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Move the Muscles of Omnipotence
Move the Muscles of Omnipotence
Move the Muscles of Omnipotence
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Move the Muscles of Omnipotence

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Prayer will evict hell out of your mind and bring heaven into your heart. It's time to be bold, act, and ask God to break the fetters of the wicked one. Have you been scarred by Satan and the surgeons of sin? It is time to discover God's presence and His love, which is a divine flood that will crush the fetters of sin and drown them in the s

Release dateApr 25, 2024
Move the Muscles of Omnipotence

Matthew Simmons

In total seclusion away from all things, God and I spent thousands of hours writing, inspiring, and constructing this book through Scripture references, supernatural experiences, the murderous occult, severe persecution, dryness of days in the wilderness, and channeling my thoughts like water to pen every jot and tittle of The Hijacked Mind. The Hijacked Mind was written for one purpose: To point every last soul to the risen Savior and the inerrant, God-breathed Word of God. I have plagiarized every scripture from the Word of God. This book is a candlelight to every soul walking in darkness and a chisel in the hand of God to sculpt people's pathways to find the light of the true, glorious gospel. The Hijacked Mind is not a love letter but an assault rifle filled with magazines of truth. This book is not destined to condemn you but to liberate you. This book shares the truth of Christ and the absolute existence of Christ. This book shares the biblical truths about heaven and hell, and if you do not believe in heaven or hell, that is because you worship your own back-porch philosophy and think your intellect supersedes the knowledge of God and the truth-this is ignorance during mating season. This book is Holy Spirit-inspired, and if you stare at those eyes on the front cover, you will be able to get a clear depiction of what a real demon looks like. God put these demons under supernatural surveillance, and I was able to survey and watch how demons operate while under the complete submission and supervision of the Holy Spirit. I was surrounded by hordes of demonic agents. This book was not penned, drafted, and written in a hybrid-style cabin viewing the Colorado snow-capped mountains, the Riviera, or sitting by a luxurious, blue-stained pool at the Hilton. This book was written in the bowels of a covenstead, an utter demonic hostel surrounded by witch practitioners of murder. My pains were stained on the pages of this book, a rip-roaring, long-spanning, and decade-defining horror. God has called me to write this book, The Hijacked Mind, chosen, while surrounded by wolves clothed in sheepskin, for times like these. By divine orchestration, this book is being employed to the spiritual battlefront to edify the kingdom of God and to crush the diseased fruits of darkness. This book is a tent peg of truth that needs to be driven into the mindset of this offended generation.

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    Move the Muscles of Omnipotence - Matthew Simmons

    Move the Muscles of Omnipotence

    Matthew Simmons

    John Matthew Ministries

    Copyright © 2024 Matthew Simmons

    All rights reserved

    Quotations taken from Got, John F. MacArthur, John Hagee, and David Wilkerson sermons. Scripture quotations taken from the NIV, KJV, NLT, ESV, BSB, NASB, NKJV, and AMP Bibles.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.


    Title Page



















    The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.—James 5:16 (KJV)


    ou do not know the influence you have when you begin to call upon the Lord. One prayer can turn a nation around and reconstruct world history. God does not need a large gathering to hear prayers; He hears when one person prays. The veil of the temple has been ripped from top to bottom. We can go straight in and speak to the living God, and when we do, the floodgates of heaven will split wide open on our behalf. We need to get on our knees and pray, Oh, God, please forgive us! Our eyes need to be pointed to the sky, with our hands open wide, to our only Lord and Savior, arms crossed, holding our broken neighbor, surrendered on bended knee, unite us all; set us free! Please forgive us!

    Forgive us for the murder of our unborn children.

    Forgive us for the sexual promiscuity.

    Forgive us for our godless conduct.

    Forgive us for the way we trashed Your Ten Commandments.

    Forgive us for the ways we have mocked You in the Halls of Congress.

    Forgive us for allowing satanism to take over, funded by taxpayers.

    Forgive us for the church becoming compromised and entertaining a godless gospel.

    Forgive us for our carnal, lukewarm, and non-confrontational theology.

    Forgive us for making soul-winning a side issue and not preaching the gospel of the cross.

    Prayer will evict hell out of your mind and bring heaven into your heart. It’s time to be bold, act, and ask God to break the fetters of the wicked one. Have you been scarred by Satan and the surgeons of sin? It is time to discover God’s presence and His love, which is a divine flood that will crush the fetters of sin and drown them in the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered anymore. The dawn of hope will begin to explode in your soul while despair and depression retreat. Delight will thunder through the door of your heart, and out of your mouth will flow rivers of unspeakable joy.

    Today is the day to stop being a slave to sin and Satan and attack the gates of hell! Attack! Attack! Attack him until you drive him out of your life! How? Prayer! And remember, obedience, locked and loaded, is one of the most powerful atomic weapons for every believer. Warning, if you regard iniquity in your heart, the Lord does not hear you. Secret sin short-circuits your prayers! But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:2 NIV).

    Prayer is the most potent, important, and dangerous heavenly arsenal a mortal can speak. Prayer should burn in your soul like a white fire. A child of God is at their highest when they are on their knees before God. You must get on your knees before you get on your feet. Get on your knees and pray, which exceeds the needs level. Power starts in the prayer room, not the conference room. Power is patience, and patience is power.

    Power is when a senior citizen gets on his or her arthritic knees and prays to our Father. In prayer, you can see more on your knees than on the mountain peaks. The solution to our problems is the distance between our knees and the floor. The longest journey in a man’s life will possibly be from his feet to his knees, from standing to kneeling. The church praying on its knees is more powerful than all the armies of the world standing on their feet. Every time a Christian wakes up and hits their knees, every demon in hell gets a migraine headache.

    Prayer is having a conversation with God. You do not have to speak in King James, use a foreign language, or an iambic pentameter. You do not have to pray in an awkward tongue. One of the disciples said, ...Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples (Luke 11:1 KJV). This means there is a right way to pray (model the Lord’s Prayer) and a wrong way to pray (binding and loosing).

    The only way to get the audience of heaven is to pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, not the Virgin of the Guadalupe or your patron saints. All you have to do to accentuate the artillery of heaven is to say the name of Jesus. When you mention the name of Jesus, you are talking about the supremacy of heaven and earth. Jesus said,

    When you pray, say, ‘Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen’ (Matthew 6:9–13 KJV).

    Many of you cannot say, Our Father, until God the Father becomes your Father through the redemptive grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Father is who, give us day by day is when, and our daily bread is what. The Lord’s Prayer is the revelation of the power of God as well as the pardon, purpose, provision, protection, and personality of our Father. We know the power of prayer. We know the plan of prayer. We know the pattern, priority, and purpose of prayer; but many do not propose to pray. 

    Do not just go to God with a long list of wants, but by adoring, magnifying, and worshiping the Holy Name of our Father. Prayer should never be self-centered; it should always be God-centered. Be a communicator and participator, not a consumer. The tragedy is not unanswered prayer; the tragedy is unoffered prayer.

    Sadly, most people do not pray until they are in grave danger. When there is a terrorist attack, people want to pray. When there is a school shooting, people want to pray. When someone is dying, people want to pray. When the economy crashes, people want to pray. When a sports team is losing, people want to pray. Prayer should be your first choice, not your last chance! Prayer is not a backup plan; prayer is a battle plan. You don’t run to Him when you feel like it as a crisis Christian, spewing and brewing pity-pot prayers here and there. God is not a God of convenience but a God of commitment.

    • A prayerless person is a weak person.

    • A prayerless church is a weak church.

    • A prayerless nation is a weak nation.

    • A prayerless home is a divided home.

    • A prayerless Christian is a spiritual anemic Christian.

    Prayerlessness is sin! Pray for your child that will lay them in a bed of chills and will thunder through the corridors of their conscience. Let that sobbing voice pound on heaven’s gates. ...far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you (1 Samuel 12:23 NKJV).

    For the average individual, prayer is like a parachute. It’s there, but they pray that they never have to use it. Guess what? Prayer is guaranteed to work. Try it! The strength of your prayer is not the length of your prayer. It’s not how long you pray. It’s how strong you pray! Prayer is a command, not a recommendation. The Bible says, When you pray. It does not say, If you pray. Pray boldly, loudly, and proudly!

    Prayer is not equipping God to do your will. Prayer is getting you ready to do God’s will. Prayer does not need proof; prayer needs practice. God has a thousand ways to answer prayer; sometimes, we have mentally predestined a solution, and God gives another answer.

    Many philosophers and educators say God is in the ethereal; He is too far off and removed. But God is as close as your next prayer. God will not answer prayer until you pray it. You can’t say, I love God, and never talk to Him. Someone who does that is a form, not a force. If you do not talk to the Lord down here, what makes you think He is going to take you to His house up there?

    God is not an inferior, intangible Grandfather with a divine temper tantrum, sitting in the cosmos as a cosmic bellhop, jumping through hula hoops, giving smiles of condolences, and responding to your paltry religious tips every Sunday. He is the majestic God who answers prayer with stopwatch precision. Prayer is like the slender nerve that moves the muscles of omnipotence (Charles Spurgeon).





    oah prayed and packed up his Samsonite luggage and took a forty-day cruise, which resulted in his whole family being saved. God told Noah, I want you to build an ark. Noah gathered the materials and spent one hundred and twenty years building the ark. Noah preached one message for one hundred and twenty years, and eight souls were saved. God didn’t speak to Noah for one hundred and twenty years. People are whining, complaining, and saying, I haven’t heard from the Lord lately! I must not be saved! Hearing from God every Thursday night has nothing to do with the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. Your sins are forgiven! It’s not how you feel but what Christ has done!

    Noah was commissioned to build the ark in a world that had never seen rain but a world that was irrigated with dew. Noah built the ark without a DeWalt drill or Black+Decker saw and without a government grant or OSHA’s approval. He didn’t need permission from the Spotted-Owl and the neo-pagan Tree-Hugging Society.

    When Noah warned his generation of God’s judgment that was coming upon the earth by a flood, they laughed with mockery. The people said, Noah is an intellectual inferior, right-wing, hatemonger, intolerant, and politically incorrect, crazy! Noah was the biggest conspiracy theorist of the Old Testament until it began to rain. God had an appointed time of judgment, and the Bible says, The fountains of the deep opened up, water began to gurgle from the ground, and the heavens began to rain in torrents.

    The bright, brotherly, and breezy mockers who laughed yesterday were now in terror, running toward the ark, saying, Let us in! Let us in! They scratched and clawed the sides of the ark, pleading for another chance. They ran to the highest mountains as the weaker ones began to drown. The strongest, biggest, and best swam in the sea of judgment until exhaustion dragged them down to a watery grave. Every person drowned by God’s appointed time; only eight of obedience were spared.

    As the world was getting buried in a cemetery of water, black cows stepped onto the ark. These animals would later eat green grass, give white milk, and produce yellow butter. The snail got onto the ark with its rock-bold persistence with the

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