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The Obsidian Cube Book One: An Unknown Past
The Obsidian Cube Book One: An Unknown Past
The Obsidian Cube Book One: An Unknown Past
Ebook38 pages35 minutes

The Obsidian Cube Book One: An Unknown Past

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He is alone lost and with no memory of who or what he is. All he knows is his name: Steve!

Fleeing through the night pursued by half-glimpsed foes, Steve is rescued by the brave beautiful Alex. Alex has appointed herself as the defender of a small village that finds the incredible Draugr: The Skeleton King.

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateApr 30, 2024
The Obsidian Cube Book One: An Unknown Past

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    The Obsidian Cube Book One - Mark Mulle

    The Obsidian Cube

    Book One: An Unknown Past

    Mark Mulle


    Mark Mulle

    Copyright © 2015

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.


    This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in fictitious manner.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Author’s Note: This short story is for your reading pleasure. The characters in this Minecraft Adventure Series such as Steve, Endermen or Herobrine...etc are based on the Minecraft Game coming from Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2013 Mojang / Notch

    Night was falling.

    Steve shivered in the darkening forest. He was lost…no, more than lost. If you’re lost, it means you have a destination and don’t know the way there. He not only had no destination; he didn’t even know if there was a destination. For all he knew, he might be the only living person in the whole world.

    Several hours earlier he had come to himself under the eaves of a black forest of huge dark oaks. The great trees spread their branches overhead in a perfect roof that blotted out the sun so completely that, at first, he had thought he had awakened at night. Here and there, enormous mushrooms added their spreading tops to the forest roof.

    It was an eerie, disturbing place, filled with mysterious growls and groans and half-glimpsed figures moving among the trunks. Though desperate for any sign of humanity, Steve knew better than to approach those dark, moaning figures. Instead, he hurried on through the gloom, seeking some way – any way – out of the shadow of those dark trees.

    Eventually, he emerged into a sparser forest of oaks and birch, where the trees were far smaller and didn’t block out the sun nearly as much.

    In the light, he was able to take stock. He was wearing work clothes; a green shirt and blue pants. He had what felt like a three-day beard and his skin was rough and tanned, as if he did a lot of work in the sun. That seemed right, but he couldn’t remember anything about it. He checked his inventory; it was completely empty. 

    With nothing better to do, he kept going. He had no destination or even any goals now that he had escaped the dark forest, but to stand still was obviously out of the question. And he had a vague idea that, if he kept going, he might find something or someone who would be able to help him. Or at least give him an idea of who and where he was.

    So he kept walking. He had no idea how many blocks he’d gone from where he had awakened. He hadn’t picked

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