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Human re-evolution in the last days
Human re-evolution in the last days
Human re-evolution in the last days
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Human re-evolution in the last days

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A meteor lands on Antarctica, causing the entire continent to collapse.

Rising sea levels and frequent tsunamis and earthquakes have revived the thousands of viruses that had gathered dust on the Antarctic continent and spread to every corner of the globe.

PublisherSara Jackson
Release dateApr 1, 2024
Human re-evolution in the last days

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    Book preview

    Human re-evolution in the last days - Sara Jackson

    Chapter One Escape

    'It really wasn't a dream! Louie Bird woke up from his dream again, sweating profusely, and went to the bathroom.

    Outside the window, the sound of zombies howling and beating doors and Windows can still be heard.

    It's the fourth day of the zombie crisis, and the electricity and water have been cut off for three days, and cell phone service has been completely cut off since the crisis began.

    Louie Bird carefully wiped the cut on his arm. There was a very clear tooth mark on the cut. It was so bloody that it almost broke the bone of his hand, and now it has recovered much of it.

    This is a zombie bite!

    'Alas! He sighed.

    He does not know why he did not become a zombie, although there are some speculations, but there is no conclusive evidence, it is a meaningless fantasy. But if he doesn't act, he's gonna be a real corpse. After all, his drinking water and food, are not much, water is his first indirect after the outbreak of the end times, after finding that the phone can not get through, he took out all the containers in the house to hold water, but after a few days of consumption, there is not much left, at most two or three days, he will be no water available.

    And food, there's only a day's supply! Today, he must go out once, rather than stay in the house completely waiting to die, slowly starving to death. Might as well eat a full meal while there is still food, so as to have the strength to escape!

    Louie Bird takes out all the food on the table and turns on his phone as he eats, something he has done every day since the crisis began.

    Sure enough, there's still no signal. He glanced at the electricity, because it had been turned off, it was still sufficient, more than 70 percent.

    And this, is also one of the reasons he decided to go out, he has never been a person who likes to wait for death in silence, since the determination that the biological crisis is not a hoax, he has done a lot of preparation and testing, and today, is the best time he calculated in theory!

    After eating his meal slowly, he began to follow the action plan he had devised before.

    Follow hope, follow light! I am the sun that never sets...... At this time, the mobile phone is being firmly hung by a rope from the window.

    The volume of the phone was turned to maximum, like breaking a glass bottle in a quiet room, and countless zombies gathered over. Zombie hearing is very sensitive, almost as long as there is a sound, within a hundred meters of the zombie will gather. Secondly, the zombie's sense of smell, although not as terrible as hearing, is far more than ordinary people, 30 to 50 meters in the range, it is easy to smell human.

    Louie Bird lives in a rental house on the third floor, which is the closest building to the entrance of the community, which is also a lucky place for him.

    At this time, he was ready to stand at the door of the house, open the door at any time to go out, the back of the building was attracted by the sound of mobile phones more zombies, even the two or three of the door constantly wandering, but also like a past plan.

    But that's impossible, because sound, while appealing to zombies, isn't nearly as appealing as the human touch.

    With a hammer in his hand, Louie Bird counted down silently in his heart.





    He did not hesitate to open the security door, but the foot is a step back, and then both hands with the hammer hard body strength to hit the front!


    This hammer hit exceptionally strong, is the hardest human skull, also smashed under this hammer, in front of the body of the petite zombie finally crouched, this zombie is left on his arm teeth marks the one.

    After killing a zombie, Louie Bird did not have a trace of excitement, because the second zombie has arrived in front of him, he crouched down without hesitation, picked up a sharpened steel bar on the ground, aimed at the zombie's neck, and stabbed it up from the lower jaw!


    Although this bucket did not kill the zombie completely as killed the first zombie, but also let him lose the ability to act! Because even zombies use human bodies, and the cerebellum and nerve center are pierced, they will inevitably lose their ability to act.

    Solving two zombies in a row, even with Louie Bird's calm character, is a relief.

    However, it is only a loose, after all, the plan has only completed the first step, and the later will be more dangerous.

    Louie Bird almost without any hesitation, quickly ran downstairs, with the momentum of downstairs, he directly knocked open the remaining several zombies in the corridor, and his body has a few scratches, especially on the face, even if he did not look, but the whole left side of the face is hot, it seems almost to be broken.

    Rushed out of the corridor, countless zombies are gathered over, Louie Bird dare not have the slightest distraction, straight to the door of the community.

    Louie Bird's eyes turned red when he saw countless zombies crowding around, but he still underestimated the ability of zombies to act! At this rate, he is bound to be surrounded by zombies, and then piece by piece, and then eat.

    I don't agree! I don't want to die... His eyes were red, and suddenly he accelerated again, using the biggest strength he had ever used in his life, knocked open several zombies gathered around the door of the community, and then he made a flying leap with one hand and a blocking gear, leaping out more than one meter high and landing steadily!

    20 meters to go! 20 seconds to reach his intended target!

    It was a loading truck. Louie Bird rented a large supermarket warehouse on the outskirts of the city, next door to the community. This truck is here to make a delivery, and the doors are wide open. And at the door of the car, the owner of the truck has already become a zombie, and at this time is lunging over with a bloody mouth!

    This time Louie Bird did not run directly, but chose to run around the truck, and the several zombies who were near the truck followed him.


    Louie Bird quickly locked the door, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then his head suddenly black, fainted.

    Louie Bird slowly regained consciousness, and then quickly observed the environment around him. He was still intact in the car, while there were only two or three zombies wandering around unconsciously outside the car. Louie Bird knew that his judgment was not wrong, and he also bet right!

    What a fluke. Louie Bird said with a wry smile that after the outbreak of the zombie crisis, he quickly recognized the reality, and through several days of careful observation and testing, he was able to escape temporarily. The action ability of the zombie is further declining, which is also the most important reason for his escape. At the beginning of the biochemical crisis, the action ability of the zombie at that time was very strong. Although it was still a human body, the agility and strength that broke out were almost not what normal people could resist.

    In the first three days, from time to time, some survivors tried to rush out, but they undoubtedly failed and became food in the mouth of the zombies, because at that time, the zombies were the freshest bodies remained intact, and they were not in a hungry state, and their volume was sufficient. The stronger the zombie's mobility, the more it consumes physical energy. Because of the scarcity of food, the zombie's physical energy is increasingly reduced, and its mobility naturally decreases a lot.

    Looking at the sky outside, I don't think I've been unconscious for long.

    It was time to leave, Louie Bird told herself. Although he knew that there should be many survivors nearby, but this is the last days ah, he does not have the power to save others, at least - he does not now.

    There will be! Louie Bird looked at the bruises on her arm and said with extraordinary determination.

    There, it looks like it was bitten ten days ago! His physical recovery is now at least five times faster than before the end of the world!

    And he's totally immune to the zombie virus!

    Chapter 2 Fighting the Zombie Dogs

    Louie Bird quickly calmed down and started the truck.

    He could drive, but he didn't drive a big truck, but it didn't matter, as long as he could turn and stop. As for the good or not, it doesn't matter, because no one will be entangled with you at this time what does not crash.

    The zombies around had already stopped, but after hearing the sound of the vehicle starting, they quickly gathered up.


    The truck suddenly accelerated and rushed out, under the collision of more than ten tons of trucks, the zombie appeared to be a little insignificant, and the zombie in front of the car was not knocked out, or was involved under the wheel, and then almost broke bones!

    Louie Bird drove all the way away, here is a suburb, the economy of Shangyang City is not developed, at most is a third-tier city, so there are not many vehicles along the way, and occasionally some cars are opened by his car roof, he did not dare to hit, because the truck is his only attachment barrier.

    But even so, the front part has become devastated, the vehicle drove for more than half an hour, stopped outside a yellow countryside, and the zombies behind them have long been left without trace, and the zombies with human bodies are impossible to catch up with the car.

    Louie Bird did not hurry to get off, but first rummaged in the cab, generally speaking, the driver of such a large truck, will carry weapons, self-defense weapons, baseball bats, knives, iron bars are possible.

    Louie Bird rummaged for a while and finally found it behind the seat, but to his surprise, the tool the truck driver was carrying was an engineer shovel!

    Looks like a military fan! Louie Bird, before the end of the world, is also half a military fan, and knows a little about the famous Chinese engineer shovel.

    The function of Chinese engineer shovel is very wide, whether it is fighting or survival, it is very strong. Of course, in addition to the sappers shovel, he found a few other things, such as lighters, gloves, tea and even a toolbox, but other than the lighter, the other things seem to have no use for the moment.

    After a little inspection of the shovel, he decided to get out and check out the van to see what it was carrying.

    Louie Bird carefully observed that there were no other cars or buildings within a radius of several hundred meters, and that there were no cars or buildings around the car body, although he had looked carefully through the rear-view mirror, but to be safe, he threw a glass bottle out first.


    The glass bottle broke, Louie Bird held his breath to watch, for two minutes, still no zombie appeared, he breathed a sigh of relief, armed with a shovel out of the car.

    The car was covered with thick canvas, so he still didn't know what was in it.

    After getting out of the car, he first backed away for a few steps, and then slowly circled the car, and looked at the bottom of the car, except for some bits of flesh and blood, there was no living things. Then he reached the back of the car and began to lift the canvas.


    At this moment, Louie Bird felt very bad, suddenly flying out of the canvas of a black shadow, is unusually agile.


    Louie Bird could not help Shouting, and though he sensed something was wrong, he only had time to turn his head, barely avoiding the vital point, and the shoulder was bitten by the thing!

    It's a dog! No! A zombie dog, to be exact!

    The scarlet eyes were full of desire, it longed to eat the fat meat in front of it, and it had just woken up, unusually hungry! Unlike humans, animals are also infected with the virus, but they sleep longer than humans!

    Unlike in the movie, this zombie dog is horribly thin, but its explosive power is surprisingly amazing.

    Louie Bird was thrown to the ground, a chunk of flesh was torn off his shoulder, and Louie Bird kicked the past with a painful kick, and the lean zombie dog was immediately kicked out several meters. This foot makes Louie Bird believe that if it is a person to bear, this foot even if not broken ribs, but also can kick the other party's internal organs, even before the end of the medium dog, is almost to lose most of the movement.

    Unfortunately, it is not a human, nor a dog, but a real zombie dog, a zombie virus has been transformed for several days, and has just woken up! No sooner had it touched the ground than it quickly steadied itself and pounced once more.

    Louie Bird ignored her injuries and held her injured left arm in front of her.

    The zombie dog bites the human arm again, and this time it doesn't just want a piece of meat, it wants to actually kill the human in front of it.

    Louie Bird's eyes were red, and he could not stop trying hard. He took the engineer shovel in his right hand and used all his strength to smash the zombie's head in the past!

    What a terrible defense force, the open engineer shovel, actually only cut through the fur of the zombie dog, oozing a small amount of blood, and the skull was only a few millimeters!

    The zombie dog eats pain, but it has no intention of loosening its mouth and stepping back, it wants to tear the human in front of it directly!

    Too late to think, Louie Bird waved his right arm twice in a row, and accurately cut the eyes of the zombie dog!


    The dog finally loosens its grip and withdraws a few meters away with a torn piece of fresh meat, but does not run away. Zombie dogs have much better eyes than zombies, but zombie dogs rely more on smell than eyes! Even if there is no eyes, it will not let go of the food in front of it, just completed the evolution of it, in urgent need of such delicious food!

    Louie Bird also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly stand up, he also stared at each other, this time must not run away, otherwise the zombie dog from behind to attack, that is the real death, with the zombie dog bite force, only afraid to bite their own neck, it will not take much effort!

    The stand-off between man and beast lasted less than half a second before it was broken.

    The zombie dog once again howled and pounced, and Louie Bird did not want to be outdone with a roar, and quickly rushed forward with a spur!


    Zombie dog was kicked out in the air, zombie dog strength is great, agility is not low, but its body weight is very light, before the mutation is at most a medium-sized dog, dozens of pounds, and the mutation consumes a lot of weight, even now the copper head iron bone.

    Dozens of times in a row, Louie Bird again and again to the zombie dog, and then smashed to the ground.

    In the beginning, the zombie dog still wants to turn around and bite people in the air, and in the back, there is only constant whining.

    Louie Bird, exhausted, fell to the ground. He tried to see if the zombie dog was dead, but found him lying on the ground, his body shaking, trying to stand up, and the fierce light in his eyes getting more and more.....

    Are you going to die here? The other person is obviously still recovering, and he is exhausted and about to fall into a coma.

    Louie Bird, half asleep and half awake, vaguely heard the sound of the car, he smiled bitterly, he has begun to hallucinate? Or have you already fallen asleep?

    Snap! Paaaah! Snap!

    Three gunshots later, two footsteps slowly approached.

    Hey! I said, that man is already dead, and you are wasting your bullets to save him!

    Who says dead? Didn't you see his chest moving?

    Damn it! Women are women, like to argue with reason, even if he is still alive, he is doomed to become a zombie, you see he is covered in blood, do not know how many bites......

    Shut up! You're the one who talks so much, you get bit and you turn into a zombie? Then I'll bite you right now! Watch you become a zombie!

    Wrong, wrong, wrong, sister! Leave me alone!

    Huh? Sis? How dare you call me sis? Do you think I'm old? Huh? Is the boy looking for death?

    Me! ...

    You what? Here you go. Get him in the car. Make sure you buckle both hands. If the body changes, shoot him! I'll see what's in the car in front of me.

    If I want to clean up, just say it, find so many excuses......

    Chapter Three: Survivors and Breakouts

    Louie Bird's mind is full of chaos, both pre - and post-apocalyptic,

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