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Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #6
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #6
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #6
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #6

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Venture forth with Chrissy as she embarks on an electrifying new adventure filled with danger and excitement. Pursued relentlessly by a cunning psychopath across diverse realms and time, Chrissy's journey transforms into a daring odyssey aimed at reuniting with her cherished younger brother. Along her travels, she encounters legendary beings, forges unexpected alliances, and unearths hidden strengths that render her a flickering beacon of hope amidst chaotic times and tumultuous conflict.

Release dateApr 29, 2024
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #6

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    Book preview

    Flight Through Dragons Fire - E.L.Marr

    Flight Through Dragon Fire

    Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey

    By E.L. Marr

    Chapter 8– While you were sleeping.

    Book 6

    Day 9- Morning

    The entire town buzzed with murmurs and whispers as Thadmor made his way through the streets, carrying the unconscious girl in his arms. His arrival, accompanied by the mysterious figure, sent waves of gossip and speculation rippling through the town. From the bustling market stalls to the quiet alleyways, rumors swirled, and tales spun about ancient prophecies and mythical beings. Among these whispers, the mention of Draco Natus added an intriguing layer of mystery to the town's charged atmosphere.

    With each passing minute, the energy in the town grew palpable, anticipation crackling in the air like electricity. Whether in the crowded market or the secluded corners of the city, conversations and glances exchanged hinted at the secrets waiting to be uncovered. The sight of Thadmor carrying the unconscious girl only fueled the curiosity and excitement, casting a captivating spell of intrigue over the entire town.

    Several hours later, as Isis made her way past the public stables, she sensed the town buzzing with a quiet excitement that seemed to ripple through its inhabitants. The sounds of a recent battle lingered in the air, lending an unsettled tension to the atmosphere and igniting curiosity among the guards. Their exchanged puzzled glances hinted at the unspoken questions swirling in their minds.

    Isis, is it true? A guard called out, his voice cutting through the ambient sounds of the bustling town as the townspeople gathered in clusters.

    House Carl. We saw the fire from here, chimed in another guard, casting a glance towards the distant horizon with a mix of concern and curiosity.

    Isis, the Jarl wants to speak with you and Chrissy immediately, a third guard urgently added, emphasizing the need for immediate action.

    Thadmor and Chrissy should have been here by now. Have you seen them? Isis demanded, her voice commanding attention and halting the rest of the questions in their tracks.

    Thadmor returned carrying the unconscious girl a few hours ago. He took her to the House of Healing, one of the guards quickly responded, eager to provide the requested information.

    You, go and tell the Jarl I am heading for the House of Healing to check on Chrissy and that I will see him right after, Isis ordered, her tone authoritative and decisive as she assigned tasks to the guards.

    And you, she continued, turning to another guard, gather some more men and relief to aid the guards at the watchtower. Make sure to call for the priest. And all watchtowers must be on high alert, she commanded, her voice leaving no room for hesitation.

    Yes, House Carl, the guards acknowledged, swiftly moving to carry out Isis's orders.

    As Thadmor approached the gate, Isis turned her attention to him, concern evident in her eyes. How is Chrissy? she asked, her voice softer now, showing her care for her companion.

    Sleeping deep, Thadmor replied solemnly, his gaze reflecting the weight of recent events.

    After that battle, it is not surprising. I am still awe-struck at what she did, Isis remarked, her admiration for Chrissy evident as she spoke to Thadmor. 

    I have her shield. I thought I would take it to Mconnde, the Blacksmith of the High Forge, Thadmor said, showing the shield to Isis. The ebony shield bore visible scars from the recent battle, its once pristine surface marred by deep gashes.

    Considering how rare it is, he's likely the only one skilled enough to repair that damaged ebony shield. Do you happen to have enough gold to cover the cost of fixing it? Isis inquired, inspecting the shield closely for the extent of the damage. As her fingers traced the jagged edges of the gashes, she evaluated the craftsmanship and potential expenses, preparing to retrieve some coins from her belt.

    No, but I picked up some of the dragon's bones. I could trade them to him, Thadmor answered, revealing a few of the neck pieces he had. The bones, gleaming with an otherworldly sheen, hinted at the formidable creature they once belonged to.

    Speaking of the bones, we should find out what the Jarl wants us to do with them, Isis remarked, her gaze shifting from the shield to the dragon bones displayed by Thadmor.

    The bones of a Dragon? Jarl Balgrouf asked in disbelief as he approached them, his brother, Octavian, and Skaldspell close behind him. The Jarl's eyes widened with astonishment at the sight of the dragon bones, a rare and powerful relic in their realm.

    Yes, my Jarl, the guards and Isis all responded with a slight bow.

    We don’t want them scaring the people, so I want them brought back to the keep.  Jarl Balgrouf says as he looks at Octavian with an expression that screams.  Told you so!  Without missing a beat, he turns back to Isis and asks.  "How many men did we lose?

    We only lost six, but it would have been far more if it hadn’t been for Chrissy.  Isis answers honestly.

    I knew there was something special about that girl.  Tell me, Isis, is it true?  Is she the Dragon Born?  Jarl Balgrouf asks.

    Not wanting to get the people worked up in their old Nord beliefs, Isis sticks with the facts, but even as she speaks, she starts to believe. The Dragon already killed 5 of my men when I was pinned down.  Chrissy plunged her swords into the dragon’s tail, then ran up the back of it and used her shield to cut the dragon’s head off.

    Is this the shield?  Hammot, the jarl’s brother, asks, tapping the shield Thadmor held, causing everyone present to look at it.

    Thadmor nervously nods as the most influential people in the hold all look at him.

    I heard you want to trade some of the dragon’s bones to have it fixed. You have my blessing to do this. If he cannot fix it, replace it with one of greater strength and value. Jarl

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