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The Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2
The Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2
The Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2
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The Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2

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Book 2 of the memories of Apophis, join Apophis through his journey from host to host, the names of the hosts were changed. Apophis is not to be feared but respected for he is for mankind, not against it like the ancient legends would say.

Release dateMay 1, 2024
The Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2

Matthew Edward Petchinsky

Message from the Author: I hope you enjoyed this book, I love astrology and knew there was not a book such as this out on the shelf. I love metaphysical items as well. Please check out my other books: -Life of Government Benefits-My life of Hell-My life with Hydrocephalus-Red Sky-World Domination:Woman's rule-World Domination:Woman's Rule 2: The War-Life and Banishment of Apophis: book 1-The Kidney Friendly Diet-The Ultimate Hemp Cookbook-Creating a Dispensary(legally)-Cleanliness throughout life: the importance of showering from childhood to adulthood.-Strong Roots: The Risks of Overcoddling children-Hemp Horoscopes: Cosmic Insights and Earthly Healing- Celestial Hemp Navigating the Zodiac: Through the Green Cosmos-Astrological Hemp: Aligning The Stars with Earth's Ancient Herb-The Astrological Guide to Hemp: Stars, Signs, and Sacred Leaves-Green Growth: Innovative Marketing Strategies for your Hemp Products and Dispensary-Cosmic Cannabis-Astrological Munchies-Henry The Hemp-Zodiacal Roots: The Astrological Soul Of Hemp- Green Constellations: Intersection of Hemp and Zodiac-Hemp in The Houses: An astrological Adventure Through The Cannabis Galaxy-Galactic Ganja GuideHeavenly HempZodiac LeavesDoctor Who AstrologyCannastrologyStellar Satvias and Cosmic IndicasCelestial Cannabis: A Zodiac JourneyAstroHerbology: The Sky and The Soil: Volume 1AstroHerbology:Celestial Cannabis:Volume 2Cosmic Cannabis CultivationThe Starry Guide to Herbal Harmony: Volume 1The Starry Guide to Herbal Harmony: Cannabis Universe: Volume 2Yugioh Astrology: Astrological Guide to Deck, Duels and moreNightmare Mansion: Echoes of The AbyssNightmare Mansion 2: Legacy of ShadowsNightmare Mansion 3: Shadows of the ForgottenNightmare Mansion 4: Echoes of the DamnedThe Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2Nightmare Mansion: Halls of DespairHealing with Herb: Cannabis and HydrocephalusPlanetary Pot: Aligning with Astrological Herbs: Volume 1Fast Track to Freedom: 30 Days to Financial Independence Using AI, Assets, and Agile HustlesCosmic Hemp PathwaysHow to Become Financially Free in 30 Days: 10,000 Paths to ProsperityZodiacal Herbage: Astrological Insights: Volume 1Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the WallsThe Daleks Invade AtlantisHenry the hemp and Hydrocephalus10X The Kidney Friendly DietCannabis Universe: Adult coloring bookHemp Astrology: The Healing Power of the StarsZodiacal Herbage: Astrological Insights: Cannabis Universe: Volume 2Check out my Virtual dispensary for all your hemp needs: you want solar for your home go here: some shirts: @apophis_enterprises, @hempkingdom2024, @apophisbookemporium, @apophisfashion, @apophisscardshopTwitter: @apophisenterpr1, Tiktok:@apophisenterpriseYoutube: @sg1fan23477Podcast: Apophis Chat Zone:

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    The Life and Banishment of Apophis - Matthew Edward Petchinsky


    The Life and Banishment of Apophis: Book 2

    By Matthew Edward Petchinsky, Memories translated and channeled by: Apophis.

    Message from Apophis.

    Hello, everyone

    This is a continuation of my first book The life and banishment of Apophis. I will give you more experiences I have had in the 20th century and 21st century in this second book. I will still use pseudonyms for the host names, except for the last.

    Now, since you have made it this far, I must warn you that I was in significant world events. Please enjoy, let us begin.


    Unknown host #28

    For this host we will call this host Tiffany.

    Apophis awoke in a large bed with fancy sheets, they were Egyptian cotton sheets, Apophis could tell by the texture of the cotton. Apophis peered around the room. Everything in the room was of the utmost highest quality. Apophis got up off the bed, the second his feet hit the floor he felt carpet, a beige color carpet. On top of the carpet was a Persian rug, a very unique pattern, that really catches the eye. Apophis got up and walked over to a dark wood vanity desk with a mirror. He looked into the mirror still standing, he saw that he was in a female host, this female host wore silk lingerie to sleep in. His female host was a brunette, with blue eyes and very fair white skin. The eyes were not just a regular blue, more like an aquamarine-colored eyes.

    Apophis saw a calendar hanging on the wall next to the vanity desk, the year on the calendar read 1900. Apophis was surprised that he had made it to the new century, to him this century was in the thousands, but in reality, it is the 20th century. Apophis was not aware that the Christian church change everything with the calendar, especially the whole century thing. Apophis went back into the memories to learn more about his host, turns out she is a type of royalty, a fashion royalty so to speak.

    His host’s family was known worldwide for their fashion designs for the new century, they particularly were fashion designs for women. The mother and father were both business oriented, the mother was well versed in business terms, as well as quite the artist for fashion designs. The father was an artist and great marketeer for their business.

    Apophis felt his host was hungry, so he took back control and he stepped out of the bedroom. Turns out the host was starving herself to model her parent’s clothes. He went down the stair towards the kitchen. One of the maids saw him heading towards the kitchen.

    Good morning, Ms. Tiffany. The maid said.

    Good morning. Apophis replied.

    Once Apophis made it to the kitchen, there was another made cleaning and cooking in the kitchen. When she noticed Apophis, she smiled.

    Good morning, is there anything, I can get you, Ms. Tiffany? The maid said.

    Yes, eggs, potato, and a nice juicy steak, please. Apophis said.

    Ah, very daring, Ms. Tiffany, I will have it up to your room in 20 minutes. The maid said getting pans out from the cabinet.

    Thank you. Apophis said heading back to the bedroom.

    Once he entered the bedroom, he saw Bastet laying on the bed. She was laying on her back with her tail hanging off the bed. She looked over at Apophis as he entered the room.

    What do you want now, feline? Apophis asked.

    Bastet laughed.

    Why do you keep questioning me every time I show up? Bastet asked.

    You usually have something you want, when you show up each time. Apophis said.

    Bastet remained silent not knowing what to say next.

    Apophis walked to the closet to pick something for his host to wear for the day. Since Apophis had already been in a few female hosts already, the process of what outfits to wear was no longer strange to him. He picked a blue dress that was stuffy looking, unfortunately for the fashion of the time there were no comfortable wear, everything was proper and stuffy.

    Apophis noticed a strange fashion device that was not in any host closet before. Apophis pulled it out of the closet, he noticed the beige color and the wire feeling in it and the strings for tightening. The device is called a Corset, Apophis found this device strange, but he figured what this was for to keep the thin look of any female body.

    Apophis put it on, and he immediately noticed how uncomfortable it was and how hard it was to breathe.

    Bastet watched Apophis’s face with him wearing a corset. She bursted out laughing at his struggle.

    Apophis gave her a sharp look to shut up, but her laughter continued to the point she fell to the floor.

    Moments later, the maid knocked on the door. Apophis’s neck snapped as he turned his head towards the door.

    Ms. Tiffany, your food is ready. The maid announced.

    Apophis opened the door, the maid walked in with the tray of food, she set the tray of food on the vanity desk. Apophis sat down at the vanity desk and began to eat the food. The maid left the room, the steak was done medium rare and it was juicy to the taste, it dripped down the throat.

    Bastet looked at Apophis from the bed, she had a disappointed look, she was disappointed that Apophis was taking advantage of the host’s status to eat fine food.

    You do know The Council will use this against you? Bastet asked.

    Apophis took a sharp swallow of the steak he was eating, then he turned to look at Bastet dead in the eye.

    I know, but I don’t care. They are making me suffer in these lives. Apophis said.

    Bastet gave Apophis a ‘whatever’ look, she knew Apophis would soon be called for his breaking of the rules again, it was only a matter of time.

    Apophis felt his host taking back control. He quickly finished the last two bites of his meal but left some meat juice. He switched control with his host.

    When Tiffany came back in control, she was dazed for a moment, until she noticed the plate that had meat fragments with blood from the meat, she was horrified. She immediately stuck her finger in her mouth trying to make herself vomit up the food that Apophis had consumed. She succeeded in making herself vomit up the food Apophis had eaten. When Apophis saw and felt the forced regurgitation deeply upset him.

    Tiffany vomited up everything, the vomit was multicolors of yellow, brown, and green, as well large chunks of undigested steak and potatoes.

    After about fifteen minutes, Tiffany had finished forcing herself to vomit. Apophis felt sick from what Tiffany just did.

    Tiffany ran a small bucket of water and began to wipe her mouth and face which was red and flushed from all the vomiting. She cleaned herself up and changed clothes as well. She grabbed a knife and began to cut her inner leg and belly. Apophis felt the sharp pain from the sharp blade.

    Tiffany looked at herself in the mirror and noticed that her skin was starting to sag a bit. She took the sharp blade and stretched out the sagging skin that was about an inch long, she took the blade and cut the skin off.

    Apophis felt sharp cut from the blade, Tiffany tried to seal up the sliced open flesh with a needle and thread, but her blood was gushing out of her sliced opened flesh that was three inches long, the blood gushed out like a fountain that had an uncontrollable leak.

    Apophis tried to take back control, but Tiffany’s body lost too much blood to where she died within a few minutes.

    Apophis was Back in the Eternal Darkness again. So many brutal deaths to experience. Apophis wasn’t sure if he could handle much more of this torment.

    Bastet appeared out of nowhere, walked towards Apophis, who was floating there with a blank stare into the nothingness around them. She put her hand on Apophis’s face.

    Don’t give up, you have a greater purpose on this journey. Bastet said.

    Apophis was confused, he knew the real Bastet would never have said that. He looked at Bastet.

    Who are you? The Bastet I know would never have said that. Apophis said suspicious of who it really is.

    The imposter backed up a bit, and then realized she was caught.

    You caught me, I’m not of The Council. I am from outside your realm. I took this form because I thought it was a form you trusted. The Imposter Bastet said.

    No one is above The Council, what do you mean not of this realm? What is your true name? Apophis said.

    I have no name; I am from another dimension. The Imposter Bastet said disappearing into the darkness.

    Apophis was puzzled on what just happened. He wasn’t aware of other dimensions, he thought this was the only dimension. He wasn’t sure if The Council knew about other dimensions.

    Unknown host #29

    For this host we will call her Sally.

    Moments later, a flash of light encompassed Apophis transporting him into a new host.

    Apophis woke up in a bed next to a black gentleman, he quickly got off the bed, but felt a sudden sharp pain in his host’s right arm. He turned his head looking at the right arm and saw a syringe sticking out of the arm. Apophis began to remove

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