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An Absurd Palate
An Absurd Palate
An Absurd Palate
Ebook40 pages27 minutes

An Absurd Palate

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About this ebook

You shouldn't play with your food at dinner, but playing with language is still on the table. In a fusion of poetry and fiction, An Absurd Palate entices the reader's appetite. The book is divided like an

Release dateJun 2, 2023
An Absurd Palate

Alysa Levi-D'Ancona

Alysa Levi-D'Ancona was born in Trieste, Italy, grew up in Chicagoland, and lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband and two polydactyl cats. She received her MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics from the University of Washington Bothell in June 2023, and she teaches high school English by day. Liminality, surrealism, burlesque, absurdism, and speculative fiction are the pepper of her pages; stories, coffee, cooking, hikes, and blankets are the salt of her earth. Levi-D'Ancona's writing has recently appeared in TulipTree Press, Querencia Press, Occulum Journal, Stone Pacific, The RavensPerch, UWB Crow, Clamor Journal, Alice Says Go Fuck Yourself, Cream Scene Carnival Magazine, and Caustic Frolic.

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    Book preview

    An Absurd Palate - Alysa Levi-D'Ancona

    An Absurd Palate

    Alysa Levi-D’Ancona

    A picture containing logo Description automatically generated

    Querencia Press, LLC

    Chicago Illinois


    © Copyright 2023

    Alysa Levi-D’Ancona

    All Rights Reserved

    No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission.

    No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with the written permission of the author.

    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    ISBN 978 1 959118 31 2

    First Published in 2023

    Querencia Press, LLC

    Chicago IL

    Printed & Bound in the United States of America

    For Wahaj,

    who savors each bite,

    who leans into the absurdities,

    who pushes me to keep writing,

    who helps me fall in

    love ​ ​with life a little more

    every day.

    Il Menù

    Aperitivo -

    Spiced Wine

    Antipasto -

    Polka-Dotted Siren

    Il Primo -

    The Fin of A Bird

    Il Secondo -

    Like Water to Oil

    Contorno -

    molasses traps

    Insalata -

    Palate Cleanser

    Formaggi e Frutta -

    Quiet’s Clarity

    Dolce -


    Caffè -

    Blanketed Reincarnation

    Digestivo -


    Acknowledgments -


    Spiced Wine

    Tines slice rhymes like spiced wine glistens lo. Oh, to know the low blow before it grows. A mister glissades and glisters on many blisters, lists messan on the chaise, lazing in tow like Rah making love to Elektra—sade heinie amazed in a maze. A blaze lit, a glaze split in the lagged zag of afterglow. She shines in sin and whines mine in time, what a din sublime!


    Polka-Dotted Siren

    She’s a polka-dotted dress: siren in enveloped dreams, lapping urgently like the crashing waves. Bells, sand crunching under hot rubber with the carmine chicharones and frozen popsicles.

    Polka-dotted siren, slip on, slip into promised allure, dribble with splintered aftertaste. I slurp tentative sprinkles: buoyant chew of perfumed sand and polyester. Quick! Before she claims the melted bits!

    Taunting sun on peekaboo no-thigh gap. Polka-dotted siren can’t mask tufted expanse. Spaghetti-straps on a hanger fit better than on my baby fat shoulders. Numb ribbing roof of my mouth, phantom scales: embrace of almost ready, almost-promise fulfilled. She’s never escaping the closet.

    Battle tongues stronger than time’s claim on messy reprieve. Warm skin, polka-dotted siren pulse slowing, shed my enveloped dreams, sink into home, umbrella nap until she radiates horizon.


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