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The Haunted Ascent
The Haunted Ascent
The Haunted Ascent
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The Haunted Ascent

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In the suspenseful supernatural thriller "The Haunted Ascent," Emily Forsyth is drawn back to the treacherous slopes of Mount Arden, the scene of her sister Sarah's mysterious disappearance years earlier. Living a quiet life in her coastal town, Emily's world is upended by the arrival of a cryptic letter, written in a hand eerily similar to Sarah's, urging her to return to the mountain.

Compelled by guilt, longing, and the unresolved questions about her sister's fate, Emily sets out to face the mountain once again, equipped with her climbing gear and haunted by memories of their past expeditions. As she ascends, Emily encounters supernatural phenomena and eerie presences that suggest the mountain itself is alive—and harboring secrets. With the help of her old climbing partner Tom, and the unexpected assistance of a psychologist specializing in extreme environments, Emily navigates treacherous paths and her own psychological labyrinth.

"The Haunted Ascent" delves deep into themes of grief, the bond between siblings, and the confrontation with one's past, set against the chilling backdrop of a mountain that may hold more than just physical dangers. As Emily climbs higher, the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, leading to a climactic confrontation that promises to unearth the truth about Sarah, or entrap Emily in the same shadows that swallowed her sister.

Release dateApr 27, 2024
The Haunted Ascent

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    Book preview

    The Haunted Ascent - Catherine M. Hall

    The Haunted Ascent

    Secrets of the Silent Peaks


    Catherine M. Hall

    Copyright © 2024 by Victoria S. Grant.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


    First Edition: April 2024


    Chapter 1 The Return

    Chapter 2 Preparations and Portents

    Chapter 3 Departure

    Chapter 4 Unwelcoming Welcome

    Chapter 5 First Ascent

    Chapter 6 Echoes in the Wind

    Chapter 7 Isolation

    Chapter 8 Revelations

    Chapter 9 The Cave

    Chapter 10 Mid-Mountain Crisis

    Chapter 11 Alone Against the Mountain

    Chapter 12 The Echoes Speak

    Chapter 13 Gathering Storm

    Chapter 14 The Old Camp

    Chapter 15 The Breakthrough

    Chapter 16 Descent into the Abyss

    Chapter 17 Confrontation with the Past

    Chapter 18 The Guardian's Legacy

    Chapter 19 Ascending from Darkness

    Chapter 20 Edge of Revelation

    Chapter 21 Confrontation at the Summit

    Chapter 22 The Descent Begins

    Chapter 23 Reunion and Realizations

    Chapter 24 Departure from Arden

    Chapter 25 Epilogue - New Beginnings


    Chapter 1

    The Return


    The chilly morning breeze fluttered through Emily Forsyth's curtains, hinting at the onset of another serene day in her coastal town. Surrounded by memorabilia of her past adventures, Emily's house was a museum of her once-thrilling life, now quiet and solitary. As she watered her plants, her movements were mechanical, her mind distant, lost in memories evoked by the framed pictures of Mount Arden's rugged peaks that adorned her walls.

    The silence of her home was punctuated only by the soft ticking of the clock and the distant calls of seabirds. Outside, the neighborhood was waking up; the sounds of doors shutting and cars starting were faint but noticeable. Emily paused in her routine, her gaze fixed on a particularly striking photo of Mount Arden at sunrise. The mountain’s silhouette against a fiery sky seemed almost alive, a silent call to the wild spirit she had once embraced so fully.

    Her reverie was broken by the arrival of the mail. Among the usual bills and advertisements, a letter stood out. It was an envelope, aged and slightly crumpled, addressed to her in handwriting eerily reminiscent of her sister Sarah’s. Emily's hands trembled as she slit open the envelope. Inside, a single sheet of paper carried just a few words, but they struck deeply: Come back to Mount Arden.

    The words echoed in her head, stirring up a storm of emotions. Guilt, longing, and an unquenchable thirst for answers about her sister’s disappearance years ago. The mountain had taken Sarah, swallowed her up one fateful day when they had dared its treacherous paths together. Since then, Emily had turned her back on climbing, on adventures, and on that part of herself that thrived on challenges.

    But the mountain was not done with her, it seemed.

    As the day wore on, Emily found herself staring more frequently at the letter, each glance a jolt to her heart. The house, once a sanctuary, now felt more like a cage, its walls lined with silent accusations from the past. By evening, the decision she had been warding off became inevitable. She would go back to Mount Arden, not just to uncover what had happened to Sarah but perhaps to reclaim a piece of herself that she had lost on those slopes.

    Her preparations were methodical, each piece of climbing gear a reminder of the skills she had not forgotten. Ropes, hooks, and boots—tools of a trade she had once mastered, now symbols of a path she had abandoned. As she packed, the weight of the upcoming journey grew heavier with each item stowed away.

    The night before her departure was restless. Visions of the mountain invaded her dreams, its peaks shrouded in mists, its valleys echoing with whispers of the past. She saw Sarah in every shadow, heard her laughter over the howl of the wind. When dawn finally broke, Emily was already awake, a steely resolve taking hold.

    She loaded her Jeep with the essentials for her return to Mount Arden. The drive would take her through familiar landscapes, past the life she had built away from her fears, towards a confrontation with a place that haunted her dreams. As she pulled out of the driveway, the first rays of the sun lit up the horizon, a fiery backdrop to the journey ahead. Mount Arden awaited, a silent sentinel to the secrets of the past and the echoes of a challenge unmet.


    Emily’s return to the world of mountaineering began not on the slopes of Mount Arden but amidst the dusty shelves and quiet corridors of the town’s public library. She sought out books on local history and folklore, hoping to find anything that could shed light on the mysterious circumstances of Sarah's disappearance. As she scanned the titles, a soft clearing of the throat announced the presence of someone else—a tall figure in the narrow aisle.

    Looking for ghost stories, or is it something about the mountains this time? The librarian, Mr. Hargrove, asked, his voice a familiar baritone that echoed slightly in the quiet space.

    Actually, both, Emily responded without looking up, her fingers tracing the spines of the books.

    Mount Arden has plenty of both. But you know that better than most, Mr. Hargrove said as he stepped closer, his eyes kind and curious. What brings you back to these tales, Emily?

    She paused, considering how much to reveal. I received a letter, she finally said, pulling out the crumpled envelope from her pocket and handing it to him.

    Mr. Hargrove took the envelope, examining it under his glasses. This handwriting... it looks like Sarah’s, he remarked, his voice dropping to a whisper, laden with the weight of unspoken history.

    That’s why I need to go back. I need to find out what really happened, Emily said, her voice firm, more to convince herself than him.

    If you're set on going back, you'll need more than just old climbers' tales and legends. The mountain has changed, Mr. Hargrove cautioned, handing back the letter.

    What do you mean? Emily asked, a frown creasing her brow.

    People say it’s become more treacherous. Paths that were once clear are barely visible now, and the weather systems around the mountain... they’ve turned unpredictable, he explained, his tone somber.

    Sounds like the mountain is alive, Emily muttered under her breath, half-joking.

    Some believe it is. That it remembers those who walk its paths. Mr. Hargrove’s words hung in the air, heavy with meaning.

    Emily shook her head slightly, a mix of skepticism and intrigue playing across her features. I suppose I’ll find out soon enough.

    Be careful, Emily. The mountain isn’t the only thing that’s changed. You have as well, Mr. Hargrove said, a paternal concern etched into his expression.

    Emily nodded, a tight smile briefly crossing her lips as she gathered a few books. Thank you, Mr. Hargrove.

    Leaving the library with a stack of books under her arm, Emily felt a chill despite the sun high in the sky. Her next stop was the local gear shop. The familiar smell of nylon and rubber greeted her as she entered, the rows of equipment a stark reminder of her past life.

    Emily Forsyth, as I live and breathe. Never thought I’d see you in here again, boomed a voice from behind the counter. Jim, the owner, still sported the same bushy beard and warm smile.

    Neither did I, Jim. I need to pick up a few things, Emily replied, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her stomach.

    Sure thing. What do you need? Got some new ice axes in just last week, Jim offered, moving towards a display.

    Actually, I need maps of Mount Arden. Recent ones, if you have them, Emily said, her gaze wandering over the gear that lined the walls.

    Jim’s expression turned serious as he went to a drawer behind the counter and pulled out a couple of maps. Heard about the changes up there, have you?

    I have. Seems the mountain’s grown wilder, Emily said, spreading a map on the counter, tracing the routes with her finger.

    It’s more than that. There’s talk about... disturbances. Things not sitting right with the old paths, Jim said, leaning in closer.

    Disturbances? Emily echoed, her curiosity piqued.

    Yeah, strange noises, shadows moving in the fog. Climbers have reported feeling watched, Jim continued, his voice low.

    Still just a mountain, Jim. Mountains don’t watch people, Emily said, though the edge in her voice betrayed her unease.

    Maybe. Just be careful, alright? That mountain has always had a way of bringing out things we keep hidden, Jim advised, his eyes locking with hers.

    Thanks, I will, Emily said, rolling up the map and tucking it under her arm.

    As she left the shop, the weight of the mountain’s presence loomed larger with every step she took towards her car. The air felt heavier, as if charged with an unspoken warning. Mount Arden was calling her back, not just to tread its paths, but to face the echoes of her past that whispered with every gust of wind that rolled down from its peaks.


    The evening found Emily at the rugged cliffs that overlooked the sea, a favorite spot of hers for thinking. The waves crashed below with a relentless energy that matched the turmoil inside her. She stood there, the wind buffeting her figure, her eyes fixed on the horizon where the sun began its descent into the ocean.

    Beautiful, isn’t it? The voice came from behind her, gentle yet unexpected.

    Emily turned to find Tom Bennett, her old climbing partner. His presence was a comfort, yet a reminder of the past they shared.

    Tom, what are you doing here? she asked, a slight smile touching her lips despite the surprise.

    I heard you were gearing up for something. Thought you might need this, he said, holding out her old compass, its casing worn but steadfast.

    Taking the compass, Emily felt a surge of memories. Thanks, Tom. I guess I do.

    They stood side by side, watching the sea. You’re going back to the mountain, aren’t you? Tom’s voice was low, mixed with concern and understanding.

    I am. It’s something I have to do, Emily replied, her voice firm, her gaze still on the waves.

    Because of the letter? Tom asked, turning to look at her, searching her face for signs of the resolve he knew so well.

    Yes, that and more. I can’t explain it, but it feels like Sarah is still part of that mountain. Like she’s calling me back, Emily confessed, the weight of her words palpable between them.

    Tom nodded slowly. I remember how close you two were. How hard it hit you when... His voice trailed off, the end of the sentence too heavy to speak aloud.

    Emily took a deep breath, the salty air filling her lungs. I never found closure, Tom. Not really. Going back there, it’s my way of finding it, maybe.

    Do you think you’re ready to face what’s up there? It’s not just the physical climb, Em, Tom said, his brow furrowed with worry.

    I know. It’s the shadows, the memories. All of it, Emily said, turning to face him fully. But I can’t move forward while my past is still a mystery. You understand that, don’t you?

    I do. And I’ll be with you, every step of the way, Tom said, his decision clear in his steady tone.

    You don’t have to do this. It’s my battle to face, Emily started to protest, but Tom raised a hand to stop her.

    No, Emily. We started this journey together years ago. We never finished it, not really. I need this, too. For Sarah. For us, Tom insisted, his eyes revealing his own unresolved pain.

    The finality in his voice made Emily nod, accepting his support. Okay, Tom. Together then.

    They turned back to the sea as the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky painted with strokes of orange and pink. The beauty of the moment was stark against the backdrop of their daunting task.

    Tomorrow, we start preparing. Physically, mentally. Whatever it takes, Tom said after a moment, his voice resolute.

    Yes, we’ll make sure we’re ready. For anything the mountain throws at us, Emily agreed, the compass in her hand a tangible symbol of the direction she had chosen.

    As the twilight deepened, they continued to stand there, the cliffs a silent witness to their renewed commitment. The path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but for the first time in many years, Emily felt a flicker of hope. The mountain awaited, a silent summons to confront the echoes of her past, and perhaps, to finally silence them.

    With the compass as her guide and Tom by her side, Emily knew that this return was not just a journey back to a place but a pivotal traverse through the landscape of her own heart and history, where every step would be a step toward understanding and, ultimately, peace.


    Morning light spilled into Emily’s room, casting long shadows that stretched across the old wooden floor. Today was the day she would commit fully to the climb, both mentally and physically preparing for what was to come. The house was quiet, a stark contrast to the turmoil of emotions that churned within her as she packed her gear.

    Emily carefully checked each piece of equipment: carabiners, harnesses, ropes, and her climbing boots, worn yet dependable. She knew the importance of each item, the role it played in not just conquering the mountain but also in surviving it. Her hands moved with practiced precision, a dance of familiarity that belied the years she had spent away from climbing.

    With Tom’s arrival, the house seemed to awaken from its slumber. His presence brought an air of determination and urgency that propelled Emily forward, away from any lingering doubts.

    You got everything you need? Tom asked, watching as Emily packed the last of her gear.

    Yes, I think so, she replied, zipping up her backpack and hefting it onto her shoulders, testing the weight. Feels right.

    Good. Remember, it’s about the journey, not just the peak. We’ll take it one step at a time, Tom advised, his tone both encouraging and serious.

    I know. And thanks, Tom, for being here, Emily said, offering him a small, genuine smile. He nodded, acknowledging the bond and the shared resolve that had always characterized their partnership.

    The drive to the base of Mount Arden was quiet, filled with contemplative silence and the soft hum of the engine. The landscape changed as they neared the mountain, the familiar outlines of the town giving way to rugged wilderness. The mountain itself loomed ahead, its peak shrouded in mist, a titan cloaked in mystery and allure.

    Upon arriving at the base camp, Emily stepped out of the vehicle, her boots crunching on the gravel. The air was cooler here, filled with the scent of pine and the crispness of high altitude. She pulled her jacket tighter around her, shielding herself from the chill.

    Tom began organizing the equipment, setting up a systematic base from which they would start their ascent the following morning. Emily helped, each action setting her resolve deeper. This was no longer just about finding what had happened to Sarah; it was about reclaiming a part of herself that she had lost on this mountain.

    As the sun began to set, painting the sky with strokes of gold and purple, Emily stood looking up at the mountain. It was as if Mount Arden was watching them, an ancient entity aware of their intentions.

    The camp was set up, a small but efficient area with their tents and cooking equipment neatly arranged. Tom started a small fire, the crackle and warmth a comfort against the growing cold. They ate their dinner beside the fire, the light flickering across their faces, casting both in thoughtful silhouettes.

    This mountain... it’s more than just rock and ice, isn’t it? Emily mused aloud, her eyes fixed on the flames.

    It’s a memory, a challenge, and for some, a final resting place. We’ll respect it and conquer it, Tom responded, his voice low, blending with the crackle of the fire.

    Emily nodded, feeling the weight of his words. They finished their meal in silence, each lost in their thoughts. The night grew deep, and the stars emerged, a tapestry of light against the dark sky.

    Retiring to her tent, Emily lay back, listening to the sounds of the night. The wind whispered through the trees, and distant animal calls echoed softly. It was the mountain’s lullaby, a song of the wild that lulled her into a restless sleep.

    Dreams of past climbs mingled with spectral visions of Sarah, her laughter echoing across the ethereal landscape of Emily’s subconscious. When dawn finally broke, it found Emily more determined than ever, her spirit steeled, her heart committed.

    As she emerged from her tent, the first light of day illuminating her face, Emily felt a profound connection to the mountain. It was no longer a mere obstacle or a reminder of her past sorrows; it was a challenge to be met, a question to be answered. She was ready, with Tom by her side, to ascend into the unknown, to face whatever truths lay hidden beneath the mantle of Mount Arden.

    Chapter 2

    Preparations and Portents


    Morning light filtered into Emily's living room, transforming it into a makeshift staging area for their climb. Gear was spread out on the floor, each piece a vital component of their expedition. Tom was already there, examining a coil of rope with a critical eye.

    Think this rope will hold up? It's seen better days, Tom remarked, running it through his hands, checking for frays.

    Emily glanced over, her brow furrowing. It should be fine, but let's not take chances. I’ll pick up a new one today.

    Good call. What about the ice axes? Did you check the blades? Tom asked, shifting his attention to the axes laid out on the floor.

    Yeah, they're sharp and sturdy. No issues there, Emily responded, joining him to double-check the equipment.

    Tom nodded in approval and moved on to the carabiners and harnesses. These all look solid. No rust, no wear on the straps. It's crucial they’re in top shape.

    Absolutely. I learned that lesson the hard way on McKinley, Emily said, recalling the past with a slight shake of her head. I’m not making that mistake again.

    I remember you telling me about that. Gear failure at the worst possible time, Tom said, a serious note in his voice.

    Exactly. That’s why I’m double-checking everything now. I’m not letting anything to chance on Arden, Emily affirmed, her determination clear.

    Tom picked up a harness, inspecting the buckles. This is your old one, isn’t it? Still holding up?

    It is. It’s seen a lot of climbs, but it’s dependable. I trust it, Emily replied, her attachment to the gear evident in her tone.

    Trust is good, as long as it’s well-placed. Let’s give all these a stress test before we go, Tom suggested, setting the harness aside.

    Definitely, Emily agreed, her gaze drifting to the maps and guides spread out on the table. What’s our route looking like?

    Tom walked over to the table, unfolding one of the maps. He pointed to a marked trail. We’ll start here, at the base camp here, then make our way up the north face. It’s the quickest route, but not the easiest.

    Emily leaned in, studying the route. The north face, huh? That’s going to be a challenge.

    It will be. But I know you can handle it. We both can, Tom reassured her, meeting her eyes with a confident smile.

    I know. We’ve handled worse, Emily said, returning

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