, but we’re taking about the responsibilities that most children of our age will not dare to. Assume we’re in day school because our parents can’t afford the money for us to go to the same school with Jodi. We’re in the same form but in different classrooms, and we studied almost the same subjects, but it looks like Cathy is brighter than Michelle. Cathy is the calm one, just like Elvis and Michelle is the one that you don’t want to mess around with. When speaking to her, you should think again before confronting her because she talks about everything and she is the first to get mad at everyone. At times, she even talks more than her age. She can just explode at the least provocation, and you don’t see the reason why she has to be upset. We still love her so much and believe she is the best sister ever. She is so generous and kindhearted. We’re proud to call her our sister. Then there’s Felix. He is the sweetest brother you can ever pray or ask God for. He is only nine years old, but he wants to take away everyone’s problems and shoulder them himself. We love him so much, and we’re very protective of him.

    Our parents are very proud of us, and we know that we’ve a cute younger brother who is an intelligent and smart young boy. He wants to help Mama so much that we feel sorry for him and will ask him to accompany us to the market at times. From without, you can call us a typical family but at home, we’ve got our own setbacks, vicissitudes, crisis, and secrets that no one out of the family knows about it. We’ve an extended family. This is because in Africa, we believe in extended families of aunts, uncles and cousins who come over for the holidays at times because they just love Mama so much. However, at times, they bring us problems, especially Mama’s brother, Uncle Paul. He is Evil-minded, according to Michelle. He simply likes to be domineering. Unfortunately, nobody wants him to be their God, and we don’t pay attention to him. He behaves as if he wants to supplant our father. Michelle, who is the outspoken one in the family, would not stop to remind him that we already have a father. She can’t stand the fact that our uncles are trying to control our family instead of theirs. At times, Daddy is so happy with Michelle for standing up to our Uncle to remind him that our parents are still alive and he should leave our parents alone to nurture us. However, at times, Daddy just wants to do away with her. Mama often gets very angry because Uncle Paul is her brother, and she thinks that Michelle is rude to him. Mama believes in a big family, but at times she forgets to understand that we don’t need them because they really don’t care about us. All they want is to boss us.

    Michelle, you’re in big trouble again.

    Cathy: why! What have I done,?

    Uncle Paul is in the living room. Do you remember when we passed him yesterday on our way back from school? He is complaining to Mama how you passed without greeting him. He said that you’re disrespectful and need to be punished.

    Oh my goodness! What’s wrong with that man? I’ll go and speak to him myself. I want to tell him I hate him. Don’t, Michelle. You don’t want to get into a serious trouble again. And remember, Daddy said he doesn’t want to hear any complaint about you again.

    Okay, what else?

    Mama is calling for you people, Felix said. And I’m sure you’re in a big problem, Michelle.

    Why, Felix?

    Because your uncle is painting you black and white to Mama.

    That uncle Paul with his big mouth. Said Michelle.

    Mama said, How many times have I told you to greet your uncles whenever you see them, and to be nice to them because they are my brothers? Michelle, am I not talking to you?

    Mama, I really don’t see the point in all of this. The most important thing is for us to be good citizens in future, and I think it’s much better than greetings.

    Did I hear you well? What are you talking about, Michelle? Do you think you’ll be a good citizen when the most common thing, such as greeting your elders, is ignored?

    What difference does it make?

    I want you to apologies to your uncle, Michelle. And you have to promise him that you’ll never be disrespectful of him ever again.

    I’m sorry; uncle Paul and I’ll not be discourteous to you again, Michelle, are you serious? Of course, Mama, I’m.

    Then why are you looking somewhere else while apologizing for something that you did that’s not right? I just want my children to grow up to become exceptional, that’s all I’m asking from you people, but it’s as if I have to do the impossible. What’s wrong with you? Why do you make acceptable behaviors look like a herculean task?

    scold, Mama!

    Have you people done your school assignments?

    Not yet.

    What were you doing? Go and have your assignments done right away before I lose my patience. Then she complains to no one in particular, I really don’t know what’s wrong with children these days. When I was a little girl, growing up, my parents were not to repeat something to us because we were so attentive, hardworking and respectful. How I wish your father was always at home to monitor you people. Anyway, why am I bothering myself? You’ll become parents someday. Then you’ll understand what I have been telling you, since Mama has become a dog that’s always barking. If only the song I’m singing could get into your head, then I’ll be very happy. I don’t know why greeting your uncle is a problem for you people.

    Mama you’re saying that simply because uncle Paul is your brother, but you don’t seem to understand the things he does. I don’t really see the reason why he has chosen to invest more of his time and energy in me, doesn’t he have anything else to do that, he wants to rather step into the shoe of my father?

    Michelle, that’s enough!

    No, Mama, it’s true. You want us to speak; don’t just listen to his own story and come to a conclusion without hearing my own side of the story. You’re not a good judge; I’m telling you. Nobody will choose her brother over her children, unless you’re blind with sibling love that I’m not sure exists in your family.

    I said that’s enough, Michelle! Go and do your assignments, or you’ll have it very hard this time if you open your mouth one more time.

    I really wish you could see what I’m seeing in your brother. Even with his own brothers, he subjects them to his domination, and yet you’re still giving him room for more interference. How much do you want to take from him, Mama? You have worked all your life for them. And yet they are not grateful and are still using you as their pawn.


    Daddy, good evening. How was your day today?

    Nice, Elvis, thank you. How about yours? And what are you doing at home today? It isn’t the weekend yet. Are you okay, or do you need something?

    No, Daddy, but Mama asked me to come and see her today. Elvis said.

    You better hurry up and do what she wants you to do and start going back home. You know I don’t like to see my children going out late at night. It’s not very safe.

    I know that, Daddy.

    So, how are you preparing for your final exams?

    Adequately, Daddy. We’re very busy these days, and everything is going well by the grace of God.

    You know you’re a man, and nowadays, there are not a lot of women out there who want to be the breadwinners in their families, so you have to study hard to be a man and to be able to provide for your family in the future. You know, education is the foundation of everything in life, so I hope you’re going to make me proud.

    Yes, I intend to do just that, Daddy.

    So, go and see your mother, or do you want me to take you home?

    Let me finish with Mama; if what she wants me to do takes a longer time, then I’ll come for you to drop me off Daddy

    I am done Daddy, I’ll be on my way now, Said Elvis.

    Okay son, be careful and safe

    "Goodnight, Daddy.

    My children are growing up so fast! I Can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. Then he asked his wife, Cecilia, have you heard again from Jodi? How is her health? I hope she is much better now. I haven’t heard anything again, and since she hasn’t come home, that means she is getting better, and no news means good news, right? That’s good. That means our God is really answering our prayers.

    There’s something I want us to talk about.

    Yes, go on.

    We’re both growing old. When shall we build a house for our children or have a place of ours?

    You’re trying to create a problem right now, Cecilia. What’s wrong with you? Do you think I pick money? You don’t know how hard I work before I can support these children and provide for the family. What do you want me to do? Should I steal so you’ll know that I’m doing my best?

    Yes! Trying your best with women all over the city, then you’ll tell me you’re trying your best. You do not only provide here, but to your mistresses as well, so that’s why you think you’re working very hard.

    What do you want from me, Cecilia?

    "I want you to be a responsible father to your family. Yesterday you took Roselyn to do grocery shopping, isn’t that true? Moreover, you do not care about your own children. You’ll stand there and have the courage to tell me that you work every day and are providing for us. Buy us a home, then I’ll believe that story that you’re working very hard.

    What kind of man will abandon his own family and think that he is a good father? What have your children done to you that you’re neglecting them this way? Yes, you can run away from me because I’m a woman, but give me a reason why you should abandon your own children.

    Daddy, Mama, what’s the problem?

    Nothing, sweetheart. Go back and continue with your homework, Catherine. We’re just talking, and sorry for the noise. We’ll try to lower our voices.

    You see what I have been telling you? If we had a bigger place, this will not have reached the children. Let me see that woman next time in your car, then she or both of you’ll know who I truly am. I’ll personally make sure that I burst her big butts that she is carrying around. You better tell her that I’m watching her like a hawk.

    That means after a hard and long day of work, I can’t even have peace and a quiet time with my family?

    If you want to have a quiet time, stop doing the things you’re doing, and start being a parent.

    I have had enough, Cecilia. I’ll not continue to listen to your foolishness, else…

    No, you’ll not, but make sure I don’t spot you and that woman, because then you’ll be the one doing the talking.

    Mama, who is coming to the store today? You have a women’s meeting today, haven’t you? Catherine asked.

    Yes, I do, but I’ll not be attending it today. But any of you can come if you choose. I have some things to take care of this afternoon. Okay, we’ll decide after school who to come."

    "Good day, Mama. Are you going now?

    Yes. If I’m not back before closing time, then just go ahead and close the store. Then I’ll meet you at home, Catherine.

    Cecilia, what are you doing here? I wish you’d also be able to tell me what you’re doing here.

    I told you, didn’t I? You heard me very well last night, and you still went ahead to come and see her, didn’t you?

    Listen to me, woman. Whoever you think you are, this man is my husband and a father of five children. Why can’t you leave us alone? go and look for your own husband somewhere else? There are many single men out there. What’s wrong with you? Must you destroy my family? Better get this into your head; this should be the last time I see you with my husband. I hope you heard me well. If you don’t, then you don’t even know what you’re courting?

    Then Cecilia turned to her husband. "And you, Brian, I can’t even begin to understand what you’re up to. You prefer to throw away your own family and inherit another man’s responsibility. I didn’t know that you were this stupid and foolish. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Father of five, what example are you showing your boys? That means they will think that when they are married, that it’s all right to leave their wives at home and start looking for other women. How would you feel if it was one of your children that saw you with this woman? If someone treated your daughters just the same way you’re treating me, what would you do to such a man? Won’t you want to chop off the head of that person? But it’s fine to do that to me because I fell from the sky, isn’t that right, Brian?

    I do not have parents now—not because I never had any but because my parents passed away, is that the reason, Brian? I’m someone’s daughter too, so stop treating me as if I’m not a human being. What if I were the one doing this to you? Ask yourself if you would be able to take it from me. Oh no, you’ll not, because it’s written that only men are to cheat on their wives. So go ahead and continue with the destructive lifestyle that you’re leading. You can’t take care of your own family, but here you are, taking care of another man’s family. So the father of this woman’s children has delegated his responsibilities to you, I didn’t know you could destroy something so special and precious as your children this easily. When you’re with her and her children, what lies do you tell yourself to be convinced that her family is better than yours? You said you’re working hard. We’re both working very hard. Our children will come back from school, and they can’t stay at home and have fun as other children do. Instead, they run to the market to help me or to get food to prepare. Is this the type of life you want for your children? How did we wrong you to deserve this poor treatment from you? You’re not grateful for the precious children you have. You prefer someone’s children. I have never seen anyone as stupid and unwise as you Brian. You might think that you’re the only one providing for her, and maybe you think that you’re the only one she is rendering her services to, but let me tell you this: there are other foolish men out there that are also providing for her, and for sure, she too is rendering the same services to them.

    Cecilia, I’m very sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you. I only came here to tell her that she should be careful, and I don’t want to see her anymore, because this is causing tension in my family. Oh yes, you’re right, father of the year. So if you don’t come to tell her that, she will not know that you’re married, I wonder if you even bother to tell her that you have a wife and five children. The fun is over. I don’t want to speak about it again.

    You can’t just stop me from explaining things to you, Cecilia.

    Yes, I can, and I hope I just did that.

    "No, please forgive me. I’m very sorry. What are you sorry about Brian? Is it the fact that you’re caught red-handed or the fact that your mistress now knows that you’re married?

    Please don’t speak like that.

    "Then teach me how to speak. I should be happy to see you with another man’s family, right? How should I say it, come and embrace you for being unfaithful? Last night when I wanted to speak to you; what did you tell me? You work very hard to provide for us and support your own children, who will be spending on his family and complaining? I hope that when you’re spending on this woman, you also complain because she has a lot of baggage.

    What’s wrong with some of you men? Must you go outside of your marital home before you know that you are a man? Most of the time, when you come home late, you give us the impression of how you have been working late to the night; Gosh!! I’ve been so foolish in believing that you work late, meanwhile you’re there spending time with your other family. You don’t owe us anything, Brian; you’re free to just move in with them. I am able to take care of my children, I think at this point, we really don’t need you in our lives, I don’t want you to indoctrinate my children into being unfaithful, because I’ll not accept that from them, and I don’t see why I have to take it from you.

    I’m very sorry, Cecilia. It’s a mistake, and I promise you, this will never happen again. You have my word. I’ll do anything to do right by you. Please forgive me. I have never overlooked my family, I love my children so much, and I love you even more for giving me the best gift in life. I really don’t know why I did what I did, but please forgive me and give me another chance. You won’t regret it.


    Cathy, have you heard?

    Heard what?

    I was talking with Lawrence.

    Which Lawrence is that?

    The brother of Stephen, and he said Paul is going around and arresting the friends of Gideon, and Elvis will be arrested as well.

    Why? What has Elvis done that Paul will want him arrested? What do they have in common?

    Are you sure that Elvis’ name is included?

    I’m very sure. You think I’ll make up something like this. I have to leave now.

    No, Michelle, that’s not right. I’m not sure that whatever Gideon did involve Elvis. You know he is a student, and not a businessman. I know, but, Cathy, I don’t have the time to narrate it better to you. Let me go and inform Mama.

    Speak to me, Michelle.

    All I can tell you is that Lawrence said Elvis’ name was mentioned and that he is on the list of friends to be arrested. But it’s not yet the end of the school, and I’m not sure the school will give you an early exit.

    "I’m not telling them. I’m just going without asking for permission. At least if I can help my brother, then it’s worth the punishment that I’ll have to do later.

    Then I’m coming with you.

    No Cathy, both of us can’t just leave the school together, it will be better for you to stay in school. In case there’s any assignment, then you’ll inform me when you get home.

    Okay, fine, but I’m not promising anything, because if I stay in school and can’t concentrate, then I’ll leave right away, fine but I have to go now.


    Mama, come.

    What’s it, Michelle? Why aren’t you in school? Is everything all right?

    No…I mean, yes, but I have something very important to tell you. Come with me.

    What’s it, Michelle? You got me scared

    I don’t want those people to hear

    Hear what?

    I was in school this afternoon, and I heard from Lawrence, the cousin to Gideon, that Elvis’ friend

    Yes, I know him. What did you hear?

    That Paul, the brother of Gideon, will be going with the police to arrest Elvis.


    I really can’t tell, Mama, but please, I want you to go and check on Elvis.

    "No, Michelle, I’ll not just run to my son because a sick boy said something about arresting him. He is a student, and he is presently writing his practical exams. I can’t just burst into his place, and I’m very sure that he will be in school right now.

    Yes, I know that, Mama, but it will not cost you anything to go and check on him. Please, Mama.

    Fine, this party is over, Michelle. Tell me the truth. What’s going on? I want to hear everything from the beginning to the end, and don’t you think of hiding anything from me because I’m your mother, and I know very well when something is bothering you. I can see that you’re very serious. What’s going on? What am I missing here? Tell me.

    When I heard it from Lawrence, I came home to change my uniform. Then I heard Veronica and her brother Paul, speaking. Paul was telling her that he would take the police to go and arrest Elvis.

    No, that’s not true.

    Yes, I heard him, Mama. They were sitting on the stair at the back of the house.

    For what?

    They said Gideon has been stealing from their shop and hiding the money in his friend’s secret accounts.

    But Elvis doesn’t have money.

    I know that, Mama. That’s why I’m begging you to go and check on him.

    Okay. You’ll be in the store while I go and check on your brother.

    I’ll be here, Mama. Please hurry up. Otherwise, it will be too late, and we don’t want that.

    If I’m not back earlier, then you should know that something is wrong, and then you have to go home.

    Okay, Mama.

    Michelle, what happened?

    You’ll not believe this, Cathy, but when I came home to change, I heard Paul and Veronica talking, and it confirmed what Lawrence told me.


    Yes, I hope nothing bad happens to Elvis before Mama gets there. How can this world be so cruel?

    Maybe you don’t know that the rich don’t want the poor to survive. I wonder when God ever said the rich should punish the poor. The people with money don’t want the struggling people to rise.

    Cathy, let’s take an oath. We have to break this cycle of poverty and hardship in our family. We don’t have to settle for anything less or to become mediocre. We deserve the best in life, just like anyone else that’s breathing this free air. We don’t have to pay because we’re poor. That’s not fair.

    You’re right, Michelle, but what can we do? Our parents are extremely poor. What can we do to help them? Now we’re living in a society where the rich will continue to get richer while the poor will die suffering.

    We could fight this, Cathy. I believe that we’re serving a living God, and he is very merciful.

    Cathy see Jude coming.

    Jude, what’s it? Why are you in a hurry?

    Oh my goodness, what happened to your face? You’re bleeding! Where is your mother? Oh no! this can’t be happening.

    She has gone to check on Elvis. You must have passed her on the way. Wait a minute; is it true that you’re Elvis’ neighbor?

    You’re correct, Cathy. I came because Elvis has been arrested, and I don’t know why or what’s going on. When I heard the commotion in his room, I went there to check, and I saw some police officers beating him up. I tried to stop it, but all of them turned on me and started beating me too, so Elvis asked me to run and call for help. Unfortunately, when I came back, all I could see was him in handcuffs and in a police van. They took him away, and I don’t know why or where they are taking him.

    Catherine turned to her sister.

    Michelle, you were very right. We better closed the store and head home. Otherwise, Felix will be home alone, and we shouldn’t allow him to hear this from someone else.

    Right now, we don’t know what will happen to him, and we couldn’t stay here the whole day. There’s no food at home, so we’ve to prepare something for Felix to eat. I’ll go and check on Daddy.

    Where, Michelle?

    At the park.

    And what if he has gone out of town?

    Then I’ll tell the other drivers to inform him in case they meet him on the way. Let’s go.

    What’s wrong, why is everyone in a funny mood? What has happened? Cathy…

    Please, Felix. I don’t want to talk about it.

    About what?

    Cathy, I’m going, take care of Felix.

    What’s going on here? Why won’t someone speak to me? Can you people stop treating me like a baby and tell me what’s going on?

    Cathy ignored Felix. "Michelle, can I talk to you before

    you leave?"

    Of course. Let’s go outside.

    I see. So, you people don’t want to speak in my presence. I’m not going anywhere if you people don’t tell me what’s going on.

    Okay, Felix. I want to go to the park to look for Daddy.

    "Why? What’s so urgent that you have to call for Daddy?

    I’m sorry, Felix, but Elvis has been arrested.

    What! Why? I mean what for?

    That’s what we still have to find out, Mama has gone to look for Elvis, so I need to let Daddy know. I think if there are any more questions, you can ask Catherine, though she too doesn’t really know much. But we have heard lot of rumors…

    What rumors, Michelle? Please speak to me, or I’m coming with you. It’s about 5:00 p.m., and if Daddy is not at the park, you need to come back. Maybe it will be late and dark. You don’t have to walk that road alone.

    No, you have to wait here with Cathy, Felix. Please, I’ll be fine. Stay here so that you can help in preparing dinner.

    What dinner? You just told me that Elvis has been arrested and you’re talking about dinner. Who is hungry? Who wants to eat? I’m going, Cathy, okay? Cathy doesn’t answer Felix.

    Cathy, we’ve got to talk right now!

    What’s it, Felix?

    Why don’t you people want to tell me why Elvis was arrested?

    I really don’t want to talk about it, Felix.

    Yes, you have to, or I’ll go and find out myself.

    Who will tell you?

    Okay. Michelle heard in school from Lawrence that Paul, the brother of Gideon, has been going around arresting his friends. That’s the mystery right now.

    But how sure are you people that what Lawrence said is true?

    Because Michelle came home from school earlier to inform Mama. She said she heard Paul and Veronica discussing it, so she went to the market and told Mama. Then Jude came to look for Mama because the police have come and taken Elvis away. He said they were beating him as a thief, and when Jude went into Elvis’ room to check because he heard some noises coming out of his room, they started beating him too.

    No! Why?

    We really can’t answer that question unless Mama comes back to tell us what the problem really is.

    Where is Mama right now?

    She went to check on Elvis when Michelle told her.

    But you know Elvis; he can’t do anything bad to anyone.

    I know, Felix, but what can we do?

    If it’s true that he has a secret savings account, then why is he coming home almost every day to ask for food or money?

    I wish I could answer you.

    Had it been that he had some money, why should he even bother to go to school?

    That’s a very good question. I think we could go to the police to tell them that Elvis is not a thief. I wish things were as easy as you think, Felix, but it’s not like that. Besides that, we do not know in which of the offices he is being detained. Mama is already looking for him, and maybe she knows that he has been taken away. I hope she will go to all the offices in the city, and keep looking until she can find him. If only someone had told her that he had been arrested.

    But does Veronica know that he has been arrested?

    Certainly. Her brother told her, so we could ask her why they are doing this to us.

    You’re not serious.

    I’m very serious, Cathy. Why will they want to destroy his life? They have everything, and what do we have that they want to kill us?

    That’s life. The rich and wealthy will do anything to suppress the have-nots.

    She knows Elvis very well; why will she give her brother the go-ahead to hurt him when he is writing his final year exams…

    I can’t say.

    Will not this disrupt it, Cathy?

    If he could be released today, then he can continue tomorrow, but if not, then it’s all over until next year.


    You heard me. That’s all I can say for now, but we don’t have to jump to conclusions.

    Cathy, can we pray to God and ask Him to help our brother through this?

    Of course.

    These people will use money to destroy our lives. This is our country, where money speaks louder than words or proof.

    I’m sure Paul must have promised the Commissioner of Police a new car, so he will do anything to raise the money that he will spend to buy the car for the man. Why is this happening only when he is about to write his finals?. I pray that God will help him so that they can free him to continue with his exams tomorrow.

    I don’t know, Felix. Please, can you just stop talking for a while?

    It’s because I’m angry. We all are, but this talking is not helping. Instead, you’re now irritating me.

    I want to prepare something for us to eat. Please, do you mind giving me a helping hand?

    Of course not. Anything.

    We’ve got to cook for the entire family—if only they will have the appetite to eat at all.

    Why isn’t Michelle also back? It’s very late, and that road is very dark at night. I hope she is fine. I don’t know why I didn’t go with her. What would you have done? You’re just a little boy, what can you do if someone attacks you?

    Even if I can’t do a thing, just the fact that we’ll be together will give her hope and protection. Cathy, I’m very scared.

    Me too, Felix. Don’t worry. God is in control; we just have to hope for the best and focus on the positive things. After all in all, we know our brother very well, and the most important thing is that we do trust him. You’re right, Felix.

    When I grow up, I’ll work very hard to make sure that no one in my family is humiliated again like this.

    That’s just what Michelle and I spoke about today. We promised each other never to remain in poverty. If we had wealth, we would not have been in this mess. Do you think these people can do something like this to someone who can fight them in court? I’m not sure. Maybe they’ve run short of money so they’re looking for means to increase they wealth; even by stealing from the poor, Look, most of our friends come from very wealthy families."

    That’s true, but do you think it’s our fault that our parents don’t have material stuff like our friends’?

    No Cathy.

    Then why do you even have to think about that? Felix, listen to me. You remember what Mama always told us our fingers are not all the same, and I want you to look at your fingers and see if she is right. My fingers are not all the same length. You should know that—that’s how life is. Everyone would never be the same. Then this life wouldn’t be interesting. Even the rich people, are still in need of something. There’s always something missing in our lives. It’s just that some people have more material things than others, so that’s why you think that some people are rich, but we’re all equal in the eyes of God, although he doesn’t want us to lack anything, but we cannot change the facts because experience is fact, and ideas are cheap. There are many people in this world who have more than enough, but they are dying because even their money can’t buy the cure for their diseases. So it really doesn’t matter what you or I have, but what’s more important is how well or badly we’re living our lives in this world, because I believe that on judgement day we’ll all be held accountable for our actions.

    We’re living in a two-bedroom house and sharing almost everything with other people.

    "That’s fine, Felix. It’s an experience. Some people are praying for this, but they can’t have it. We’re blessed more than you can ever imagine. We are good health. We could walk and speak freely. We don’t have any deadly diseases in our family. I mean that we’re very happy because we’ve each other. That’s the best thing that life can offer. Just the fact that you’re worried about Elvis— that’s what made a family happy. We have each other.

    Cathy, thank you for telling me all these. At first, I used to be angry and ashamed of myself for being poor.

    No, you’re wrong, Felix. You don’t need to deny who you are.

    But, Cathy, look at Mirabel’s parents. They are very wealthy. I know that. Mirabel is you people’s best friend.

    That I know also, and yes, you’re right, but that doesn’t mean that she is better than us.

    Yes, their parents are well educated.

    And what about ours? Ther is no education, so you can’t compare the two of us. Her mother is a teacher, and our mother sells in the local market. Her father is a doctor, but our father drives a passenger bus. Their parents were fortunate to have parents who could educate them, but our parents were not, and that’s the only reason why they may seem better off than us.

    But we attend the same school as Mirabel, so what difference does that make? We’re doing very well in school, and even more than the wealthy children. That’s important. You know what? All these rich children are inheriting the wealth of their parents, but we’ll work hard for our own wealth, that’s what will make the difference.


    Mama finally came to the right police Jail where Elvis is held.

    My God, Elvis, what’s happening here? What have they done to you?

    Mama, I don’t know what I have done to be here. What’s going on? Please tell me, Mama?

    I have gone to almost all the police jails in town and couldn’t find you.

    How did you know I was arrested?

    We shouldn’t think about that right now. What have the police said to you?

    Nothing. No one will even answer my questions.

    I just came home from school. You know today is the first day for my practical exams, and I lay down to rest so that I could get up later and prepare something to eat, and then continue with my studies. I heard a knock on my door, and when I asked who was there, the police just pushed my door open and walked in. One of them asked me, ‘Where is the book?’ I was very surprised. I don’t know which book the man is talking about. So I asked him, ‘which book?’ He jumped on me, and about six or more uniformed men joined him to beat me saying, Is that the way you speak to your teacher? I was so angry because I didn’t know why I was being beaten up in my own room. So I also started fighting with them. That was when I saw the brother of Veronica walk into my room. When I saw him, I tried to ask him what was going on, but he said I shouldn’t ask him anything. Please, Mama, can you tell me what’s going on here? I don’t know my crime, and nobody will tell me anything."

    Did you see Jude?

    No. Is he also arrested?

    No, because he came to my room when I was being beaten, and I guess he heard the noise, so he must have come to check what was going on, and the police started beating him too. I told him to run and call for help, and by the time I saw him again; I was already in the police van being driven away. They searched my room. It was as if they were looking for something, and I wondered what that maybe.

    Okay, let me check with the officers to see if anyone can tell me what’s wrong.

    Mama, I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten anything today. Please, can you buy something for me to eat?

    I’ll look for something for you, but it’s 9:30 p.m. I’m not sure that I’ll be able to buy food because I’m sure all the places that sell food must have closed by now. I don’t even know if your father has heard, but let me see if I can get some information from the officers on duty.

    Please, can someone tell me what’s going on with my son?

    No, Madam, we’re sorry. We don’t have any information to give you. It will be better if you can wait for our boss.

    But my son is hungry and hasn’t eaten. Please help me.

    We can’t help you, madam.

    Who is that walking ahead of us? My daughter? I guess that’s my daughter. What’s she doing on this dark road this late?

    Daddy, Daddy, please wait.

    What are you doing here, Michelle? What’s wrong? Why are you here?

    Come in, Michelle.

    What’s it?

    Elvis has been arrested.


    I don’t really know the details right now.

    So where is he right now?

    "In the Police custody. We don’t know the police jail that he has been taken to. But Jude came to tell Mama. Meanwhile, Mama has already left to go check on him. Why?

    Did she know that something was wrong with Elvis?"

    No. I told her.

    Then tell me what’s wrong. What has Elvis done? What crime has he committed? How did you know, Michelle?

    I was in school today, and I heard from some students in our school Michelle narrated the story to her father.

    Wait a minute, Paul, your uncle?

    No, Daddy, Veronica’s brother.

    "What does Elvis have in common with them? The one that owns that big shop in the city?’


    But he is a businessman, and what do both of them have in common?

    Nothing to the best of my knowledge.

    Then why is he always coming to ask us for money if he has some money kept somewhere? Do these men know that he is writing his practical exams?

    I don’t know, Daddy, but we don’t have much information as of now. Jude told us that they were beating Elvis.

    Beating him for what?

    I don’t know.

    This is not happening. My son is a student, not a business person, and I can swear on my life that he doesn’t take anything that doesn’t belong to him. Brian turned to his passengers. Please, you people should forgive me, but I’m sorry, I’ll drop you all off at the junction so that it will be easier for you to board a taxi to your home. Please, my son needs me.

    "We understand. Don’t worry, sir. If it’s true that your boy is not involved in what your daughter

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