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The Stars Against Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #3
The Stars Against Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #3
The Stars Against Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #3
Ebook245 pages3 hours

The Stars Against Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #3

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Is everything under the sun and moon against Samara or just the stars themselves?

As the Shadow Dragons threaten both the dragon clans and the world, whispers of the legendary and foreboding Dragon King increase.

Samara desperately wants to escape the Shadow magic that lives inside of her. Even more than that, she can't let her powerful soulmate be tied to them.

The infamous Rogue dragon, Simeon, longs for his other half but if the Shadows use her to get to him, it will destroy the world.

Can these fated mates find a way to join together or will destiny keep them apart?

Release dateJul 11, 2023
The Stars Against Us: Shadow Dragon Series, #3

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    Book preview

    The Stars Against Us - Leigh Ferguson


    Months before

    Darkness hovered in my mind. The Shadow magic rose in my brain like smoke filling a room, and I twisted the golden shackles around my wrist and dug them into my flesh. It was a vain attempt to push the consuming magic away. The pain reminded me where I was; a prison at the Order.

    The relief that Knight Jesse had given me when he split my forearms open faded with time. Dark magic swirled in my veins, threatening me, calling to me. Wouldn’t it just be easier to give in?

    No. I shook my head. No.

    A thud down the hall had me turning my head to face the steel bars. Another thud and raised voices pulled me to my feet. I started moving towards the bars of my cell, but the light fled from the room suddenly, halting me.

    My feet planted themselves on the concrete floor while I breathed slowly. In through my nose, out through my mouth. It was just dark. I wasn’t there anymore. In the eerie darkness, the Shadows called to me again. They promised pleasure and more importantly, power.

    Soft footfalls bounced around in the obscurity. While I tried to focus on them, my chest constricted and demanded my attention. I blinked when a single point of light sparked in front of me, pushing back the darkness. White flames attached to the hand of the Rogue.

    I scampered away from him. Stories of his power haunted my childhood and that of every young dragon. So the stories went, he controlled enough power to destroy an entire country of humans. And he had brought the Mountain Clan’s king to his knees with barely any effort.

    The Rogue’s pale green eyes looked me up and down with one eyebrow raised. His voice cut through the Shadows and gave me a brief respite from the fog.

    Hello, there. I’m beginning to think that you aren’t ‘no one’ after all… His words drifted off before returning with force. What’s your name, darling? His gaze pierced me while he waited for an answer. His hand cackled with deadly white flames while his other hand gripped the bars between us.

    I told you before. I’m no one. My feet shuffled back further in the cell, and I looked around the dark, watching the Shadows.

    Try again, the Rogue told me as he sent the lethal flames into the door's lock. Ripping it from its hinges, he tossed it to the side. He strode purposefully toward me and pulled my shackled wrist up between us. I had never seen him this close before. The tattooed upside down v’s with waves beneath marred his cheeks. The markings raised above the rest of his skin like they scarred more than they should have.

    I’ll make you a deal, he began. Give me your name, and I’ll release these. He gave the shackles a little shake.

    Just… just my name?

    His lips turned up in a smirk. Just your name, he repeated softly.

    Release me first, I ordered, sounding stronger than I felt.

    The Rogue unlocked my left wrist and held the right one between us. Your name, he ordered.

    My throat dried up, and I wasn’t sure if I should tell him. His power was legendary in our world. Infamous. But did I have a choice? It was just a name. Not one that I shared frequently.

    Samara, I told him.

    His eyes locked onto mine and compelled me to look into their depths. He was frighteningly handsome, a beautiful monster between me and freedom. Well, relative freedom since I was still cursed.

    The Rogue released the last gold shackle. All at once, a tidal wave of dark magic flooded my system. The fog took hold, and I couldn’t have stopped it, even if I tried. Not that I did try. What did this world hold for me any longer anyway?

    The Shadows drew around me, and I welcomed their embrace. As I was fading into nothing, I heard him speaking. You can run, Samara, but sooner or later, you will be mine.

    Then there was nothing left but darkness.

    Chapter one

    Iflipped the black blade over in my hand. The dark color wasn’t an accident and the irony wasn’t lost on me. I chose it for a reason. Taking in a deep breath, I dragged the blade across my left arm in a shallow cut. Flames of orange from the dragon inside of me slid down my arm attempting to heal the wound. My shoulders relaxed as the pain eased through my system like an old friend. There was only a little smoke that escaped this time.

    Dragging the blade down my arm again, I made a second cut next to the first that was healing rapidly. The Shadow magic eased out with my blood. No matter how many times I had done this, there was always a Shadow. Bloodletting kept the darkness at bay but it didn’t get rid of it. The smoky magic clung to my very soul like a magnet.

    I watched the blade come down a third time. Usually three times would be enough to ease up the fog in my thoughts. The dark blood trickled down my wrist and hand while the Shadows floated away from the wound. My head was already clearer from both the pain and the Shadows retreating. For over a year, this was the only way to get any relief, so I bled myself. Everyday.

    Sliding my knife back into the sheath at my lower back, I went to the sink and rinsed off the leftover blood. My wounds had already healed but I didn’t want to attract any attention. After all, I was on the run. Between Celeste, the Dragon King’s witch who controlled the Shadow magic, and the Knights who were trying to bring them down, I had managed to make enemies with both of them. For all I knew, the Mountain Clan wanted my head and the human governments probably did too.

    I slid out of the bus station bathroom and made my way to the line of people waiting to board. Tucking my hair behind my ear and sliding my hood up, I hunched my shoulders and made myself as small as I could. The best way to stay hidden was to appear harmless.

    A scuffle across the parking lot caught my attention. Dark blue uniforms searched the crowd and every bus. The police moved methodically across the space until I knew that I wouldn’t escape their radar. Slowly, but with purpose, I walked back to the bathrooms.

    Shit. I thought for sure I could make this bus to Norfolk. What should have only taken me a couple of days ended up being three months. Crossing the border from Canada and back into the United States after escaping Celeste proved difficult. I waited forever to make it through without raising suspicions.

    If Carl was right, my name and face made it onto wanted posters all over the world. We finally made contact shortly after Maddie freed me from Celeste. I internally winced thinking about my friend. Could I even call her that anymore since I left her for dead with the Shadow dragons? I had my reasons, but they didn't alleviate the guilt that wanted to swallow me whole.

    I stood against the wall of the bathroom and sucked in a breath. It always hurt to use the magic this way but desperate times and all. I sent the dull orange flames down my arms and the black of the Shadow magic spiraled around it. The moment the brick gave way, I stepped through the wall and onto the sidewalk.

    This had always been my little party trick. It was the reason I could get inside any building I wanted to. My magic was weak normally, but when it was boosted with the Shadow magic, I was able to pretty much walk through walls. Dad explained it was similar to the larger portals that the Mountain clan used but on a smaller scale. I made portals for one person; me. A wall was pretty much as far as I could make the portal go as well.

    I set a steady pace as I walked up the sidewalk away from the bus station. At least I was in Pittsburg and not stuck somewhere rural. Here I could steal what I needed and keep moving. It was easier to blend in when there were thousands of people milling about.

    The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Someone was following me. The eyes of a predator sized me up. I tilted my head down and to the side slightly to take in my surroundings as I went up the street further. A tall dark presence matched my pace.

    I pulled the denim jacket closer and assured myself that my knives were close. Tilting my face back to the sidewalk, I glanced over my other shoulder.

    Three. There were now three of them. They picked the wrong dragon to mess with. I may not be as powerful as others but I hadn’t survived this long for no reason. An alley cut off the main sidewalk ahead and I ducked inside while putting a blade in each hand. My eyebrows pulled together and a small smile crossed my lips. A part of me loved to be underestimated.

    I quickly tucked myself against the wall and as the three figures turned the corner, I didn’t ask questions. I sliced through the flesh of the first one, a man with dark tattoos covering his arms and a mullet. Gross. He cursed as blood dripped down his chest from my blade.

    This one has teeth, he growled to the others.

    I backed myself further down the alley and put distance between us.

    If you leave me now, no one else will get hurt. I settled my voice in my chest and projected my confidence.

    The two my knife hadn’t touched looked between them with raised brows. Mullet looked me up and down. He reached behind him and brought his hand back to raise a gun at my head.

    Drop your knife, he hissed.

    My face reacted before I could think better of it. I smiled widely and the blood rushed up my cheeks as my heart rate picked up in excitement.

    Excellent. I’ve been itching for a fight. I bounced slightly on the balls of my feet. The natural grace of a warrior had been built into me from my earliest memories. The dance steps of a fight were as natural to me as breathing.

    A flicker of confusion flashed across Mullet’s face. I released my first blade into one of his comrade’s eyes. A kill shot. It was almost too easy. I didn’t even have to use magic.

    Two blasts entered my abdomen. I welcomed Pain like the old friend he had become, reminding me that I was in a waking nightmare and not a sleeping one. My free hand wrapped around my middle and I raised my eyes to Mullet. His face was marred with confusion before his eyes widened in realization.

    Dragon, he whispered.

    His other partner ran down the alleyway. He could get away this time. Mullet raised his gun again and fired wildly. I let my blade fly directly into his chest. Another burst of pain hit my shoulder and I took a deep breath. Mullet fell to his back and his gun clattered away harmlessly.

    I walked over to my first kill and jerked the dagger out of his face with a sick sucking sound. My hands quickly cleaned the blade on the man’s shirt while I scavenged him for money or drugs. He had neither which was unfortunate. My blood dripped onto the pavement as I crossed over to Mullet.

    You… you should be dead. I sh…shot you, he sputtered.

    I leaned over him as my hands searched his clothing for money and drugs. None on him either. Damn. I could use the easy money and drugs were easy to sell in a city like this.

    My fingers gripped my blade in his chest. Before I pulled it and ended his miserable life, I leaned forward and whispered to him. My death is promised to another.

    Jerking the blade up and out of the chest, I stood with a groan. It was time to leave. The one that got away would be back soon with reinforcements. It was best if I could find somewhere to sleep off the bullets before figuring out my next move. There was a garage about a block from where I had turned into the alley. I pulled my jacket closer around my middle and pressed hard to keep the blood from dripping too much.

    I crossed the street and leaned against the wall of the garage. Pressing my hands to the brick, I passed into the building and collapsed onto the concrete floor. I huddled down into the corner and pulled my knees to my chest before letting the fatigue take over. My last thought was that I was forgetting something important.

    Chapter two

    Istood in the room with Maddie in front of me, my knife to her neck. No! No! I tried to drop my hand but it was held steady by a force outside of my control. The lungs froze in my chest. Shadow magic locked my muscles and choked out any breath I fought to take. Without my consent, my hand pressed the knife harder into her neck, and her skin split as the blood trickled slowly down.

    No! I willed the knife to stop. Smoke swirled around the room and Maddie was gone. Celeste stood in front of me with her eyes scanning my body. I looked down and saw my clothes stained with blood from the earlier gunshots.

    You can hide all you want but you cannot resist the Shadows. They will call you back to me in time, she purred.

    You’re wrong, I told her.

    Celeste chuckled softly at me. How precious that you think you have any say in this. Your soul is bound to mine. Your life is mine. Your magic is mine. These human bodies can only contain the Shadows for so long. You’re running out of time, Samara.


    My chest ached as I sucked in a breath and sat straight up. I reached into my pocket and placed the golden bracelet on my wrist. The little security blanket that ensured I wouldn’t use my magic when I was in the in-between state. That’s where I had always gotten myself in trouble before. When the Shadows twisted my dreams, it was hard distinguishing them from reality from for a while. Having the gold suppress my magic gave me a small measure of comfort that I wouldn’t hurt someone accidentally until my mind was clear again.

    Celeste’s words came back to my mind. Your soul is bound to mine. A shiver ran up my arms and I bit the inside of my cheek to suppress my body’s natural reaction. How I wished I could go back and change the past. I would never have bound myself to the Mountain Clan’s regent, Sybil, and Celeste in the Shadow magic. That black spot on my soul would never go away.

    Sunlight cascaded through the windows. Seriously? Can’t a girl catch a break? I must have laid here all night healing from the bullets. I scanned my body and at least my jacket would cover most of the bloodstains. I ran my sleeve over my face to try and make sure that I didn’t have any blood where I couldn’t see it.

    A door opened somewhere across the garage. I pressed my hands against the brick to make my quick escape but nothing happened. Shit, shit, shit! I went to slip the bracelet off but it was too late. An older man with a mechanic jumpsuit walked into sight with a younger man wearing a red armband. I internally groaned. Of course, I would take hours longer to heal than normal and be discovered not only by a human, but a Knight of the Order. The very Order that was responsible for keeping humans safe from dragons like me.

    I raised both hands slowly, keeping my jacket as close as I could.

    Hi, I was lost last night and snuck in the back door. I’m sorry, I just wanted somewhere warm and dry to sleep instead of on the streets. Please don’t call the cops. I won’t cause any trouble.

    The older man gestured to the door. Get out of here. He turned to the younger Knight. "I’m going to have to get the locks changed.

    I tucked my head down and started toward the door. I had just passed by the Knight when I was stopped by his grip on my arm.

    You’re hurt, he commented with a curiosity that only meant bad things for me.

    It’s nothing. Not even my blood. I tried to steady my voice, and pulled slightly on my arm but the Knight dug his fingers in harder. I twisted my neck and met his gaze. His eyes were locked on my golden bracelet. They traveled slowly back up to mine and I knew I was screwed.

    The Knight slammed me into the wall face-first. Blood gushed into my mouth from making contact with the brick. He brought my wrists behind me and cuffed them with golden shackles.

    What are you doing here, dragon?

    Not what you would expect, I’m sure, I responded dryly. No point in answering any questions. He wasn’t interested in the answers anyway.

    I have a cell with your name on it, he barked at me.

    Wouldn’t be the first cell at the Order I’ve been in either. You know a Jesse Daly?

    The Knights fingers relaxed slightly before tightening on my arm again.

    Maybe I’ll just kill you here and make the world a better place.

    A frustrated sigh escaped my chest. Was

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