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Found in Favor
Found in Favor
Found in Favor
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Found in Favor

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About this ebook

The purpose of this book, Found in Favor, is to share with the reader a series of miracles that will reveal in a very vivid way how our Father God is attuned to us as well as provides for our every need. The greater our need, the greater His loving care and provision at just the moment it is needed. It is my desire that this compilation will reveal the greatness of God and how He responds when we are totally dependent upon Him. I have found the greater our dependence upon Him, the greater are His answers.

Release dateApr 18, 2024
Found in Favor

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    Book preview

    Found in Favor - Stella Young

    Table of Contents




    Message to My Readers

    Special Message to My Readers



    Homeless but Never Forsaken

    The Angel and the Telephone Pole

    Dishwasher Gets a Call from Heaven

    Let the Miracle of Music Begin

    Part 1

    Let the Miracle of Music Begin

    Part 2

    Let the Miracle of Music Begin

    Part 3

    Memorization a Problem?

    Now the Rest of the Story

    Nothing Gets Past the Ears of God

    An Angel Awaits

    Steve Green Concert

    A Broken Timing Chain

    Divine Appointment for Two

    A Duet with an Angel

    Holy Hands

    I Hate Shopping but God Loves to Shop with His Children

    Shopping with God as Our Guide

    Piano Shopping with God

    Forever Friends

    God Cares for a Jar of Glue

    All to Jesus I Surrender

    The House Nobody Wanted

    Fire in the Ceiling

    A Mother's Prayer, a Daughter's Letter, and God's Answer

    Who Turned the Sound Up?

    The Homecoming

    The Linen Cloth Challenge

    Behind the Smile

    The Day Jesus Had Church

    The Ugliest Ornament on the Tree

    God Is Near

    Somewhere in Time

    Frozen Moments

    I Want Jesus

    Who Is God and What Does He Do?

    How Can You?

    Whose Hands?

    Does God Hear And Will He Answer?

    God Knows Where You Are Every Minute

    God's Shoulders Are Big Enough

    Jesus Wants You

    The Miracle Worker

    The Great Deceiver Waits for an Open Door

    The Hidden Treasure of the Resurrection Morning

    Are You the Fisherman or Are You the Catch?

    The Sandwriter

    You Can Decide Your Own Eternal Destiny

    Hidden in Plain Sight

    This Side of Heaven

    About the Author

    Memorial Dedication


    Found in Favor

    Stella Young

    ISBN 979-8-88644-986-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88644-988-4 (Hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-88644-987-7 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2023 Stella Young

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Gregory Alan Hill

    December 1, 1971, to February 3, 2009

    Found in Favor is dedicated to

    my precious son, Greg,

    who lived through many of the

    miracle events with me.


    Knowing that God is the author and finisher of all that I am and all that I do, I wish to give Him my eternal thankfulness for the miracles He sent throughout my life's journey. By sharing God's merciful, loving miracles in this book, I pray it will magnify and glorify His Holy Name to each and every reader.

    I want to thank my dear husband, Pastor Eugene Young, for his patience and encouragement throughout the writing of this book. Thank you for being my sounding board, Gene.

    This book lay partially begun for many years until I got the very strong impression that now was the time to finish this project. With the determination to obey the Spirit's call, I thought about my dear daughter number 2, Tammy Hill Louya, and the wisdom she possesses. I asked her if she would be willing to proof my work. She was quick and happy to agree. Her proofing was flawless, and she did it so quickly that it was all I could do to keep up with her. But that was exactly the push I needed to get this project underway and on its way to completion. Thank you, Tammy, for your love and encouragement. It was the kick start I needed.

    To Dave Travis, my many thanks for the work you did pulling the missing pieces together. You are always such a willing helper in so many ways.

    To my daughter number 3, Michelle Elaine Hill Travis, goes my sincere thankfulness for typing the old computer files that were unreadable and making them presentable. This book has been a work in progress through the lives of several computers. Michelle, you are truly a treasure.

    Now to take it all in and put it all together, that could be a problem. Not a problem for our dear friend, Ron Quick, who like the rest came to my rescue as a minuteman. Thank you for working tirelessly setting up the final stages of this project, which spans a lifetime of God's handiwork. My eternal thanks to you, Ron. God has given you a great gift.

    Thank You, God, for giving me the life experiences, the inspiration, and the strength to let the world know what an incredible, caring, loving God You are. I found out You want to be included in every aspect of our lives. Leaning on Your everlasting arms taught me things about You I could never have imagined. Again my eternal thanks to You, my dear Father, and to You, Jesus, my Savior, and my hiding place.

    Message to My Readers

    May the magnitude of God's love, glory, power, and caring heart be revealed to you in the following pages of this book. God has revealed Himself from the beginning to the end. He alone is the author and finisher of all the miracles you are about to read. My late son and I were greatly blessed to have been the recipients of God's great goodness and mercy. It is my desire that this book will bring glory, honor, and praise to God's holy name as you see Him revealed in the following pages.

    Special Message to My Readers

    The following incident occurred while I was writing Message to My Readers.

    Suddenly a severe chill came over me. I got so cold, I began shaking and had to stop to get my heavy sweater on. Determined to finish the short paragraph, I sat down and began to type again. All at once, the chill vanished, and in its place, a heat wave came over me. It got stronger and stronger. My ears felt like they were on fire. My face and cheeks were burning hot. My face started to feel prickly like someone was brushing my face with thorns from a stem from a rose bush. What was happening to me completely stopped me from typing my Message to My Readers, which by the way was giving glory to God for the things He had done in my life that resulted in my book, Found in Favor.

    I got up and ran to the living room where my husband and daughter were. I was holding my cheeks in pain. They took one look at me and saw that my ears were blood-red and on fire to the touch. My face also was burning hot, and the invisible prickly thorns were still attacking me. I stood there, not knowing what to do, when just as suddenly this attack had come upon me. Zip! It was gone. Immediately my ears turned back to their normal color, the prickles in my face stopped, and I was back to normal again.

    Conclusion: Glorifying God and giving Him credit for the works He accomplishes within us comes at a price. However, He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). With that thought in mind, God will overpower all of the devil's attempts to stop us from glorifying God. Praise God He protected me from further attacks. Once again, I was found in favor. To God be the glory.


    How can Your voice be as mighty as rushing waters, yet be so soft and gentle?

    How can Your voice be inaudible to the ear and yet be heard so loudly deep within my soul?

    How can You touch so gently and yet heal so greatly?

    How can You engrave stone with Your finger?

    How can You divide a sea to make dry land?

    How can You make a man out of clay?

    How can You breathe stars and galaxies appear?

    How can You know when a sparrow falls?

    How can You hear the silent cry of a broken heart?

    How can You save us from ourselves?

    How can You soften a hardened heart?

    How can You love one such as I?

    You must be God!

    No human mind can comprehend the greatness and majesty of the God who created the universe. No human heart could comprehend the love of a savior for a sinner. God hears our desires and dreams and mingles them together in perfect timing by the issuance of endless miracles to save and enhance our lives for the perfecting of His will.

    You are about to embark on a journey that will reveal the intimacy of God's all-knowing-all-caring concern for His children. It is of utmost importance that not only does our God own the cattle on a thousand hills, but His store of endless miracles is ours when we make Him our first responder instead of our last resort. Having served as a pastoral assistant with my husband who is a pastor, I have seen that most people who have a need turn to the church for help first and foremost instead of turning to God to fill their needs.

    The following pages are filled with needs shared only with God alone, resulting in His faithful response to every single need. The immediate dynamic responses to mind-boggling situations that my son and I lived through are evidence of the fact that not only should God be our first responder, but He need only be our only responder, not our last resort.

    It is my prayer that the cutting-edge experiences I lived through and God's dramatic responses to each one will thrill your soul as they reveal how an extraordinary God can change an ordinary life. I am eternally blessed to have been found in favor.


    The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork.

    —Psalm 19:1 (NKJV)

    As I gaze out my bedroom window, I look into the sky and see the most incredible painting done by the artist, the Creator of my soul. His endless painting hangs on the walls of my heart as an eternal promise of what is to come. Our Creator—God—is solely responsible for the contents of this book, Found in Favor.

    The purpose of this book, Found in Favor, is to share with the reader a series of miracles that will reveal in a very vivid way how our Father God is attuned to us as well as provides for our every need. The greater our need, the greater His loving care and provision at just the moment it is needed. It is my desire that this compilation will reveal the greatness of God and how He responds when we are totally dependent upon Him. I have found that the greater our dependence upon Him, the greater are His answers.

    As a single parent with an eleven-year-old son, my Greg, was with me when many of these miracles took place. Receiving miracles gave both of us a new and constant hold on God we had never experienced before. For the six weeks we were homeless, God provided daily for our needs. I never missed a day of work, Greg never missed a day of school, we never missed a meal, and every night before nightfall, God provided a wonderful place for us to spend the night.

    This journey of faith continued to evolve moment by moment. My son had to call me from school each day to find out where we would be staying, so he would know which bus to take. Many times I would be able to tell him, but there were just as many times when I had no answer to give him. In that case, I would tell him, "Greg, God will provide a place for us, but until He does, take the bus as close to my work as you can and walk the rest of

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