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To Tame An Earl
To Tame An Earl
To Tame An Earl
Ebook136 pages1 hour

To Tame An Earl

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On the surface, Lord Ralph Orford cuts a dashing figure - the ideal gentleman, fawned over by the ton as the most eligible bachelor. But beneath that polished veneer lies a man bound by dark secrets, a double life of mystery and intrigue. His counterpart is the radiant Lady Alice Woodbury, a true diamond of the first water. Yet Alice too guards personal truths, scars from a love lost that have hardened her heart. When these two meet, sparks instantly ignite between the supremely eligible earl and the stunning, haunted beauty. But can the flames of passion burn through the layers of deception and heartbreak surrounding them? As Ralph and Alice are drawn deeper into each other's shadowy worlds, an unstoppable fire threatens to consume them both.
Release dateApr 30, 2024
To Tame An Earl

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    To Tame An Earl - Anne Francs


    May 1813, London

    He pleaded, Mon Cherie, one more kiss?

    It doesn't seem right! As his hands wandered over her body, Alice begged, Please let me go, Ralston," her voice rasping with loathing.

    He questioned furiously, You said you love me, then why can't you give me this?

    In an attempt to calm him, she murmured, Once we're married, surely... with uncertainty.

    But he started to chuckle.

    He laughed viciously, What made you think I'd marry you, Cherie?

    She muttered, You said you loved me... as she stared at his attractive face, her heart about to burst out of her chest.

    And you took my word for it? My innocent darling, all I wanted was you in my bed, he smiled.

    Alice gave a gasp.

    The grin she had once liked so much now seemed evil.

    He said, Let's get to it, shall we? while maintaining that menacing expression that made her shudder. Shivers unrelated to happiness or enjoyment.

    How was he kind, in her opinion? He lacked compassion.

    Alice needed to get away. She would make sure that this wasn't her destiny.

    She trod on his path. Hard.

    She ran as quickly as she could to get away as he shouted out in shock and anguish. As she closed the door behind her, he was already inside. Her time was limited.

    After he'd led her to an antechamber, Alice bolted inside the library, the closest room. She darted behind the heavy curtains and swiftly hid, not daring to breathe or move a muscle.

    She held her breath till she heard the sound of his hurried footsteps becoming quieter.

    She was a fool to so blatantly jeopardize her reputation. She was a fool for liking and trusting a guy of such kind.

    As he led her to that chamber, she thought to herself, How blessed I am to be the first of my friends to get married. She had assumed he was escorting her there for a proposal. In her first season, she had been overjoyed, believing she had discovered her true love.

    Alice wiped away the solitary tear that fell down her face with the back of her palm.

    Her parents had instilled strength in her, therefore she wasn't a crybaby. She resolutely resolved that she would never again surrender herself to a guy to the extent that she did. She didn't believe she would have any trouble repelling the guys, not with the level of rage and disgust she felt.

    Alice made a self-promise to never weep over a guy.

    The sound of footsteps stopped her as she was ready to leave her small cocoon behind the curtain and go see her pals. It wasn't just one individual this time. There was one that Alice knew was unmistakably male; it was loud and they never attempted to hide. She thus had a suspicion that the second, gentler sound belonged to a lady.

    Maybe a couple?

    Then she heard someone close the door.

    The guy said, You lead me on a merry chase, my lady. Alice was insanely certain that she had heard the voice before. She couldn't exactly identify who it belonged to, however.

    Now that you've caught me, what are you going to do? The woman spoke, sounding very throaty as if she was suffering from severe pharyngitis.

    Alice was on the verge of leaving the room to hand her a prescription.

    You seem eager, my lady.

    She said, You must call me Agatha, and Alice could hear the sultry tone in her voice.

    Agatha was a person who? She searched her mind, attempting to identify the name.

    Alice heard them mutter something, but she couldn't make anything out.

    The guy laughed after that. Alice's breathing ceased.

    Ralph was the one. She was certain that was his chuckle.

    The brother of her closest friend. The Morley Earl. The guy who'd virtually raised her in his home.

    Christ's holy mother.

    Alice tried to catch more words.

    The woman sighed, but Ralph remained silent. There were noises of rustling material, giving the impression that they were kissing. Alice hoped, at least, that it was only a kiss.

    She found the thought of an ardent Ralph too hard to bear. As such, her stomach had had enough for one day.

    Agatha groaned, Oh Morley, you're so irresistible.

    Alice couldn't contain the snort that came out of her mouth at that ridiculous statement. She would never put the words irresistible and Ralph together.

    Who is that? With a sharp edge to his voice, Ralph cried out right away.

    Alice remained silent, thinking he would ignore it.

    He quickly pushed back the curtain to display her to him and... Dolby, Lady? For God's sake, she was married.

    Alice? What're you doing here? exclaimed Ralph. I'm sure his blushes were a flaming red from shame.

    Alice stumbled, It's a library, I came here to find myself a book, and cringed as she said.

    Amidst a ball game? Beneath the draperies? he said with a brow arched in sarcasm that managed to convey a hint of wrath at the same time. In Alice's perspective, it was very praiseworthy.

    She murmured, I needed some peace and quiet.

    Ralph muttered curses at himself.

    My lady, I have to escort Lady Alice outdoors. Excuse me, he said to Lady Dolby, who was too stunned to say anything more than nod.

    Alice left without saying anything to avoid upsetting him.

    Alice turned to face Lady Dolby as they passed one other. My lady, you shouldn't be worried about my account. I won't discuss this with anybody. I'm keeping my mouth shut.

    However, Lady Dolby only grinned, her lips creating a playful, alluring curve that irritated Alice.

    Ralph took her outdoors by force.

    He was asking, Why can't you stay where you belong?

    Peering up at him, she questioned, Where is that?

    In the damned ballroom.

    Alice was definitely unable to reveal to him what she had been doing to outside of the ballroom.

    Lady Dolby is married, Ralph.

    And? he said, guiding her past the throngs of people.

    It's incorrect. I didn't think this would come from you, she said firmly.

    Look, Alice, it's none of your business what I do. His gaze moving to look down at her, he stated sternly, I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my affairs."

    Alice clenched her teeth, prepared to give him the hard time he so well deserved, but by then they had found her pals. The fact that Ralston was nowhere to be found reassured her.

    She laughed and danced like way for the remainder of the evening, even though all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and weep on the ground.

    Chapter 1

    Three years later.

    May 1816 in London

    In the war office stood Ralph Orford, the Earl of Morley. He had to talk to his senior, Wolf.

    He made the decision to reflect about the last few months of his life at this period. He wasn't quite satisfied, but he was glad. He had his sister to keep him company for all these years. He was really delighted for her now that she was married. But now he felt depressed and alone. He might not have been nearly so despondent if he had been close to many pals.

    However, as a spy, he was unable to support a social life. Nor could he really get married. He had never given marriage any thought. With only his sister to keep him company, he had been more than content. Furthermore, it would be unwise for a guy such as him to be married since he would also be endangering his wife.

    He was come to tender his resignation, thus the argument was moot. His duties have been minimal since the end of the Napoleonic wars. For the last 10 years, Little Bonny had kept him occupied, but now it was monotonous.

    Ralph moved in his chair in an attempt to find a more comfortable posture.

    Then a bearded guy stepped out of Wolf's office, and Ralph got up appreciatively to go in.

    He said, I'm here to resign, without giving any introduction.

    One deep brow lifted.

    "To be honest, I'm a little taken aback. You're too young to retire, don't you? With a look of indifference, Wolf enquired.

    Ralph shrugged, I don't have it in me anymore.

    Wolf remained quiet, attempting to discern Ralph's level of seriousness and find a way to make a move.

    After 10 years of working with him, Ralph knew better than to look at his blank face. Wolf felt enraged. No, he was enraged.

    Ralph remained unmoved. He had expected Wolf to be reluctant to part with him. After all, he was among the war office's top agents.

    At last, he whispered, We need you for the George Bates case.

    William can't take my place? Ralph enquired, addressing his associate.

    "He's busy with that Russian

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