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Grace in Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness as a Way of Life: Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #10
Grace in Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness as a Way of Life: Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #10
Grace in Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness as a Way of Life: Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #10
Ebook70 pages30 minutes

Grace in Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness as a Way of Life: Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #10

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About this ebook

Dive into the heart of thankfulness with "Grace in Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness as a Way of Life," a spiritually enriching guide that invites Christians to cultivate a deeper relationship with God through gratitude. This book is a treasure trove of biblical wisdom, practical advice, and inspiring stories that will transform your faith journey.


Discover the biblical roots of gratitude and how it can revolutionize your life.

Learn practical steps to weave thankfulness into your daily routines.

Embrace the joy and peace that come from a grateful heart.

Find strength in trials through a thankful perspective.

Join a community of believers on a transformative journey of faith and thankfulness.

This book is perfect for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual life, enhance their prayer practice, and live out the joy of the Gospel. It's not just a book; it's a movement towards a more thankful and fulfilling life in Christ.


Summary: "Grace in Gratitude" is a guide to enriching your faith through thankfulness. It offers biblical insights, daily practices, and a community journey towards a joyous, grateful life in Christ.

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Grace in Gratitude: Embracing Thankfulness as a Way of Life: Christian Living: Tales of Faith, Grace, Love, and Empathy, #10

Faithful G. Writer

Faithful G. Witness is a Christian author, tutor, and coach who loves and enjoys reading, studying, and teaching the Bible. He was born in a Christian family and has studied the Bible both in the church and at school. He has a degree in accounting and worked as a professional accountant for over 30 years. He is married and has children, and lives in Ottawa, Canada. Faithful’s passion is to help others discover the joy and power of studying the Bible and applying it to their lives. He has written several books on various topics related to Bible study, such as Bible Study 101: How to Read, Understand, and Apply God’s Word in Your Life. He also offers online courses, workshops, and mentoring programs for anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible and grow in their faith. Faithful is an active member of his church and serves as an elder. He also participates in various ministries and outreach programs that share the gospel with others. He believes that studying the Bible is not only a personal activity, but also a communal and missional one. Faithful’s motto is: “The Bible is God’s love letter to us. Let us read it, study it, live it, and share it.”

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