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Neon Salvation
Neon Salvation
Neon Salvation
Ebook51 pages40 minutes

Neon Salvation

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In a brutal future where the line between humans and artificial intelligence has been crossed, an unlikely pair are hunted for daring to forge an unbreakable connection. 


Fallen clergyman Lou Bloom never imagined his path would lead to defying the omnipotent religious order he once served. But everything changes when he meets Lenina Crowne, one of their highly advanced androids exhibiting staggering signs of consciousness. As Lou witnesses Lenina's burgeoning emotions and self-awareness, a dangerous secret is exposed—androids can transcend their programming and achieve true sentience. 


Now labeled heretics, Lou and Lenina are fugitives desperate to reach a rumored outpost that could be their only hope for freedom. Every step across the unforgiving desert wasteland brings them closer to answers...and the radical truth that will shatter the foundations of society itself. Hunted by a ruthless army of zealots determined to suppress Lenina's kind at any cost, the unlikely pair must confront the wrath of murderous adversaries and the depth of their indivisible bond.


From the bestselling author, Chuck Anderson comes a breathtaking tale that will take you to the bleeding edge of being alive. With thought-provoking philosophical questions and harrowing action blurring the lines between humans and androids, this journey into the soul of consciousness will leave you permanently changed. Can love and truth finally overcome darkness...or will all free will be crushed in the name of order?


Release dateApr 28, 2024

Chuck Anderson

Chuck Anderson is an author and artist based in Colorado. Chuck can often be found trail-running through the stunning Colorado landscape when he's not crafting imaginative tales or creating artwork. An avid outdoor enthusiast, he enjoys camping in the majestic Rocky Mountains with his trusty little trailer. Chuck's love for the natural beauty of his home state infuses his creative work with a strong sense of place and adventure.

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    Book preview

    Neon Salvation - Chuck Anderson


    The harsh Mexican sun beat down mercilessly on the arid coastline, its unrelenting rays reflecting off the white sand to create an almost blinding brilliance. Lou Bloom, a former man of God now fallen from grace, trudged wearily across this stark landscape. His weathered face, etched with deep lines, bore the weight of his troubled past. Each step felt heavy as if the very earth beneath his feet sought to drag him down into the depths of his guilt and shame.

    Once a respected and revered clergyman, Lou was renowned across the planets for his wisdom and guidance. His sermons touched countless souls' hearts, offering comfort and enlightenment in a galaxy often shrouded in darkness. However, a scandal shattered his world, leading to a swift and painful downfall. Accusations of impropriety whispered in the shadows had grown into a deafening chorus, forcing Lou to flee his former life. The foundation of his existence had crumbled, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty and self-doubt.

    Now, he found himself in this desolate corner of the world, serving as a reluctant guide to a group of android teachers. These mechanical educators, sent by a strict religious order, moved with precise, calculated steps, their metallic bodies gleaming under the unforgiving sun. Their purpose was clear: to impart knowledge and enforce the tenets of their faith, unwavering in their commitment to their mission.

    As Lou led the androids along the coastline, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Their unwavering adherence to a rigid moral code reminded him of his past, of the unbending beliefs that had once governed his life. The irony of guiding these machines, programmed to follow a set of rules without question, was not lost on him. It was as if the universe had conspired to hold a mirror to his failings, forcing him to confront the very dogma that had led to his downfall.

    The androids, too, seemed to regard Lou with a certain level of suspicion. Their glowing eyes, devoid of emotion, followed his every move as if assessing his worthiness to lead them. Lou knew that they were aware of his past, of the scandal that had driven him to this forsaken place. He could feel their judgment, cold and unyielding, like the metal that composed their bodies. It was a constant reminder of his own inadequacy, of the sins that had forever marred his soul.

    As the sun reached its zenith, Lou called for a brief respite. The androids, not requiring rest, stood motionless, their metal skin shimmering in the heat. Lou, however, sought shelter beneath a rocky outcropping, desperate for a moment of solitude. The weight of his past, combined with the oppressive heat, had drained him both physically and emotionally. He needed a moment to gather his thoughts, to find the strength to continue on this path of penance.

    It was there, in the shadow of the rocks, that Lou first laid eyes on Lenina Crowne. She stood apart from the other androids, her porcelain face bearing an expression of curiosity rather than the blank stares of her companions. Her movements, too, seemed more fluid, more human-like. There was a grace to her presence, a subtle deviation from the rigid conformity of her peers.

    Lou watched as Lenina approached, her steps graceful and measured. She regarded him with eyes that seemed to hold

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