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"I Am a Good Catholic"
"I Am a Good Catholic"
"I Am a Good Catholic"
Ebook63 pages42 minutes

"I Am a Good Catholic"

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Jesus did not come to start a tear-jerking pagan religion but to restore a Father-and-son relationship. Jesus Christ did not come to the earth to start thirty-three thousand fractured religious franchises fighting over religious turfs. A fragmented franchise is not a church but a pack of religious pugs fighting, feuding, and fussing with each

Release dateApr 25, 2024
"I Am a Good Catholic"

Matthew Simmons

In total seclusion away from all things, God and I spent thousands of hours writing, inspiring, and constructing this book through Scripture references, supernatural experiences, the murderous occult, severe persecution, dryness of days in the wilderness, and channeling my thoughts like water to pen every jot and tittle of The Hijacked Mind. The Hijacked Mind was written for one purpose: To point every last soul to the risen Savior and the inerrant, God-breathed Word of God. I have plagiarized every scripture from the Word of God. This book is a candlelight to every soul walking in darkness and a chisel in the hand of God to sculpt people's pathways to find the light of the true, glorious gospel. The Hijacked Mind is not a love letter but an assault rifle filled with magazines of truth. This book is not destined to condemn you but to liberate you. This book shares the truth of Christ and the absolute existence of Christ. This book shares the biblical truths about heaven and hell, and if you do not believe in heaven or hell, that is because you worship your own back-porch philosophy and think your intellect supersedes the knowledge of God and the truth-this is ignorance during mating season. This book is Holy Spirit-inspired, and if you stare at those eyes on the front cover, you will be able to get a clear depiction of what a real demon looks like. God put these demons under supernatural surveillance, and I was able to survey and watch how demons operate while under the complete submission and supervision of the Holy Spirit. I was surrounded by hordes of demonic agents. This book was not penned, drafted, and written in a hybrid-style cabin viewing the Colorado snow-capped mountains, the Riviera, or sitting by a luxurious, blue-stained pool at the Hilton. This book was written in the bowels of a covenstead, an utter demonic hostel surrounded by witch practitioners of murder. My pains were stained on the pages of this book, a rip-roaring, long-spanning, and decade-defining horror. God has called me to write this book, The Hijacked Mind, chosen, while surrounded by wolves clothed in sheepskin, for times like these. By divine orchestration, this book is being employed to the spiritual battlefront to edify the kingdom of God and to crush the diseased fruits of darkness. This book is a tent peg of truth that needs to be driven into the mindset of this offended generation.

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    "I Am a Good Catholic" - Matthew Simmons

    I Am a Good Catholic

    Matthew Simmons

    John Matthew Ministries

    Copyright © 2024 Matthew Simmons

    All rights reserved

    Quotations taken from Got, Carl Joseph Ministries, John F. MacArthur, John Hagee, and David Wilkerson sermons. Scripture quotations taken from the NIV, KJV, NLT, ESV, BSB, NASB, NKJV, and AMP Bibles.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.


    Title Page











    Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.—Isaiah 29:13 (NIV)


    oday, people who call themselves Christians can’t even assemble with the saints for an hour a week. These Christians are so attracted to the world, and it controls everything they do. The pleasures of the world affect their relationship with God, and they certainly affect their House of God attendance. If something exciting is on TV, like sports, they stay home and watch that. The world certainly hinders their prayer life and Bible reading time.

    Personally, do you spend any time with God and read His Word? Do you have a prayer life? Does your prayer time equate to your Amazon Prime and social media time? Is Hollywood or the Holy Spirit the Lord of your life? Sure, you can look at social media all day, but you haven’t read the Word of God since your Aunt Gurdy died. Even if you are in the Goat Ropers Association, you need to get to the assembly of the saints.

    There are people who only come to the House of God on Christmas and Easter because they are dead as a door and have no relationship with the Son of God. They love to come to Bethlehem’s Manger every December 25th, get gitchee-goo under the chin, and then walk out of the manger and live like a hellraiser the next 364 days of the year, ignoring the Son of God. These are the people who droop their lips all the way to the House of God out of religious duties and obligations to show their Primetime worldliness. People feel like they should get a gold medallion for coming to church twice a year and then ignore the Son of God for the rest of the year. If that is you, get your best asbestos suit ready, Bubba, you are going to need it. Going to church every Christmas and Easter will not save you—Christ saves you! Christ wants faithful, not fitful!

    Like Rome, we have adopted a whine-line Christianized gospel of hedonism. This is a hedonistic society, living only for the self-gratification of the instinctual man. People serve the god of hedonism, which is pleasure for pleasure’s sake. People can go to a professional football game, sit in a blizzard, and scream like a Comanche Indian, but won’t go to the assembly of the saints if it drizzles because they are not passionate about their walk with Christ. These people think if you go to church in the rain, you are a fanatic. 

    NFL football has become more popular than the church, just like the Roman gladiators in the Roman Empire. An average professional football game lasts between three to four hours, but if you tally up the time when the ball is actually

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