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The Compass and the Lost Star: Romance Novel, #3
The Compass and the Lost Star: Romance Novel, #3
The Compass and the Lost Star: Romance Novel, #3
Ebook70 pages51 minutes

The Compass and the Lost Star: Romance Novel, #3

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  The symphony of magic had hummed for millennia, a delicate balance maintained by the Celestial Cadence, a society of mages sworn to protect the Conduit – the very heart of magic itself. Among them, are Seraphina and Balthazar, prodigies bound by a shared love for the arcane arts and an unwavering devotion to their order.

But whispers of discord began to taint the melody. Renegade mages, seduced by whispers of forbidden power, sought to unravel the intricate tapestry of the symphony, unleashing chaos upon the land. At the forefront of this rebellion stood Balthazar, his heart twisted by an insidious force, his once-brilliant mind fixated on rewriting the symphony into a cacophony of his design.

Seraphina, her heart heavy with a betrayal that cut deeper than any spell, faced an impossible choice. Confront her corrupted brother, the one she held closest, or watch as the magic they both revered consumed the world. As the discordant notes grew louder, threatening to drown out the harmony that held reality together, Seraphina knew a final, desperate act was required.

This is the tale of a shattered bond, a melody corrupted, and a desperate fight to restore harmony to the symphony of magic. Brace yourselves for a saga of forbidden knowledge, the allure of forbidden power, and the enduring strength of a sister's love, for in the face of ultimate discord, only perfect harmony can hope to prevail.

Release dateApr 29, 2024
The Compass and the Lost Star: Romance Novel, #3

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    The Compass and the Lost Star - Schiffo

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    The Compass and the Lost Star


    The symphony of magic had hummed for millennia, a delicate balance maintained by the Celestial Cadence, a society of mages sworn to protect the Conduit – the very heart of magic itself. Among them, are Seraphina and Balthazar, prodigies bound by a shared love for the arcane arts and an unwavering devotion to their order.

    But whispers of discord began to taint the melody. Renegade mages, seduced by whispers of forbidden power, sought to unravel the intricate tapestry of the symphony, unleashing chaos upon the land. At the forefront of this rebellion stood Balthazar, his heart twisted by an insidious force, his once-brilliant mind fixated on rewriting the symphony into a cacophony of his design.

    Seraphina, her heart heavy with a betrayal that cut deeper than any spell, faced an impossible choice. Confront her corrupted brother, the one she held closest, or watch as the magic they both revered consumed the world. As the discordant notes grew louder, threatening to drown out the harmony that held reality together, Seraphina knew a final, desperate act was required.

    This is the tale of a shattered bond, a melody corrupted, and a desperate fight to restore harmony to the symphony of magic. Brace yourselves for a saga of forbidden knowledge, the allure of forbidden power, and the enduring strength of a sister's love, for in the face of ultimate discord, only perfect harmony can hope to prevail.

    Chapter 1: Where the Ocean Meets the Sky

    Amara squinted at the relentless sun, its glare mimicking the turmoil in her heart. The salty spray of the tempestuous Atlantic stung her cheeks, a stark contrast to the hollowness within. Her weathered hands gripped the worn leather of the ship's wheel, knuckles white with the strain. As captain of the Wanderlust, a name a cruel joke now, she'd braved countless storms, her trusty compass always guiding her home. But this time, the needle spun erratically, a reflection of her lost course.

    The storm that ripped through their sails two days ago stole more than just their supplies. It stole her crewmate and closest friend, Kaia, swept overboard in a monstrous wave. Grief threatened to capsize her, the guilt a heavy anchor dragging her down. Kaia had believed in Amara's dream, their shared ambition to chart a new passage to the fabled Spice Islands. Now, with Kaia gone and the compass useless, Amara felt adrift in an endless ocean of despair.

    Suddenly, a cry pierced the air, snapping her from her grief. A speck in the distance, barely visible against the cerulean canvas of the sky. Hope, a fragile bud, bloomed in Amara's chest. Raising her spyglass, her heart lurched. It was a man, clinging to a piece of driftwood, his face pale against the sun-baked skin.

    Hesitation gnawed at her. Provisions were running low, and rescuing a stranger meant less for them. But Kaia's voice, a whisper in her mind, echoed: Always do the right thing, Amara. With a steely resolve, she barked orders, the crew scrambling to change course, a flicker of life returning to their weary faces.

    As they drew closer, the man came into focus. Disheveled, with dark hair plastered to his forehead, his eyes held a desperate glint. Relief and a touch of apprehension washed over Amara. This stranger, a possible savior or another burden, was about to change the course of her journey, both on the sea and in her heart.

    Chapter 2: The Starry-Eyed Navigator

    Elias clung to the driftwood, his body screaming in protest. The sun, once a source of warmth, now mocked him with its relentless brilliance. He'd been adrift for days, his ship, the Stardust, lost in the storm, and the crew vanished like phantoms. He was a navigator, his life was spent charting constellations, not navigating treacherous waves. Yet, here he was, a castaway dependent on the mercy of the ocean.

    Just as despair threatened to consume him, a speck appeared on the horizon. Hope, a flickering flame, ignited in his chest. As the vessel grew closer, his heart hammered against his ribs. A ship, a lifeline in this vast expanse of blue. Relief turned to apprehension when he saw the ragged state of the

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