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Behold the Master of the Cross
Behold the Master of the Cross
Behold the Master of the Cross
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Behold the Master of the Cross

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About this ebook

A practical and fascinating insight into the inner, mystical doctrines
of the Master Yahsef Ben Yeshua, who was introduced to the mundane world
under the title of Jesus, as never explained before...

Release dateApr 20, 2024
Behold the Master of the Cross

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    Book preview

    Behold the Master of the Cross - Kelechi Ekezie

    Copyright © Kelechi Ekezie 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any

    means, electronic, print or otherwise, without the prior permission

    of the author and publishers.


    This insightful work that has been in preparation for nearly a decade today is dedicated to the memory of my late parents, to all thinking men and women who aspire towards greater elevation in all positive endeavours and promote love, brotherhood and greater advancement in the fields of medicine, philosophy, science and technology.

    To all those gallant brothers and sisters who lost their lives battling to save us during the Covid 19 pandemic. May their soul personalities continue to rise among the stars and their inner names engraved upon the constellations forever.

    Table of Contents

    About the book                                                            5

    Introduction                                                            7

    Chapter One: The Silent Brethren In White                        10

    Chapter Two: The Parable of the Prodigal Son                  21

    Chapter Three: The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus       24

    Chapter Four: The Parable of the Good Samaritan            29

    Chapter Five: The Parable of the Ten Virgins                  34

    Chapter Six: The Lady from Samaria                              38

    Chapter Seven: The Mystery of the Lord’s Prayer                  41

    Chapter Eight: The Mystery of the Holy Virgin                  49

    Chapter Nine: Reincarnation – The Master’s View            54

    Chapter Ten:       Healing – The Master’s Techniques            63

    Chapter Eleven: Closing remarks                                    72

    Bibliography                                                            73

    About the book:

    Behold the Master of the Cross is one of those rare publications

    that reveal the inner, real meaning of the teachings of the Master Jesus.

    This book was in preparation and review for almost a decade, ample

    time devoted to research and investigation of many ancient writings

    relating to the life of this great Master.

    The Master always concealed the real, mystical doctrines within his circle

    of Disciples and used allegory and parables to express the same to the

    mass mind. This work explains the real, mystical doctrines and healing

    techniques of the master in a simple and easy to understand way, something that is often a challenge for many writers on these subjects.

    A lifelong companion, this book should be in the library of every thinking

    person, regardless of religion, race or nationality. Many who read this book said they found it difficult take a break from it, while reading.

    The author, Kelechi Ekezie has over 3 decades of experience in the study and research into the little known Christian Mystical Tradition as well as a well known author of many articles and notes on Facebook, regarding the Christian Mystical Tradition, the Jewish Mystical Tradition (Kabbalah) as

    well as the ancient and modern forms of the Western Philosophy.

    He is currently researching into the African Traditional Religion with the view of providing vital and practical information to all aspiring in that

    Tradition. He is also the founder of the Self-Help Movement World Wide

    and is focused on grooming a new generation of advanced thinkers to

    help reduce moral decadence and provide some moral guidance to the

    younger generations.

    A crime fighter and software developer in Lagos, Nigeria, his hobbies include tennis, the martial arts, hiking and camping, game hunting

    and swimming. He is married with three kids.

    Copyright © 2024


    The fact remains that the much that was publicly known about the Master Jesus for centuries was actually the much the Roman Catholic Church was willing to make public. So many records were lost, deliberately concealed or destroyed, all in the bid to make Jesus look like a more mysterious and unfathomable figure; and equally, to elevate him above all past great teachers, avatars and prophets. The result was the creation of a largely fictitious personality, one that caused many modern historians to doubt if Jesus ever existed as a real person or whether he was a cloned personality; created by duplicating the personalities of several past prophets, deities and avatars of difference ancient religions.

    It is indeed unfortunate that till date, the majority of people, especially those of the Christian faith still know little or nothing about the real Jesus. Every parable of the Master had an inner divine meaning, concealed from the mass-mind using simple stories or parables as defined in the old times.

    The inner meanings are conveyed directly to the Disciples, who are always handpicked by the Master to form his inner council for the Missionary work. To the masses outside the circle, simple stories are used to convey these high spiritual ideas...very much like we use Tortoise, Mr. Fox, Mr. Lion etc to symbolically depict certain aspects of human nature such as cunning, courage etc to children and less enlightened folks...

    For example, if an average man was asked about the potency of the drug called Paracetamol, he'd probably chirp: Headaches, fever, aches and pains, paracetamol takes care of all! This is ALL he knows about paracetamol and really does not need to know much more at his level of awareness. Whether paracetamol is composed of 50mg of Sodium Tetrasulphate V, 25mg of Calcium Phosphate, etc, is known only to those who are core students of Pharmacology...These are their professional secrets...same as an app such as Facebook, most of us only know how to

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