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Suzella and the Great Treasure
Suzella and the Great Treasure
Suzella and the Great Treasure
Ebook140 pages1 hour

Suzella and the Great Treasure

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Suzella rode through the Great Forest, lost in thought. Her father’s words still rang in her ears, “Ah! But what a challenge! To find and claim the Great Treasure for the good of our entire kingdom!”

I should probably make some plans. How does a warrior princess go about locating the Great Treasure? she wondered. Why has no one returned from seeking the Treasure? And what of the dragon? How does one get rid of a dragon?

As she pondered these questions, she was unaware of the great danger which lay just ahead of her. Nothing would turn out as she had planned, and she would end up thanking God that it didn’t. Suzella’s great adventure will be filled with danger, surprises, forgiveness, reconciliation, and unconditional love.

Release dateApr 17, 2024
Suzella and the Great Treasure

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    Suzella and the Great Treasure - Pamella Vicalvi


    Suzella and the Great Treasure

    Pamella Vicalvi

    ISBN 979-8-88832-683-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88832-684-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Pamella Vicalvi

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    About the Author


    Flying was his only joy. The dragon looked down at the countryside, which passed below him. Instead of his usual flight over the mountains and valleys, he had chosen to follow the river and soared over the farmlands and villages past the Great Forest. Everything was in tiny, miniature form. Yet his keen eyes saw everything. Below, he spotted several cattle which had not been gathered with their herd into the barn. Ah! He would eat well tonight!

    The moon glistened off the metallic-like scales, which covered him from nose to tail. He glowed brightly from the fire which always burned deep inside him. Flying in the dark of night accentuated his brilliance. Surely, he must look like a star streaking across the night sky to those below who might glance up. He was powerful! Invulnerable! Invincible! All living creatures feared him. No one could stand against him.

    From his vantage place so high above the earth, he could see kingdoms with their tall, strong castles. The towns were tucked close by for protection from an invading enemy. Little did they know that a danger greater than any army was watching them as they slept. Maybe someday…

    Soon, he saw a kingdom with the castle high on a hill. The fire inside him began to burn more brightly. The dragon suddenly felt as if he were going to explode. Not that kingdom! It was too dangerous even for this powerful dragon. He was strong! Powerful! But maybe not invulnerable. Not here. He quickly turned and flew away. Back to a meal of stolen cattle, then on to his own castle. His own kingdom that was deserted, empty, and where he was utterly and completely alone.

    That night, he remembered. He remembered it all. Ten long years earlier.

    Chapter 1

    She is so beautiful, whispered King Peter as he slipped his arm around Queen Sophia's quivering shoulders. They had said good night to Princess Suzella and sung her song to her as they had done every night for the last five years.

    As rain falls gentle through the trees

    And to the river's flow

    So you, my child, flow now to sleep

    And to the future grow

    You're the rain, grow gardens green and bright

    You were brave today, now sleep tonight

    Your triumph comes gentle on the breeze

    And when? Only the future knows

    Yet, tonight was different. Though they smiled, laughed at the young princess's somersaults and bounces on the fluffy rug, hugged her and tucked her into her warm, snuggly bed, there was a great sadness in their hearts. They kissed her soft cheek and brushed her dark curly hair out of her flashing gray eyes. As they watched their daughter fall asleep, the queen's body began to shudder with grief.

    How can we protect her? Keep her safe? sobbed the queen.

    The king, a grim look on his face, said, We will have to teach her. When we are gone, she will have the responsibility of ruling our kingdom against all its enemies. We must train her to become a warrior, to lead the knights to protect our land, and to rule her subjects with wisdom and strength. She must be prepared to face any problem or enemy.

    But, the queen added quickly and firmly, we cannot act out of fear. We must not neglect to help her develop her God-given gifts of gentleness and caring, song and laughter, and her keen intuition, which will protect her from danger, especially against him. Can we do all of that? The queen continued, gently shaking her head, Can she become gentle and strong, caring and a warrior, a leader and a listener? Can we lay all of that responsibility on her tiny shoulders?

    We have to, the king replied, his jaw set with great determination. We have no other choice.

    Tears fell from the queen's eyes. Yes, she sighed. She is our only hope.


    The next morning, Suzella awoke before the sun began to creep over the hills and into her window. She reached for her best friends, Lord Christopher and Lady Catherine, put one under each arm and slipped out from under the soft blanket. All three of them bounced joyfully down the short corridor to the queen's sitting room where her mother sat, eating toast and jelly.

    Would Lord Christopher and Lady Catherine like to have some eggs this morning for breakfast? Or would they prefer a bowl of porridge? questioned Miss Bertha as she sat the two dolls in their little chairs around Princess Suzella's special table.

    I think that they would like porridge with brown sugar and berries, said the princess thoughtfully. Baby Eva will have some milk, and I will have a chocolate bar! Her eyes danced mischievously as she glanced sideways at the jolly servant.

    Miss Bertha picked up Baby Eva who had fallen under the table during last night's evening snack and placed her between the other two dolls in an old doll high chair.

    The queen grinned as she finished the last of her toast. That was a cleaver try, Suzella, she said.

    Suzella sighed slightly as Miss Bertha returned with a steaming bowl of porridge and a cold mug of milk for the hungry princess. She ate it quickly, not forgetting to share some with the sweet trio sitting next to her. Then she wiped their faces, washed her hands, and turned to snuggle for a moment in her mother's arms.

    Queen Sophia brought the young princess outside, on to her veranda in the mornings so they could watch the sky turn from a dark gray to the exploding brilliant colors of the sunrise. The castle sat high on a hill, which gave the queen full view of the town and villages that made up their kingdom of Havenworth. She gazed on the cottages, houses, and shops surrounded by vast fields and pastures with crops and livestock, which fed the people who lived in their realm. The queen loved Havenworth and was glad that this was her home. It was a safe place to raise a family. At least it had been.

    This morning, Suzella listened to the birds during their early morning concert and chased butterflies as they flitted from flower to flower. One butterfly landed on the large fountain in the middle of the garden. The princess's attention turned to the fish swimming in the pool. As the sun reflected on the scales of the fish, she exclaimed, Oh, Mommy! See how the fishies sparkle!

    In a moment, Queen Sophia heard a loud splash and ran to the fountain in time to see a soggy princess pop her head up over the side. She had a grin on her face and a tiny fish flopping in her little fist.

    Go back to your mommy and daddy, little fishie, whispered the kind princess. I'll come swim with you another day. She slipped her hand gently into the water and let the fish swim away. The queen grinned to herself as she helped her own little fishie out of the pond and danced with her in the garden until the sun had dried her clothes.

    Chapter 2

    One morning, while the queen and Suzella were taking their morning walk in the garden, Suzella noticed a mound of brown fur under one of the trees on the edge of the garden.

    Stay back here, warned her mother. Cautiously, the queen drew closer to the tree and saw a tail wag weakly as she approached.

    It's a dog! cried Suzella and bounded past her mother, ignoring the queen's cry of protest. A dirty head slowly raised at the princess's gentle touch, and the dog began to lick Suzella's hand. Oh, Mommy! Can we keep him? He just needs a good bath and some food.

    As the queen examined the friendly mass of dirt and leaves, she noticed a deep gash in his right leg. He has been wounded and has not been able to find food for himself, explained the queen. He is very weak. Suzella, please go get a bucket of water, some soap, and a long strip of cloth. We will see if he will let us bandage his leg. Then ask one of the servants to bring some food and water for him. Maybe we can save him.

    The little princess dashed off and quickly returned with the required supplies. Soon, the dirty pile of fur

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