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"Overcome" is a captivating and inspiring series that takes readers on a profound journey through the struggles and triumphs of Melia, a young woman trapped in a world of luxury and torment. Drawing inspiration from the Holy scriptures, the series uncovers the hypocrisy and lawlessness that can exist within seemingly righteous individuals. With

Release dateApr 24, 2024

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    Book preview

    Overcome - Esstou Ouallasse


                                  A TALE OF RESILIENCE AND REDEMPTION

                                              ESSTOU SERIBA OUALLASSE

                                                   ESSTOU SERIBA OUALLASSE

    Copyright© 2024, Esstou Seriba Ouallasse , United Kingdom.

    Produced in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the author or the publisher.

    The bible quotes used in this book are taken from the following bible versions: New living Translation (NLT), New king James Version (NKJV) , American Standard Version (ASV)

    Editor: Prince Kambale

    Cover & interior Design: Graphē Christian Books

                Table of Content


    Welcome to the compelling series Overcome, where we delve into the depths of the human experience and explore the power of resilience and overcoming adversity. This series follows the life of Melia, a young woman trapped in a world of luxury and torment, reminding us that appearances can be deceiving. Inspired by Matthew 23:25-28, we confront the hypocrisy and lawlessness that can exist within seemingly righteous individuals.

    Through Melia's journey, we witness her struggle with depression, addiction, emotional dependency, and the aftermath of traumatic events. However, amidst the darkness, there is a message of hope and liberation. This book aims to encourage those facing their own struggles, assuring them that no matter how daunting the tunnel of pain may seem, there is always light at the end. It emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Lord, finding inner strength, and creating our own destiny.

    Overcome also addresses the impact of holding grudges and seeking vengeance, highlighting the freedom that comes from letting go and trusting in the Lord's timing for justice. It reminds us that Jesus Christ came to set us free from terrors, depression, diseases, poverty, and oppression, offering healing, peace, and freedom to all who trust in Him.

    Furthermore, this series explores the power of genuine connections and the healing they can bring, even in the face of the deepest wounds. It emphasizes the need to break free from the chains that bind us and to seek the truth in order to find healing, peace, and freedom.

    Ultimately, Overcome delivers a powerful message: no matter how dark and terrifying life may become, there is always a way out. By embracing faith, trusting in the Lord, and harnessing our inner strength, we can overcome any adversity and find true liberation and freedom. Let the weak say, I am strong, the poor say, I am rich, and the sick say, I am healed. Together, we can embrace the journey of overcoming and find the abundant life that awaits us.

                                    Chapter 1

                              Beyond The Edge

    Melia stood on the edge of the building, her tear-streaked face filled with anguish. The weight of the abuse, betrayal, and pain she had endured throughout her life had pushed her to the brink of despair. The voices in her head grew louder, urging her to end the torment.

    But as she prepared to take that fateful step, a voice from her left interrupted her thoughts. Don't do it, please! the voice pleaded. As Melia looked to her left, she saw a ginger-haired girl approaching.

    Confusion and curiosity filled Melia's mind. Who was this stranger, and why did she care? The girl continued, her voice filled with genuine concern, Don't listen to those voices in your head. I don't know what you're going through, but I can assure you that death isn't the solution.

    Melia hesitated, torn between the darkness that consumed her and the glimmer of hope this stranger offered.There is hope, you will be secure, you will be protected and will rest in safety. Don’t jump off this building, please! She said again, step by gentle step she marched towards Melia, her eyes filled with compassion. There was something about her presence that felt familiar, comforting even. It was as if she could read Melia's pain through her soul.

    Melia's throat felt dry, She could hear the sounds of the approaching ambulance and police, and the gathering crowd below. The people on their balconies stared in fear, some screaming out desperately, Don't do it! her sobs echoing through the empty space. Her trembling hands and blurry vision made her feel dizzy. She heard a faint, high-pitched ringing in her right ear. And just as she realized the danger she was in, it happened. As she tried to come off the edge, her foot slipped, and she found herself falling, the wind rushing past her.

    Seconds felt like an eternity as Melia plummeted towards the ground. But grace was on her side that day. The ambulance had been called, and a group of people were mere seconds away from the scene. They rushed to her side, performing life-saving measures as the ambulance came, whisking her away to the hospital.

    Melia's eyes fluttered open, her senses slowly coming back to her. The harsh, sterile light of the hospital room assaulted her vision, and a cacophony of beeping machines filled the air. Pain coursed through her body, rendering her unable to move, and as she turned her head to investigate, she realized she was connected to a web of wires and tubes, like a marionette trapped in a tangled dance.

    In the corner of the room, a small figure sat on a chair, their eyes closed, softly uttering words that Melia could barely hear. It was the girl with the ginger curls, the same girl who had tried to save her from the edge. Melia felt a glimmer of comfort knowing she was not alone in this sterile, unfamiliar world.

    Melia, Halle whispered, her voice filled with empathy as she opened her eyes. By God’s grace you're alive. It’s truly a miracle. The doctor will come and check on you soon.

    Melia's voice was barely a whisper as she mustered the strength to respond, Th…thank you.

    Soon, the doctor arrived, their footsteps echoing in the room. They conducted a thorough examination, their face, a mask of concern. The doctor's words were a blur to Melia as they explained that she had miraculously survived the fall from the rooftop of a 13th-floor building. But her body bore the scars of the impact, and she would need to stay in the hospital for a while under observation and undergo psychiatric assessment to ensure her mental health.

    And during those long days, Halle would come every day, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of uncertainty. She instructed a bodyguard to stay by Melia's side whenever she was away, a silent reminder of the danger that had brought them together. Halle had delved into the depths of her research, discovering that Melia was the daughter of Ronny Lavoyel, a multi-billionaire and politician. Questions swirled in her mind, wondering what could have brought Melia to the remote town of Bocas del Toro, and why she had stood on the edge of that rooftop, ready to leap into the abyss. Unable to contact the Lavoyel family, Halle felt a responsibility to speak with Melia first, to uncover the truth hidden beneath her fragile exterior.

    Weeks turned into months as Melia remained in the hospital, her body slowly healing while her mind grappled with the fragments of her shattered life. Halle became her constant companion, her unwavering presence a beacon of solace in the sea of uncertainty. With each passing moment, their bond grew stronger, as if their souls had entwined in a dance of understanding and compassion. Halle had become Melia's sanctuary, a safe space where she could unravel the shadows that had plagued her for far too long.

    One evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of gold and pink, Halle sat beside Melia's bed, their hearts beating in synchrony. She gazed into Melia's eyes, feeling a deep connection that transcended words. In that moment, Melia knew that the time had come to share her story, to reveal the fragile fragments of her past.

    A mixture of fear and anticipation coursed through her veins as she gathered her thoughts, searching for the right words to convey the depths of her pain. With trembling hands, she reached out to Halle, their fingers interlacing like a delicate tapestry of trust. Their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, a world of emotions unfolded.

    Melia, Halle whispered, her voice filled with tenderness and warmth. I want you to know that I am here for you, no matter what. You don't have to say anything if you're not ready. But if you ever feel like sharing your story, know that I am here to listen, to hold your pain, and to help you heal without any judgment.

    Tears glistened in Melia's eyes, threatening to spill over. She took a deep breath, her voice quivering with the weight of her past. Your presence has given me the strength to confront the shadows that have haunted me for so long. You have shared your past experiences with me, making me cry and laugh. I want to share my story with you, to be freed from the darkness set within me.

    Halle's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she squeezed Melia's hand gently, a silent affirmation of their unbreakable bond.

    And so, in the hushed embrace of that hospital room, Melia began to unveil the chapters of her life that had been veiled in shadows for far too long. Her voice trembled, but with each word, she felt a sense of release, as if she was shedding the weight of her past.

    This is my story…. she started….

                                    Chapter 2

                          A Fractured Childhood

    The chilling winds of

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