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God's Interventions in My Life: Short Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Humor
God's Interventions in My Life: Short Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Humor
God's Interventions in My Life: Short Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Humor
Ebook124 pages1 hour

God's Interventions in My Life: Short Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Humor

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About this ebook

This is not your typical book. I am not here to preach or give you a cliché perspective on life. We have heard it all. I wrote this book to share some of the many lessons I have learned throughout my life. Through these stories, I have been able to show my family and friends a different perspective on how to operate in life through God’s help.

It includes some of my stories that are my daughters’ favorites for me to tell. They are from middle school, high school, college, and adulthood. The goal is to display how He has turned bad situations around for the good, even “okay” situations into better ones, in a relatable manner that people can connect to.

I have seen how God can show up in our everyday lives, even when you least expect it. Through this book and all my stories, I want to show the sovereignty of God’s love and greatness in our day-to-day lives—some good, some funny, and some quite unique.

Release dateApr 18, 2024
God's Interventions in My Life: Short Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Humor

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    Book preview

    God's Interventions in My Life - Carmen Vaughn

    Table of Contents



    Book Reviews



    Chapter 1: Middle School: A David and Goliath Encounter

    Facing Goliath

    The David and Goliath Encounter

    What I Learned

    Chapter 2: Getting into College: Find a Way to Change Life's Trajectory

    One Month Later

    A Few Weeks Later

    What I Learned

    Chapter 3: Essence Magazine College Issue: Haters Don't Win

    Freshman Year: Beginning of Modeling

    Essence Magazine Editor in Chief Visits My College

    New York Modeling Session

    My Nose

    Television Interlude

    Possible Magazine Cover

    Interacting with Sheila

    It's a Wrap!

    The Magazine Hits the Stands!

    Sheila's Revenge

    What I Learned

    Chapter 4: My Lying Boss: Stand for the Truth

    Development Training

    The Lying Boss

    The Big Team Meeting

    The Big Lie—The Visit

    Our Last Encounter

    What I Learned

    Chapter 5: A Selfless Act: Kindness Turns an Antagonist Around

    New Staff Member

    Opportunity Presents Itself

    What I Learned

    Chapter 6: A Student's New Life in Christ: You Plant the Seed, God Makes It Grow

    Fashion Show


    What I Learned

    Chapter 7: God Worked a Miracle: Doctor Says No, God Says Yes

    First Time

    Second Time

    What I Learned

    More Short Stories


    God's Interventions in My Life

    Short Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Humor

    Carmen Vaughn

    ISBN 978-1-63885-144-8 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63885-145-5 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2023 Carmen Vaughn

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Book Reviews

    Thank you, Carmen for sharing your amazing stories and lessons the Father has shown you! Very inspiring and encouraging! So well written, I can almost hear your voice and see you sitting in my living room recounting these faith building experiences. I can't wait to hear more!

    —Amy Castor

    So many great stories and life lessons in such a small book! It's an easy and fun read and the personal testimonies inside teach important lessons such as friendship and trusting God among others. I've gained so many nuggets of spiritual wisdom interwoven within the pages of this book. Great read for people of all ages!

    —Moriah Martin

    This delightful book is a heart warming journey thought some of the personal life stories of Carmen Vaughn. It is so beautifully written. I ran the gamut of emotions as I read through the pages of her story, finding myself sitting on the edge of my seat with anticipation at times, laughing and tearful at other times. As I read the book, jewels of wisdom that she learned through each experience, I felt as though I was sitting and talking to her in the living room, gleaning encouragement, strength, and a renewed sense of gratitude and awe for a God who faithfully shepherds his children.

    —Tracey Moran

    Suitably audacious! Refreshingly tickling and transparent! And wonderfully nostalgic! Carmen Vaughn is simply a brilliant storyteller offering perspective and wise advice for decision making and spiritual edification. A must read for any and all lifelong learners.

    —Tiffany Martin

    I truly got so much joy from reading this book…along with being edified, and reminded of God's goodness in a very real and tangible way. I am genuinely inspired, encouraged, and have laughed so much while reading this book!! The subtitle, Inspiration, Encouragement, and Humor hits the nail right on the head!

    —Elain Quainter

    I was sooooo impressed with the book, that once I began to read it, I did NOT want to stop reading, it was a book that I could not wait to return to when I could. The book was very engaging and I loved how toward the end of every chapter you summed up what you learned and gave wisdom.

    —Sepia Gladden

    As lifelong learners, the lessons in Carmen Vaughn's book are life changing and applicable. This book will encourage you to examine your life to see the interventions of our Creator and His purpose.

    —Melody Jones

    In loving memory of my husband, Dexter Vaughn, a wonderful husband, father, and friend. A godly man who kept God as the foundation of our family.

    Love always.


    Both of my daughters, Ariel and Neenah, provided amazing help, support, and inspiration in getting this long-overdue project done. They continue to inspire me through thick and thin, ups and downs. We are a great team.

    I give special thanks to Neenah, whom God used to help me cowrite, edit, and refine these stories. I really appreciate her involvement.

    Also, another thanks to my cousin Thelma Austin, who is an editor, publisher, and founder of My Family Voices ( She helped with editing and fine-tuning this book. I would not have been able to finish it without her amazing diligence for literary works. I am full of gratitude to her.

    Above all, I give all the honor, glory, and praise to the Most High God who has made my life full of His presence, unconditional love, and interventions even when I didn't deserve it. I have my shortcomings just like everyone else. That's how I know I need Him so much through His Son Christ. I love Him and thank Him for moving me and encouraging me to write this book and hopefully more books to come.

    Remember: With God, all things are possible, just believe (Luke 1:37).


    This book contains short stories inspired by real-life events from years ago.

    I wrote this book to share some of the many lessons I have learned throughout my life. Through these stories, I have been able to show my family and friends a different perspective on how to operate in life through God's help.

    It includes some of my daughter's favorite stories I would tell them growing up. They are from middle school, high school, college, and adulthood. There are plenty more to share and there will take additional books to tell them.

    Through this book and all my stories, I want to show the sovereignty of God's love and greatness in our day-to-day lives, some good, some funny, and some quite unique. The goal is to display how He has turned bad situations around for the good, even okay situations into better ones.

    These stories have helped me and my family. I have seen how God can show up in our everyday lives, even when you least expect it. Sometimes, He will show up before you call on Him, even in small matters, because you matter to Him more than you can ever imagine or comprehend.

    Everyone has a story to tell that can inspire, encourage, make you think, and sometimes make you laugh and smile.

    There are so many stories in my Rolodex that I simply say, What do you need to know because I got a story for it.

    Chapter 1

    Middle School: A David and Goliath Encounter

    As most people who have gone to high school know, it was no High School Musical. While it may have been for some, the reality for me was full of altercations, drama, gossip, immaturity…shall I go on? Everyone has a story to tell from high school. When you look back, you realize it was only by God's grace that you survived.

    Let me go back to middle school, the so-called good old days. The sound of the loud bell screaming, vibrating down the hallways, instantly causing an eruption of joy on everyone's face, grinning from ear to ear. This was the time everyone was waiting for: recess! If you couldn't tell, during that time of my life, it was simple. Go to class. Have fun. Go home.

    Then there was the sound of sweet memories after arriving home. Thinking the day was over until I peeped out the window to the sound of something good rolling down the street. It had a catchy tune that could not be missed.

    Shooting down the steps with a quarter in my hand for one of those delicious red, white, and blue Rocket pops. Who can't remember the lemony flavor that coated your tongue then painted your whole mouth? Each color from the pop covered your lips and tongue as you slurped and devoured it, turning purple after you finished the red and hit the blue.

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