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Super Divine Beast Breeding System: An Isekai LitRPG Progression Fantasy Novel: Super Divine Beast Breeding System, #7
Super Divine Beast Breeding System: An Isekai LitRPG Progression Fantasy Novel: Super Divine Beast Breeding System, #7
Super Divine Beast Breeding System: An Isekai LitRPG Progression Fantasy Novel: Super Divine Beast Breeding System, #7
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Super Divine Beast Breeding System: An Isekai LitRPG Progression Fantasy Novel: Super Divine Beast Breeding System, #7

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While others take pride in acquiring a single mythical beast, Jiang Chen is already nurturing his thousandth spirit beast.

While others are racking their brains and risking their lives to obtain a single spirit beast, Jiang Chen is planning to transform ten thousand battle beasts into immortal beasts.

While others are tragically killed by a single immortal beast, Jiang Chen leads his army of immortal beasts, flattening entire clans of such creatures.

While others worship a single divine beast, Jiang Chen has already domesticated countless divine beasts, breeding the ones he needs. In the art of beast taming, it's not just about quality, but also quantity.

Watch as Jiang Chen, with his divine beast breeding system, builds an unparalleled and supreme army of divine beasts that dominates the heavens and the earth.




In the following days, Jiang Chen spent most of his time in the war fortress, cultivating, practicing, and training exotic beasts. He was mainly worried about the Sea People Tribe's response to his annihilation of one of their armies. Would they send out elites to encircle and kill him?

 This was a distinct possibility, especially considering that Hai Tian, the crown prince of the Sea People Tribe, had recently become the Sea God Pontiff after being crowned. This status and power were even more respected than the position of Sea Emperor, almost granting him control of the entire Sea People Tribe's regime. He could command the world.

 If he were to learn of Jiang Chen's actions, he would likely dispatch men to surround and kill him.

PublisherHe Qiao Qiao
Release dateApr 24, 2024
Super Divine Beast Breeding System: An Isekai LitRPG Progression Fantasy Novel: Super Divine Beast Breeding System, #7

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    Book preview

    Super Divine Beast Breeding System - Mo Shi Ren

    Chapter 427: War Exotic Beasts

    In the following days, Jiang Chen spent most of his time in the war fortress, cultivating, practicing, and training exotic beasts. He was mainly worried about the Sea People Tribe’s response to his annihilation of one of their armies. Would they send out elites to encircle and kill him?

    This was a distinct possibility, especially considering that Hai Tian, the crown prince of the Sea People Tribe, had recently become the Sea God Pontiff after being crowned. This status and power were even more respected than the position of Sea Emperor, almost granting him control of the entire Sea People Tribe’s regime. He could command the world.

    If he were to learn of Jiang Chen’s actions, he would likely dispatch men to surround and kill him.

    Dugu Bai and the others often went out to hunt and earn merit points. Such a large-scale war was the best way to improve oneself, and everyone’s strength was steadily increasing. Plus, Jiang Chen would occasionally let them enter the overlapping space to cultivate.

    Yu Wuxia, Liu Xuan Sword, and the others had advanced their cultivations by honing themselves in battle and unleashing their potential. All of them had now reached the King level. Of course, they had encountered mortal danger with an almost 100% chance of being killed. However, under Jiang Chen’s protection, they managed to survive each time.

    Moreover, many disciples from the Nine Swords Divine Palace’s Feiyin Society had gradually joined their ranks for training.

    The strength of these disciples was also improving by leaps and bounds.

    That was not all. Even Jiang Chen’s grandmother, the Master of the Nine Swords Palace, had sent her disciples and their own disciples for Jiang Chen to command, forming all sorts of hunting teams for training purposes. Among them was the Life-Chasing Sword Wu Zhuimeng and the Cold-Blooded Sword Xiao Lengxue. Jiang Chen understood his grandmother’s intentions.

    Gradually, a faction centered around Jiang Chen had truly taken shape.

    Jiang Chen had also been reminded by his grandmother that in less than ten years, the position of Master of the Nine Swords Divine Palace would be reassigned, and she would retreat into the Council of Elders.

    According to custom, the next Master of the Palace would be selected from among the Nine Sword Sages. However, after the Holy Spirit trials, the Holy Spirit would have a greater chance of becoming the Palace Master, and at that time, the Spirit World would definitely intervene in the succession of the Palace Master.

    However, the Master of the Nine Swords Palace valued Jiang Chen more and hoped that he would inherit the position.

    Of course, this was only the Master of the Nine Swords Palace’s wish.

    Jiang Chen had never thought about inheriting the position. He only wanted to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, ascend to the Spirit World, and find his mother.

    Furthermore, he knew that among all of the Nine Sword Sages, Jing Buxing, a high-level Holy Spirit, should be the most reputable heir to the position.

    So Jing Buxing should be said to be a pretty good choice.

    Of course, if Jiang Chen was willing, it was not impossible to help Dugu Bai onto the throne. After all, Dugu Bai was an intermediate Holy Spirit, and with Jiang Chen’s strength, this was no issue.

    However, he still needed to observe things for the time being and see how the Twenty-Eight Heavenly Alliances would interfere in the succession to the throne. He also believed that the Twenty-Two Heavenly Alliances would definitely try to increase their control over the Holy Spirits.


    In the second month after the Sea People Tribe and land-dwelling humans went to war, the Sea Demon Clan entered the fray, forming an alliance with the Sea People Tribe. The stalemate that had prevailed until then suddenly changed dramatically, and the various defensive lines of the Nine Continents were broken through one after another, with the Sea People and Sea Demon Clans sweeping into the continent.

    The land-dwellers’ situation suddenly became precarious.

    Although the land-dwelling Demon Tribe joined the humans’ Tiangang Alliance during this period, it did not change things.

    The Sea People Tribe and Sea Demon Clan’s Sea God Alliance was too much stronger than the Tiangang Alliance.

    The first and second defensive lines were almost entirely broken through, and many defensive zones were cut off and surrounded. Each part of the continent was left to fight on its own.

    War Fortress 2947.

    This was one of the few second-line War Fortresses on the Central State Continent that had yet to fall.

    The reason for this was that the Sea People Tribe had bizarrely not attacked this fortress, although many of the surrounding fortresses had already fallen. Fortress 2947 seemed to have become like a peninsula.

    The fortress’s defenders were now discussing whether or not to carry out a strategic withdrawal.

    However, such a discussion was pointless, as the Sea People Tribe’s attack had finally come. This time, the attack was extremely fierce and was carried out on three sides, with three large and elite Sea People Tribe armies.

    Evidently, the Sea People Tribe wanted to completely remove this thorn in their side.

    Furthermore, they also wanted to test whether the mysterious expert hiding in War Fortress 2947 would intervene again.

    Of course, there were other goals as well.

    A vast Sea People Tribe army surged forward from three directions, covering the sky and earth and exuding terrifying grandeur.

    Inside the overlapping space.

    Inside this space, hundreds of people were fervently cultivating.

    Some were Jiang Chen’s close companions, such as Dugu Bai, Cheng Fengling, and Yu Wuxia. Others were members of the Feiyin Society, including Senior Brother Fang and Cao Hong. Others were his grandmother’s disciples and their disciples, such as Wu Zhuimeng and Xiao Lengxue.

    Jiang Chen knew that the situation would only become more and more severe, and without powerful strength, they would not be able to cope at all. Thus, he spared no effort in cultivating them.

    Of the hundreds of people present, even the weakest had reached the King level. As for Dugu Bai and the others, they had all reached the Emperor Level and even the first level of the Sovereign realm. This overlapping space was indeed the optimal environment for improving one’s realm.

    Everyone, your cultivation ends here. Now, we must prepare for a great battle.

    Jiang Chen abruptly stood up.

    Instantly, everyone pulled themselves out of cultivation, their faces filled with excitement.

    Evidently, the Sea People Tribe army’s assault on War Fortress 2947 had officially begun.

    In a certain hall in War Fortress 2947, a portal suddenly appeared, and Jiang Chen and the others stepped out of it.

    Outside, terrifying battle cries rang out, and when everyone looked out, they saw an incomparably vast battlefield unfolding before them. Countless armies were locked in conflict.

    The Great Shang Empire was relying on the War Fortress to barely hold back the Sea People Tribe army’s assault.

    However, in the other two directions, two other Sea People Tribe armies were lurking, holding their positions and not launching an assault. Otherwise, it was likely that the fortress would be unable to hold out for much longer.

    Jiang Chen, let’s see what you’ve got!

    Yun Hailun shouted excitedly.

    The others also looked eager to try. Of course, many of them had never seen Jiang Chen in action. However, the fact that Jiang Chen had single-handedly annihilated a Sea People Tribe army had filled them with admiration.

    Yun Hailun, I’m here to kill your clansmen, yet you’re so enthusiastic!

    Jiang Chen quipped.


    Yun Hailun ignored him.

    Jiang Chen suddenly led the group to the front lines of the fortress. Many defending soldiers were attacking and defending, and many war machines were operating, unleashing terrifying attacks. The momentum was so fearsome that it seemed as if the void around the fortress was about to melt away.

    Come forth, Battle Beast!

    Jiang Chen’s expression turned solemn. He suddenly waved his hand, and the void trembled as an incomparably colossal monster tore its way through the void and slowly emerged. It was impossible to describe the monster’s size. It looked like a gigantic mountain range, lying in the void.

    The strange beast form!

    This was a Battle Beast that Jiang Chen had formed by comprehending various Myriad Beast Formations and combining them together. On the outside, it looked like a strange beast form, but in reality, it was composed of one million Emperor Level spirit beasts.

    This formation was not merely a quantitative increase in power. It contained the profundities of formations. Jiang Chen had only been able to create it after consulting Yun Hailun about formations and receiving guidance from the strange beast.

    As for its power, Jiang Chen still had to thoroughly test it!


    Chapter 428: Earth-shattering Battle

    The appearance of this colossal Battle Beast sent shockwaves through the entire battlefield.

    No one had ever seen such a massive war beast before. Even among sea beasts known for their immense size, none had ever reached such a magnitude.

    The intense battle that had been raging came to a standstill the moment the Battle Beast appeared. A temporary ceasefire had occurred.


    The gargantuan Battle Beast suddenly let out a terrifying roar and lunged forward, causing the void to ripple and shatter.


    Utterly fearsome!

    The Sea People Tribe army had never anticipated such a development.

    The fearsome Battle Beast leaped forward, traversing thousands of li in an instant and charging straight into the Sea People Tribe army’s battle formation.


    The Sea People Tribe’s rear command camp.

    At this moment, the commander of the three Sea People Tribe armies in the camp was the domain leader of the Thirteen Sea Regions, Tianhai Modun.

    In the Sea God Empire’s territory, the boundless ocean was divided into thirty-three sea regions, each governed by a domain leader. These domain leaders were true feudal lords.

    However, in order to restrict the domain leaders’ power and influence, the Sea God royal family would usually appoint a domain-level grand commander and a domain-level inspector to serve as checks and balances.

    The domain-level grand commander was in charge of military affairs, while the domain-level inspector exercised supervisory duties.

    Tianhai Modun was of royal blood, albeit from a branch line. Nevertheless, to become the domain-level grand commander of a sea region was a testament to his abilities and strength.

    Normally, attacking a small War Fortress would not require a domain-level grand commander to personally take charge. However, this mission was extraordinary. He could not help but glance at the thirty mysterious figures sitting cross-legged in the hall, their bodies encased in azure armor.

    Each of them looked like a humanoid metal sculpture, completely devoid of vitality.

    However, Tianhai Modun did not dare to be careless. These individuals were extraordinary, being the most mysterious of the Heavenly Sea God Guards. Each one was a powerhouse in the Spirit Realm.

    Although the Sea People Tribe army currently had no less than thirty Spirit Realm warriors, the Sea God Guards from the Spirit Realm were incredibly fearsome. They possessed terrifying joint combat formations and Sea God forbidden techniques. Sea God Guards of the same rank could easily annihilate their peers.

    Moreover, these Sea God Guards were the most devout followers of the Sea God, ready to lay down their lives for the deity at any moment.

    The thirty Sea God Guards present, although the strongest was only at the intermediate Spirit Realm, could still pose a challenge to Tianhai Modun, who was at the advanced Spirit Realm. Additionally, he had to be wary of their suicidal attacks.

    Just then, a tremendous roar sounded, and a fearsomely powerful aura swept over like an overwhelming flood.

    What’s going on?

    Tianhai Modun’s face changed drastically, as the terrible momentum seemed capable of destroying everything.

    It’s finally here!

    The thirty Sea God Guards suddenly opened their eyes. One of the leaders emitted an icy cold gaze, devoid of any emotion.

    In an instant, all thirty Sea God Guards had vanished.

    At the same time, within the void, a gigantic dragon-shaped Exotic Beast rampaged everywhere. Wherever it passed, the Sea People Tribe’s various battle formations crumbled, weak and fragile.

    The already faltering fortress defense forces had not expected such a turnaround. Although they did not know where the terrifying beast had come from, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

    However, those among the defense forces’ upper echelons who were privy to more information speculated that the mysterious powerhouse who had annihilated the Sea People Tribe army last time had taken action.

    They guessed it might be the work of Yun Hailun, the Reincarnator, but they could never confirm it.

    Seeing the Sea People Tribe army collapse in an instant, countless fortress defense soldiers cheered.

    Had it not been for the high command’s lack of orders to launch an offensive, they would have likely attacked in full force by now.

    But at this moment, from the Sea People Tribe’s rear camp, a terrifying trident suddenly flew out. The trident was completely black, as if wrapped in endless dark aura. It appeared instantaneously, cutting through the sky, and fiercely pierced towards the colossal Battle Beast.

    The trident appeared abruptly and with inconceivable speed.


    Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly. Most of his consciousness was linked to the Battle Beast through the Exotic Beast Breeding System, allowing him to feel the terror of the trident. If it were the previous form of the Ten Thousand Beasts Battle Formation, a single trident could have completely annihilated it, and he might not even have had the chance to heal the beast.

    But now...

    This must be what Yun Hailun referred to as the Sea God Guard, the joint combat formation — the Sea God Trident Formation, coupled with the Sea God forbidden technique, is indeed fearsome!

    Jiang Chen had already received some information about the Sea God Guard from Yun Hailun. Although it wasn’t detailed, he had a general understanding and knew about the terror of the Sea God Guard, which was much more frightening than the Decapitation Guard.

    Especially since the Sea God Guard could cultivate the Sea God forbidden techniques without restrictions.

    The colossal Battle Beast suddenly shook its body, its claws swiping, fiercely colliding with the trident.


    The void trembled, and incredibly, the trident did not shatter.

    Instead, cracks appeared on the claws of the Battle Beast.

    Wow, that really is terrifying!

    Jiang Chen’s expression became grave. Several Ten Thousand Beasts Formations on the claws were almost on the verge of collapse.

    The power of the Sea God Trident seeped in, damaging many formations on the Battle Beast. Fortunately, Jiang Chen exerted all his effort to maintain them, and with the Exotic Beast Breeding System using Soul Power to repair the beast’s wounds, the Battle Beast was stabilized.

    It was also fortunate that the entire Battle Beast endured the power of the Sea God Trident; otherwise, many battle beasts would have instantly perished under such a ferocious attack.

    The collision between the Battle Beast and the trident produced huge shockwaves that swept across the field, pulverizing many Sea People Tribe warriors to dust.

    This was an absolute disaster for the Sea People Tribe army.

    With the treatment from the Exotic Beast Breeding System, the Battle Beast quickly recovered, regaining its peak combat strength. It let out a wild roar, coiling and weaving towards the trident.


    The Battle Beast and the trident once again collided.

    This time, several more arrays on the Battle Beast cracked, but the trident’s momentum was also stifled. It was tightly wrapped by the Battle Beast, which was violently thrashing.

    Immensely terrifying battle fluctuations radiated out, capable of shattering the heavens and eradicating the earth. The colossal Battle Beast, entwined with the trident, slammed about in the void, its energy surging forth and emitting a sonic boom like that of a mountain collapsing or a tsunami, throwing the battlefield into chaos.

    Oh no, how come this transformed colossus recovers so quickly?

    Within the enormous trident, the thirty Sea God Guards were exerting themselves to the utmost to operate the entire joint combat formation.

    However, the Battle Beast could not be shaken or torn apart at all. On the contrary, it was coiling ever tighter.

    Activate the third transformation of the Sea God Trident — Breaking the Void!

    The leader of the Sea God Guard gave the order calmly.

    All the Sea God Guards were connected in mind and could only execute Breaking the Void under the unique Sea God forbidden technique. Otherwise, the battle formation would be flawed.

    But each of these Sea God Guards possessed supreme faith in the Sea God. At the moment they prayed to the Sea God, their minds connected, becoming incredibly pure and attaining a high degree of synchronized coordination.


    The Sea God Trident suddenly shook, reverberating like steel. Cracks appeared in the void, and the Battle Beast looked as if it had been subjected to a terrifying attack, covered in fissures.

    These full-body cracks indicated that the Battle Beast had suffered an extraordinarily formidable assault, approaching its very limits.

    The only thing Jiang Chen could do was to spare no effort in urging the Exotic Beast Breeding System to repair the Battle Beast. He hadn’t expected the Sea God Guard’s joint combat formation to reach this level.

    Buzz, buzz...

    The trident continued to tremble, causing cracks on the Battle Beast to appear and be repaired repeatedly. Meanwhile, the Battle Beast writhed all over, expelling the formidable power that had permeated it.

    The expelled force surged violently, forming terrifying fluctuations. Any Sea People Tribe powerhouse who came into contact with them would undoubtedly be pulverized, even the Emperor-level powerhouses. Only those who had reached the Spirit Realm could withstand it for a short while.

    The target’s strength exceeds expectations. Execute the final step — Blood Sacrifice!

    The leader of the Sea God Guard spoke in a cold tone, as if he valued his own life not at all.

    Yes, Blood Sacrifice!

    Every Sea God Guard’s expression remained unchanged, their wills and determination as strong as steel. However, their determination and will were anchored in their faith in the Sea God. In an instant, blood-red light seeped from the bodies of the thirty Sea God Guards and gathered into blood-red ribbons that wrapped around the trident. Gradually, the entire trident became enveloped in a hazy blood-red light.

    This is the Sea God’s Blood Sacrifice!

    Jiang Chen had engaged in combat with the Decapitation Guard before and had witnessed the Blood Sacrifice among the Sea God forbidden techniques. It involved burning one’s own life force to obtain formidable power.

    Under the power of Blood Sacrifice, the might of attacks would increase exponentially.

    The trident’s power was already terrifying. Once it was augmented by the attack enhancement from Blood Sacrifice, the Battle Beast would probably be unable to withstand it.

    Great Aspiration Visualization Technique!

    Jiang Chen’s mind suddenly stirred, and he visualized the Aspiration Fruit.

    An Aspiration Fruit appeared above his head, emitting peculiar fluctuations that radiated outward and created an Aspiration Domain.

    In that instant, he took flight, and the formidable Aspiration Power surged toward the Battle Beast.

    A hazy light enveloped the Battle Beast.

    Although the blood-red trident vibrated crazily, it could no longer damage the Battle Beast. Instead, the trident was being coiled tighter and tighter. Finally, it could no longer withstand the force and abruptly shattered.

    The thirty Spirit Realm Sea God Guards had long since vanished along with the shattered trident, reduced to ashes and leaving no trace behind.

    A blood-red light permeated the world. If it came into contact with anyone, it would ignite them, burning them alive. This was the aftereffect of the Sea God Guard’s Blood Sacrifice secret technique, something that ordinary Sea People Tribe warriors simply could not withstand.

    From the beginning to the end of the battle, only half a minute had passed. Yet it had brought about earth-shaking changes to the entire battlefield.

    In the face of such a terrifying battle, the Sea People Tribe army had long since completely collapsed, suffering heavy casualties.

    Chapter 429: Overwhelming Victory


    In the Sea People Tribe’s rear camp, the domain leader and grand commander Tianhai Modun’s face was pale.

    He had received a secret message from His Holiness the Pope long ago about this mission, ordering him to cooperate with the assassination by the Sea God Guard squadron.

    He had thought that this time it would be certain, but unexpectedly they had still failed.

    When he sensed that terrifying colossus, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

    Grand commander, what should we do now?

    Several commander-level subordinates were also pale-faced and trembling all over. They couldn’t help it. That Battle Beast exerted a pressure that was too terrifying.

    The Sea People Tribe army was collapsing and fleeing everywhere. No one was willing to stay behind.

    With the end of the great battle in the sky, the garrison’s high-level officials immediately gave the order for a full-scale attack. Countless garrison warriors flew out and pursued the defeated and fleeing Sea People Tribe army. This was a great opportunity to gain merits, and no one wanted to miss it.

    Moreover, they were extraordinarily relaxed, because the colossal Battle Beast in the sky belonged to their side.


    I was scared to death just now. What exactly was that trident? It was terrifying. I saw cracks appearing on that colossus just now, as if it was about to shatter. My heart jumped into my throat just now.

    Senior Brother Bo exhaled deeply. The look of terror on his face had not yet faded, as if he had just experienced a great battle and barely escaped with his life.

    If Jiang Chen’s Battle Beast had been defeated, the outcome would have been self-evident.

    Yeah, it was too close just now.

    Dugu Bai was also filled with trepidation.

    Jiang Chen, exactly what was that trident just now?

    Fang ZiYi asked in confusion.

    That was the Sea God Guard. I didn’t expect Hai Tian to actually dispatch a celestial-grade Sea God Guard squadron. Tsk, tsk, what a grand gesture. Unfortunately, I’m afraid he’ll be disappointed this time. Even this top-notch Sea God Guard has completely perished at Jiang Chen’s hands. Hehe...

    Yun Hailun answered in Jiang Chen’s stead.

    The Sea God Guard of the highest level were at the advanced Spirit Realm level and belonged to the Sea God Guard legion.

    There were not many legion-level Sea God Guards.

    Upon reaching the True Spirit Realm level, one would not easily believe in any existence, even one as powerful as the Sea God, because every expert had their own independent personality.

    Even if one had faith, it would only be on the level of ordinary belief. To reach the level of the fanatical devotion of the Sea God Guard was basically impossible.

    Therefore, these celestial-grade Sea God Guards were usually specially cultivated by the Sea God Hall, growing up step by step through countless cruel trials. Because of this, it was extremely difficult for such Sea God Guards to grow to the True Spirit Realm level, because their own potential and talent were suppressed by their fanatical faith.

    Therefore, these celestial-grade Sea God Guards were selected from countless Sea People Tribe geniuses and nurtured with the most abundant resources.

    Thus, the number of advanced Spirit Realm experts was extremely small among the Sea God Guards, only a mere few.

    However, the importance and power of these few advanced Spirit Realm Sea God Guards were nearly equal to those at the peak Spirit Realm level.

    Therefore, it was clear how much Hai Tian valued Jiang Chen by dispatching a celestial-grade Sea God Guard squadron.

    Unfortunately, they had still failed.

    Unless they dispatched advanced Spirit Realm Sea God Guard experts, there was little chance of success.

    The great battle had ended.

    The garrison force had achieved a great victory, even pursuing the remnants of the Sea People Tribe army for tens of thousands of miles and recapturing the fortresses on the first line of defense.

    As for the war supplies they captured, they were too numerous to count.


    Sea God City, Sea God Hall.

    In the enormous palace, Hai Tian anxiously awaited news.

    He had received word that the Sea God Guard had already engaged with Jiang Chen.

    Your Holiness, something’s wrong.

    Suddenly, a bishop rushed in.

    What happened?

    Hai Tian’s heart skipped a beat. He had an ominous feeling.

    Your Majesty, the soul pearls of the ninth Sea God Guard squadron have all shattered.

    The bishop’s face was ashen.

    This was a colossal loss. Ever since the establishment of the Sea God Guard, there had never been such a loss.


    Hai Tian’s body shook, understanding that the shattering of the soul pearls meant all of the Sea God Guards had perished.

    Unexpectedly, this Jiang Chen is so formidable that he forced the entire Sea God Guard to perform a blood sacrifice!

    Hai Tian realized that the Sea God Guard must have carried out the Sea God Blood Sacrifice. He couldn’t think of any other force that could cause an entire Sea God Guard squadron to fall. However, with the Sea God Guard’s blood sacrifice, Jiang Chen is certainly doomed. There is no power that can withstand the might of the Sea God Guard’s blood sacrifice.

    He was extremely confident that even a peak Spirit Realm expert, when faced with the blood sacrifice attack of the Sea God Guard, would also perish.

    He estimated that even if Jiang Chen’s strength was great, it was only equivalent to that of an advanced Spirit Realm at best. Moreover, he believed that the reason Jiang Chen had the power to obliterate an entire Sea People Tribe army was definitely due to some method he possessed. He couldn’t help but think of the numerous beast statues in the plaza of the sealed land, seeming to make some connection.

    Waiting required patience.

    Especially for matters of great concern.

    Hai Tian paced around the great hall, anxious and uneasy.

    Soon, one bishop after another responsible for intelligence work entered, their expressions grave.

    Your Majesty, information has come from the Thirteenth Sea Domain: the plan has failed.

    What, failed?

    Hai Tian directly sat on the throne, his face dark and somber.

    After a while, he suddenly roared, Useless, all useless! They couldn’t even kill a single person!

    Deploy the Sea God Guard legion, at any cost, he must be killed.

    Hai Tian’s face was maniacal.

    Your Majesty, this must not happen. The great Sea God recently decreed a divine command, summoning all advanced Sea God Guards to enter the Holy Pool to be transformed into peak Spirit Realm Sea God Guards. Once that happens, our Sea God Guard’s power will reach its pinnacle, conquering everything for the Sea God.

    The bishop’s face changed, and he hurriedly spoke up.

    Enough, I know. You may leave!

    Hai Tian quickly calmed down, knowing the situation had eased. Once the peak Sea God Guards appeared, no one in the Nine Provinces Boundary would be a match for them, fulfilling the great Sea God’s will.

    After the bishop was sent away, Hai Tian reclined on the throne, his face cold and stern, Jiang Chen, you may live a little longer.

    Suddenly, he stood up, his expression devout, as if he had received some message. After a while, he waved his hand and a portal descended, an immense divine might transmitting from it. Hai Tian immediately stepped in and quickly disappeared.


    Chapter 430: Heavenly Sword Emissary

    Within a mysterious space, the power of the demon race flowed everywhere.

    In an enormous palace, a humanoid demon race expert over three thousand meters tall sat upon a throne, his entire body clad in crimson scales, his head adorned with sharp curved horns, his massive eyes radiating a fearsome murderous aura.

    He stared intently at a large mirror within the hall, which displayed moving images.

    An enormous war Exotic Beast was battling a gigantic sea trident. In the end, the sea trident, which emanated a bloody glow, was completely destroyed by the war Exotic Beast.

    How can there be so many Spirit Ranked war beasts in the Mortal World?

    As an emissary of the Demon Palace, he was a True Spirit Realm existence that surpassed the Spirit Realm, and he constantly monitored the situation in the Nine Provinces Boundary.

    Especially as the war in the Nine Provinces Boundary had recently broken out, the Demon Palace had begun to pay increasingly close attention to the developments in the Nine Provinces Boundary.

    Therefore, this demon race emissary did not dare slack off in the slightest.

    It seems I must report this to the Demon Palace.

    The demon race emissary quickly made a decision.

    The appearance of so many Spirit Ranked beasts in the mortal realm was extremely abnormal. Before that, I must thoroughly investigate this person.


    While the Demon Palace paid close attention to the Nine Provinces Boundary, the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance was naturally no exception.

    Moreover, to the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance, the Nine Provinces Boundary was a matter of utmost importance.

    The Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance even specially established proxy forces on the various continents and minor worlds of the Nine Provinces Boundary.

    Originally, the Sea People Tribe was also a force that the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance could manipulate. However, in recent times, the Sea People Tribe had actually gradually broken free of the control of the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance and had even privately launched a war, which greatly displeased the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance. They had even once sent an emissary to the lower realm to rectify the Sea People Tribe.

    However, the Sea People Tribe had displayed a fearsome power, and that legendary Sea God was even more terrifying. Even a supreme elder-level existence of the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance had descended with an avatar, yet under the power of the Sea God, he did not dare make any reckless moves. He did not even intervene in the slightest as the Sea People Tribe conquered the Nine Continents, and it seemed as if he had acquiesced.

    Although the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance would not intervene openly, they were providing various forms of assistance to the major human powers on land in secret.

    Naturally, the fact that Jiang Chen had defeated the Sea People Tribe’s army with war Exotic Beasts, and even annihilated a squadron of Heavenly Ranked Sea God Guards, had caught the attention of the intelligence personnel of the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance, and it was quickly reported.

    Some bigwigs of the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance tried to divine information about Jiang Chen but found they could not deduce anything at all, which only increased their interest.

    Thus, orders were issued to thoroughly investigate Jiang Chen’s information.


    Jiang Chen was well aware that this battle would definitely attract the attention of the major forces in the Nine Provinces Boundary, including those extraterritorial powers focused on the Nine Provinces Boundary, such as the Demon Palace and the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance.

    This was inevitable. As long as he remained within the confines of the Nine Provinces Boundary, he could not avoid their scrutiny.

    He couldn’t always keep a low profile.

    Not long after, Jiang Chen received information from his grandmother, the Master of the Nine Swords Palace, that the Spirit World’s Heavenly Sword Gate had sent an emissary to descend and intended to meet with him.

    Jiang Chen already knew some information about the Heavenly Sword Gate, which was one of the powerful forces within the Twenty-Eight Heavens Alliance, ruling over a Spirit Ranked middle world called the Heavenly Sword Spirit World.

    Chen’er, when you meet the emissary from the Heavenly Sword Gate, you must be extremely respectful. You absolutely cannot be careless; otherwise, the wrath of the Heavenly Sword Gate is something we cannot bear, especially since your mother might be within the Heavenly Sword Gate, the Master of the Nine Swords Palace said with profound meaning.

    Jiang Chen’s heart tightened, understanding his grandmother’s concern; she was afraid he would act arrogantly and possibly clash with the emissary from the Heavenly Sword Gate.

    Clearly, his grandmother had also guessed the special intentions behind the Heavenly Sword Gate sending the emissary.

    Grandmother, rest assured, I will know my place, Jiang Chen nodded.


    The emissary from the Heavenly Sword Gate arrived even sooner than Jiang Chen had imagined. A few days later, in a special space deep within the Nine Swords Divine Palace, a hazy figure gradually appeared on a huge altar.

    In this space, all the experts welcoming the emissary were actually Spirit Realm level powerhouses of the Nine Swords Divine Palace. Almost none of the supreme elders were absent.

    Naturally, Jiang Chen was among them.

    As the hazy figure emerged, an incomparably vast aura permeated the area, carrying with it an air of superiority in terms of bloodline and even mindset. It oppressed the minds of the people present, creating a subconscious sense of inferiority.

    Almost instantly, nearly all the powerhouses present lowered their heads, as if they did not dare to look at that hazy figure.

    Only Jiang Chen was unaffected.

    However, he had been reminded by the Master of the Nine Swords Palace, so he did not dare to stand out too much.

    However, he observed the hazy figure through the surveillance of the divine beast nurturing system.

    As the dazzling spiritual light gradually receded, the hazy figure finally revealed its true appearance. It was a woman in colorful clothes, like a fairy from the heavens. People did not dare to look at her directly. That nobility, that holiness, was simply incomparable to mortals.

    Jiang Chen was a little surprised that the emissary from the Heavenly Sword Gate was actually a woman.

    The Nine Swords Divine Palace respectfully welcomes the emissary’s arrival!

    The Master of the Nine Swords Palace quickly led all the supreme elders in kneeling on the ground.

    They had no choice but to do so. After all, this was an emissary from the upper realm, extremely distinguished. Moreover, such an emissary was at the very least a True Spirit Realm level powerhouse. Their strength far surpassed their own. Although after descending, they were restricted by the laws of the world’s origin and could only possess peak Spirit Realm cultivation, they were still invincible in the Mortal World.

    Although Jiang Chen was reluctant, he could only follow suit.

    Rise, a voice as ethereal as the sky itself rang out, incomparably pleasant, making people intoxicated.

    However, Jiang Chen heard the condescending superiority in this voice, which regarded all living beings as ants.

    Thus, all the higher-ups of the Nine Swords Divine Palace stood up.

    Who is Jiang Chen? Bring him to see this palace.

    The woman in colorful clothes stood without moving, not even shifting her gaze. She had an air of looking down on everyone, yet everyone present felt as if she were staring at them. That extremely powerful, invisible pressure made everyone tremble in fear.

    Jiang Chen greets the emissary.

    Jiang Chen did not expect the emissary to be so impatient, asking to see him as soon as she arrived. He immediately stood out and spoke neither humbly nor arrogantly.

    The emissary in colorful clothes finally set her gaze upon Jiang Chen.

    At that moment, Jiang Chen felt as if he had been seen through, inside and out, by this woman in colorful clothes. Her gaze was like the blazing sun, scorching and radiant. Finally, it transformed into a terrifying vortex of light, as if it would devour Jiang Chen’s soul.

    Not good, this is some kind of hypnosis technique.

    Jiang Chen’s heart skipped a beat, because he felt as if his own consciousness was about to be completely suppressed.

    He never would have thought that the emissary from the Heavenly Sword Gate would attempt to control him with hypnosis at the first opportunity.

    Fury erupted in Jiang Chen’s heart. He no longer cared whether she was an emissary from the Heavenly Sword Gate or not. He immediately activated the power of the divine beast nurturing system. A shadow seemed to emerge in his pupils. Suddenly, it transformed into a gigantic beast that could swallow the heavens and pounced out, letting out a terrifying roar.


    In an instant, the woman in colorful clothes shuddered violently, her pupils shrinking sharply. It was as if they had completely lost focus and become utterly hollow. At the same time, the woman in colorful clothes let out a piercing scream, as if she were having an epileptic seizure. Her long hair danced wildly, and her face instantly turned pale.

    Just now, Jiang Chen had utilized the corresponding spiritual Ten Thousand Beasts Formation, evolving it into a spiritual Exotic Beast. Coupled with the integration of the true meaning of the Exotic Beast, he had suddenly counterattacked the invading spiritual power of the woman in colorful clothes. Naturally, her mind suffered a powerful backlash.

    Fortunately, Jiang Chen did not use the true divine consciousness power of the Exotic Beast. Otherwise, the woman in colorful clothes would likely have suffered a complete mental breakdown.

    The woman in colorful clothes’s voice was incredibly sharp. Everyone was impacted by the soundwaves and felt extremely uncomfortable.

    However, when they saw the terrifying appearance of the woman in colorful clothes, she no longer had the slightest air of a fairy. She seemed more like a witch who had crawled out of hell.

    It took a good while before the woman in colorful clothes gradually recovered some of her spirit.

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