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1 Beauty's Beast
1 Beauty's Beast
1 Beauty's Beast
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1 Beauty's Beast

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Book one details Malachi fights obstacles to keep Gabrielle's love towards him intact in a marriage relationship way despite their differences as different humanoid species. Such as Malachi viewed as a demon like monster with his morphing Berserker's side while Gabrielle is human.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateApr 23, 2024
1 Beauty's Beast

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Book preview

    1 Beauty's Beast - Beth Hoyer

    1 Beauty’s Beast

    Edenia series Planet Terranea

    By Beth Hoyer 2024

    Published story is by Beth Hoyer. The photo as the cover picture is by CL with graphics designed by the author Beth Hoyer herself.


    The story starts in the year 2020 in the present day on the planet identified as Terranea.


    He was running through the sidewalks of a concrete metallic urban city. He ran with people getting pushed aside by him being chased by someone following him.

    Hey! Watch where you’re going you idiot! sounded the people being pushed aside by them yelling at him You’re rude!

    He saw there was a female cop as a part of the city’s Samurai as law keepers’ group as named. He recognized her as named by the name of Gabby for she was chasing him running after him.

    He heard her shouting Stop!

    He paused only to get tackled by Gabby knocking them onto the ground when he stopped running. He rolled them over pinning her with hands restraining her wrists his body on top of hers. He like always in Gabby’s presence had always made him feel an itch he needed a female to scratch by his body’s instincts insisting had picked her for the scratching urges declaring her as his.

    He had as said I declare her as mine for she’s, my woman.

    He brought his mouth to Gabby’s lips kissing her brainlessly. He habitually enjoyed the kissing but couldn’t this time.

    He felt himself relieved to kiss her lips he was thinking Goodbye my love I have to go elsewhere for a while.

    She was he sensed from the kiss of his was giving off hmm noises with her eyes shut out of enjoyment as he kept his eyes open.

    He said when he broke off the kiss Sorry my love I got to go.

    He saw Gabby focused eyes onto him as she said, Sorry beloved I got to bring you in the law is the law.

    He kissed her brainlessly distracting her without her noticing, pulled out her electronic zapper handgun and zapped her onto the head knocking her out unconscious. He kissed her goodbye then with reluctance got up tossing the zapper aside.

    He said, Sorry my love I can’t stay around. I can’t get arrested to be in jail. There’s more to the situation I want to explain but I can’t.

    He darted away running into the roadway with vehicles swerving to avoid hitting him with horns honking angrily to continue running into the city. He ran into a dead end by dumpster alleyway. He paused, seeing no one around to view him including sensing electronics not filming him. He shifted to wave a hand above his head followed by a lightening show flashing above that zapped him with his form winking out of sight.


    Gabby was left lying unconscious on the sidewalk ignored by people walking around her including walking over her. The rain fell hard and shocked her awake. She sat up shaking her head with dizziness.

    Blast it he fooled me with that escape of his! Gabby raged angrily which she added furiously Why do I love that man even though he’s a stinker?!

    She got up picking up her discarded zapper to holster the weapon to her waistbelt. Groaning, she got up to find people weren’t around for the hard heavy rains with thunderstorms thundering overhead with lightening flashing had indicated not good traveling weather for foot traffic.

    Gabby eyed the sky and roared with hands wide above her Why?!


    On a grassed ground was a man from the form of only clad in pants with boots on his feet was outside in the storm’s fury. He was roaring in the rain screaming angrily at the world. His upper body from the pectoral muscle of the nipples area to shoulders was bulked up like armored padding. The bulking included the entire length of his arms with his hands displaying fingernails clawed like cat’s claws sharp enough to scratch skin were wide up aimed at the sky. He had on his face the eyes by eyeballs an entirely glowing golden suns colored that were eyeing the storm in the sky. He had on his forehead that extended stuck out with two pointed knobs on both sides that can be mistaken as horns that looked cut off. Two teeth of his with his mouth open as he roared at the sky were jutting out extended like animal fangs that can bite to cause damage. His chin didn’t extend instead had formed pointed knobs off the sides of them again like horns cut off. The man fell to kneel roaring at the sky angrily with rage running through him angry at the situation he was facing.

    He heard into his mind a male voice sounded disapproval tone of a telepath Malachi you to come inside your screaming fit is done. Your master has communicated to us as ordered. You’re to stop doing what you’re doing and come inside the sanctuary for the night. You need your rest to sleep before given the latest orders. There’s a rumor among us that your master has hinted he’s going to be giving you orders involving a certain somebody.

    Malachi was his name shot his eyes glaring murderously at the telepath a bald man a human. The telepath was standing in the doorway clad in red robes draping the form as a monk of the city’s religious order. It was unknown to him of what deity they focused worshipped to declare themselves a religious order. He felt like the group wasn’t religious from his master’s using him to do manipulation behavior of acting as the hand of death. Malachi stewed angrily recalling Lion as dubbed name of his master the monk controlled him to do this and that behavior. Lion viewing his hated monstrous form had indicated he had plans for him.

    Lion said I’m declared myself as your master. I give you sanctuary as one of us.

    Lion appeared to be taking advantage of him with his specialized abilities associated with the monster form to control him into doing behaviors he hated doing.

    Lion continued as said, No one accepts you like we monks of this order do.

    The monks totaling seven men with the eighth Lion as his master were all telepaths without voice box organs made him think they were born that way. The city’s natives, as visitors to the temple’s area on the mountaintop had habitually mistaken their lack of speech for their vow of silence. The monks all seven of them including Lion as the eighth agreeing together had always given him sanctuary to rest his weary head sleeping undisturbed whenever he needed a rest from doing his master’s latest orders. Only one of the monks dubbed Tiger had habitually given him advice involving Lion’s commands. Tiger was first in line to warn him what Lion was thinking from saying rumors among the others as said towards him.

    Tiger continued My opinion personally is the somebody involved someone in your life you’ve been encountering.

    Malachi felt annoyed instead of angry, got up to pick up his discarded shirt and marched up towards Tiger. He went to stand in the doorway out of the rain shaking aside the excessive water like animalistic while flicking raindrops at Tiger who ignored that status. Malachi rudely flicked water from his shirt aimed at Tiger in a rude way splashing the monk. He from knowing Tiger had appeared to be used with unlimited tolerance to his rude behavior of displaying dislike signs towards his mental talk with his behavior. Malachi recalled his hated monster form got named Berserker by his master and monks. His Berserker whenever in control had cut off his verbalized voiced ability for him to verbalize to his master and the monks what he was thinking in his mind.

    The telepathic monks like his master them all have refused to answer his question Can you read my mind and hear my thoughts like you can with the other humans?

    Malachi suspected the telepaths’ refusal to answer his question was for giving him privacy to think anything he wanted with or without his Berserker’s side in control. Malachi recalled with grimacing that after he reached legality age of choice as a twenty-one-year-old he was in the city freed from bondage. He was seeking sanctuary among anyone and came to the monks’ visitors’ temple in a rainstorm. They gave him sanctuary after his admittance came out that he had committed a murder.

    His master, finding out the reason for that murder had said Sanctuary here is what you received but you’re doing what we order you. You to verbalize your words whenever you talk to us and skip that mental talk.

    He recalled his splashing Tiger would be frowned heavily among the other monks if he did that behavior towards them including towards his master Lion himself. His punishment would result in mopping the eating room’s floor and doing the dishwashing by hand in the sink in the kitchen. The eating room was in a separate temple building was where the monks gathered to eat, and chit chat their conversation including meetings. It was where he drank his always dreaded diet of lemonade drinks and no other nourishment to his disgust. Malachi grimaced as recalled from knowing his father raiser’s attitude towards his rudeness.

    His father raiser would have said Restrain yourself to the wall for a whipping of lashes for that rude behavior.

    His back had multiple faint scar lines from multiple whippings by various objects focused onto a belt from waist of the pants. The whipping was done onto him not by the monks but by his father raiser raising him over the years with abusive behavior by declaring him a freak of nature. Malachi shifted to eye outside letting his thinking mind analyze with memories he couldn’t forget easily no matter how he willed them aside.

    His father raiser on his birthday said to be his legality had said Whipping is what you’re receiving from me as your gift so face the wall.

    The whipping had triggered his anger to take control of him that brought out his Berserker’s side.

    Malachi let the water drip off him recalling he spun around in a fast unholy speed and launched himself at his father raiser who screamed in terror Ah a freaking monster!

    Malachi grimaced gnashing his teeth recalling he hated the word freak said to him enough to react violently towards whoever said it to him. He physically attacked his father raiser with his Berserker’s side clawing scratching at the man’s bare facial skin causing bleeding cuts. He managed to succeed in biting his father raiser on the face including biting part of the man’s nose off. Malachi during his attack scratched his father raiser’s eyes out of their sockets blinding the man that stumbled trying to escape him. He recalled he tripped his father raiser to get the man to lie onto the floor.

    Malachi by instincts mentally held up a hand fisted while mental command said, Heart stop!

    The man was appearing to be unconscious while lying on his back he thought knocked out. Malachi realized his father raiser wasn’t reacting to his kicking with barefoot aimed at the private that indicated the death’s status.

    He felt panic hitting him at the time thinking I killed a man! Oh no I killed him!

    Malachi in his panic clad only in his pants and no shoes blindly ran out of the apartment. He was running down the stairs bumping into things and people he passed by with his monster side. Luckily for him outside was storming with few people around to notice his Berserker’s side as he ran into the city lost in his panicky thinking mind. Somehow his instincts controlled him urged him to Lion and the monks’ sanctuary to their visitors’ temple at the halfway point to the mountaintop’s leading to their residence. The weather had managed to stop storming when he entered the visitors’ temple with no one inside to collapse to kneel catching his breath heaving for air from his exertion of running. He found himself too tired to remain awake, collapsed onto the stone floor and passed out unconscious. Tiger had to tell him what happened next as said later once he gave Lion his loyalty as servant of the monks’ order.

    Tiger said Lion found you without a top on your form barefoot. You were drying out from a wet status from the rain. You were seen lying on the floor unconscious with your Berserker’s side shifting in and out like always when you sleep. You had bloody fingernails and wounds on your back that looked fresh from whipping.

    Malachi recalled he reacted with disgust hearing Tiger’s words Bah hah!

    Tiger added as said ignoring his noise Lion figured out accurately that you committed a death. He figured from evidence of the wounds on your back and fingernails having blood in them. He put his master’s status towards you as payment for giving you sanctuary from persecution from law keepers.

    He recalled as he eyed the storm that seemed to be raging lengthy what Lion oath to him.

    Lion said, I oath we won’t let the law catch up with you if you do servitude of our orders I as your master your to do.

    Malachi felt himself dried enough to mentally command Berserker away!

    His form flattened its padded bulked status to reveal a human man. He had humanoid black eyes with always short black wavy hair with muscles on his form said to be easy on the eyes by people ogling him.

    He spoke in a groaning tone Dang it.

    Malachi’s thoughts aligned with an image in his mind of a woman. She was short, five foot two inches below his six-foot tall height but sized perfect for him. She had black waist length hair and peaceful human blue colored eyes flashing into his mind. He recalled he saw the woman’s image of her headshot as shown by projector device from the ceiling flashing on projector’s screen on the bare wall. This was in the eating room as the monks’ gathering spot gathered to meet. It was a while after staying at the monks’ sanctuary when he saw her image triggering him to feel sexualized urges and heart pumping wildly like she was the one for him.

    Her picture as seen triggered him to blare She’s mine.

    His master had displayed attitude that made him think Lion was thinking I’m disgusted!

    Malachi refused to drop that attitude of declaring the woman as his. He was firm on getting to know her by him being in her life.

    His master had firmly said You’re not to seek her out. I forbid you. You have duties to do for us.

    He recalled his master kept him contained in the monks’ sanctuary for a full year doing lawn care maintenance of the grounds without sending him off to travel in the city. It was during this is when his master got him to learn how to use his Berserker’s side to do telekinetic commands of moving objects including transportation ability of hand’s wave above him.

    It was after a year starting his second year arrived when his master said, Your ready you’ve trained enough. You kept the exercises up as practiced enough. I have duties to order you to do in the city.

    The duties involved him transporting himself to a location in a residence after viewing a picture of the area by projector. Malachi had to always view a picture of a location new to him to transport himself to with image into his mind like photogenic. Malachi was transported to find a victim lying asleep in bed drugged by monks visiting the person to hand them a bottle of alcoholic drink to drink. He was to will forwards the Berserker to give the death command onto the heart organ that killed the victim then willing the side aside and transporting himself out.

    His master had said No you may not explore the city after doing duties no and no.

    Tiger had to tell him The Samurai accurately figured out that you committed the murder of your father raiser. They put out an arrest warrant with pictorial artists like drawings of your human side accurate by the hair. They’re not accurate with the eyes and facial. He left a drawing of you among his things with nasty notes’ wording that suggested a dispute. This is what made the Samurai think murder. His drawing wasn’t an accurate description of you. They used that for their arrest warrant issued. They don’t have a picture of your appearance with the human side. This was one blessing your father raiser never let photos taken of you. They don’t have drawings of your Berserker’s side. We’re keeping that way so don’t display that publicity. His drawing included description of your six-foot-tall height as accurate. They don’t know you have that muscular bulk of yours for your body. The body’s description as said is reed thin like traditionally for tall men with your height another fact we’re keeping it quiet about.

    Malachi scowled recalling Lion got him to commit multiple murders like an assassin.

    His master said excuse They’ve been insulting towards people that they deserved to die.

    He resumed his shirt after wringing out the excessive water that resumed his Berserker’s side once the wetness touched his skin. Malachi recalled to his disgust whenever in the private temple for hygiene care in the shower facility water always triggered his Berserker’s side in control. He had to scrub himself with soap before rinsing the substance off in the water with his Berserker in control to get clean. The water’s way always annoyed him enough to want the monster’s side removed. Malachi wanted to feel normal like a human. The monks were aware of his wish but refused to do anything for his wanting.

    Malachi growled annoyed when he heard into his mind Malachi your wanted in the meeting room now by your master who’s not patient.

    He growled GRR from the voice tone of the telepath that sounded disappointment to him. He felt like he committed a wrong behavior that his master was going to scold him about. He found his hunch correct by his master displaying a glare clicking a remote aimed at the screen showing him scenes. Malachi raged inwardly growling GRR viewing the scene of someone filming him. He was running pushing people aside to escape an obvious Samurai authority by uniform. The Samurai was giving chase and appeared to recognize him. The Samurai he recognized who was the person was. He realized his master had a purpose showing him the recording. Malachi focused glaring at his master with anger in his mind.

    His master said telepathically I’m ordering this Samurai to be put to death. You’re doing the execution of murder.

    Malachi felt rebellion hitting him. Malachi in a fast speed blur darted towards his master grabbing the man by the armpits to yank the telepath off his seat raising him up while dangling his feet. He was growling animalistic growls into the shorter man’s face. His master always in response to his rebellion like attitude remained calm.

    His master said, Your sanctuary will be no longer if you refuse my orders with persecution and rejection done towards you. You to think about that status.

    His master said his habitual words as always in calm tone. Malachi reacted with steaming rage hitting him from the blackmailing status. This was enough to cooperate with his master’s ordered command. He gently lowered his master till the shorter male’s feet touched the ground. Malachi thrust a finger poking his master’s shoulder out of rage hitting him. His master wiped that pain aside like a hand’s gesture despite visibly grimacing.

    His master continued I expect a perfect execution of thrown out the window of the residence’s high rise. You to commit the death to be assumed as self-termination. Now go to your room and wait till called out for doing this latest ordered command.

    He waved a hand fisted awkwardly towards Lion he figured he’ll name the man instead of title of master. He declared to himself he wasn’t going to view Lion as titled master anymore from his ordered command of committing death to a Samurai he didn’t want to do. Malachi went to his room that was formerly the pantry closet attached to the eating room having a curtain in the doorway to block anyone from peering at him.

    Lion had said towards him This room is for you to stay to sleep in only and nothing else may be contained in there.

    Malachi once inside found the room was long in length but narrow in width enough to lie down stretched out his full height of six foot tall. He couldn’t stretch out his arms fully from the narrowness. He found the floor was still padded with sewn together multiple pillows to use as his bed and nothing else. He wasn’t granted another pillow for his head or a blanket to cover himself whenever he slept.

    Lion saw to that as said, He doesn’t need a pillow or a blanket just the padding for him to lie down and rest from doing my orders.

    Lion saw to his clothes he recalled were hand me downs’ recycled clothing with sewing alterations. One of the monks was used as a sewer to alter the pants for his long in length legs. His top wasn’t altered to cover his upper body entirely that bared his neck in a scoop necked style with his wrists bare from shortness on his lower arms. He was forced to go around the city and the monastery clad in his clothes like his uniform. It was when they started to fall apart getting holey is when Lion ordered replacements.

    Lion said, Replace the clothes for Malachi.

    Malachi recalled he wasn’t granted anything else to wear besides his uniformed clothes and his boots. Malachi was given the uniform and shoes by monks after he came to the monastery’s visitors’ temple clad in ripped pants and barefoot. His feet to his relief indicated they had stopped growing. His boots remaining comfortable for him to wear whenever he traveled around the city doing death orders for Lion. His clothes kept getting ripped up from doing physical battling orders for Lion. Lion shared his attitude of his own disgust at having to replace the clothes flimsy in material repeatedly. Malachi forced himself to lie onto his padded pillowed bed glaring at the ceiling that didn’t have a light shining above to his relief. The eating room was always lit by large six round overhead pendant lights shining in a glaring way. The curtain in pantry doorway was successful blocking their glare making his room always dark to sleep well. His sleep wasn’t always well but filled with nightmarish recalled memories of his father raiser hitting him whenever the man raised him.

    Malachi willed aside his Berserker by mental command Berserker away!

    Malachi sensed telepathy had brought the side forwards by the telepaths communicating with him mentally.

    He thought to himself I’ll find a way to kill you for that blackmailed status of making I committing murder onto victims. I to be freed of servitude to be with her my woman who I want in my life. This is my vow. I oath I will fulfill one way or another. You’ll die with your heart in my hand taken out of your chest crushed to pieces. I swear it in blood of that Samurai I’m ordered to murder to death.

    He glared at the ceiling satisfied with what he promised himself. Malachi was uncaring that the telepathic monks could pick up his thinking thoughts. Malachi was firm with his mind’s contents. Malachi shut his eyes forcing himself to rest till called to serve again.


    Gabby scowled angrily catching her breath. She got inside her apartment by handprint onto the door’s console.

    She was thinking Sod off to people’s inconsideration!

    She had walked up six flights of stairs in the stairwell to get to her apartment’s floor instead of the elevator. The elevator had refused her efforts to come to the lobby despite pressing the button repeatedly. The elevator from the squealing noises indicated someone had the carrier box held open on a floor by hand pressing the open button to keep it there.

    Very rude of them! she raged as she stomped up the stairs in response thinking I’m grateful I kept my physical fitness up from attending the local gymnasium.

    It was once reaching the third set of flight of twenty stairs each is when her body’s physical exertion started to tire her out. She realized her running after beloved had leeched her strength. Her walking in the pouring rainstorm to the apartment building than taking a taxicab ride there had also tired her out.

    Dang it! she said.

    It took her heaving for breath and willpower to reach the sixth set to leave the stairwell. She glared with murder on her mind at the elevator sitting with doors open by a man inside. He was one of the neighbors on her floor standing inside having a hand onto the open key while reading a thick book in the other hand.

    Blast you! Your rude you idiot! she thought.

    The neighbor appeared to be studying for a test from the book’s cover seen that ignored her marching by.

    Gabby was giving off Humph rudely inconsiderate!

    She had managed to catch her second wind to march to the end of the hallway dead ended to her apartment. Hers was like a studio like residence like any of the other apartments on her floor were one room residences. The studio as bedroom and living room combination were on one side attached hygiene like private room and galley like attached kitchen on the other side. On the third side was a walled floor length window that took up the entire wall showing the outside city view with windows partially able to open to let in the fresh air. She once inside stripped herself of her weapons belt and uniform peeling everything off plastered to her skin.

    Gabby groaned from the peeled status Ooh that’s better!

    She once naked sighed and entered the private room long in length but thin on wide side taking up the length of the studio apartment’s side. Gabby showered blasting hot in the shower stall dead ending the private room.

    Ooh that feels good. She was relieved to wash off the cold chill associated with the rainwater and wet clothes.

    She came out towel wrapped around her head drying her always waist length black hair. She had on her oversized tall man’s white tee shirt she treated as her pajamas and nightgown. The garment was like a dress on her short form of five foot and two inches tall. She sighed recalling her beloved was tall as six foot a height difference that didn’t matter to her for, he was perfectly sized in her opinion.

    Blast it. she said as she eyed her uniform sitting on the red and yellow squared plaid linoleum floor I’ve got to launder this.

    She picked the uniform up to put it into the laundry machine for washing and drying combination.

    I thanked my lucky status that I had a handyman installed the laundry machine in my galley kitchen in place of my dishwasher. She mumbled as she placed the clothes into the laundry machine that began rumbling away washing them.

    Gabby opened the boxy square refrigerator to groan Drat I don’t have anything worthy of eating I cared to eat.

    She pulled out one of the multiple bars of chocolate she always stocked the refrigerator with eating on the go energy restoring during breaks of her shift whenever inside her apartment. Gabby felt like she needed the sugar rush and bit into the chocolate bar chewing noisily. She didn’t have many dishes to wash and dry. Her job as a Samurai kept her out of her apartment for twelve hours straight. She was assigned by the commander to be working patrolling walks in the block and street her residential building was keeping the restless natives to behave peacefully. Gabby finished eating and threw the wrapper into the trashcan in the bottom cupboard set aside for garbage as she gulped down two cups of water filled from the tap in the sink.

    Water is life necessary to drink. She thought to herself like always whenever she drank the liquid as her primary drink.

    Gabby left the kitchen to go to her weapons belt sitting on the floor to examine.

    Blast it! she said when she examined her weapons to sound disgust Bah hah!

    Her electronic equipment such as her electrical zapper handgun was wet from water. The weapon indicated the thing dead needing charging to resume function from wetness killed the battery. She set up the charger to charge the electronics attached to long in length like multiple sockets that were attached to the socket in the wall on the kitchen’s wooden counter.

    Gabby grumbled Useless pieces of junk!

    She sat down on her bed that took up most of the room, with a padded headboard to lean back comfortably. She went to watch scenes on the flat screened TV attached to the wall opposite it. Gabby noted the time as displayed on the TV that indicated her shift had a breaktime for an hour. She was to resume her patrol again in the weather, rain or shine it didn’t matter, she walked.

    She ordered verbalized TV on Access News’s channel.

    The TV switched on to the two familiar blonde women reporters sitting at a desk with computer tablets in hand to read while verbalizing their contents towards viewers.

    The women from the looks of their large breasts and long blonde hair made Gabby think Ugh physical looks got them the job of broadcasting.

    Gabby sighed rubbing her chest for her breasts from the size were naturally sized without alterations that caused other women to feel envious. She recalled she reached the age of twenty after just recently graduated high school, when she was sent out to live on her own.

    She was told by her mother Your done being parented. You are out of my residence. You out to join the world to do something for yourself.

    She didn’t have anything to do with herself in life for her first year of independence. It was viewing a Samurai in Duncan Nuts, the citywide takeout restaurant chain that was getting a wakeup drink a cup of blah that inspired her to think of a job as her purpose to do with her life. Gabby was inspired, thought she would join the Samurai doing that literally by walking inside the city’s training facility’s recruitment center.

    She went to the recruiter the trainer to say, I want to be trained to be a Samurai.

    The trainer took one look at her focused onto her breasts and laughed Yeah right!

    She recalled she said, I challenge you to a fight in physical combat. You to fight me.

    The trainer, still laughing obeyed to fall to her trick of proving she was a fighter able to defeat opponents with physical fighting moves. Gabby used her years of childhood starting to walk of continuous practice in karate’s combative movements to physically best the trainer in a fight. The fight turned to wrestling in which she again bested the trainer. She managed to trap the trainer lying on the floor with his arm bent out of alignment trapped between her legs with hands gripping his wrist.

    This made him rage Argh!

    It took three more trapped status she did onto the trainer to get the man to concede defeat.

    He said as admit Alright I’ll train you as a Samurai!

    The trainer kept his word to train her in the physical way of Samurai including uses of Samurai’s weapons to be used as hitting instruments. The trainer, to her secret relief balked at letting her handle projectile bullet handguns to fire at targets to practice on. She secretly didn’t want to handle or use the handguns. He instead had her practice using an electrical zapper handgun and a stick weapon dubbed a baton that was attached to the weapons belt. The commander dubbed Master Lord leading the city’s Samurai had one day shown up to view her training session with the trainer.

    She recalled as said Whenever Master Lord showed up for a training session meant the commander was considering the trainer’s request to have a trainee join the force on official means.

    Master Lord didn’t display visible emotions when she and the trainer went through the training session. He instead stood with arms folded and sometimes hands clasped behind his back. She ignored Master Lord and did the training session as well as she could. She was clad in the Samurai’s uniform with the attached weapons’ belt and gear associated with it.

    The trainer had said, Your practicing wearing this to get used to it.

    Gabby figured the trainer was testing her stamina of wearing everything associated with the Samurai’s uniform and weapons’ belt. Just to see if she could physically keep her fitness up when she trained.

    She didn’t feel relieved when the trainer said, Training’s done go stand and wait while I talk to the commander.

    She felt anxious to know if she was joining the Samurai. Gabby wanted to prove she could make a difference in the big wide world. The trainer and Master Lord turned their backs to whisper to each other to have her avoid lip reading their lips. Lip reading appeared to be a requirement for Samurai to have to keep quiet in situations when silence was required while doing their duties. She stood eyes onto them both seeing Master Lord’s head shake of no that made her feel deflated. Gabby saw Master Lord shake his head yes followed by them both turned to face her.

    Master Lord said, Come here.

    She obeyed to stand a hand’s length away.

    Master Lord held up a hand in handshake gesture while saying Good Mahalia to you for you made the force. I have something in mind for you to do if you answer questions first.

    Good Mahalia was speaking for a celebratory way of achieving a goal spread among the city natives of Urbana Decay. This was elsewhere in other cities’ locations in the continent island nation of Red Eye. The name Red Eye came from a desolated mountain of redness sitting in the middle of the continent island dotting it like an eye that the name stuck. Urbana Decay was on the northeastern part of Red Eye as a seaport city. The city along with another city named Maureen in the southeastern part of Red Eye had been declared as the twinning capital cities of the continent island nation. Urbana Decay was semi-circled by a hilly chained hill with one is where a monks’ religious order was and the ocean seas’ beach. The name Urbana Decay was from how decayed the buildings in the city fell apart when first built that name stuck officially. Gabby recalled she joyfully shook hands with Master Lord in happiness.

    She recalled she said, I won’t let you down sir.

    Master Lord asked her a personal question What’s the street is your residential building at?

    She felt confused to his question to honestly say Book Row Street.

    Gabby was told You are assigned starting a shift of walking to patrolling the street for twelve hours. This starts at six in the morning and ends at six in the evening. You have three hours of breaktime to attend to your personal needs.

    Gabby recalled to her disgust the trainer snickered quietly like he found Master Lord’s order funny. She didn’t find his laughter funny for she thought the job was serious. She never voiced a complaint when she started her patrol walking the entire street lengthy in long’s status back and forth. Her feet and calves started to whine in pain after two hours on her feet. She ignored the pain. Gabby kept track of the time by clock sitting on a building’s wall. That was appearing to be a banking business office she would glance whenever she passed by after doing walk by. Gabby quit her patrolling once the time clock signaled one of declared to herself break times like always.

    She said as declared Breaktime I’m to go eat.

    Gabby habitually ate a sandwich in Verona’s bookstore’s café inside the bookstore while drinking her cup of water. Once she finished, she

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