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I Am the Author: I Am the Author, #1
I Am the Author: I Am the Author, #1
I Am the Author: I Am the Author, #1
Ebook108 pages1 hour

I Am the Author: I Am the Author, #1

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"You can't do it." They all said, glaring down at her. 


"Why? Why can't I follow my dreams? I want to write." She said, wilting under their cold stares. "Just look at how you've fallen down. How are you even going to write a book? This is all your fault." they chorused. Indeed, Seanae was sprawled on the icy cobblestones. Her scraped knees were bleeding waves of crimson. "B-but you're the ones who pushed me." She whimpered. Suddenly, they all went dead quiet. Seanae looked down, embarrassed. "You can't do it." They repeated. "You can't even pick yourself up."


But she did. 


Slowly, she dusted off her knees and limped into a standing position. " You're wrong. I can do it, and I will," she told them. 


And with that, "English Rose" was published. 


Release dateApr 29, 2024
I Am the Author: I Am the Author, #1


PilinyTheYounger has been writing for 5 years, but she was such an idiot she simply never worked up the courage to publish anything until the fifth year. So she's payign for it now by releasing a lot of books. Wish her luck!

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    I Am the Author - PilinyTheYounger

    Dedicated to Devyani Saxena and Cinyell Cross

    Dear Devyani and Cinyell,

    Thank you both so much for being there for me when i need you and for all the fun times we three have had together. We've been here for each other when we all need it. Thanks for existing :)

    I held up my middle finger.

    Unsurprisingly, the entire conference room gaped at me. Well, suck it up, buttercups! You all are the reason this is happening in the first place. Imagine. Screw this. We've been going in circles for 2 hours. I told you, I write for fun, famous or broke. I never intended for this to happen anyway, so you can all leave. That adjourns this meeting. Go work for some other publisher, because I'm not a pushover. I scoffed, walking out of the room. Yeah, slay!!!

    Seanae! Come back! voices yelled from behind me. Ridiculous. They were all wolves, waiting for me to let down my guard. Jokes on them, though. Turns out college students have brains too. (sorry, college students!)

    Uh-huh. You need context, right? I thought so too. I would be lost right now if I were you. Don't worry, I'll make it quick. Here I go:

    I was just an ordinary college student who was studying while laboring for a biology degree. To make myself feel better about my bad life, I wrote a tragedy book called  The English Rose, where everyone suffers and then dies. And it worked. My problems seemed so small compared to the protagonists, who were constantly in agony, that I aced the midterms and got that degree. Woot Woot!

    Then I published my book and BAM. 500 million views overnight. Hallelujah, what the hell? Anyway, I even got a fan website called Zaldelia  (a combination of the two protagonists' names - Cordelia and Zal.) Still, I don't need anything like a team of editors. I'm a one-person show. Which is why I flicked off those dudes earlier. I stuck out a thumb as I left the building. Taxi! I yelled, and a bright yellow van stopped in front of me.

    Where to, ma'am? the driver asked and then fixed his hat. He had thought of something. Wait! Are you the author of 'English Rose'?

    Nope. She’s my twin sister. Now, 255 ETC drive. I said, rolling my eyes. This was a new problem for an introvert like me too. And also the fact that my biology degree was now useless since I was making hundreds of thousands off my book. Speaking of which, who in the world even reads that dogwater? the driver does, apparently as I found out.

    I stared out the window, my breath fogging up the window. I don't know. Sighing, I pulled out my phone to tap the Zaldelia app, and instantly I was greeted with a cosplay of the female protagonist, Cordelia. A red wig, cyan contacts, a priest robe, and lights framing her. Wow, pretty too. A cosplay is always based on how well a person can pull off the lines, and this one was fantastic. I smiled and then scrolled down. More, more, more!

    Ma'am! The address was nearby, so we're here. the driver called, and I turned off my phone. Zaldelia could wait. Thanks. Have a good day, I said, pulling out a 20-dollar bill and some change before getting out of the van. My house was a worn-out mess - literally crumbling. the paint had worn off a long time ago, and a surplus of weeds, as well as huge trees and a lot of other random plants. Weird for a millionaire, huh? well, I wasn't always rich. Also, I always wanted to live in one of those fairy-tale cottages - no neighbors, nothing around me except for green, and this garbage dump happened to be the closest thing to it. Even though I had money now, I just couldn't bring myself to bulldoze this place (Lingering attachment...????), so I was still living in it. Nice. As I opened the door, I instantly threw off my coat and collapsed onto the couch. Turning the TV on, I opened up Zaldelia on that too. Time for some binging.

    Fanart, Fanart, Ships, skits, my eyes slowly started to close. Mmmm, what a good day today was. Even though I did always act like a brazen alpaca, internally I was grateful for the life my fans had given me. Thanks, fans! And then I snored off.

    WHEN I WOKE UP, IT was by force. Because the sun was shining on my face. Right into the eyes too. Oh, I thought I was taking a nap, but falling asleep all the way is fine too. I blinked, letting my eyes adjust to the bright light. Oof, did I forget to close the curtains? The curtains that weren't even there?

    Huh? No, I had dark cobalt wool curtains. Also, they were never open - I liked dark rooms, so I couldn't have closed them - I gasped and sprung up. Now I was awake. No time for my eyes to adjust. What was happening? I blinked at the window - wide open. There wasn't even a curtain rod, definitely not any cobalt wool curtains. Also, the mattress was itchy and the blankets even itchier. Huh? This wasn't my house. At all. I would know, the plants always blocked out the light even if my curtains didn't. but this window was literally beaming. Ugh. And then, I dangled my feet over the bed and - whoop.

    Fell straight onto my kneecaps. Hell, What was wrong with my legs? In horror, I gaped at the cutest little chubbs ever. Also the cutest chubby hands. I stumbled over to the window, staring at my reflection in the clear glass.

    Red hair, cyan eyes, and pale skin. Cordelia, the heroine of my book. My reflection was her eight-year-old version of her - which explained the chubby arms and legs. I patted my squishy cheeks and then pinched them. Ow. What the heck? Why was this so realistic?

    Oh, and then my brain pieced it together. I'd seen this a lot in other novels. Yes! an escape from reality! I raised my arms in victory. Oh, but they went down just as fast. Because I had just remembered the plot of my book. A tragic plot, like I said, where everyone suffers and dies.... Ha....

    Okay, okay, let's see what I can remember about my book. There were about 6 main events: at the top of which is the fact that the Ruthim empire was smuggling and dumping waste all over the Conti empire under everyone else's noses, which caused a lot of problems later on. but since I had a cute chubby face, and was set before the main story started, they weren't ones that I had to worry about right now. Except for one thing.

    Cordelia was born with the strongest raw divine power in the world. She was also the only one who could directly hear Bog, the creator of this universe, in her head all the time. (I meant to type God but in a typo, it ended up as Bog instead, so I went with that.) She could have been ridiculously strong since she could even use her divine power to burn people alive, but there was one thing that got in her way, and that was none other than her own mentality.

    Cordelia was the most aggravating and annoying pushover in the book. more than most.

    BUT THE FACT THAT SHE had to get put under extreme stress to get her powers ...! Stress got form when her father sold her out to slave traders for coin! No! I mentally sobbed as I looked at my reflection. But the beautiful crystal eyes cleared my head. Was this the power of the main character? Ma'am! You were born in the wrong era! If you had been born in my world, you could have built a mansion just by wearing a dress!

    But I was really curious about her genes. She got her red hair and eyes from her father, and everything else from her mom. Nice. Looks like this kid won the lottery for genes - power and looks. wow! save some for the rest of us!

    Tsk, tsk, such a waste of talent. It's a shame she died at the age of 20. Anyway, I turned around when I heard a knock at the door. I wasn't even going to try acting like Cordelia because her attitude was what had gotten her killed in the original novel. Was this my karma for cackling at the sad ending back then while the comments were busy crying....? Probably. But I can't waste my time thinking about something that has already happened. I'm going to juice

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