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Sheut-Ren-Ka : It's playtime
Sheut-Ren-Ka : It's playtime
Sheut-Ren-Ka : It's playtime
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Sheut-Ren-Ka : It's playtime

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Sheut-Ren-Ka The Clown of Cruelty, The Trickster of Torment, The Jester-God of The Damned For millennia Sheut-Ren-Ka has manipulated humanity from the shadows, twisting the truth and creating chaos, all in the pursuit of its own sick, twisted pleasure. An evil beyond comprehension, even the devil fears it. But now it is emerging from the darkest pits of its own hell. Each of the 13 stories entombed within these pages explores the dark, winding path that the playthings of Sheut-Ren-Ka take to satiate their need for vengeance. A bride scorned on the biggest day of her life, a clown bordering on the verge of a psychotic breakdown finally snaps and a stalker who meets a tragic end are just a few of the tortured souls to come face to face with The Jester With A Thousand Faces.

Release dateApr 22, 2024
Sheut-Ren-Ka : It's playtime

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    Book preview

    Sheut-Ren-Ka - Elijah Frost


    It's Play Time

    Elijah Frost


    Unveiling Nightmares Ltd

    Copyright © 2024 by Elijah Frost

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author,

    except as permitted by U.K. copyright law.

    I wanna dedicate my book to my partner M.H and my 5 kids E, S, F, H and I.


    Do you like to play games? To have fun and laugh with friends? I have no friends. I have no use for such pathetically feeble-minded trivialities but I do so love playing games.

    Games of pain and unbearable torment. Games where only I am the winner and the prize, the tortured souls of my playthings. There is so much fun, fun, fun to be had in what I do.

    I am Sheut-Ren-Ka, the one true devourer of souls, and I have been around for thousands of years for I am eternal. I have seen the world change, I have been the architect of its change, moulding it to my neverending desire.

    And the one thing that never changes is humanity and its gloriously insatiable thirst for vengeance.

    They are so easily led like well-tamed animals with their tails between their legs and like children their resistance to temptation is so sickeningly infantile and they are as pliable to my will as clay.

    This collection of stories is a mere teaser of the power that I command, of how much I am truly feared, and in these stories, you too will see how easily my playthings bow down to my every desire. How willing they are to sacrifice their souls and the souls of those they seek to hurt.

    So read these stories but don't be afraid, no be horrified, but above all else have fun.



    1.Tear and Share

    2.Hushed Tones


    4.Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

    5.The Ward's End Wraith

    6.Till Death Do Us Part

    7.Looking Through the Window

    8.Inner Demons

    9.Blind Spot

    10.Dead Funny

    11.No Fool Like an Old Fool

    12.Night Terrors

    13.Ashes to Ashes


    Elijah Frost


    It comes to play

    It comes to teach

    It comes to take your soul away

    It has it's fun

    But you do not

    Smiling till the deed is done

    Sheut-Ren-Ka is one of its names

    Your fear feeds it

    And your soul it claims

    Tempted and teased

    Resistance is failing

    Till its hunger is fully appeased.

    The immortal jester

    Giggles with glee

    When your hatred begins to fester.


    Tear and Share

    H ey bro, you getting up or what, Mitch asked as he popped his head in through the doorway to his brother's bedroom. Almost completely hidden from view by his quilt, all Mitch could see of his brother was his decapitated head, his short, curly brown hair ruffled into a crumpled mess.

    Shrouded in near darkness, Mitch could only make out that his brother was facing him. The light from the early morning sun leaked in through the narrow slits on either side of the curtains, cutting a swath on the bedroom carpet and ending just shy of the bed. His eyes appeared closed, and there was no sign of movement. Mitch spied a slipper lying on the floor next to the door. Picking it up, he tossed it across the room. Sailing through the air, it landed with a dull thud squarely on his dozing brother's head.

    Jake, wake up, dude, Mitch uttered again, raising his tone a few octaves.

    Yeah, yeah. I'm up already, came his brother's muffled reply.

    Good, c'mon then, Mitch replied before leaving the room and heading downstairs.

    Without faltering, Mitch carried straight into the kitchen and fixed himself breakfast while he waited for his brother to shuffle downstairs. Over these past few months, Jake had become notoriously predictable for coming home late after downing a sizable measure of alcohol. Finishing his bowl of cereal, Mitch glanced at the clock on the wall next to the doorframe and saw that it had gone half nine.

    With no sign of his brother, Mitch returned to the hallway to raise him from his slumber.

    Jake, come on, dude, Mitch called up from the foot of the stairs, I want to get to the costume shop before they completely sell out of any decent costumes.

    Yeah, I said I'm coming, didn't I? Calm down, will you? Floated down his brother's groggy, disembodied voice.

    Mitch Campbell and his brother Jake lived with their parents, Debbie and Marcus, and the family dog, Kara. The family home was a twenty-minute walk from the Sheffield Wednesday football ground. At 21, Jake was two years older than Mitch, but even though he was younger, he was strongly independent and always made it a point to fight his own battles.

    Mitch regularly went for a jog early every morning during the week, taking Kara with him. He'd designated Saturday and Sunday as his rest days. He always enjoyed a Saturday lie-in with work and his strict keep-fit regime. Today, however, was different as it was October 31st, and he didn't have a costume for a party he'd been invited to that night, so he'd set himself an alarm. Today, he needed to get up early to get to the local costume shop.

    He returned the remote to the coffee table. His parents had gotten up just as he was washing his bowl. Mitch went to sit in the living room, switching on the TV as he slumped onto the sofa. Kara sidled up to him, the carpet silencing her approach. The feeling of her cold, wet nose nuzzling his hand drew his attention away from the TV, and he started to rub the fur on her back when he heard the heavy, dull clump of Jake's footsteps coming down the stairs. He leant over the coffee table, the centrepiece in the living room, and picked up the TV remote. Pressing the power switch, he turned it off as he rose off the sofa to enter the hall.

    Standing in the doorway, he watched as his brother walked past him and headed into the kitchen. Just as he was going past him, he reached a hand up and playfully ruffled his little brother's hair, See little bro. I'm up. Oh, and morning too, he said in a husky, scratchy tone. He was still a little intoxicated from the previous night. Unfortunately, Jake didn't know when enough was enough, and it seemed like last night wasn't an exception to the rule. Annoyingly, Mitch was rudely awoken by Jake, who was drunkenly staggering in at two thirty in the morning. Jake would fix himself a little most nights after drinking a snack, but he'd gone straight to bed last night. Like Mitch, he wore the same clothes as the previous night. Unlike his younger brother, however, his clothes were dishevelled because he slept in them.

    You ready or what? Mitch spoke to Jake's retreating.

    Jake half-turned. His eyes were puffy from lack of sleep, and his hair looked like he'd been wrestling during the night. Rubbing sleep out of his right eye, he asked, Does it look like I'm ready? He groggily answered, rubbing sleep from his right eye. His croaky voice still sounded half asleep. What's the rush anyway? The shop isn't going anywhere.

    You are kidding me. I've just told you the reason for the rush. We've been invited to Donovan's party tonight, and I haven't got a costume yet, he exasperatedly explained to his half-sleepy brother.

    Well, if you had done what I told you to do in the first place and ordered it online, you wouldn't be in this situation, would you? Jake shrugged as he turned back around and headed into the kitchen.

    I prefer to try on my clothes before I buy them. You know that, he replied, following Jake into the kitchen. So, are we going or what?"

    No!! What I'm going to do is get myself some breakfast. Then we'll go, he gruffly answered. Then, as he saw his younger brother was going to protest, having to wait further, he quickly raised his left hand to cut him short: Look, just chill out, will you? I'm not going to be long. You know how quick I eat.

    Mitch could see there was no point in rushing his older brother, so he resigned himself to waiting until he'd had breakfast. The truth was that Jake usually ate his food kind of quickly. It was almost like watching a pig eating out of a trough. He would never tell him that, of course. The idea of getting a dead arm or a bruise from Jake punching him didn't appeal to him.

    Thankfully, Jake was truthful and ate his breakfast in record time. When he'd finished, he dumped his bowl in the sink and shoved his boots and coat on. Saying bye to their parents, they left, intending to go directly to the costume shop. However, of course, plans never go as they're supposed to. Closing the gate to their garden, Jake's leg began to hum and vibrate. A few seconds later, a merry little tune leaked from his trouser pocket.

    Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his mobile. The tune rose in volume as it became less muffled. A cool tingle slid through his fingers as it slid out, and the vibrations of the song caused the hairs on his arm to stand up. He pressed the green answer button and pressed the cold metal to his ear.

    Mitch couldn't hear who it was, but Jake's tone told him it had to be his girlfriend, Melanie. They'd been together just under two years. Mitch liked her. She was a lot better than Jake's previous girlfriend, who had treated him badly and then cheated on him, saying that he'd driven her to it.

    Hey, babe. What's up? he raised a hand, halting Mitch mid-stride before he got too far ahead. Mitch mouthed, Come on, while pointing at his watch, silently willing him to hurry on the phone. He didn't want to wait even a second for his brother to finish his call. Annoyed at his younger brother's brusqueness, Jake stiffly raised his hand, palm facing Mitch, fingers spread, letting him know to give him five minutes.

    Frustrated, Mitch allowed his hands to drop by his sides, his shoulders slumping. The muffled clap from his palms hit his thighs, barely making it as far as his brother. Mitch could make out a few more distorted words from the other end of the line before he started pacing back and forth.

    No, I'm not doing anything special. I'm just going to the costume shop on London Road with Mitch. Yeah, he needs to pick up his costume for the party tonight, he answered into the mouthpiece. Yet more distorted words: Yeah, that's cool, babe. You want to meet us in the town near where we get off?

    After a few more garbled and disjointed words, Jake hung up the phone and returned it to his pocket. Turning back to face his younger sibling, he casually walked up to him and overtook him without saying a word. Mitch just looked at him, dumbstruck. After a second, Jake realised he was standing there and turned to face him.

    Well? Are you coming or what? His voice was slightly annoyed. You did want to get out early to get your costume after all.

    Yes, I did; it was me who told you I did. Maybe if you hadn't been out on the piss last night, I wouldn't need to keep reminding you, he scolded as he caught up to him, and they both began walking to the bus stop, So, I'm assuming that was Melanie. What did she want?" Whenever Jake hears Mitch talk about Melanie, he thinks he can sense jealousy in his voice, but it is just caution. Even though they'd been together as long as they had, and though it went against the laws of siblings, Mitch always kept an eye out for his older brother. He'd seen how badly hurt he'd been before and swore it wouldn't happen again, not on his watch.

    Yeah, she wants to meet us in town and visit the costume shop. I think she needs some make-up from there to finish off her outfit for tonight, he answered, his eyebrows raising slightly. That's not a problem, is it?"

    No, of course, it's not, Mitch replied calmly, shaking his head.

    And with that, they continued onto the bus stop. They had to wait ten minutes before the bus turned up, and in the time it took for it to arrive, Mitch had looked at his watch twice. The lower deck of the double-decker was almost empty, which didn't surprise Mitch due to the time or the day. They sat at the back of the bus, each playing on their phones, not talking.

    The trip to town took about fifteen minutes, with the bus stopping at four separate stops to pick up five more passengers. By the time they pulled up at the bus stop where they were getting off, Melanie was standing waiting for them. With her was a girl that Mitch had never seen before. She hadn't said anything about coming with someone, especially her red-haired friend, but he was glad she had come. He had quite the thing for redheads.

    When the bus finally came to a complete stop, Jake and Mitch rose as one and made their way to the doors. Getting off the bus, they walked up to Melanie and her as-yet-unknown friend. Jake and Melanie exchanged smiles and kissed. It lingered longer than Mitch was comfortable, and he nervously smiled at the redhead. She returned the smile. He sensed she was as uncomfortable as he was because she was idly fiddling with a necklace. There was a strange-looking symbol hanging from it.

    Finally realising there was an awkward silence between them, Melanie pulled away from Jake and smiled at Mitch. Remembering her friend beside her, she turned slightly and introduced herself. Jake, Mitch, this is my cousin Jennifer. Jen, this is my boyfriend Jake and his younger brother Mitch. She's come up from Birmingham for a week.

    Nice to meet you, Jen. Don't mind if I call you Jen, do you? Jake asked her, glimpsing Mitch smiling at her from the corner of his eye. He knew that Mitch liked redheads, too.

    No, it's cool. I don't mind, she answered, shaking her head, her red hair swishing back and forth.

    Warmth and colour coalesced on Mitch's cheeks as he stood nervously, blushing. Raising a hand, he said, Hi, and smiled.

    She returned the greeting and smiled. There was another awkward silence before Jake finally broke it by reminding Mitch of the time. They had to get going if he wanted to go to the costume shop before they sold out. As if awakening from a sweet dream, he just agreed with him, and they, as one, turned and headed off toward the shop. It took them all of fifteen minutes to get there. In all that time, Mitch and Jennifer walked silently, unsure what to say to her.

    As they neared the shop, Mitch suddenly felt watched. He didn't know by whom or why, but the feeling was there. A cold chill caused the hairs on his neck to rise slowly. The rays from the early morning sun were ineffective in preventing the goose bumps from appearing on his arms. He looked around him, thinking he might see whoever was watching them.

    There was no one around, though.

    Mitch was a little ahead of the small group and decided to sneak a peek through the plate glass window. He wanted to see if there were many people inside. However, the glass was too dark for him to make anything out, and the bright sunlight glinted off it. He was just about to turn to the door when he caught sight of someone watching him from across the street. Mitch couldn't recognise who it was, though. The mysterious watcher wore what appeared to be a jester's outfit. Even though the colours looked dull and dirty, he could make out that the costume and the headpiece were both black and orange but reversed on either side.

    The top half of the watcher's face was ghostly white with a deep blue and bright yellow intricate design painted around each eye. Its chin, elongated to twice its size, was also white. Its mouth was curved up into a malicious mockery of a grin. The jawline surrounding the gaping maw of misshapen, jagged teeth was a lighter shade of earth-coloured brown. That wasn't what caused fear to fill his veins; it was Halloween, after all; it was how it waved at him.

    He spun on the spot, hoping to catch which way the person walked after his little prank. Unfortunately, he wasn't quick enough. Looking in both directions, he couldn't see any sign of the mysterious jester. There wasn't a single person wearing any costumes. Jake was reaching for the door handle when his younger brother urgently tapped him on the shoulder, Hey Jake, you didn't see the jester waving at us from across the street, did you? he asked, a little shaken by the sight.

    No, I didn't. Why? Was it a friend of yours? he asked him in return.

    I don't know. He was wearing a jester's costume and mask, Mitch answered.

    Well, it's Halloween, so it's not exactly weird that he's wearing a costume, Jake reminded him.

    Yeah, I guess so, Mitch reluctantly admitted.

    Speaking of costumes. Are we going in or what? he asked, nodding at the shop.

    Yeah, course, he replied.

    Putting it out of his mind, he returned to the shop. Opening the shop door, a little bell hanging above it tingled, alerting the proprietor to their presence. Mitch saw at least four other people in the shop. Guess I'm not the only one with last-minute plans, Mitch thought.

    He broke off and searched for the perfect costume for that night's party. He had no specific idea of what he was going to go as, so he didn't want to waste any time helping anyone else find what they wanted first. The rest of the group went straight to the make-up counter. Along with the make-up, underneath the glass counter were different-coloured contact lenses. Two turn-style shelves containing necklaces and earrings were situated next to it.

    It didn't take Melanie long to find exactly what she needed to finish her costume, so they decided to help Jennifer look for something after she paid for it. Technically, she hadn't been invited, but even Melanie had seen the look on Mitch's face when he first saw her. In no time at all, they'd found a costume for her. She would go as a zombie cheerleader, and Melanie offered to do her make-up.

    When they paid for Jennifer's costume, they roamed the shop aisles looking for Mitch. They eventually found him down the mask aisle. He held a creepy, blood-stained clown mask in his left hand and a grey-haired werewolf's mask in his right. He was fully engrossed in his decision-making. Jake slapped him on the shoulder, making him jump and getting his full attention.

    Have you got what you came for, or what? he jokingly asked, glancing at the two separate masks.

    Huh? What? Er, no. Well, I don't know, he nervously stammered when he noticed Jennifer standing with them, I don't know if I should go as a werewolf or a scary clown.

    I'd go as the scary clown. Everyone hates clowns, Jennifer commented. Mitch couldn't help but think how her voice sounded like music to his ears—sweet, mellow, chilled music, not the loud, crass, rave music that was all the rage nowadays. I love clowns, but I know many people who hate them.

    Hideous ones like that."

    That was it, then. Mitch immediately put the wolf mask back and went off to pick up a clown's outfit to go with it. After paying for everything, they left the shop and decided to get some food from a local takeaway. They went to the chip shop. Melanie and Jake halved a kebab while Mitch and Jennifer shared a bag of chips.

    After eating, they spent the next few hours walking around the shops and window shopping. Mitch eventually got over his shyness and started talking to Jennifer. They had a few things in common. They both enjoyed movies and going to the cinema. Neither of them drank or smoked either, which pleased Mitch. Both of his parents smoked, and it wasn't a delightful smell to be around.

    Right, well we'd better get going then, Jen, Melanie said, looking at the time on her phone, We've got a lot of work to do to get our make-up done tonight.

    That's cool, babe. Are you going to meet us later, and we'll go to the party together? asked Jake, looking at each of the two girls.

    They looked at each other and nodded, Yeah, OK, babe. We'll come to yours at about half seven?

    You are going to be ready by then, aren't you? he asked Mitch, smirking at him.

    Haha, yeah, very funny. Yeah, I'll be more than ready by then, Mitch returned sarcastically.

    Right, well, we'll see you later then. Love you, babe, Jake leaned in and kissed Melanie. He lingered a little longer, bringing back the awkward silence.

    OK, well, thankfully, that was a little less awkward than the last time. Cheers, joked Mitch, Anyway, see you later.

    With a single wave of his hand, he turned and walked off, heading towards the bus stop. Jake had to jog to catch up with him. The bus was already parked at the stop, waiting expectantly for any passengers to climb aboard. It was much more crowded on the return journey home, so they had to sit near the front. Five minutes into their return home, Jake turned slightly to half look at Mitch.

    Come on then. What did you think? he quizzed, flashing a cheeky half-grin.

    Yeah, I love my costume. Cheers for coming with me, he answered sarcastically, returning the smirk.

    Don't be a dick, you dick. You know what I mean, or should I say who I mean, Jake replied.

    I know, I know, Mitch sniggered. Yeah, she's lovely. I started talking to her, and we have much in common."

    He stopped talking when he saw the cheeky grin blossom into a full Cheshire cat-type smile on his brother's face. A light bulb went off when he realised what had happened. A surprised look flashed over his face for

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