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Courageous Hearts: Mister Right, #1
Courageous Hearts: Mister Right, #1
Courageous Hearts: Mister Right, #1
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Courageous Hearts: Mister Right, #1

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About this ebook

BrookLynn Laird, a widow struggling with a lack of self-confidence, is thrust into a new world. But everything changes when she crosses paths with Nelson Wright, a retired magazine photographer who appears to be the perfect 'Mr. Right.'

Nelson's presence completely turns her world upside down and inside out. As BrookLynn develops feelings for Nelson, guilt overwhelms her, positive she's betraying her deceased husband.

Will Nelson respect BrookLynn's need for space and patiently await God's timing to open her heart? Can these two brave souls find a way to join as one?

PublisherElle H. Raye
Release dateApr 30, 2024
Courageous Hearts: Mister Right, #1

Elle H. Raye

Elle H. Raye writes God’s message with inspirational tales in an array of romantic dips and bends. Small-town living flourishes in her novels, novellas, and short stories. The author makes her home in the deep Piney woods of East Texas with her Boxer, Honey, whose favorite pastime is playing squirrel tag.

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    Book preview

    Courageous Hearts - Elle H. Raye


    Elle H. Raye

    Copyright @2020 Elle H. Raye, SpeakeasyAnthology

    Revised 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    To request permissions, contact the author at

    Scripture quotations or paraphrases are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV ®, Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc. (TM). Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Any references to historical events, real people, or places are fictitious. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

    First printing edition 2020, in the United States of America.

    Names: Raye, Elle H; author, b. 1958-

    Title: Courageous Hearts/Elle H. Raye

    Description: Romance, Christian, Second Chance love, Fiction

    First edition 2020, Revised 2024

    Subjects: Romance/Contemporary | FICTION/Christian/Romance/Second Chance Love

    Cover Art by Elle H. Raye


    ~ Table of Contents ~

    ~ Chapter One ~

    ~ Chapter Two ~

    ~ Chapter Three ~

    ~ Chapter Four ~

    ~ Chapter Five ~

    ~ Chapter Six ~

    ~ Chapter Seven ~

    ~ Chapter Eight ~

    ~ Chapter Nine ~

    ~ Chapter Ten ~

    ~ Chapter Eleven ~

    ~ Chapter Twelve ~

    ~ Chapter Thirteen ~

    ~ Chapter Fourteen ~

    ~ Hearts at Grace Doorsteps ~

    ~ Dedication ~

    To my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, through Him, all things are possible

    ~ Key Verses ~

    We love because He first loved us.

    ~ 1John 4:19 ~

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    ~ Romans 15:13 ~

    ~ Chapter One ~

    Heavenly Father. BrookLynn Laird sighed. Since You’ve taken Daniel home, I must admit my heart is still grieving. People say they lost a loved one when they die, but I know where my loved one is, he is in Your presence, so he’s not lost. My happiness couldn’t have been all used up with Daniel. Your attributes are joy, peace, plus many others, but will I ever experience what I had with Daniel again? You’re my God, and I have joy from within from You, so why do I stay sad? Only You can answer me. You’ve blessed me in so many ways, and I know you’re in charge of my story, and it’s not over yet. Her tears pooled in upturned palms. Before saying amen, she remained kneeling to bask in God’s presence for a short while.

    Widowed at fifty-four, BrookLynn never imagined her heart this vulnerable. The generations of women in her family followed a similar pattern. Her mother, widowed near BrookLynn’s age, some thirty years earlier. She hoped and prayed her daughter, Skye, could avoid the heartache of losing a spouse, although time will tell. But she lost her father. That in itself was devastating enough.

    Two years had crept by like decades since a heart attack claimed Daniel. Without him, BrookLynn was lost in every sense of the word. In the twenty-five years, eight months, and eleven days of marriage, she’d often told him their beautiful relationship was a blessing from God.

    Despite her best efforts to properly grieve and remember Daniel, her family, not all Christians, never wished for any confrontation with death, they chose not to mention her husband’s name. Instead, they’d changed the subject. Even her daughter took up the same inclination. She reasoned that the twenty-four-year-old steered away from more pain. After all, both of their hearts had suffered enough.

    BrookLynn gathered her purse and the stainless-steel tumbler with a unique morning coffee blend of a precise mix of protein powder, hazelnut brew, and mocha creamer. The concoction kept her alert on her daily drive to work, and she was thankful for the hearty drink since sleeplessness besieged her most nights.

    For fifteen years, she held a teller job at a credit union twenty minutes from her home in Quitman. Often, she quietly admitted to Daniel her desire to quit. That hope became impossible with the funeral and monthly mortgage payments bringing their savings to the bare bones.

    In the parking lot, she flipped down the visor, checked her make-up, and forced a smile from the woman in the mirror. She silently prayed before apprehensiveness beset her for the day and anyone behind those walls. Whatever awaited her in the next eight hours would be God’s will, and she planned on accepting even the least little thing.

    She squared her shoulders, punched in the security code, and slipped through the heavy metal door. The sooner this day ended, the sooner she’d have two days without torment from workplace bullies. And yet another lonely weekend awaited.

    The credit union met the needs of the small community, and until a short time ago, BrookLynn enjoyed being a part of the operation. Daniel always loved to watch how she dealt with others and often said her gift was a blessing. You’ve got that winsome way about you, darlin’. Folks can’t help but be better people around you. She loved the sweet memory, but now she had no one to help her believe in herself.

    A new female teller came in like a storm and played havoc with BrookLynn’s fragile self-esteem. A co-worker she’d considered a friend formed an instant alliance with the newcomer, and both shunned her. The two seemed to have some weird, inexplicable animosity.

    She forced a smile, greeted her colleagues, and ignored their hurtful actions. The antagonistic women never tried to avoid being overheard whenever BrookLynn passed them. How often will she wear that same frumpy blouse? Giggles ensued. No man will give her a second glance with that antiquated hairstyle. No wonder she’s still a widow.

    BrookLynn disregarded the two and readied her window. Her customers often turned her sadness into happiness. Trapped by financial circumstances, BrookLynn absorbed the abuse and bullying. She needed the job. Might she be fired if she took the situation to upper management?

    However, her first customer garnered a genuine smile. Good morning, Mrs. Weston. Short chats with customers brightened BrookLynn’s heart and day. They shared a little part of their lives with her, and she imparted a tiny, impersonal bit of hers in return.

    The day lingered, with brief spurts of high traffic. At five o’clock, she balanced her drawer and signed off the computer. Maybe she’d try the new eatery in town. No, not yet. Dining alone in public was still awkward, especially the evening meal. She and Daniel relished that mealtime as they chatted and teased each other like husbands and wives most often do.

    BrookLynn dallied in the empty parking lot after all her colleagues drove away. She stared at the dark shadows that danced across the brick-and-mortar structure from inside her vehicle. After a while, she wiped a tear off her cheek and shifted the truck into gear. Then she, too, headed home.

    See the source image

    Just after dawn on Saturday morning, BrookLynn tightened the laces on a pair of running shoes. Sunscreen slathered her arms, legs, and face, then headed to the park for a long run. The tropical scent triggered happy memories of her and Daniel in Cancun on their anniversary two years earlier—their last trip together. She shook off the sudden pang in her heart. There was no reason to break down when she needed this escape.

    A lady at GriefShare ministry a year earlier suggested she take up running. Her advice proved to be good medicine. The temperatures in East Texas were reasonably warm in early summer, which remained faithful during the transition to the next season. But evidence of spring refused to leave on schedule. The rainy weather encouraged blooms to linger, along with hints of lovely fragrances. The fresh air and nature helped clear her head from a distressing workweek and—

    She grasped her foot from behind and pulled it up for a final stretch. Starting the run app on her cell phone, she took off down the trail as Christian music played through the earbuds. An older couple leisurely strolled before her a quarter of a mile into her run. The man slid his hand into the woman’s, and bile seethed in BrookLynn’s throat. Can’t I even get through half an hour without that crushing reminder?

    Without breaking stride, she swung around them. She wanted happiness back in her life, but it wouldn’t simply evolve and land on her doorstep. But how could she even have a spark with Daniel gone? If God wanted her to have another relationship, He’d have to do the match Himself. And the gentleman will have to accept her the way she was, with her frumpy clothes and antiquated hairstyle.

    A passing ice cream truck played a happy children’s tune. My speed must be off today. The truck’s melody reminded her of a high school photography class

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