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Daughters of the Warlock
Daughters of the Warlock
Daughters of the Warlock
Ebook1,953 pages30 hours

Daughters of the Warlock

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'Charmed' meets 'Shadow Hunters' in this fast paced, exciting paranormal fantasy series that will keep you hooked to the very end. The whole Daughters of the Warlock series is here!!! 


Boxset includes:



- Loving the High Warlock.


Ava's trilogy:

- Sister's of Magic

- Hiding from the Council

- Heir of the High Warlock


Bella's trilogy:

- Hidden Sister

- Forbidden Love

- Arcane Magic


Courtney's trilogy:

- Crown of the Witch  

- Throne of the Council

- Kingdom of Equality


Closed door love scenes- Clean Paranormal Fantasy- action and adventure and romance.

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Daughters of the Warlock

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    Book preview

    Daughters of the Warlock - Maggie Shaw

    The daughters of the warlock

    The daughters of the warlock


    BOOKS 1- 9 + PREQUEL.


    Copyright © 2024 by Maggie Shaw

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    Loving the High Warlock

    1. Genevieve Melfi

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15


    Sisters of Magic

    1. Ava

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Hiding from the Council

    1. Ava

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Heir of the High Warlock

    1. Ava

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21


    Hidden Sister

    1. Bella

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Forbidden Love

    1. Bella

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Arcane Magic

    1. Bella

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19


    Crown of the Witch

    1. Courtney

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Throne of the Council

    1. Courtney

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Kingdom of Equality

    1. Courtney

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    13. Genevieve

    14. Ava

    15. Bella

    16. Courtney

    A note from the author

    Loving the High Warlock


    Chapter 1

    Genevieve Melfi

    Set 22 years before Book 1- Sisters of Magic.

    The last person I wanted to see when I walked down Seventeenth Street was Matlock Adenolfi. Nearly tripping and falling when my legs stopped working, I’d always known how powerful Matlock was, but this reaction was new. My traitorous body froze at the sight of his tall, muscular physique.

    Damn it, I adored that man.

    I forced my legs to move before he saw me, stepping around a thick oak tree planted neatly in a break on the sidewalk to give the streets more of a suburban feel. The trees adapted well, though they weren’t fans of being uprooted and deposited in the middle of an urban area just to get some green splashing against the steel-grey.

    The magic realm was advancing both in population growth and technology, which meant buildings were starting to get taller, architecture was getting sleeker, and individuality was falling by the wayside. The trees were there to remind us of our roots, so to speak.

    But regardless of why the tree was planted there, I was glad to have a place to hide. Hopefully, he hadn’t seen me. I might have made a spectacle of myself bolting behind the tree, but aside from an elderly couple who sneered at me, I don’t think anyone else noticed.

    Genevieve? Matlock’s voice called out to me.

    Of course, he found me.

    Why was I not surprised? It would seem the goddess was not smiling at me today, probably because I’d missed the last few Sundays of Morning Ritual.

    Oh, well.

    Religion was on its way out anyway.

    I cleared my throat and stepped out from behind the tree, glancing at the ground as though I’d lost something…other than my mind, of course.

    You looking for something?

    Crap. That wasn’t Matlock’s voice.

    I glanced up and finally saw that Matlock was with someone, an older man in his early forties with short brown hair combed to the side. He was one of the Council members.

    My heart thudded against my chest and my palms started to sweat. I didn’t like being nervous, but the Council always sparked that reaction in me. They made me feel like I’d done something wrong even though I hadn’t.

    At least, I didn’t think I had. You never knew with the Council. They changed laws at the drop of a hat. I could have committed a supposed crime by just speaking to Matlock.

    Just m-my earring, I managed to say.

    I forced my eyes to focus on the cement, even though I knew I wasn’t going to find anything. Hopefully, neither of them would notice my hands shaking. Although, if they did, I’d blame it on the cold, since I was only in a light summer dress with no sleeves, made of thin, worn material. It was still September, but fall was fast approaching. A chill lingered in the air even after the sun burned the morning dew away.

    You mean the one right here? Without warning, Matlock stepped closer to me, brushed my long, blonde hair back and tugged gently on my earlobe.

    If my skin could sizzle, it would have.

    I didn’t want to react to Matlock, to his touch. It brought back memories that I desperately wanted to forget. Memories of us together, sneaking off. Talking for hours on end. Stolen glances. Swollen lips.

    In that single touch, the emotions came flooding back, and they were too much for me.

    I flinched, trying to ignore the way my skin clawed at me to get closer to him. I suddenly wasn’t capable of breathing, which, at twenty-one years old, was much more dramatic than I would like to think myself capable of. But Matlock made me feel things I’d never felt before. He always had.

    Oh, right, I forced myself to say. Thanks.

    Matlock narrowed his eyes. He could tell I was faking all this, which annoyed me. We hadn’t seen each other in months yet somehow, he still knew me.

    Damn it. I needed to do a better job of masking my emotions. They’d be my downfall, especially if said emotions were inspired by Matlock himself.

    I guess I was just confused. I curled my hair behind my ear, trying to conceal the way my fingers shook. I didn’t want him to notice that he still had a profound effect on me.

    Matlock’s deep brown eyes lingered on me much longer than was comfortable.

    It was like he could read my thoughts. I often wondered if that was one of his magical abilities. Granted, I had never heard of someone having that ability before, but anything was possible. Some magic was kept a secret.


    The voice behind him broke through our awkward tension. I was grateful for it, even though I didn’t like the guy who was interrupting.

    Graham Hollow. Twice Matlock’s age and a junior Council member.

    Ah, Graham. Matlock laid on the charm, flashing a smile. How easy it was for him to switch over to High Warlock mode.

    I wanted to scream at him. To demand to know if any of our love had been real, but I kept my burning thoughts to myself.

    He gestured to me. This is an old school friend, Genevieve Melfi. Genevieve, this is my colleague, Graham Hollow.

    I knew exactly who he was, and the last thing I wanted was to be introduced to the man. But I couldn’t let either of them know that, so I forced myself to stick out my hand and plastered a cheery smile on my face that I definitely didn’t feel.

    Nice to meet you, Mr. Hollow.

    Graham glanced at my hand before looking at me. The expression on his face didn’t falter, as though he were some kind of marble statue with a perpetual sneer of disgust. He shifted his eyes over to Matlock, his expression unchanged. He seemed to be telling Matlock that he would rather swallow fire than touch me, which was fine by me.

    The sun was already beginning to set, the blue sky sprinkled with darkness. In less than an hour, the sky would be ink-black, speckled with sparkling stars and a waning moon slowly fading to darkness itself.

    I wanted to go home. My father would probably be working late. We weren’t exactly the wealthiest family here, so if he could take extra shifts, he did, even if it meant working consecutive sixteen-hour days. Sometimes we didn’t see each other for a week.

    My mother died in a magical accident at her job when I was young, so it had always just been my dad and me.

    Matlock, Graham said in a low voice. We really must be moving along. They’re expecting us.

    Matlock looked back at me. I arched a brow at him, surprised. It almost seemed like he cared about my thoughts on the situation, as though he didn’t want to leave.

    But that couldn’t be. Matlock had made it clear when he broke things off between us that his priority was the Council. His future. He’d said he had no choice, but it was obvious he did—and he’d made it.

    I couldn’t even be upset with him because he was going to be the most powerful and renowned warlock in all the realms.

    The High Warlock.

    Who would choose to give all that up just to follow his heart?

    Go on, Graham, Matlock said, though his dark eyes stayed fixed on me. I’ll be there in a bit.

    Matlock, need I remind you they are expecting you? Graham demanded. "The Council is waiting on our arrival, and if you’re late… if we’re late⁠—"

    "I said. Matlock finally ripped his eyes away from mine so he could glare at the other warlock. You go on ahead. I will be there momentarily, Graham."

    There was something in his tone I’d never heard before. A strength and a warning. A shiver crawled down my spine. I’d never expected Matlock’s voice could be so cold.

    Instead of listening, Graham stayed where he was. We cannot be late, Matlock, he said, his voice hard and unflinching. You know the consequences. Especially if they find out the reason for your tardiness is⁠—

    They won’t learn the reason for my tardiness because you won’t tell them.

    Matlock was making a play I didn’t understand.

    Do you understand, Graham?

    The Council gremlin clenched his teeth together so hard they cracked. You know, he said, each word clipped, just because you’ll be High Warlock someday doesn’t mean you are now. Might I remind you that your affections have been spoken for already?

    My jaw dropped at the exchange. Their conversation was like a match of wills, one battling the other for supremacy.

    If you’re referring to my engagement, then say as much, Matlock snapped. My affections have nothing to do with the person I’m forced to marry.


    I caution you regarding to whom you speak about such things, Graham said, his gaze sliding over to me for a long moment before returning to Matlock. I don’t think I need to remind you that words have consequences. We are magic, after all. Slip up and say the wrong thing, and there may be grave consequences.

    Even I wanted to roll my eyes at that. This guy was a pain in the ass. But a dangerous one, and I wasn’t stupid enough to speak at this point in time.

    I’ll endure the consequences if any come my way, Matlock replied with a lift of his chin and a hard glint in his eye. I will not tell you again, Graham.

    Is that an order?

    Matlock’s eyes narrowed. If it needs to be.

    Graham lingered a moment longer, and it was obvious that he wanted to say something more. The man appeared resentful of taking direction from Matlock, and I couldn’t blame him. The man was older, more experienced. But Graham was not the High Warlock, and would never be. Which meant Matlock could get away with giving him orders.

    Don’t linger, Graham warned.

    Before Matlock could reply, he spun on his heel and resumed walking away with a stiff gait. I almost laughed out loud. He looked like he had a stick up his ass.

    I can’t believe you just told him to go along without you, I said, smoothing the wrinkles of my dress down.

    Why not? Matlock asked. I don’t appreciate him telling me what to do.

    I bit my bottom lip, holding my tongue. Was he serious? They were already telling him what to do by dictating who he would marry. And what he had to do every minute of every day for the rest of his life.

    Well, then, I said. What do you want to do now?

    When I finally looked up at him, he gave me a smile that melted the ice around my heart.

    I want to walk you home.



    Y ou really didn’t need to walk me all the way home, Matlock, I said, my heart rate quickening with every step we took together. Isn’t the Council waiting for you?

    Though we hadn’t exactly walked. My father and I lived several miles out of the city, so Matlock had used his magic to transport us to the end of my street. Which meant we did a little walking, but mostly it was Matlock’s magic that carried me home.

    I wasn’t trying to be rude by asking. If anything, I was trying to be thoughtful. I was thinking of Matlock. Of his reputation. What would people think if they saw him escorting someone like me home? We were from two different worlds.

    There was a reason we weren’t together… lots of reasons, in fact.

    Number one was, of course, that he was a pain in my ass. Number two was that he came from a background of extreme privilege, while I did not.

    One of these days, he was going to be the most important warlock in the entire realm. I, on the other hand, was a witch from a rural part of town. I was lucky I’d earned a scholarship to the wizarding school in town, and that my father had insisted I accept it.

    My father had always told me that education was one of the most important things in life, and if I ever had children of my own, I should take care and ensure that he or she was educated as well. I didn’t let myself worry about children. I highly doubted such a thing would happen.

    I wanted to make sure you got home safely, he said simply, thrusting his hands into his pants pockets as we walked up the path to my house.

    Are you saying you don’t think I’m capable of getting home on my own? I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

    Matlock leaned his tall, lithe frame against the awning on the front porch, and my gaze immediately stuck to him. Damn, he was delicious.

    I dragged my gaze away from my lover and looked toward the house. My father must still be at work because the windows were dark, filled with shadows rather than light.

    Of course not, he said through a sigh. "Why is everything a fight with you? Gen, you’re the best, smartest, most talented witch I know. No one is going to mess with you. I just wanted to spend more time with you, so you can protect me."

    I snorted out a giggle. I didn’t know how Matlock did it, but he had an ability to crawl under my skin and stay there. He still found some way to make me laugh even if I didn’t want to.

    It was hard to picture him as a High Warlock, and not just the guy I met at school and fell in love with.

    Even harder to picture him married to someone who wasn’t me.

    I cleared my throat as a lump of emotion threatened to take away my ability to appear calm. Now was not the time to think about that, especially not with us being alone.


    You’re quiet, Matlock said, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. He studied me in a way that made me nervous because unlike everyone else, he could read me in a way others couldn’t. I’ve learned that when you’re quiet, it’s not a good thing. What are you plotting? Should I be girding my loins?

    I laughed freely this time and twirled my finger through my long hair. I looked past him, taking in the rolling hills in the distance, the trees, the way the sun hid behind the horizon, leaving a trail of gold.

    There was something so peaceful about living away from the hustle of the city. As much as I loved my education and the friends I’d made along the way, I loved living in solitude even more.

    Not that I would tell my father that. In fact, I didn’t tell him a lot of things, including the fact that Matlock had been here. I made a mental note to diminish any trace magic Matlock might leave behind once he disappeared.

    My dad hadn’t been a fan of Matlock and me being friends since he’d discovered Matlock was engaged to another witch. I’d tried to explain that Matlock’s arranged marriage wasn’t a love match, but my father refused to listen.

    Why are you the one risking everything for him? he’d questioned me one night over dinner. Do you really think he’s going to leave his fiancée for you? You don’t just cancel a contract like an arranged marriage. He isn’t free to do what he wants. Matlock is a puppet controlled by the Council.

    I loved my father. I got my dramatic flair from him. But in this case, he was wrong.

    Matlock was not going to be a puppet. How could he be? He was going to be the most powerful warlock ever. Once he settled into his role, he would break his engagement and marry me. I’d been sure of it.

    Until he hadn’t.

    Then three months ago, he’d broken my heart with the news that he never would. In his defense, he’d looked pretty upset about it too. I wouldn’t say he’d cried, but his eyes had been shiny with unshed tears, and his words had been rigid and forced. I’d never seen him so distraught, and Matlock wasn’t the sort to get perturbed by anything.

    That night, though, he had been. And when he broke up with me, I knew the happy man I’d fallen in love with was gone. I wasn’t sure who replaced him, but Matlock was a different man now.

    That was what I needed to remind myself of in those moments when I saw him. He’d changed. I couldn’t let myself get swept up in him. Not again.

    I’d only just managed to put all the pieces of my broken heart back together.


    His voice broke the spell of my reminiscence. My attention snapped back to reality and focused on him.

    I blinked, realizing he was waiting for me to respond. I’m quiet because I’m thinking, I admitted, looking down at my hands.

    I tugged at my fingernails. I was ruthless when it came to biting them, and my father had given me a potion that would prevent me from the awful habit. It should have worked, but I still had the desire to pick at them when stressed. Why are you here, Matlock? Why walk me home? What is this?

    He opened his mouth, his eyes focused on the ground. Would you mind if we went inside for a moment?

    I glanced around. He was probably right. It would be better if we spoke somewhere more private.

    I opened the front door and gestured for him to follow me inside, leading him into the small living room, then sitting on one of the comfortable chairs.

    I gestured for him to sit. Now go on. Tell me.

    He sat, though his posture was as tight as a bow.

    Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to spend some more time with you, he admitted, thrumming his fingers on his knees. You know, I thought I’d forgotten about you—about us—and how you made me feel. Then I saw you, and it was like we’d never been apart.

    My heart thumped audibly against my chest, the sound echoing in my head. This was exactly what I didn’t want to hear.

    Matlock and I couldn’t be together. He’d made that clear. And for the past three months, I had survived without him the best I could.

    I don’t think you know what you’re saying. I reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear.

    I know exactly what I’m saying, he said, a smile quivering on his lips.

    The room was small, and he was already smothering me with his presence. I didn’t want to smell him. I didn’t want to be close enough to touch him. I couldn’t trust myself to pull away if he tried to touch me.

    He continued, I want you to hear it. I want you to know what you mean to me, Genevieve. Before, I took us for granted. We were on and off all through school. I thought after the last time we would find each other again.

    I glared at him, anger now sizzling in my veins. How could you think I wanted to be with you after you told me you had a fiancée?

    I pressed my lips together. Even though I lived outside the city and my neighbors were distant, I didn’t want anyone listening in on our conversation. And in the magic realm, you never knew who was listening.

    I waved my hand in the air, checking the magical barriers my father had in place. Yes… they were still there. Good. It wouldn’t do Matlock or me any good if this conversation was overheard by someone close to the Council.

    I wanted to be honest with you, he went on. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling you. By breaking up with you. But part of me hoped⁠—

    Hoped, what? I interrupted, throwing my arms out wide. Hoped that I’d come crawling back? Hoped I had no dignity, no self-respect?

    He couldn’t believe that of me! Hope that of me.

    Hoped that you might still love me the way I still love you, he whispered.

    My heart sank. Of course, I still freaking loved him! I couldn’t just turn my feelings off like a tap. No one could. Not when it was true love.

    Part of me wanted to indulge in another outburst of anger. Yell at him. Throw things around the room. Even now, my magic swirled inside me, pushing against my skin, begging to be released in a show of outrage.

    Maybe that would make me feel a little better, so I could ignore the way my heart felt heavy inside my chest. Tears pricked my eyes, and I cursed myself for my weakness.

    This was the worst thing that could happen. The words Matlock had just said to me were exactly the ones I’d been hoping to hear – no – dreaming of hearing for the past three months.

    It was selfish of me to want him to still love me. He was going to marry someone else, someone the Council had chosen. I was never going to be that person, not that they would ever consider me.

    I took a deep breath and focused on the man in front of me. He had to know how wrong this was.

    Why would I torture myself with loving you when we c-can’t b-be together? I asked, trying to stay resolute.

    But the effect was ruined when my voice cracked despite my attempt to stay strong. I released a breath, a shudder ripping through my body as I did so.

    I desperately wanted to kiss him, to hold him, to pretend that it wasn’t wrong. But it was.

    I gathered my pride and used it to push the next words out. Why would I let myself be led on by you? It would hurt too much, Matlock. Just seeing you today ripped me to shreds. Don’t you understand that? I stood up from the couch and balled my fists. I shouldn’t have let you walk me home. I shouldn’t have invited you inside. That was foolish.

    No. He shook his head as he stood up too, but he didn’t immediately come over to me.

    That was a good thing, because I probably would have ripped his head off if he’d tried to kiss me in that moment.

    I couldn’t let him touch me. I would give in if he did.

    It wasn’t foolish, Genevieve. I want you. Can’t you see that? I’ve been miserable without you. I want to be around you, breathe the same air as you. I need you in my life.

    I snorted and turned away. Now he was just being ridiculous.

    My back was turned toward him now, my face towards the window. I couldn’t see the moon behind the charcoal-grey clouds, but it was there.

    I’m not lying to you, he whispered, right behind me. Then he reached out and took my hand and stepped in front of me, so he blocked my view of the window. What do you need me to do to prove that to you?

    Don’t marry her. Please…

    If I told you to leave, would you? I asked, my voice soft.

    You don’t want me to leave, he replied, bringing my hand up to his mouth. He placed a soft kiss on my palm. Another shiver wracked my body.

    I don’t? I asked.

    No. He dropped his lips to my wrist. In fact, you were wondering if I could stay a little bit longer.

    I am?

    He pressed another kiss on the inside of my forearm. I didn’t know why every touch of Matlock’s on my skin sent shockwaves through my system. These were kisses. Just kisses. They weren’t infused with incantations or potions. They weren’t spellbound or paralytic, and yet I was completely under his spell.

    My eyes slid closed, and I tried to ignore the fact that if I wasn’t so lost in the moment, I would be ashamed how easy it was for Matlock to make me incapable of resisting him.

    What was wrong with me?

    Oh, yes. He kissed my shoulder. Because you’ve missed me. Very much. You’re secretly delighted I walked you home, and you want me to kiss you now.

    I snapped open my eyes so they locked with his. We were treading on dangerous ground here, but I wanted more. I should deny him what we both needed so badly. I should tell him to go to Hell and to take his fiancée with him, but the words wouldn’t come to my lips.

    Matlock moved closer, gently dropping my arm so he could cup my cheek. My Genevieve, he murmured, his lips ghosting across my own.

    A moan rose into my throat, and I pressed closer, needing Matlock’s kiss more than I needed my next breath. I was lost, and he knew it.

    I’d give anything to be with my love once more.



    Iwould probably regret letting Matlock kiss me. And I would definitely regret kissing him back. But in this moment, I didn’t care what I would feel in the cold, distant future. I was too relieved to feel his touch again, and too wrapped up in the feeling of being back in his arms.

    I didn’t even care if this was just some cruel game, and at the end of the night he would leave me. We had now.

    His lips never left mine as he maneuvered me down the small hallway to the last door on the left. He hadn’t been to my house in months, but he still knew the way to my room.

    When we reached the closed door, he pressed me up against it. His lips left mine for the briefest of seconds before he claimed my throat with a kiss. I gasped, tilting my head to the side to give him better access. He knew how sensitive my neck was.

    Don’t stop, I murmured. I didn’t know why I’d said it. My head was clouded with the mist of his kisses, and I wasn’t behaving with any sort of logic. But I didn’t care when he kissed me.

    Wasn’t going to, he replied.

    Cocky bastard…

    I wrapped my arms around his neck and arched my back. He let out a stifled moan. Even through our clothes, he was still affected by me.

    You don’t play fair, Gen, he said.

    That’s why you love me, I said through a snort.

    Suddenly, his eyes opened wide, and he stared at me. For a moment, I was confused. I had no idea why he’d gone all weird on me until I realized what I’d just said.

    That’s why you love me.

    I cleared my throat, my cheeks heating under his gaze. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin the mood. We hadn’t seen each other in ages, and I missed him. The words had come out of my mouth so naturally, it was hard to deny what I was feeling anymore.

    But before I could take the words back, he said. It’s true.

    I blinked at the tears that gathered in my eyes. I’d known he loved me, of course, I had. But hearing him say it was a completely new thing.

    Matlock ran his finger across my full bottom lip, staring so intently at my mouth, I thought my face would combust into flames. It was difficult to breathe. I didn’t want to do anything to distract him, to stop him speaking.

    I knew I should pretend I didn’t want to hear it, but… I did. I wanted to know what he felt. I wanted to know it all, even if it killed me to hear it.

    I do love you, he repeated. For so many reasons. That hasn’t changed.

    Please stop, I whispered, quickly realizing that words weren’t what I needed. I wanted him to kiss me, touch me, make love to me, so that I could forget everything else.

    I thought you said not to, he said, his brow furrowing with worry.

    Just… don’t say any more. I swallowed, looking away. I want to pretend⁠—

    What? What do you want to pretend?

    That he wasn’t going to be the next High Warlock. That I wasn’t the daughter of a blue-collar warlock who wasn’t deemed worthy of the attention of someone like Matlock.

    I wanted to pretend that he wasn’t engaged to someone he didn’t love, and that he wouldn’t one day marry her and have children with her, while I…

    I didn’t even know what I was going to do with my life. I hadn’t thought about my future. In fact, I barely knew what I was going to do tomorrow, let alone in a year from now.

    But love? A family?

    I wasn’t even sure I could take care of myself. And a child? A husband? The words made me bristle.

    Tell me what you want of me, and I’ll do it, Gen, Matlock said, his voice a ghost of a whisper as it caressed my skin.

    I closed my eyes, and he kissed my neck once, twice. Pleasure slid through me. His arms wrapped around me, slipped underneath my dress, reached up and unclasped my bra. I didn’t stop him. I probably should have, but I didn’t.

    Genevieve, he murmured, kissing the column of my throat again. Slowly, my eyes slid shut. Tell me.

    I need you, Matlock, I said. I forced myself to open my eyes, to try and look at him, but they were hooded, hazy with desire. I just… I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help what I want. I released a breath. You should probably… you should go.

    Damn, it hurt to even suggest he leave me.

    But what if that’s not what I want? he asked.

    Matlock. I forced myself to look at him, to try to make him understand. You know this… us, we’re going nowhere fast. It will only end in disaster.

    Who says it has to end? Matlock asked. He tried to kiss me again, but I pulled away from him. He gave me space, which I appreciated, but was suddenly hit with how cold I was without his touch.

    I wrapped my arms around myself, annoyed that I’d stopped the best thing to happen to me in months.

    Gen, why are you so worried about this? Matlock asked again. You know I love you. What do I need to do to prove it to you?

    Break up with your fiancée, I blurted out before I could stop myself.

    Shit! Talk about laying all your cards out at once.

    He flinched. You know I have no control over that, Gen. If I could, I would. You know that.

    Really? How would I know that? I demanded. How do I know that everything out of your mouth isn’t a lie? Matlock, you’re a puppet. The Council is telling you who to marry. How crazy is that?

    That’s how it’s always been done, he returned, shrugging his shoulders as though he really were resigned to his future.

    No, it hasn’t, I said.

    What do you mean?

    I shook my head. I’d done my research when I thought there was a chance for us as a couple. But until I could verify everything I’d read, I would keep my thoughts to myself.

    I wouldn’t even tell Matlock what I’d found in my research, because I didn’t want to put him at risk. I didn’t want him to look into something the Council preferred to keep hidden.

    Genevieve, he said again, pulling me close. My feelings for you haven’t changed, I promise. I love you now, and always have. Always will. Being separated from you has been torture. Do you think I wanted to break up? Do you think I want to marry someone who isn’t you?

    My heart stalled. You… you want to marry me? I asked softly.

    Of course, I want to marry you, he said, running his fingers through his nearly black hair. He only did that when he was frustrated. How could you not know that?

    Um… because actions spoke louder than words. Matlock, you’re engaged to someone else.

    It’s not what I want, he said, his words insistent, almost desperate. He sucked in a breath like he realized he needed to settle down and ran a hand over the stubble on his cheek. You’re who I want. You, Gen. I know that our relationship isn’t in an ideal place, and you can be angry with me about that. But please, don’t question my love for you.

    I hesitated because the strange thing was, I didn’t question his feelings, only his actions. I knew he loved me. But what would he do for that love? What would he do for me? I didn’t want to be that girl who needed her man to prove what he said. I trusted him. But I also wasn’t that girl who would hide away in the shadows and allow other people to dictate what I did. The decisions I made.

    Love? I repeated.

    We’d said the word before, of course. It was exactly what I felt for him. But suddenly, it was too much. Overwhelming.

    It was intoxicating to hear, and not in a good way. It was an excuse, a justification for what we were about to do together.

    Of course, love, he said, staring into my eyes. What you and I have is love, Genevieve. It’s not silly or inconsequential. It’s deep and meaningful and profound. What I feel for you… I don’t feel for anyone else. I never will.

    My heart soared. I didn’t know why. They were only words, and Matlock was so good with his words, it hurt. He could convince me the sky was green even as I stared at it, a brilliant blue. That frightened me because he could lie to me, and even knowing it was a lie, my foolish heart would believe him.

    I was smarter than that.

    But when he was here, I forgot about being smart.

    I wanted to be foolish and reckless and careless. I didn’t even care if he smashed my heart into a million pieces. That misery was for another day.

    In this moment, I wanted to take what I wanted, and I refused to feel guilty about it. No one was going to dictate my behavior today. Matlock was right in front of me. He was kissing me, holding me. Wanting me the same way I wanted him. Who was I to deny myself? Deny him? How was that fair?

    Passion burned my blood. Any lingering doubts were immediately banished. I didn’t want to hear it. I didn’t care. Maybe I would in the morning, but now? Now, it was time to be selfish.

    Never again, I managed to say even as my heart still pounded in my chest. I could barely catch my breath. We can’t do this again.

    Yeah, he agreed, panting too. You’re right.

    He’d said it before, and from the smile on his face, he assumed he’d say it again another day.

    And he was probably right. With a fire that burned between us like this, how were we ever to stay apart?



    Iwasn’t lying when I said what happened between Matlock and me couldn’t happen again. Or perhaps what I should have said, shouldn’t. Because it wasn’t long until I found myself tangled up in his arms again and again.

    No one knew that we continued to love one another. Matlock would slip away from his Council duties when he had the time, and I would leave class early to meet him. I didn’t think my dad knew, but occasionally over dinner he would give me a look that hinted that he might.

    Whenever that happened, I always ignored the pointed stare and asked about his work. So far, he’d gone with the flow of the conversation, never calling me out, never demanding answers. I was grateful that he didn’t push, although I was tempted to tell him everything.

    But then I would stop myself. I couldn’t get my father involved.

    Technically, what Matlock and I were doing was treasonous. We could be prosecuted for it, and by we, I meant me. They weren’t going to punish Matlock for following his physical urges. I was the one risking everything. At least with my secrecy, my dad had plausible deniability.

    This is the last time, I said between kisses as Matlock all but ripped off my shirt. He made sure every time we were intimate there was a protective spell that would alert us to surprise guests and soundproof the walls to safeguard that we couldn’t be overheard.

    If you say so, he replied, even though we both knew that if I had a choice, that wouldn’t be the case.

    Afterwards, I stared up at my ceiling, blankets covering my chest, his arm wrapped around my waist as he nuzzled my shoulder. Something dropped in my stomach like an anchor tied to my belly.

    I didn’t know what it was, but I was left feeling agitated. Like something was wrong, and everything was about to change.

    Part of me wanted to believe that Matlock would be able to convince the Council that I was worthy, that he should marry me instead of whats-her-face. I wanted to believe that more than anything. Yet in this moment, I couldn’t help but be left feeling… unsettled. Like something was coming, and I wasn’t going to like it.

    I can hear you thinking, you know, he murmured, his lips vibrating against my skin.

    I smiled despite myself. The last thing I wanted to do was tell him about my feelings. He had other things to worry about, and at the moment, my feelings were simply that. A gut instinct.

    What am I thinking? I asked, hoping he wouldn’t notice how tense and robotic my fingers were as I trailed them through his hair.

    That you want me to do it again, he replied. But unfortunately, I don’t think I can stand up right now. He brought my fingers to his mouth and kissed each one. I wish I could put you in my bag and take you with me.

    When are you leaving again? I asked, turning on my side so I could face him for our talk. I’d known about this work trip the night Matlock found out about it, a few days ago.

    As the new High Warlock, Matlock was expected to visit different realms, introduce himself to the leaders and conduct meetings. Of course, everything that came out of Matlock’s mouth was just regurgitated from the Council, but I didn’t bring that up with him. He was touchy on the subject, not because he was in denial, but because he knew the truth and wasn’t thrilled about it.

    Not that he was going to do anything to change it, though.

    Why? he asked, kissing my shoulder. Will you miss me terribly?

    I rolled my eyes. As much as I wanted to laugh, I couldn’t. A smile was as much as I could give, and even that was fleeting. We had been sneaking around for the past few weeks, and although it was exhilarating and fun, it couldn’t last. It wouldn’t. Especially not with him being given more and more responsibility with his duties.

    I’m being serious, I said, playfully smacking him on the shoulder.

    As am I, he pointed out. No need to be so violent, darling. Really.

    I gave him a look, and his gaze softened. He must have realized I wasn’t in the mood to play because he shifted in the bed until he could sit up, his back resting against the pillows at my headboard.

    Come here, he said, pulling me into his lap and holding onto my waist.

    I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t resist him.

    That seemed to be the story of my life with Matlock. I had good intentions. I knew what was right and what was wrong, and being with Matlock was wrong.

    But somehow, I didn’t care.

    I rested my head on his chest, shifting so I could hear the steady beat of his heart. With his arms around me, I felt safe.

    I closed my eyes. It would be so easy to just fall asleep here, just like this.

    You know there’s nothing I can do about the trip, he said. Apparently, we’re traveling to a shifter realm so I can introduce myself to them.

    Shifters? I asked, glancing up at his face. Are you scared?

    Why would I be scared? he asked, his lips curling up into a smile.

    Because you’re the High Warlock? I asked, frowning at him.

    No way. You’re my girl, he said, kissing the top of my head. Because if anything happened to me, you would kick their asses.

    I rolled my eyes, then shut them again. The thoughts that had been nagging me were being held at bay, but they wouldn’t go away completely.

    Do you think things could ever be different? I asked before I could stop myself.

    Different? What do you mean?

    I mean, do you think there’s a chance that you and I will get to a point where we wouldn’t have to hide all the time? I asked.

    I traced patterns with my index finger on his chest. He was tense beneath me, and as much as I wanted to believe it was because of my touch, it wasn’t.

    Regardless of the tendrils of guilt clawing at my insides for ruining what was otherwise a romantic moment between the two of us, I pushed forward. I was stubborn and needed answers.

    I also needed something more than just us talking about our feelings.

    Feelings weren’t going to keep us together at the end of the day.

    I swallowed hard and forced myself to ask the one question that would make or break us. Do you think there’s a chance that you and I could be together publicly?

    Genevieve, he said, a warning clear in his tone.

    I flinched. I hated it when he said my name like I was a disappointment. He began to stroke my hair, and I relaxed, but only slightly.

    What do you want me to say? he murmured.

    I-I don’t know, I said quickly. I splayed my fingers across his shoulders, stopping my tracing of his skin for the time being. I just feel like we’re in this cycle, and it’s unhealthy. I don’t like it.

    You don’t like being with me? Matlock asked, his voice hurt and surprised.

    Stop. I frowned, suddenly annoyed. Don’t do that. Don’t twist my words around.

    I’m just trying to understand the meaning behind your words, Gen, he said, trying to stifle a yawn but failing. You know I have to leave early. I’d like to enjoy the few hours I still have with you here, my arms wrapped around you. Let’s go to sleep. I’d rather not fight.

    This isn’t a fight, I insisted. It’s not. It’s just⁠—

    What, then? What is it? What do we have to talk about right now?

    A prickle of anger sparked deep inside me. I wasn’t trying to provoke an argument. That wasn’t my intention. But if that was how he was going to react when all I wanted to do was discuss something that was bothering me, that was on him. I wasn’t being aggressive, but he was handling me like I was.

    That wasn’t fair.

    Matlock, I said, trying to keep my patience. I’m not trying to provoke an argument. I promise. I just… it’s hard for me.

    What’s hard for you? He let out a sigh through his nose. I know the situation you’re in is difficult, Genevieve. I do. But I can’t help you if I don’t know what it is you want. I can’t give you what I want to give you. I can only do what I can. It’s not fair to you. I know that.

    Then why are we still together? I found myself asking. I held a pillow close to my body, needing some sort of comfort. As much as I loved Matlock, I didn’t think I’d get it from him. Not right now. Why are we torturing ourselves? Don’t you want me completely, Matlock? Doesn’t it hurt knowing we can’t have everything?

    Of course, it does! he exclaimed. He threw his long legs over the bed and stood up, waving his hand in the air. Why he was suddenly so angry, I didn’t know. I wasn’t afraid of his temper, but I was confused by it. I wanted to understand it. Of course, I want what’s best for us. I want to hold your hand in public. I want to fucking marry you!

    My eyes widened. Pulling up the blanket, I held it close to my chest. You... you want to marry me?


    Why wouldn’t I? He turned to look at me as he began to get dressed. His tone softened but there was still an edge to it. Gen, I love you more than anything in this world. You know I do. But I can’t give you what you deserve—a place at my side. And I hate it. I pretend when I’m with you that this is our life. That we don’t have to hide away from everyone. That there aren’t consequences to the choices I make, but that’s not the world we live in.

    What does that mean? I asked. I let the blanket fall to my waist, my hands animated with excitement. Matlock, I’ve been doing research. With our powers, we could create our own realm. We could go there and never come back. We could live how we wanted. We could be together.

    There it was. My plan. I’d put it out there, put my whole heart on the line.

    Our own realm? He furrowed his brow, buttoning his shirt. Genevieve, please. You’d really leave your father?

    I hesitated. Well… I didn’t want to. But... I-I don’t know. If it meant being with you… I let my voice trail off.

    I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves, he said, cool as a cucumber now.

    He knelt down when he finished dressing and took my face in his hands. I should go. But I promise we’ll talk about this when I get back, okay? I love you.

    He gave me a kiss on the lips and one long, lingering look before walking out my door.

    I stared after him for long moments before I settled back in my bed against the pillows and stared up at the ceiling.


    I’d told him I’d run away with him so that we could be together, and his response had been cold. Measured. Dismissive. I’d offered him a way out of the box he’d been born into, and he hadn’t even wanted to look at it, let alone discuss the option.

    I couldn’t help but think something had just irrevocably shifted in our relationship. If you could even call it that.

    And whatever that change was, it wasn’t good.



    When I woke up the next morning, I had to rush to the bathroom, my stomach heaving. I managed to keep the privacy spell intact so I wouldn’t wake my father with the loud noises I made while throwing up, but it wasn’t easy.

    I must have caught a stomach bug. That, or the food Matlock grabbed for us last night hadn’t sat well with me.

    After flushing the toilet, I hopped into the shower to wash away the smell of sex and sick. Not a good combination.

    Then I got ready for work. A few weeks ago, I’d managed to secure a job as the dean’s assistant at the Warlock Academy. The necessary skills were far below my abilities, but it was the only thing I could find on short notice. It also meant I was eligible for a discount on my tuition fees. The job was easy and completely unchallenging, but my best friend also worked in the dean’s office, so essentially, I was getting paid to hang out with Alison.

    I skipped breakfast and headed out, deciding some peppermint tea would help my stomach more than food. It seemed to settle once I got a few sips in. I didn’t have any other symptoms, so I was beginning to think something I ate was the cause.

    I headed into the Academy, nodding my head at everyone I knew, which was practically everybody. The college was small. Most warlocks and witches started their careers right after finishing high school and rarely attended college unless they came from a wealthy background. I was one of the few exceptions to that rule, something I was proud of.

    Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.

    I grinned, hearing my best friend’s voice as I stepped into the small office. Alison was already positioned behind the counter, headset attached to her head, ready to answer any calls the office received. Her eyes scanned me up and down, and her face soured. No.

    No, what? I asked sheepishly.

    Alison rolled her eyes. She had such gorgeous colored irises, it was hard not to stare at them, even if they were contorted into a glare in my direction. She glanced around before casting a spell under her breath and flinging her fingers in front of her. A privacy spell. Once she was satisfied it was in place, she turned to me, shooting out of her chair like a frog.

    I thought you were done with him, she said, pointing an accusing finger at me. You promised, Gen. You promised you weren’t going to see him anymore.

    Who? I asked, walking around the desk so I could grab the knob on my office door. I needed to escape her keen gaze. She knew me too well.

    Alison narrowed her eyes. Don’t play dumb, Gen, she said. It’s not a good look on you.

    I sighed. What do you want me to say?

    How long? She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest.

    I looked at the floor. I didn’t know why, but Alison had this uncanny way of making me feel like I was a child. A naughty child, at that.

    Was I making a stupid decision to have an illicit affair with the next High Warlock? Yes. But did she need to make me feel stupid about it? No.

    My conversation from the night before with Matlock flitted into my head and immediately, I banished it. Those thoughts weren’t helping my case. If anything, they were only adding to the guilt Alison was heaping on me.

    I… I swallowed hard, turning so my back leaned against the door to my office. There was no point in arguing with her. She would find out eventually. Not because word would get back to her, but she would get it out of me. Three weeks, four maybe. This time. Maybe longer. I don’t know.

    H… how? she asked. She wasn’t even capable of formulating full sentences.

    We ran into each other on the street a while back, I said. When I noticed her expression, I glared. I swear. I didn’t go looking for him. What more do you want?

    I don’t want you to do this, Gen, that’s what I want, she said, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. You’re my best friend, so I know how much potential you have. And you’re just… throwing your life away for someone who wouldn’t do the same for you.

    I clenched my teeth together to stop myself from snapping back at her. The last thing I wanted to do was admit that she was right, but I couldn’t deny her claims.

    Those worries kept me up at night long after Matlock fell asleep or left. After the moon made its way down and the sun rose in the sky.

    Where was this going? Where would it lead? And why am I the only one risking something here?

    I wanted to believe that Matlock would do anything for me. But unfortunately, I had more proof of what he wouldn’t do rather than what he would.

    Why can’t you just let me have this? I asked, grinding my teeth together. The ticking clock above me grated on my nerves and echoed through my head.

    Because you’re better than this, Alison said. Then the phone rang. Her finger hovered over the answer button, as though she was debating whether or not to answer the call. After another moment, she sighed and pressed it. Dean Patrick’s office, how may I direct your call?

    Relief loosened my shoulders, and I forced myself to enter my office before Alison followed me. I needed space from all the tension. All the unanswered questions. Alison wasn’t wrong, but that didn’t mean I needed her to tell me I was wrong. And after feeling so sick this morning, I wasn’t ready to deal with anything else.

    I plopped down onto my chair and brought up my computer with a flick of my hand. We kept all our files digital just so they wouldn’t take up space. I was still learning all I could about magic. I could create my own realm if I really wanted to but wasn’t sure how sustainable that was.

    Alison suddenly burst into my office and shut the door behind her. She clicked the lock and turned to face me. My mouth dropped open, and she held up a hand.

    I have the phones set to direct people to voicemail, she said. But I need to say it. I know you don’t want to hear this. The last thing I want to do is judge you and your preference for Matlock. I understand the heart wants what it wants. But I also know that between the two of you, you’re the only one that’s going to get hurt, Gen. And I can prove it.

    I wanted to push back against what my friend was telling me. Inform her that she had no idea what I was going through, and it annoyed me that she assumed she did. But I could see the sympathy in her eyes. That, paired with the fact that she’d left her desk, told me that this was more important than even her job. And that said a lot.

    How? I asked, my voice cracking on the word. I hadn’t realized my throat was so raw.

    I’m going to scry your future, she said. Right here. Right now.

    My mouth dropped open. Alison had some powerful magic, but not in anything the witches and warlocks of this realm found of value, which was why she’d never gone to college. This job was everything to her.

    I glanced down at my desk. But isn’t that⁠—

    Risky? Yes, of course it is. But there’s nothing I can do about that part. All I can do is what I can do. And keeping you from being hurt is worth the risk.

    I let out a shaky breath. Okay.

    I shouldn’t encourage her but couldn’t help but be curious. I wanted to know how things would end between Matlock and me, because it would eventually come to an end. It had to.

    Alison had a piece of chalk and quickly drew something on the hardwood floor. She reached into her pockets and pulled out a couple of things, including sage and incense.

    She’d prepared for this. Damn it, this girl was good.

    She lit the incense, breathed in the smoke and paused. Her eyes flashed open, magic swirling in their depths.

    Gen, it’s not going to end well for you, she said, meeting my eyes. It’s only going to lead to heartbreak and bitterness for the rest of your life. I don’t want that for you. Please.

    What do you mean, Alison? I asked. My voice was much calmer than it should have been at this moment. Tell me.

    She held up a hand and closed her eyes again. The smoke from the incense tickled my nose, and my stomach turned over once more. I placed a hand over my belly, wishing it would just settle down.

    Was it really the food from last night that was making me sick? It didn’t feel that way, but what else could it be?

    I mean, she said, her voice a whisper in the room, as though she were afraid someone was listening in on our conversation even though we’d

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