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Jagged Dawn: Jagged Ivory Series, #6
Jagged Dawn: Jagged Ivory Series, #6
Jagged Dawn: Jagged Ivory Series, #6
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Jagged Dawn: Jagged Ivory Series, #6

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About this ebook

The boys of Jagged Ivory are back, and this time they're rocking the Nevada desert!


When Jagged Ivory is asked to headline a night at the famed Get Rocked Music Festival in Las Vegas, their bassist, Benji Staffon, sees it as the perfect opportunity to finally put a ring on it. He and his girl, Fae Miller, have both been through hell and back, overcoming addiction and other life struggles. Now all they want is to usher in a whole new day for themselves and their future. But when the pressures of planning a Vegas wedding and the bachelor party blowout from hell start to weigh on him, Benji begins to wonder if a real future with Fae is something he's even capable of having.


Join Jagged Ivory on their music festival tour stop and witness the dawn of a whole new day for the entire band!


This book was previously part of a multi-author boxed set and is now available on its own.

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Jagged Dawn: Jagged Ivory Series, #6

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    Jagged Dawn - Lashell Collins


    Why was it the sound of a baby laughing could turn even the most macho men into blubbering idiots? Was that some kind of built-in defense mechanism to keep the males of the species from killing off all the young or something?

    Not that he didn’t like babies.

    He had nothing against them.

    Except that maybe they scared him a little bit.

    Not all kids, just the little ones. The brand new ones that were all tiny and fragile. He worried he might break them somehow whenever he had to hold one, and that seemed to be happening quite a bit these days.

    It was the squirming.

    They squirmed a lot, so he would tighten his already awkward hold, which never seemed to make them happy. Then they would cry and he would get nervous.


    Just no.

    He much preferred the older ones who could at least walk by themselves and didn’t need to be held all the time.

    But that baby laughter.

    Damned if it didn’t get him every time.

    He watched in a sort of fascinated awe as Noah lifted his four-month-old little girl, Noelle, into the air and then kissed her nose every time he lowered her back down. Each sweet kiss brought a profusion of delighted giggles spilling out of the happy baby as she was lifted back into the air.

    Benji smiled and let his gaze drift around the yard.

    Nearly everyone he cared about was here. The whole family. And that was just the way he liked it.

    He didn’t need to do much introspection to understand why being with his Jagged Ivory brothers, and the women they loved, meant so much to him.

    These were his people.

    This was his tribe. And after growing up alone and having no one to depend on but himself for so many years, these guys meant the world to him.

    He watched as Buz splashed around in Noah’s swimming pool with his son, Bobby.

    Swimming was fun, but it was never one of Benji’s favorite things to do. Maybe if he’d had more opportunities to swim as a kid. Maybe then he would love it as much as his nephew seemed to. Bobby would probably live in the water if Buz and Janie allowed him to.

    Benji grinned as he spotted the boy climbing out of the water and onto the diving board. With a running jump, he cannonballed straight into the pool with glee.

    Water went everywhere, splashing the plastic kiddie pool that sat a few feet away and spraying Bobby’s little sister, Sandra, and her companion, baby Devlin.

    Sandra started to cry, so Devlin piped up in a show of solidarity. Benji chuckled at the notion that it was probably the gentlemanly thing to do.

    Janie and Donna each reached for a wet crying toddler to soothe, and Benji smiled to himself as he thought about how his family had grown over the last three years.

    Three of his Jagged Ivory brothers were married now, and between them they had four kids running around. Soon to be five when Cory and Donna had their second in the fall.

    Otis and Brooke seemed happy as could be, and he and Fae were solid as ever. The band’s latest album, Bed of Thorns, was sitting at the top of the rock music charts.

    Life was good as far as Benji was concerned.

    Three years of sobriety under his belt made him feel like he could achieve just about anything he set his mind to.

    Within reason.

    You are so in love it’s disgusting, hot shot. Otis’ words were slightly biting, but he grinned at Noah as he said them.

    Noah simply smiled at him, but he didn’t bother to respond. He was much too busy playing with the chubby-cheeked light of his life.

    Oh, like you wouldn’t be the exact same way. Brooke looked at Otis with an amused grin as they sat around the patio table, away from the pool.

    Otis fixed her with that sexy smirk of his, and Brooke didn’t know if she wanted to kiss him or slap him.

    Well, I don’t know if I would or not, Feisty. Let’s have one and find out.

    Otis stared into her eyes, his gaze almost seeming to challenge her, and Brooke tried to ignore the uneasy flutter in her belly.

    I am not having a baby with you, she responded, sounding breathless.

    And why is that? Otis asked with a grin as he waited for the punchline. The expression on her face froze, and she looked away, saying nothing more. A frown settled over Otis’ brow and the hint of fear sent an unexpected chill up his spine.

    Benji frowned at the exchange and wondered what that was about. He felt a light tap on his thigh and turned to the gorgeous tattooed brunette at his side.

    Do you ever think about us doing that? Fae asked.

    Doing what?

    She pointed to Noah and Mercy, cooing at baby Noelle. That.

    Benji rubbed his suddenly clammy palms over his jeans and repositioned himself on the patio chair. He looked at Fae and wondered if she was serious.

    Sometimes. I don’t think I’d be good at it, though.

    Why do you say that? You’re great with Bobby and Devlin and Sandra. Even the baby. They all love their Uncle Benji, she said with a playful smile.

    Benji shook his head. That’s different, Fae. Being an uncle is fun. There’s no pressure to it. It’s cool, you know? You just play with them and be their friend, he shrugged a dismissive shoulder. But it’s not like I ever had a dad. Or a mother either, for that matter, so I don’t really know what a parent should be like or anything. I got zero references to draw from on the subject.

    Fae stared at him for a long time, saying nothing as she thought about the rough life he had as a child. Her heart always went out to him whenever she thought about his past.

    I think you would make a great dad.

    Benji thought about that statement for a moment.


    He wasn’t challenging her. He really wanted to know why she thought that about him.

    Fae cocked her head to the side as she stared into his eyes. Because you’re patient and kind, and gentle and honest. You’re loving and protective. All great qualities a father should have. Those are the things a kid really needs, and you’ve got them in spades.

    She sounded sincere, but Benji couldn’t get past the one fact that never changed.

    I’m also an addict, Fae.

    So what? You’ve been clean for over three years now, Benji. You’re doing great.

    He took her hand as he stared into her pretty pale blue eyes.

    And my plan is to stay clean. But that’s something I can’t promise. You know that. And I don’t think it would be fair to you to place a kid in the middle of that uncertainty. Wouldn’t be fair to the kid either.

    Fae said nothing, and Benji tried not to see the genuine look of disappointment in her eyes. He looked away wondering when this had become an issue for them.

    Give me that baby!

    Their manager, Mike Holland, was all smiles as he and his girlfriend, Alison, stepped out onto the patio from the open doors that lead into the kitchen of Noah and Mercy’s home. He made a beeline for baby Noelle.

    Grandpa’s here! You wanna see grandpa? Noah said as he kissed his daughter and then held her high over his head as Mike approached his chair from behind and gently took the baby from him.

    There’s my best girl. Mike beamed as he kissed her.

    I used to be your best girl, Mercy said as she stood up and placed a hand on her hip.

    Mike grinned at her. Well, you’re still my favorite daughter.

    I’m your only daughter, Mike. Mercy smiled at him.

    That’s why you’re my favorite! Duh, he smiled, as Mercy leaned in and kissed his cheek. Then he turned back to the baby, saying, Your mommy is so silly, isn’t she?

    Benji shook his head and watched them all fawn over the baby and wondered what things would be like if he and Fae really did that. If they had a baby of their own. Would Fae’s surrogate dads be as doting as Mike was if he and Fae gave them a grandchild?

    He felt bad about it, but the thought truly made him uneasy. So many people to disappoint if he couldn’t keep his shit together.

    So what is this, Mike asked as he looked around at the long table covered in food. Some kind of ritualistic carb loading before Jagged Ivory’s big weekend in Las Vegas for the Get Rocked Festival?

    Noah laughed. Yeah, something like that. You and Alison grab a plate and dig in.

    Yeah, I’ll eat in a minute. Right now, my granddaughter and I have a few things to discuss. He grinned at them as he took the baby and found a seat on the other side of the patio table.

    Benji looked up when Fae tapped his leg again.

    Now? she asked him.

    In a minute, he whispered, taking her hand again

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