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Sea Dog: Mercenary Masters, #1
Sea Dog: Mercenary Masters, #1
Sea Dog: Mercenary Masters, #1
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Sea Dog: Mercenary Masters, #1

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She broke their agreement, and he will make sure she pays the price.

Nina Olettta, one of the world's foremost information brokers and forger had walked on the wrong side of the law for years.

Sully, had long thought the dark haired beauty was a prize worth winning.

When she breaks the agreement the Cerberus Group negotiated that would have kept her out of prison and alive, Sully uses a cruise to protect her.

Can he keep her alive while making sure she regrets breaking her word and teaching her that she belongs to him?

PublisherDelta James
Release dateApr 27, 2024
Sea Dog: Mercenary Masters, #1

Delta James

If you're looking for paranormal, dark and contemporary western erotic romance, you've found your new favorite author!Alpha heroes find real love with feisty heroines in Delta James' sinfully sultry romances. Welcome to a world where true love conquers all and good triumphs over evil! Delta's stories are filled with erotic encounters of romance and discipline.Delta is always happy to hear from her readers and responds personally. Reach out today!EMAIL - deltajames-author@hotmail.comFB page - reader group - -

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    Sea Dog - Delta James


    Being on the straight and narrow was not all it was cracked up to be. In fact, it sucked. Nina Oletta was glad to no longer have a price on her head or a target on her back, but still, working for a legitimate organization doing legal work was boring in the extreme. Being an international forger and hacker for hire had been so much more fun.

    Nina was grateful to the Cerberus Group for negotiating a deal with Interpol that kept her out of jail, but needed more. Her only solace was in fucking with the Cerberus Group—freezing accounts, getting them put on no-fly lists, etc.—nothing permanent or truly damaging, just annoying. After all, she hadn’t actually asked for their help.

    The whole being a good girl, keeping her nose clean, and being legit thing just wasn’t going to work out for her. No, she had one more lucrative score, and then she would go underground, reinvent herself, and go back to doing what she did best—creating beautiful new identities and electronic histories to go with them. Time to go back to something a little sexier, a little more fun, and a lot more profitable.

    All she had to do now was get on that cruise ship. Four glorious days in a first-class junior stateroom on one of Oceanic Cruise’s elegant cruise ships sailing from Nice to Corsica to Rome to Naples to Sardinia to Marseille and finally to Genoa. She would join the cruise in Corsica and then be violating the terms of her deal when she crossed into Italian waters, but then she’d already done that a few times, and the last time Fitzwallace had told Interpol if she did it again, he’d see to her discipline at his club, Baker Street, in London.

    Nina understood Fitzwallace’s vexation with her. After all, he had brokered the deal between Interpol and her to keep her alive and himself in the good graces of his wife, Jordan James. Fitz might be an extreme alpha male and the mighty uber Dom of Baker Street, but at the end of the day, he was crazy about JJ and would do just about anything to make her happy. Luckily, that meant keeping Nina alive and out of prison.

    She would miss JJ.

    Sully sat in the lounge at Baker Street. He’d just completed a mind-numbing teaching assignment with one of the alphabet soup organizations. Many of them had begun utilizing Cerberus to train their people in better ways of spotting hackers, keeping hackers from infiltrating their systems, and cracking code. He was the team’s resident expert, but there were times dealing with the pretty college boys with no field experience got old.

    When he’d entered the club from the offices upstairs earlier in the evening, he hadn’t even put on leathers. He wasn’t up for even watching a scene, much less participating in one. He was bone tired, wanted a drink and something light to eat, and then to head for what passed for home. Home, he laughed to himself. A huge bed with an elaborate restraint system, a large television, an even larger computer system, and two chairs—one ergonomic gaming chair and an ugly, over-stuffed recliner. Oh, and foldable TV trays. He had four of them—one on either side of the bed, one next to the recliner and one next to the computer system. He never put food or drink on the same surface as his system.

    Ach, Sully, there you are. I’ve been looking for you, called the jovial Scotsman, carrying his wife slung over his shoulder. Sully noticed Fitz often had JJ tossed over his shoulder.

    Robert Fitzwallace had never been known for his sunny disposition. In fact, the term ‘dour’ had always been a more apt description. That was until he’d met, fallen in love with, and married Jordan James, the woman who had started Baker Street, the famed and exclusive BDSM club in London. The Cerberus offices were located on the top floor, and it had become the resident hang out of those at Cerberus.

    Fitz, I finished my report. I filed my report. What do you want?

    I want to send you on a cruise.

    You have no right, JJ started to protest, and was silenced by the big man’s hand connecting with her nearly naked ass.

    The two of them were dressed for the club—Fitz was in his signature black leathers and JJ was in a black and red leather corset and black thong. Fitz liked showing off his wife and she liked being shown. Before marriage to Fitz, she’d always dressed provocatively, but more for her own amusement than to be seen as the gorgeous creature Fitz had coerced into marrying him.

    What part of high protocol are you having trouble understanding, lass?

    The part where…

    Another even harsher blow to her backside seemed to convince her that her husband was not in the mood to be disobeyed.

    Do you need a session with my single tail over the spanking horse? he growled.

    No, Sir. Could you please put me down? I’m starting to get a headache.

    Ach, now’s there’s a proper request from a good lass.

    Fitz sat down in the leather wing-back chair next to Sully’s, setting JJ down and placing a large, comfortable pillow between his legs. Obviously, JJ was having an argument with Fitz, as normally he liked having her in his lap. But when she got out of line, Fitz often put her on high protocol—only being allowed to speak when asked a direct question or given permission to do so, and sitting at his feet, between his legs.

    Sully smiled and wondered if he’d ever have that kind of relationship with a woman. He’d always thought he’d be, if not the first, then the second of the core Cerberus group to settle down, with perhaps Sawyer being the first. He’d always hoped Sawyer and Rhiannon would find their way back to each other. They had, but it had taken far longer than anyone had thought. And he’d never thought Fitzwallace would even take a collared sub, much less a permanent one he married. Fitz had been known as a man with a large sexual appetite; it seemed his palate had become refined to just one woman and from the change in his personality, one who knew all the ways to please him.

    So, not a sunny cruise for my health, Sully quipped.

    Well, mostly, Fitz looked down at JJ, mind me lass. One more word and you’ll be servicing me with a bright red tail. JJ settled down and rubbed her head against his thigh. He stroked

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