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American Delusions and the Concrete
American Delusions and the Concrete
American Delusions and the Concrete
Ebook101 pages1 hour

American Delusions and the Concrete

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American Delusions and the Concrete makes no attempts at being the funniest, but maybe the most brutal book in history, being that the world almost ended after writing this book makes for an extreme take on the reason for writing it the way it was written. The protagonist has the secrets to end it all, to make life work for everyone, the CIA catches wind of it and abducts him. This is that story.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 28, 2024
American Delusions and the Concrete

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    American Delusions and the Concrete - Joeb ‘Smith’ Lobster


    The beginning was easy, so easy it was child’s play, nothing came between thought and action, and nothing made me a bad person. It wasn’t ever my fault, and if it was, it was just the beginning. A bit after the growth spurts of maturity, wisdom hit and then did I really understand what my life entailed. Conscious efforts create life’s ignorant dilemmas and lots of people make blindspots look good, but no one like myself ever wanted to know I was a hypocrite. And when I finally found out, I was still young. Young enough to make an effort to stop the lie of what a person believes himself to be, even when faced with adversity and lots of hatred for himself.

    Accepting my conscious effort to alter my future was the most pertinent object in my sentience, because no matter what, I am a culprit in my own action and through my action I create my reality and through my reality I meet others, and no matter what I do, I will always be alone in my own conscience, because morally driven and susceptible to suggestions from my own subconscious through other’s behavior and their own conscious efforts, I will always know myself. Because no matter what I do, I am myself and no matter how many times I lied, the truth always makes the lies disillusioned from their own concrete hold on my being.

    Chapter 1


    When the water boiled, I didn’t want to watch, I really understood this. But soon after, when I heard the water spill over, I got out of my seat in front of the pixel life forms floating in space and time just to decide why hot dogs tasted so good in my mind.

    So the water was boiling and there was plenty of it, so I placed 4 hot dogs in the water and stared for 3 minutes at the fucking things bouncing in the rolling boil. As soon as one expanded into a blown out snausage, angrily I turned the water down to a still form and focused on life, which to myself was famished in its own right.

    If I have to describe how to eat a hot dog in front of a TV you have a null authority to read a book that fucks with your head this hard. That being said, I put it on a bun and threw the rest in the trash.

    Chapter 2

    The Million Dollar Peso Man

    One time growing up I really misunderstood why people talked, I almost always thought, maybe, that psychic abilities would just be better for everyone, but after smoking some marijuana and giving some thought to the idea, I realized paranoia is the conscious effort from our subconscious to deny our sentience with absolute denial of reality. So even though everyone seemed to sound like the Peanut’s Parent’s shadows speaking, I understood there was severe trauma in myself to even be alive as a human. Past is the past, but as soon as I really considered what was going on, it seemed as if I had transcended the animal kingdom as a squirrel observing humans, because they were all nuts. Observably insane is what I became for months after reading these people’s minds because I truthfully understood where they were coming from, but I could only discover through my own consciousness and exerted sensing within the physical forms these people left in front of me when their atoms became transparent to my sense of vision. Maybe marijuana was not my thing.

    Even though floating talking molecules of atoms will never not be my favorite topic, it really puts things into perspective.

    Chapter 3

    Bikes and Their Flat Sentience

    Even though a bicycle is my favorite mode of transport, I’m sure everyone gets sick of them. Today I did.

    I rode to the store, got a drink from the cooler and paid for the damn thing. I drank it before leaving and wanted more to drink, so I fumed my way onto my bike and rode off. When I got miles back to where I came from, I ran into a rock and took a dive off the front of the handle bars and did a flip onto my ass, when I got up off the ground I realized my tire was popped and I walked home. After accepting the situation minutes after realizing it popped I realized for sure I would never think and drive again.

    Chapter 4

    Separate People Create

    Separate Consciousness

    Individually I am. Although today I may have always been, and even though I always was, since, after all, I have a body. I can walk, I talk, and I am what I am. Thinking about this is something I’ve accepted, because no matter what a person believes, they are always an individual, though sometimes they may have delusional senses that cause a disordered sense of self, since dysphoria is reigned over by how a person’s self esteem prevents them from believing in themself. My parent told me once that I was theirs, and I disagreed that I wasn’t but it felt insane to believe I was them other than some genetic fallacy that they birthed me in the first place. If they did I have 50% of them to thank for my entire life, including the house I live in. But the problem with their house is that I hate it here, so I’m going to move out.

    months later: I initiated a moving situation and caused a dilemma. My parents said they are mad that I betrayed their parenthood and didn’t even warn them before I left, the clinginess I feel to homesickness is pervading my sentience and conscious efforts until I feel as if I can trust myself without doubt, deep down I feel as if

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