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Economic Oracle: A Journey through Global Economics, Unlocking the Legacy of Charles Kindleberger
Economic Oracle: A Journey through Global Economics, Unlocking the Legacy of Charles Kindleberger
Economic Oracle: A Journey through Global Economics, Unlocking the Legacy of Charles Kindleberger
Ebook309 pages3 hours

Economic Oracle: A Journey through Global Economics, Unlocking the Legacy of Charles Kindleberger

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About this ebook

Who is Economic Oracle

Charles Poor Kindleberger was an American economic historian and author of over 30 books. His 1978 book Manias, Panics, and Crashes, about speculative stock market bubbles, was reprinted in 2000 after the dot-com bubble. He is well known for his role in developing what would become hegemonic stability theory, arguing that a hegemonic power was needed to maintain a stable international monetary system. He has been referred to as "the master of the genre" on financial crisis by The Economist.

How you will benefit

(I) Insights about the following:

Chapter 1: Charles P. Kindleberger

Chapter 2: Economic history

Chapter 3: Economic bubble

Chapter 4: Wall Street Crash of 1929

Chapter 5: Jacob Viner

Chapter 6: Causes of the Great Depression

Chapter 7: John Komlos

Chapter 8: Hegemonic stability theory

Chapter 9: Peter Temin

Chapter 10: Robert Keohane

Chapter 11: Great Depression in the United States

Chapter 12: Financial crisis

Chapter 13: Stephen Hymer

Chapter 14: Barry Eichengreen

Chapter 15: Susan Strange

Chapter 16: Monetary hegemony

Chapter 17: Hyman Minsky

Chapter 18: Panic of 1866

Chapter 19: Great Depression

Chapter 20: Timeline of the Great Depression

Chapter 21: Wilhelm Lautenbach

Who this book is for

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information about Economic Oracle.

Release dateApr 21, 2024
Economic Oracle: A Journey through Global Economics, Unlocking the Legacy of Charles Kindleberger

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