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Daring Summer Kisses: Chateau Felicity, #4
Daring Summer Kisses: Chateau Felicity, #4
Daring Summer Kisses: Chateau Felicity, #4
Ebook35 pages25 minutes

Daring Summer Kisses: Chateau Felicity, #4

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About this ebook

A dare can be a dangerous thing.


When Faith's best friend dares her to kiss a handsome stranger in her small town bar, she should have said no. Her surprise turns to horror when she realizes the man isn't a stranger. He's her brother's (former) best friend. Who she kissed senseless in a bar last night. And who is working for her family for the next month. And who her brother hasn't spoken to since a falling out graduation night seven years ago. All she can think about is repeating the searing hot kiss—this time without an audience.


Release dateMay 2, 2024
Daring Summer Kisses: Chateau Felicity, #4

Heather Scarlett

Heather Scarlett lives in Southern California, though her heart is in Montana where she lived for six wonderful years. She loves big sky, wide open spaces, and cowboys. Heather writes small town romance that feels like home and is equal parts sweet and emotionally satisfying. Her heroines are strong and sassy and her heroes are rugged and capable. Heather's stories are family focused and relationship driven.

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    Book preview

    Daring Summer Kisses - Heather Scarlett

    Chapter One

    The town of Harmony, California, took Thirsty Thursday seriously. The local hangout bar was packed tonight. Faith Dupont sipped her third, and final, drink of the evening. The margarita went down smoothly and the tequila had convinced her she’d have no consequences in the morning.

    I’m not sure how you convinced me to drink tequila on a work night, she groused to her best friend, Hannah.

    You need to live a little, Faith. Life is meant to be enjoyed. You haven’t been the same since…

    Hannah didn’t finish the sentence but Faith knew she meant since Faith’s parents had died almost two years ago. She was right—Faith hadn’t been the same. Twenty-two at the time, her whole world had crumbled. She’d walked away from a prestigious marketing internship at a famous French vineyard to come home and help her siblings with the family winery.

    Her oldest sister, Felicity, had taken over the business with help from their brother Foster. There were seven Dupont siblings in total and they were a close knit family.

    I’m ok, Faith argued. As much as she wanted to believe things were fine, she knew they weren’t. She had a good job with Chateau Felicity as social media manager and lived in the main house with her siblings Felicity, Fallon, Finn, and Fiona. Yet she’d lost her spark.

    You lie, Hannah replied, the tequila making her words slur a bit.

    They were sleeping at Hannah’s apartment a few blocks away thankfully. Faith knew they’d regret the drinks in the morning.

    Faith downed the last of her drink. Time to go home.

    Hannah shook her head. Not until you’ve had an adventure.

    Faith glanced around the room. Same familiar faces she’d known her whole life. Nothing interesting happens in Harmony.

    You have to make it happen! Hannah studied the bar, eyes squinting. There! She pointed to a man Faith hadn’t seen before, sitting on a stool at the far end of the bar. What about him?

    Faith had to admit he was handsome. Dark hair, just a bit too long, hung over an eye, a

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