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the Laughing Freeman: From Predator to Protector
the Laughing Freeman: From Predator to Protector
the Laughing Freeman: From Predator to Protector
Ebook231 pages2 hours

the Laughing Freeman: From Predator to Protector

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Embark on a Journey Beyond Laughter and Tears

In a realm where the echo of a sinister laugh marks the difference between life and death, Yaku, the Laughing Freeman, stands as a beacon of fear. Known for his formidable presence, a laugh that weaves tales of dread, and the relentless pursuit of his prey, Yaku has never encountered a c

Release dateJun 28, 2024
the Laughing Freeman: From Predator to Protector

Hash Blink

Hash Blink, born Thomas B. Sherriff, is a hip hop artist and storyteller. With a global perspective shaped by his Liberian roots and his experiences in the vibrant hip-hop scene of Chicago, Hash Blink's music and literature transcend boundaries and captivate audiences.

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    Book preview

    the Laughing Freeman - Hash Blink

    Chapter 1

    The Laughing Freeman was a notorious predator killer feared by all who had heard his name. He was a tall and muscular man with a wild look in his eyes and a laugh that sent shivers down the spines of his victims. He was feared not only for his strength and cunning, but for his unnerving habit

    of laughing at everything, even after he took their lives.

    Yaku, as he was known to his close associates, seemed to find humor in the most terrifying of situations. He was a man who loved the thrill of the hunt and he laughed with glee as he stalked and chased his prey through the dense forest. His laughter was a signal to his victims that they had no

    chance of survival, and it sent chills down their spines.

    The Laughing Freeman was a predator unlike any other, and there was something about his maniacal laughter that made him all the more terrifying. He was a man who truly enjoyed the suffering of others, and he seemed to revel in the fear and panic that he induced.

    At this moment, he crept through the dense foliage, his eyes scanning for his next victim. A smile crept over his lips as he spotted a young woman walking alone. He crouched low in the bushes and waited for the perfect moment to strike. And as he pounced on her, she let out a scream that echoed

    through the forest.

    But despite her cries for help, Yaku only laughed harder. He was a predator at heart, and he loved nothing more than the thrill of the hunt. As he took her life, his laughter grew louder and more maniacal, echoing through the trees like a sinister symphony.

    And with that, he disappeared back into the jungle, leaving behind a trail of terror and destruction in his wake. The Laughing Freeman was a force to be reckoned with, and he would stop at nothing to satisfy his insatiable desire for blood and laughter.

    Chapter 2

    As the sun started to set on the horizon, Yaku made his way through the dense jungle, his eyes scanning the area for any potential prey. He had been on the hunt for days and was starting to grow impatient. He needed a new victim to satisfy his insatiable thirst for blood.

    Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes ahead of him. He grinned widely, knowing that his next prey was close at hand. Yaku crept forward, his laughter echoing through the trees.

    As he drew closer to the source of the noise, he saw a young woman picking berries from a bush. She was oblivious to his presence, and he relished in the thought of the terror she would feel when she saw him.

    Yaku crept up behind her, his hand reaching for his knife. Just as he was about to strike, the woman turned around and looked him straight in the eye.

    To his surprise, she didn't scream or run. Instead, she looked at him with a calm and steady gaze, unafraid of the predator before her. Yaku felt a strange sensation, one he had never experienced before. Was it fear? No, it couldn't be.

    He raised his knife, but before he could strike, the woman spoke.

    Why do you laugh? she asked softly, her eyes boring into his soul.

    Yaku felt his grip on the knife falter. No one had ever confronted him before, let alone asked him a question. He tried to laugh, but the sound died in his throat.

    The woman continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer. Yaku felt a strange urge to talk to her, to tell her everything. Without realizing it, he found himself pouring out his entire life story to this stranger. He told her about his childhood, his parents, and the first time he had killed someone.

    The woman listened without judgment, and when he was finished, she simply smiled and walked away. Yaku was left alone in the jungle, feeling lost and confused. For the first time in his life, he didn't feel the need to laugh.

    As he made his way back to his hut, Yaku couldn't stop thinking about the woman and the effect she had on him. He knew he had to find her again, but for a different reason this time. He needed answers, and he was determined to find them.

    Chapter 3

    Yaku continued to tell the woman his story as they sat among the berry bushes. He spoke of his upbringing in a small village, his abusive father, and his eventual descent into madness. The woman listened intently, trying to understand the twisted mind of the Laughing Freeman.

    As the sun began to set, Yaku stood up to leave. Thank you for listening, he said with a grin. But don't get too comfortable. I'm still a predator, after all.

    The woman nodded, understanding the danger she was in. But as she turned to gather her berries and leave, Yaku suddenly burst out laughing. The woman froze, not knowing what to expect. But Yaku just kept laughing, doubling over in a fit of hysteria.

    What's so funny? the woman asked cautiously.

    Yaku wiped away tears of laughter. You, my dear, he said. You thought I was going to kill you just now. But the truth is, I only kill those who fear me. And have no fear.

    The woman breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had just narrowly escaped death. But she also knew that she couldn't trust Yaku, no matter how much he had opened up to her.

    As Yaku disappeared into the jungle, his maniacal laughter echoing in the distance, the woman picked up her basket of berries and started back towards her village. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in her heart, knowing that the Laughing Freeman was still out there, lurking in

    the shadows.

    Chapter 4

    As Yaku made his way through the dense jungle, he couldn't help but think about the woman he had encountered. She had challenged him in a way that no one had ever done before. He found himself laughing at the memory of their conversation, but also feeling a strange sense of respect for her.

    But the laughter quickly faded as he heard the distant sound of footsteps. Yaku knew he wasn't alone in the jungle, but he relished the thrill of the hunt. He crouched down, blending in with the foliage, and waited.

    Suddenly, a group of travelers appeared on the path in front of him. Yaku's eyes gleamed with excitement as he watched them approach. He could hear their heartbeats, smell their fear.

    Without warning, Yaku leapt from the bushes, brandishing his knife. The travelers screamed and scattered, but Yaku was quick. He ran after them, laughing maniacally as he chased them through the jungle.

    But as he caught up to the first one and raised his knife, something unexpected happened. The traveler turned to face him, their eyes filled with an intense fearlessness. Yaku hesitated, unsure of what to do. The traveler leaned in close and whispered something that Yaku couldn't quite hear over the

    beating of his own heart.

    As quickly as it had started, the chase was over. The travelers disappeared into the jungle and Yaku was left alone with his thoughts. He was confused and shaken by the encounter, but also intrigued. He realized that perhaps there was more to life than fear and laughter.

    Chapter 5

    Yaku sat alone in his makeshift shelter, replaying the encounter with the traveler in his head. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about the words whispered to him. He had spent his entire life causing fear and destruction, but this encounter had left him feeling unsure

    of himself for the first time.

    As he sat there lost in thought, he heard rustling outside his shelter. Instinctively, he reached for his weapon, but then hesitated. Something about the rustling sounded different from the usual jungle noises. Slowly, he made his way to the entrance of the shelter and peered out.

    To his surprise, he saw the woman who had challenged him earlier. She was holding a small animal in her arms and seemed to be searching for something. Yaku watched as she moved through the trees with a grace and ease that he had never seen before. He felt something stir inside of him as he

    watched her, a feeling that he couldn't quite put into words.

    Without thinking, Yaku stepped out of his shelter and approached the woman. She turned and saw him, but didn't seem surprised or afraid. What are you doing here? Yaku asked, his laughter conspicuously absent.

    The woman smiled at him. I'm looking for something, she said cryptically. Yaku was about to press her for more information when he heard a sound coming from the jungle behind them. It was a low growl, and it was getting louder.

    The woman's expression hardened. We need to move, now, she said, grabbing Yaku's arm and pulling him behind her. They ran through the jungle, the growls behind them growing louder and more menacing with each passing moment. Yaku was stunned by the woman's strength and agility, and

    he found himself struggling to keep up.

    Finally, they burst through the trees and into a clearing. Yaku gasped as he saw what was waiting for them there. A pack of large, snarling creatures were circling, teeth bared and eyes glowing in the moonlight.

    The woman tensed, still holding the small animal in her arms. Don't move, she whispered to Yaku, her voice steady despite the danger they were in. Stay behind me.

    Yaku watched in awe as the woman stepped forward, holding the small animal out in front of her. The creatures growled and barked, but the woman didn't flinch. Slowly, she began to chant, her voice rising in pitch and intensity.

    For a moment, nothing happened. The creatures continued to circle, their eyes fixed on the woman. But then, to Yaku's surprise, they began to back away, whimpering and whining as they retreated into the jungle.

    The woman turned to

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