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Prince of blood. The stolen night
Prince of blood. The stolen night
Prince of blood. The stolen night
Ebook269 pages4 hours

Prince of blood. The stolen night

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The thrilling story of Valkyrie, who accidentally enters a strange world and is caught up in a magical conspiracy. After meeting a prince and provoking conflict, she must solve mysteries and save her world from dark forces. But this is only the beginning of a story full of mystery and adventure.

Release dateMay 1, 2024
Prince of blood. The stolen night


Dzimis 1989. gada 22. decembrī. Absolvējis Rīgas Juridisko koledžu. Profesijā nav strādājis, bet apguvis programmēšanas prasmes un pašlaik ar to nodarbojas. Kopš 2022. gada ir personīgā uzņēmuma vadītājs, kas nodarbojas ar transporta pārvadājumiem, kā arī programmēšanu. Dzīvnieku, īpaši suņu, mīļotājs. Born 22 December 1989. Graduated from Riga College of Law. Has not worked in the profession, but has acquired programming skills and is currently working in it. Since 2022 he has been the CEO of his own company, which deals with transport transport as well as programming. Lover of animals, especially dogs.

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    Book preview

    Prince of blood. The stolen night - EDGARS AUZIŅŠ

    Chapter 1

    The chairs in the long corridor were scattered only by a dim fire trapped in openwork silver grilles on the ceiling. No windows, just cold marble everywhere. And silence. Not even the footsteps of my bare feet and the accompanying driver can be heard. It's like everything is dead. Not a soul but the two of us. However, few people looked into this part of the palace unless absolutely necessary. Not unreasonably.

    - Do not look in the eyes. Don't show any character, someone walking beside me broke the long silence. - Be obedient and helpful. If you disobey even once... I sympathize, she smiled grimly. If you don't knock me out right away, we can assume you're not a completely useless creature, she continued in an instructive tone. And if you don't knock me out before morning, you'll be the favorite," she added solemnly.

    You might think the latter is a pipe dream!

    Although some really did. The ruler's palace, located in the heart of the fiery wastes of Axarton, is the only place where survival is possible. Many days and nights of the journey were nothing but relentless heat and relentless sandstorms.

    But one night is enough for me!

    Come on girl, prove yourself, the woman whispered one last time before stopping at a tall door with intricate patterns that I had to walk through alone.

    The gate opened completely silently. And they also quietly closed behind me. The bedroom was spacious. The walls, painted with ornate paintings in shades of red and turquoise, reflected a smooth, stretched melody. Inside the hemispherical alcove rose a huge bed, strewn with many velvet and brocade cushions. The windows and doors leading to the ever-blooming indoor garden were wide open, letting in the coolness of the west wind. But that didn't make it any less steamy.

    Before my appearance, the man had been surveying the outdoor landscape with a strangely lazy indulgence, but almost immediately focused on me. Dressed in black, the tall, athletic silhouette exuded authority and power. The dark brown gaze seemed to look right through him as if he were looking into his soul. And at the same time it glided smoothly and slowly over my barely covered body. Yes, the leader of the blood mage community, Amitias Adalstein of Elrilerd, was truly wonderful. And no less dangerous. Perhaps it was for this reason that my heart began to beat faster and louder as soon as I took a good look at who I was going to spend the night with.

    Come on, came a low voice with implied notes.

    Just a step towards him and his bare feet sank into the soft fluffy carpet. I stopped again, taking my time to close the distance between us. The gaze automatically caught a pair of paddles resting on the last steps leading to the bed. There I went instead to fulfill the will of my temporary master.

    The steel was decorated with alizarin stones of quite impressive size. Many facets fascinated and hypnotized, attracting attention. Not inlaid in the handle, but fused into the metal, and so skillfully and harmoniously, as if it were self-evident and not something unusual.

    - Like it? Take... - the owner of the bedroom caught my train of thought.

    She smiled gratefully. The coldness of the weapon stung my palms. I took both blades at once. Light, perfectly balanced. Unable to resist, she lightly tossed them into the air. And then she put it to the throat of the man who came closer. The Lord of the Axarton Deserts froze. And a crazy idea came to mind. And here it is as if the whole world stops and ceases to exist...

    I am not that graceful, I was not trained for the role of someone who lives in a harem, and certainly not a professional dancer who knows how to seduce. But as soon as you close your eyes and let the soft rhythm of the melody play, your skills don't seem so important. I know how to handle sharp weapons. Some people I even worshiped.

    Sheer chiffon slips over my bare leg as I arch to the right and look back at the Lord of the Axarton Deserts. Interest flashes in the welcoming gaze in the dark - it gives me courage.

    Swing. Rotate...

    Dangerous steel touches my thigh, my head spins and I spin with it. Over and over until you lose your breath. I almost fall in love with the ease with which I manage to handle the blades. They are so good that it cannot be otherwise. So I continue to look almost continuously at the man with all the need that now blooms in my soul - without a shadow of doubt, as if it were a matter of course, like the need to breathe.

    Another swing. Rotate...

    Again and again the gun spins through the air and spins – and I with it, as if this steel were an extension of me. Moreover, to some extent, it is. There is no other way. I straighten with a fleeting smile.

    The man is still closely watching my every move.

    I wonder who he imagines instead of me?

    This is not how they look at a stranger with whom they have nothing in common.

    Another swing. Turn around. The slope...

    The melody that resonates with the rhythm of my body is still with me. It doesn't just resonate in the subconscious, it literally penetrates the very heart. And I will remember her every sound, even if I can't hear it again. My breathing is already ragged, the pressure in my hands a little heavier. Blades pass over my head as I kneel. A few more smooth swings of my hips – the music dies down and I stop with it, carefully placing the gun at the feet of its owner. So I froze in a position of complete submission, hoping that this would soften the excessive display of freedom.

    The pause that follows allows you to return to reality and even out your ragged breathing... The gaze, darker than the deepest night, is still focused on me. I felt its weight too clearly - it literally magnetized me to the point, not allowing me to even catch my breath, let alone move. And yet I lifted my head as someone else's fingers touched my chin, making me look up.

    - What is your name? the blood mage asked, leaning very close.

    I didn't think he would ask. As far as I knew, he didn't care about such things. Maybe that's why I was confused and made a mistake.

    Freya, came from my lips in the purest truth.

    And the very sight caught the presence of a crimson drop of blood congealed on the neck of the Lord of the Fiery Deserts of Axarton, at the very edge of the dense black gate. Turns out I hurt him back then before I started dancing. But this is not my worst mistake. The man, noticing my reaction, seemed to read my thoughts. Having slightly bowed his head, he looked only at me, while with absolute precision, with a delicate movement, he smeared his own blood with two fingers, which he immediately... licked.

    She swallowed noisily.

    And suddenly there was no more oxygen in the lungs.

    She opened her mouth to take a deep breath, but the air was gone. In one blur, the blood mage grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close, pulling her into a heady, greedy kiss.

    He doesn't need my permission. He will take absolutely everything he wants from me. And we both remember it very well.

    The flames go out in the openwork grills. Darkness surrounds the bedroom. I don't see the man anymore. I just feel heavy, slow breathing. And I shivered involuntarily with a slight chill when I lost my clothes.

    My temporary host whispers something softly in a language I've never heard before and kisses me again. And he still doesn't break the lingering kiss, doesn't let you pull away, dragging you along the wide, soft bed. Again and again I obediently reached out for the demanding caress, letting new kisses cloud my mind more and more. And I, frankly, enjoy the strange euphoria that fills me from the inside. I gave in to her. i lost Every once in a while I almost die in someone else's hot hug.

    The pulse of life in me beats so loudly and often, as if nothing else existed except this rhythm... Another illusion, dispelled by the new touches of the blood mage. They burn my body. They burn the mind. Destroy the remnants of self-control. Makes you feel weak. Even too much. But here and now I don't need to be strong. You just have to obey.

    And I obey.

    His hands slide over his shoulders and slowly descend lower. They caress and caress excruciatingly slowly, gently, drawing a quiet pleading moan from my lips. Almost a plea, not a request, dissolves between the marble walls in the heart of the Aksarton deserts. It's so hot... Like I'm burning alive in this agony. I'm burning and stuck in what seems like the most damned hell. And I get lost in the blissful feeling of someone else's closeness... I drown in the pool that covers us both as the two become one. My personal world is torn apart by countless feelings and emotions that I have never experienced before. Reality changes and floats, swaying with it on the waves of unprecedented pleasures.

    You will stay with me Freya... I heard what served as a reward.

    And she smiled, mentally rejoicing at such an easy victory.

    The man did not fall asleep immediately, and then I had to suffer while waiting. However, the patience shown was fully justified as soon as I managed to quietly sneak out of the bedroom through the still open balcony.

    I certainly didn't come here to be a favorite!

    The gardens of the ruler of Axarton are a true oasis among the deadly sands of this world. Walking barefoot along the flagstone path, wrapped in a robe borrowed from a blood mound, I absorbed the soft whisper of the west wind, tangled in tall, unruly treetops the likes of which I had never seen before.

    The tall giants surrounded the entire perimeter of the area, closing in a kind of circle. The tops rested on a magical canopy - a dome woven from alizarin weaving by the unshakable power of the owner of these lands.

    It is dangerous to approach them - she knew this very well, and therefore she only watched from a distance. Yes, I went in a different direction.

    In the very center of the garden, at first glance, there is a small gazebo. As if someone had bent the forged bars, securing them with a flat steel circle on top. But its simplicity is deceptive. Inside is a real separate kingdom.

    Crossing the boundary between ordinary space and what exists thanks to witch magic, the change in reality was not felt at all. Between the dazzling white walls covered with soft dense fabric, it is bright as day. The room, entwined with many winding stairs, stretched several hundred steps in all directions, and it was impossible to immediately see what exactly caused the change in the spectrum of light - the very reason why I had come to Amitias Adalstein's castle from Elrilerd. .

    It must be hard for him to live with that name. Although, most likely, it is not he himself who suffers, but those who are forced to address him in this way.

    Here, too, the floor was cast marble, so it got a little chilly. I didn't bring shoes. But that became completely unimportant as soon as a huge transparent cage came into view.

    Oh, yesssss... I said quietly, not hiding my excitement.

    The surface turned out to be hot, and this is not at all surprising. Something that could only be compared to the sun itself was burning in the peculiar magical prison.

    Stolen night...

    This is the name of this wonderful phenomenon, which is the purest expression of the element of fire. A flower that dries up an entire dimension is capable of destroying even gods. Most valuable to the Axarton blood mages coven. And what I need is bigger than life itself.

    The obstacle on the way to my goal is quite difficult. But not so much that the good old artifact from a closed world can't deal with it. Fortunately, I took care of his presence with my beloved in time. No wonder I planned all this for a long time.

    The protective pendant on my chest glowed in moments as I reached through the magic-infused glass. I barely made it, to be honest, but I did pluck one of the inflorescences. A moment later she bit her lower lip until it bled to keep from screaming at the top of her voice at the pain shooting through her limb as she tossed what she got aside. The marble on the floor immediately began to melt.

    Here we are...

    Even stronger than expected!

    Next, Mortum planto`s came out of the mouth, and the energy remnants of the enchanted object flowed smoothly into space.

    A few more simple manipulations - protection surrounds the deadly flower, surrounding it in an invisible halo, isolating it from the rest of the world.

    I had no more use for trinkets, and the impression of the stolen night I had created would not last long.

    We should hurry.

    Not finding anything more suitable, I tore the lower part of my robe myself, hiding my already valuable value from prying eyes. I even managed to move a few steps in the opposite direction before I heard...

    - The stupid witch will go through the forest, the stupid witch will find her death!

    A thin, evil voice came literally out of nowhere. Nor did I feel the presence of any living soul. So she froze in surprise as she tried to locate the source of the sound by ear.

    - Yes, here I am, here! – I didn't wait until I decided myself.

    To my right was a construction of fireproof stone. You might think that it is a completely ordinary stove. Admittedly, it's a bit of a strange device. However, the locals are unlikely to be cold in the middle of fiery deserts, so I involuntarily became interested, meticulously studying the device, the purpose of which is not yet completely clear.

    At the very bottom, there is an ash drawer and a door on the air supply side at the bottom. The height of the hearth was twice as high as the box itself. The structure consisted of two thumb-thick metal beams, and on top was a vaulted roof with a hole in the middle, a plug for it, and a small chimney.

    That was where the source of the noise came from.

    Open the lid of the atanor, earn your way home, the creature mumbled again in a clumsy rhyme. - Open, what are you staring at?! - he finally exclaimed.

    I was even surprised by such impudence. However, she didn't ignore it either. Close to the stove, she grabbed one of the beams, pulling it. The retort above the hearth moved with a muffled creak, and the room was illuminated by a bluish-yellow glow. The very reason for this did not have to wait long, in one jump I found myself right on the beam that I still hadn't let go of.

    - Finally! - the bundle of energy exclaimed with obvious relief.

    About the size of a palm, without clear outlines, it vaguely resembled a hybrid of a tiny elf and a fairy - pointed ears, long hair down to the toes, and even wings.

    Elementary. Not purely fiery. Smesok

    - Well? What are we worth? Let's get out of here! - Meanwhile, my accidentally freed one sounded out, turning towards the exit from the gazebo.

    Yeah, not so fast...

    — Through the forest, where death awaits? she clarified with a malicious grin, taking her time to follow his lead, though still releasing the beam that controlled the replica.

    - And you are not a witch! — answered the element sarcastically. - What, will you find fault now? So, by the way, I had to... - he mumbled and put his small hands on his chest, looking at me from under his eyebrows.

    Spots of red flashed between the blue-yellow entanglements of energy.

    Beauty, you should dress a little more decently, the recent Atanor captive made an annoyed remark as he turned away from me. Here, at least put on a raincoat, he motioned to the small thing lying on a regular chair. – Otherwise... no shame, no conscience!

    Yeah, nothing extra, she agreed in her own way. - In addition, you yourself are completely naked! she snapped, looking down at her outfit.

    Yes, barefoot. And I shortened the robe to the hip line, without tucking the hem properly when I tightened the belt... Not exactly a negligee!

    However, I still put on the shapeless robe, which was a piece of dark dense fabric with ties at the throat.

    - Let's go already, right? - meanwhile, the element openly growled. — My name is Jenny, by the way. You won't get out of here alone without me, but I want to go home. I'm tired of working here for nothing, he sighed dejectedly. – As soon as the owner realizes that you stole his flower, he will let all his hounds off the leash in pursuit... You need me!

    If I didn't even doubt some aspects of the elemental's speech regarding the strongest blood mages, he clearly overestimated himself in the last one.

    Besides, I would like to leave, one would have done it a long time ago!

    If only I could...

    You don't look like Jenny, by the way, she openly doubted. – They are a little bigger. And tighter," she smirked, taking her time to leave. - And what makes you think that I can't manage without you alone?

    Well you never know...

    You got through the bedroom into the master chamber, didn't you? — he looked at me demonstratively. - If you go back the same way, he will figure you out right away! Do you know how the flower works for the blood of the Elrileyrd family? You'd better kill yourself now, otherwise you'll only be able to dream of something like this! he laughed again, taking his time to share the details.

    She sighed heavily. Just because - no, I didn't know. In general, this is the first time I hear that the stolen night is somehow directly related to the family that protected this value from generation to generation. And it's definitely not good for me. Besides, if I had found a way from the outside world to the garden and back other than through the blood mage's bedroom, I certainly wouldn't have gotten into his harem.

    Although I don't regret the latter at all when it comes down to it. Even my heart began to beat faster as soon as I remembered the man and the moments I spent next to him.

    Okay bastard...

    - Is there another way? Not through the castle? - I sighed again.

    I frankly doubted the latter, to be honest.

    No, no, the elemental drawled, much to my chagrin, but at the same time confirming all my speculations. - But it will be! - he added with triumph in his voice, jumping off the atanor. - Take what you have there, we have enough. It will also remain for the future," he pointed with his finger at the still slightly open replica and, not considering it necessary to wait for my reaction, walked on.

    Since he still wouldn't get far without me, he didn't even pay attention to him anymore. I did what he said. Inside Athanor, which served as both an elemental prison and an alchemy factory, only a nondescript powder the color of wet sawdust was found.

    There is no magical background.

    Just a subtle sour sweet smell.

    I had no idea what the crap was, but there wasn't anything else there anyway, so I grabbed what I could, wrapping my find in another piece of cloth torn from my robe. Too bad there was no pocket.

    - Well? How is this nonsense going to get us out of here? — she asked, catching up with her unplanned travel companion already on the border between artificially augmented and real reality.

    The air was still fresh in the garden of the Lord of

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