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Deism Rules: 50 Proofs for a Revival of Deism
Deism Rules: 50 Proofs for a Revival of Deism
Deism Rules: 50 Proofs for a Revival of Deism
Ebook62 pages28 minutes

Deism Rules: 50 Proofs for a Revival of Deism

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About this ebook

Historians, Philosophers, and Religionists have declared that Deism has died. They note that Deism lacks the appeal it enjoyed during its heyday.

Friends, we need not resign ourselves to this fate. We can answer the call to revive Deism!

Why revive Deism? Because Deism rules. Why does Deism rules? Friends, this work presents 50 proofs why Deism rules.

When you want to show the world you believe Deism rules and you thus believe we should revive Deism, kindly choose this work.

95 pages.

Release dateMar 7, 2023
Deism Rules: 50 Proofs for a Revival of Deism

Andrew Bushard

Find empowerment through the First Amendment here:We leverage freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances (the First Amendment) to empower youWe leverage creativity and inspiration to empower youWe leverage presentations, talks, mp3s, and videos to empower youWe leverage movies, DVDs, internet videos, and video games to empower youWe leverage integrity, understanding, diligence, and maverickism to empower you

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    Deism Rules - Andrew Bushard

    Deism Rules!

    Scholars and historians have claimed Deism has died.  If Deism has died, we can revive it.  Deism ruled in its heyday, thus let's raise Deism from the dead, so it can rule in the 21st century and beyond.

    No doubt others write better than I do.  No doubt others philosophize better than I do.  No doubt others theologize better than I do.  Despite this, at this juncture I answer the call to advance Deism.  In Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times, Paul Rogat-Loeb argued that action does not require perfection.  Thus despite the limits of my writing, philosophizing, and theologizing, I am acting! 

    I trust have the dedication, desire, and disposition to advance Deism, so I petition the rest of you to join me in reviving Deism.

    Deism rules!


    Proof 1:

    Traffic Demonstrates that Deism Rules

    Reflecting on the nature of Traffic led me to believe in a Deist God.

    Toward the end of college, after having embraced Atheism, the nature of traffic astonished me.  Sometimes I would be thinking of my mission and activities and not paying attention to traffic like I should have.  Yet I never experienced a major accident.  I’ve crossed streets thousands and thousands of times in my life, yet I stand and walk in one piece. 

    Accidents seem rare.  Most everyone remarks they see crazy drivers everywhere.  We exercise caution that crazy drivers don’t, yet crazy drivers also avoid accidents.  The worst drivers may have 3 accidents a year, so they earn an A+ in driving, since that means they avoid accidents 99% of the days. 

    What holds traffic and everything else together? Our Deist God holds traffic and everything else together.  Christians use this type of argument (minus Deism) and call it The Argument from Design

    Atheists have called this type of argument The God of the Gaps in response to me and other proponents.  Traffic points to a Deist God.  This traffic argument may not satisfy Atheists, but it demonstrates that Deism rules.

    Proof 2:

    The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the First Amendment Demonstrate that Deism Rules

    I found God not through a jesus or bible conversion, but through experiencing the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the First Amendment.  Some argued Providence inspired America’s founding.  Thus

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