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I am farming in the last days
I am farming in the last days
I am farming in the last days
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I am farming in the last days

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On July 14, 2100 AD, a sudden fire from heaven fell on the earth. Houses were burned down, forests were burned, oceans evaporated, animals became extinct, and the world was in chaos... The land that humans depend on for survival turned into a scorched earth because of the fire from the sky. The green that was once everywhere has become a luxury for humans. The government established a survivor base and struggled to survive relying on the remaining grain reserves...

Release dateMay 1, 2024
I am farming in the last days

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    Book preview

    I am farming in the last days - Jared Bird

    Chapter 1. Fire from the sky

    On February 23, 1987, Canadian astronomers discovered a supernova exploding in the Large Magellanic Cloud, the closest galaxy to the Milky Way. In the following months, this supernova, called 1987A, was dazzling, with a brightness equivalent to 100 million suns. The Hubble Space Telescope photographed the remnant of the 1987A supernova in December 2006...

    It is reported that several years ago, my country's Beidou Space Telescope also discovered a supernova that was about to explode in the Large Magellanic Cloud. If the speculation of Chinese astronomers is correct, the explosion will take place within the next month. You will have the honor to watch this rare astronomical spectacle...

    The team leader is here!

    Ming Chu was enjoying herself when suddenly someone came up to her and shouted, The team leader is here!

    Mingchu's heart skipped a beat, and her heart felt like it was going to stop. Then she hid her phone with a swipe, raised her head, and sat upright, putting her hands on the keyboard, looking like she was working seriously.

    She had just been an intern, and the team leader was a particularly difficult middle-aged man. He was not a senior official but had a good reputation. He loved to show off to interns like them.

    Last time, he caught an intern fishing for fish, and he almost resigned after being scolded by him.

    Hahaha!!!!!! Mingchu, you are so funny! Hahaha...

    When Mingchu came back to her senses, she realized that the team leader had not come, only the intern Zhang Yu who was in the same team with her was laughing unbridled.

    Mingchu instantly realized that she had been tricked by Zhang Yu. She glared at Zhang Yu, lowered her voice, and said harshly: Okay! You are scaring me! Just wait! I will find it again next time. Come!"

    Hahaha...Okay! I'll wait. Zhang Yu was not afraid of her.

    After a while, Zhang Yu finally stopped laughing and walked over to say, Who told you to play with your phone so seriously? It's time to get off work, why don't you leave? Are you waiting to work overtime?

    Ming Chu took out his cell phone and saw that it was time to get off work.

    The salary for interns is not high, but there are too many miscellaneous tasks. It is rare to have a day without overtime, and you would be a fool not to hurry up.

    After quickly punching in, Mingchu followed Zhang Yu out of the company.

    As soon as I walked out of the company, the heat hit me.

    Since entering July, the temperature has been rising rapidly, and recently it has reached nearly 40 degrees. We often see news reports of people suffering from heatstroke due to the high temperature.

    Mingchu took out his sunscreen umbrella and opened it. Zhang Yu also took out his sunscreen umbrella when he saw this. While opening the umbrella, he asked Mingchu: Do you want to go out to eat? I recently discovered a particularly delicious hot pot restaurant. Do you want to follow me? Want to try it?"

    You actually went to eat hot pot on such a hot day? Mingchu looked at Zhang Yu in horror.

    Hearing this, Zhang Yu raised his hand to brush his long, wavy hair, and glanced at Mingchu: What's wrong? As a Tianfu person, is there any problem with eating hot pot in the summer?

    Mingchu: ...No problem.

    But I'm grateful.

    Go! Mingchu, I promise you, it's really delicious! You will definitely regret it if you don't go! Think about it, eating hot pot with a glass of iced plum juice, it feels... hiss, so refreshing

    Seeing Mingchu's hesitant eyes, Zhang Yu immediately enthusiastically recommended it.

    However, when she thought about such a hot day, she was sweating after eating, and no amount of plum juice could impress Mingchu. Now she just wanted to go home and eat iced watermelon with the air conditioner on.

    However, Zhang Yu's passionate and expectant eyes made her unable to bear to refuse.

    At this moment, suddenly, someone shouted: Oh my God! There are two suns in the sky!

    Ming Chuhe and Zhang Yu's attention was instantly attracted.

    Mingchu raised his head, and sure enough, at some point, a light group that was suspected to be the sun appeared in the sky not far from the sun, which was larger than the sun.

    No, to be more precise, its light is more dazzling than the sun!

    At first glance, it really looks like there are two suns hanging in the sky.

    Mingchu's eyes lit up instantly, and he suddenly remembered the information about the supernova explosion that he had seen on his cell phone.

    Oh my god! I can see two suns in the same sky in my lifetime! Zhang Yu quickly put away his umbrella, took out his phone and said excitedly while taking a video: They say that two moons in the same sky are a sign of infinite mysteries! Do you think I can travel through time one day when I see two suns in the same sky today?

    Ming Chu glanced at Zhang Yu, who was beginning to daydream, and said, Wake up! This is just a supernova explosion! It's not like there's really an extra sun! If there really were two suns, would we still be standing here? We would have died of heat a long time ago.

    Zhang Yu was just fantasizing, of course he knew that time travel was impossible.

    Of course I know. Is it okay to fantasize? After saying that, she approached Ming Chu in confusion and asked, By the way, what supernova explosion are you talking about?

    Mingchu took out his phone, clicked on the news he had read before, and handed it over: It's been on the hot search for several days, didn't you see it?

    Zhang Yu lowered his head and looked at it while saying, I just encountered a house collapse these days. I almost cried to death. How can I have the heart to look at these?

    Ming Chu was completely speechless when she heard this. She had forgotten that Zhang Yu was a fan girl with countless crushes.

    No one knows what happened during this period of time. Several of the wall-bangers that Zhang Yu pursued, one by one, all of them were exposed to negative information, and some were even suspected of illegal and criminal activities.

    For star-chasing girls, this is no less than the sky falling and the earth collapsing. These things are indeed more important to them than any supernova explosion.

    Zhang Yu scanned the news at a glance and said, Hey! Didn't the news say that there would be a month left? Why did it suddenly appear today?

    I don't know either. Mingchu thought for a moment and said, The experts said it would be within a month, but there is no definite date, so it is possible that it exploded earlier.

    In fact, strictly speaking, the supernova explosion did not occur today, but the scene of the supernova explosion traveled many, many light years and reached the earth, but they only saw it today.

    Just as Mingchu and the others were watching the fantastic sight of the supernova explosion, there was a lot of excitement about this event both on the Internet and in real life.

    In just ten minutes, the roadside was filled with people taking videos.

    Some internet anchors even set up their live broadcast equipment on the roadside and started live broadcasts.

    There was an open space in front of Mingchu's company, which was convenient for the crowd of onlookers.

    As a result, in less than half an hour, there was a huge crowd of people blocking the entrance of Mingchu and her colleagues' company.

    Even the company's boss and other senior executives came outside to see the wonder.

    When there are too many people, the heat becomes heavier, and even though supernova explosions are rare, Mingchu can hardly stand it.

    After filming the video for a while, she felt a little irritated due to the heat. Plus, she had been working all day and was very hungry, so she immediately wanted to back out.

    Mingchu touched his hungry stomach and asked Zhang Yu: Zhang Yu, do you want to watch more? Are you hungry?

    Although Zhang Yu is a great beauty, it can be seen from her many wall hangings that she is a great beauty who loves to join in the fun. At this moment, she is in the crowd, and she has forgotten the heat and hunger. She is very excited!

    Zhang Yu held up his phone to take a video while shaking his head: I'm not hungry, are you hungry?

    Mingchu said, I've been hungry for a long time. Then you stay here and watch. I'll go home and eat first?

    Zhang Yu waved her hand to signal Mingchu to go first, and then she concentrated on filming the video again.

    Mingchu had no choice but to squeeze out of the crowd and walk home.

    Mingchu is a local. Her home is not far from the company. It takes more than 20 minutes to walk and a few minutes to get there by car.

    When I finished my studies, I chose to join this company as an intern because it was close to home.

    Seeing this huge crowd of people, Mingchu decisively chose to walk.

    Along the way, there were people on the roadside looking up to the sky to see the strange scenery. Everyone held up their mobile phones to take pictures of this rare and magical landscape.

    Mingchu walked through the crowd and was almost stepped on several times by passers-by who were walking backwards to take pictures.

    Just when Mingchu was focused on rushing home, suddenly, the crowd started to commotion for some unknown reason!

    As soon as Mingchu raised his head in confusion, he heard someone screaming: Oh my god! Fire! The fire is falling!

    These words were like opening Pandora's box. There was a loud bang, screams and screams were heard everywhere, and the crowd watching on the roadside instantly became chaotic.

    Ah!!!! Run! It's on fire!

    Ah!!! Help!!!

    Everyone, run away! The sky is on fire!!!


    Because it was too chaotic, Mingchu only heard the sound of fire, but before she could see clearly what everyone was saying about the fire, she had no choice but to be squeezed forward by the crowd.

    Fortunately, Mingchu changed into flat shoes after get off work. If she had worn high heels, there would have been a stampede by now.

    Involuntarily being pushed by the crowd, he ran forward no more than ten meters. Suddenly, Mingchu noticed a few sparks like fireflies falling in front of him.

    The sparks were not big, but they flashed a faint blue-black light and looked extremely strange and terrifying.

    Mingchu's heart skipped a beat. He wondered where the sparks came from. Was it the fire falling from the sky that everyone was shouting about just now?

    When she instinctively wanted to speak to remind the people in front of her to be careful and take shelter, something horrible happened!

    The sparks floated down slowly, seemingly light, but as if there was no place for people to hide. It brushed against the corner of the clothes of a person not far in front of Mingchu and fell to the ground.

    Just when Mingchu thought that the man had dodged it, he saw that the corner of his clothes that was touched by the flame suddenly burst into flames! In the blink of an eye, the flames enveloped the man!

    Ah!!!!!!!! A shrill scream rang out, making the listener’s scalp tingle.

    The burned man turned into a burning man, and the severe pain made him lose his mind in an instant, running around like a headless fly.

    Every time the ramming fireman hits a person, the flames on his body will be immediately contaminated, and the person hit will be burned immediately.

    If this continues, in just ten seconds, more than a dozen people will be burned!

    There were people who originally wanted to put out the fire. Seeing this situation, the courage that had surged up immediately disappeared without a trace like a deflated ball.

    The rest of the people immediately ran away, wishing their parents had two more legs!

    When Mingchu ran away, he turned his head in panic.

    She was horrified to see that the first burning man fell to the ground at some point, and then within a few seconds, he turned into a pile of ashes on the ground...

    When the wind blows, the people who were alive just now are blown away by the wind...

    Mingchu was born in the peaceful country of China. In the past twenty years or so, the biggest setback she has experienced was that she was adopted when her parents died when she was a child. The cruelest scene she has ever seen was the death of her adoptive parents in a car accident.

    She had never even seen a living person being burned to death by fire and turned directly into ashes in the movies.

    What’s more, what you see in the movie can’t possibly have the same impact as in reality.

    Mingchu's face turned pale in an instant, his limbs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

    Not only her, but also others who couldn't help but look back.

    As more and more firemen fell, the ashes on the ground became more and more, and the miserable wails of those firemen gradually became inaudible as Mingchu and his friends fled farther and farther away.

    Just when Mingchu and the others thought they had escaped, the sparks that had been falling sporadically just now suddenly increased in number.

    In just a few seconds, the sparks became more and more dense, and it was like a rain of fire!

    Everyone screamed and looked for shelter in panic. Under the trees, under the eaves, in the roadside pavilions, everywhere there were people trembling with fear in their eyes.

    But God seemed to give them no chance to survive.

    Huh, huh, huh!

    Those falling flames were completely different from any kind of fire on Earth. They would ignite wherever they touched, and wherever they landed would start a raging fire.

    The trees on both sides of the road were on fire. They did not look like green and alive trees at all. In front of these sparks, they looked like dead branches. The people hiding under the trees had to flee in panic, but unfortunately there was no escape...

    Buildings dozens of stories high and shops as low as one floor also caught fire. No matter whether it was the people in the buildings or those hiding under the eaves, no one was spared...

    And the people with no cover on the ground have nowhere to escape...

    Son! Son! Someone come and save my child!

    Dad, save me! Dad, help me!



    There are fires everywhere and wailing everywhere...

    In just a few minutes, this prosperous world turned into a living hell...


    Mingchu had read the word heart-breaking and bone-crushing before, but it wasn't until today, when the flames falling from the sky fell on her body, that she understood how painful the pain described by this word was.

    She didn't know if other people who were burned were like her. The more pain they felt, the more conscious they became, even if they wanted to pass out.

    She was rolling on the ground, her clothes had been burned to ashes, and her whole body was wrapped in flames.

    These flames eroded every inch of her skin, every cell...

    Mingchu, who had all her attention drawn to the pain, did not notice that as the flames burned, a dark substance gradually emerged from her skin.

    As the black substance came out, Mingchu's consciousness gradually weakened, and the flames on her body became weaker and weaker.

    Until finally, the black substance spread all over Mingchu's body, turning into a shell and completely wrapping her up, like a black cocoon, and the flames were completely extinguished at this moment.

    Mingchu didn't know that she had become a silkworm. She only knew that her consciousness was becoming increasingly blurred, and that she might be dying soon...

    As Ming Chu was dying, many scenes flashed before his eyes, like a kaleidoscope.

    Only then did she realize that the story in the novel about reviewing one's life before death was actually true...

    As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Mingchu's consciousness completely disappeared and he fell into darkness...

    Chapter 2. Wake up



    Mingchu was immersed in darkness, looking around for an exit.

    However, she couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

    Just as she was anxiously rushing, suddenly, a faint sound of footsteps came over and reached her ears.

    She raised her head in surprise and looked towards the source of the voice.

    In the direction where the footsteps came from, a faint light appeared in her eyes!

    Mingchu stood up abruptly, chasing the faint light, and ran forward stumblingly.

    She didn't know how long she had been running in the darkness. She just felt very tired, but the light was right in front of her, but she couldn't run!

    Just when she was tired and wanted to give up, suddenly, the footsteps disappeared, the light in front disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness again!

    Mingchu panicked instantly. Just as she was running around in the dark like a headless fly, a rustling sound and voices rang in her ears.

    Captain, there is a black cocoon here!

    Open it and see if it's a phoenix or a strange beast. Is it still alive?

    be careful!

    It's been almost three months. Even Fenghuang'er would have died long ago, right?

    Yes, the longest Phoenix children in the base can survive in the black cocoon is only a month. Others who haven't had time to discover... I'm afraid this is also...

    ...It's okay. Open it first and take a look. If it's dead, put it in a body bag and take it back for cremation. Don't let his body be exposed in the wilderness.

    Others will search around again to see if there are any black cocoons. Everyone, be careful of strange beasts.



    Mingchu knew all the words individually, but together they were a bit incomprehensible to her.

    What is a black cocoon?

    What is Phoenix?

    What is an alien beast?

    Just when Mingchu was doubting, the disappearing light in the distance suddenly appeared again. Seeing this, Mingchu had no time to think about those doubts, and quickly raised his feet to chase the light.

    Seeing the light getting closer and closer, suddenly! A click sound came from above his head, and Mingchu was so frightened that his feet flew up, and he suddenly felt like he was falling off a cliff.

    Mingchu was so frightened that she kicked her foot violently, and with a bang, she seemed to hit something under her foot. She heard a clicking sound, as if something was broken by her foot.

    A pain came from the toes, and the cold breeze poured in from the soles of the feet. Mingchu suddenly opened his eyes.

    After staying in the darkness for a long time, the white light was dazzling. Mingchu blinked a few times. After a period of discomfort, the gray sky came into her eyes.

    There was no sun, no clouds, no exploding supernova, and no rain of sparks.

    There was only the whistling wind that swept up the gray sand all over the sky. The whole world seemed to have lost all its bright colors, leaving only a gray wasteland...

    Mingchu blinked, a little confused. Is this hell?

    At this moment, a voice of surprise suddenly came to my ears: Oh my God! She is still alive! Come quickly! Fenghuang'er is still alive!!

    The voice was filled with surprise and joy, with a hint of trembling, and resounded throughout the world.

    Mingchu was startled and came back to her senses. She turned her head curiously, and a military green figure appeared in her eyes.

    He was a male soldier, about twenty years old, with a round face, dark skin, and a gray face covered with marks.

    In his right hand he held a dagger that was gleaming with cold light, and in his left hand he held a black bag with the word corpse written in yellow on it.

    Carrying a military green backpack on his back and a submachine gun hanging in front of him, he looked at Ming Chu with surprise, with a smile in his eyes.

    Not long after he called for help, Mingchu heard a series of messy and powerful footsteps running towards her.

    In a short while, Mingchu was surrounded by people.

    There were men and women, all wearing green military uniforms, and they looked no different from the round-faced soldiers.

    Everyone looked at Mingchu with surprise and joy.

    He's actually still alive!! It's amazing!!

    Let me see if there is anything strange about Phoenix who has been in the black cocoon for three months?

    Go report to the captain! We found a phoenix that has survived in a black cocoon for three months!


    Mingchu had just woken up and her head was still a little confused. She blinked in confusion and looked at the group of soldiers who surrounded her happily.

    Mingchu wasn't quite sure why they were so happy to see her, as all her attention was drawn to a bright red color.

    It is the bright Chinese national flag embroidered on the chests of these soldiers.

    Ming Chu realized belatedly that these soldiers were from China.

    You...are you the People's Liberation Army? Ming Chu asked with difficulty.

    After realizing that these soldiers were from China, Ming Chu knew that he was not dead.

    However, what she saw was completely different from what it was before she fell into a coma, as if they were two different worlds.

    She urgently needed to know what happened to the strange fire after she fell unconscious.

    However, after she finished asking the question, she realized that her throat was extremely dry and her voice was extremely weak.

    It seemed as if the mouth had not been opened for a long time, and the jaw joint seemed to be rusted, making it very difficult to speak.

    Fortunately, although her voice was low, the soldiers surrounding her were paying attention to her condition and heard it clearly.

    One of the soldiers, who was about 30 years old, heard this and squeezed next to Ming Chu and said, Yes! We are the People's Liberation Army! My name is Guo Ming, and I am the captain of this squad. What is your name?

    Ming Chu's eyes lit up instantly when he heard this, and then he felt aggrieved.

    She didn’t know how people abroad felt when they heard these three words, but every time the Chinese people in a disaster heard these three words, they knew: it represents the hope of life!

    My name is Mingchu, you...are you here to save me?

    Mingchu finished speaking in a hoarse voice, and suddenly her mouth became deflated. She recalled the terrifying experience before coma, and the time when she was trapped in the darkness without seeing the light of day. She felt like a child who had been wronged and saw his parents, and tears instantly flowed out. Standing down: You... why are you here...

    The soldiers surrounding her immediately panicked when they saw this, and Guo Ming even hurriedly raised his hand to wipe her tears, apologizing while wiping them: Don't cry, don't cry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we were late. Sorry... we should have come earlier... we shouldn't have been hiding in the air-raid shelter... I'm sorry...

    While wiping, Guo Ming remembered something and his eyes turned red.

    He let go of the hand that was wiping Mingchu's tears, raised his head, and tried hard to hold back the tears.

    But it didn't work.

    Tears flowed down his gray cheeks, forming traces of marks, making him look very embarrassed.

    He suddenly lowered his head, covered his face with his rough, dark hands, and started crying, his voice full of self-blame and guilt: I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

    Tears fell from between his fingers and into the dust on the ground, forming a shallow pit.

    For some reason, the other soldiers' eyes also turned red when they saw this.

    The round-faced soldier who first discovered Ming Chu suddenly broke down and burst into tears.

    He covered his eyes and blamed himself in a still childish voice: I'm sorry! We are useless! I joined the army to protect you all! But...but...I can only watch them...burn to death...I can't save them...I'm useless...I'm sorry...

    Seeing this, the soldier next to him quickly grabbed the round-faced soldier and held his head with his hands, his dark face full of tears: Don't cry, it's not that we don't want to save you, we didn't expect the skyfire to be so terrifying, it's just that we can't save you...

    Although he said this, the guilt in his eyes was so strong that it seemed to overflow.

    Mingchu didn't know why they suddenly collapsed, but seeing them like this, his heart was filled with sadness.

    She could vaguely guess that the rain of fire that fell from the sky had probably caused the world to suffer unprecedented pain and disaster.

    Otherwise, this group of iron-blooded soldiers would not feel so painful and self-blaming.


    Another gust of wind blew, sweeping up the yellow sand all over the sky. The sun was not visible in the gray sky. There was only the whistling of the wind and sand mixed with the low sobs of the soldiers, which was particularly uncomfortable.



    Mingchu sat in the truck bed and looked outside.

    All I saw was a scene of desolation.

    The houses are crumbling and only empty shells are left. The streets are deserted and covered with a thick mixture of sand, dust and ashes. The roadside trees that used to be seen everywhere have long since turned into flying ashes.

    The entire city was silent except for the sound of the military trucks and the hum of the wind blowing from nowhere...

    The familiar city of the past had long since died in the natural fire three months ago.

    Yes, Skyfire.

    This is the name given to it by the scientists currently living in China.

    According to experts' speculation, this sudden fire from the sky was formed by stellar debris produced by a supernova explosion, which accidentally fell into the earth carrying the ultra-high temperature flames produced by the explosion.

    This sky fire is a world-wide catastrophic disaster, and it is not just China that has suffered.

    China is just the beginning.

    According to records from a satellite receiver that survived by chance, this sky fire began to fall from East Asia, where China is located, and as the earth rotates, it fell to other corners of the earth.

    Wherever it falls, it will enter the end of the world.

    The fire from heaven raged unchecked on the earth for three whole days.

    In these three days, the earth became a hell, with houses burned, forests burned, oceans evaporated, and animals extinct...

    Humanity, on the other hand, has declined sharply...

    Guo Ming and others said that during those three days, wailing could be heard everywhere, as if the earth was wailing.

    But humans are simply unable to resist the raging sky fire.

    Because of the earth's rotation, the skyfire landed in China for about ten hours.

    As soon as the heavenly fire came, the Chinese government immediately launched a rescue operation.

    But, the skyfire is too scary...

    Whether it was rescue or self-rescue, they all fell under its terrifying burning speed and ignition point.

    It is unlike any disaster that has ever occurred on Earth.

    It was overwhelming, coming from the sky, and unstoppable.

    Not only that, its ignition point is extremely low and its temperature is extremely high. Everything on Earth except soil can be burned.

    The rescue team couldn't even escape in time to rescue others, let alone themselves.

    The government is powerless and can only watch.

    Everyone can only save themselves.

    However, there is no escape for self-help...

    In those ten hours, out of China's population of more than one billion, only less than 50 million survived...

    Most of these people survived by hiding underground, such as in sewers and underground air-raid shelters.

    The rest of the people turned into ashes and merged with the yellow earth on the ground.

    The iron-blooded and resolute soldiers all showed fear on their faces when they talked about their experience of more than ten hours.

    As they spoke, they quietly wiped away their tears, and in their tears was shame, shame that as soldiers they were powerless in the face of the skyfire, unable to save the compatriots they were supposed to protect.

    They feel that they are unworthy of the title of people's soldiers.

    Mingchu felt sad and finally understood why these soldiers suddenly broke down after she asked, Why did you come so late?

    But Mingchu knew that it was not the soldiers' fault that they did not save more people.

    Fire from heaven cannot be saved by human power.

    If human power can save it, then why can't the countries in the other hemisphere, which encountered the heavenly fire much later than China, especially those countries with the most powerful technology on the earth, be spared?

    Chapter 3. Phoenix

    The military truck quietly passed through the dilapidated...

    The military truck quietly passed through the dilapidated city streets and finally reached its destination before dark.

    Outpost No. 315.

    The sentry point is a temporary residence established by soldiers to ensure safe rest and facilitate the search for survivors.

    Generally, they choose houses that were not burned too badly, and then build some fortifications.

    Although after the sky fire, all kinds of creatures on the earth became extinct and became desolate, it stands to reason that the surviving humans would not face any other dangers except their own kind and survival crisis.

    But this is not the case. After all, heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as stupid dogs.

    Humans can have survivors, and so can other creatures.

    Moreover, perhaps because the sky fire comes from outer space, when it destroys the earth, it also brings some unknown substances from outer space.

    These unknown substances had wonderful reactions with certain creatures on the earth, causing some strange changes to occur in a small part of the surviving creatures.

    The reason for this discovery also starts with the soldiers who went out to search for survivors.

    After the skyfire, the surviving Chinese government leaders had no time to grieve, and immediately began to gather survivors. They established a survivor base in Beijing, the former capital of China, and named it the China Survivor Base.

    Because of the government's quick response and the fact that the surviving supplies are basically in the government's hands, there is currently only this one survivor base in China. The rest of the small scattered forces that wanted to establish themselves have to be merged into the Chinese base due to insufficient supplies.

    After the Chinese base was established, it immediately dispatched troops to search for more survivors.

    The soldiers encountered many attacks from the surviving animals while searching for survivors.

    When encountering these animals, the soldiers found that these animals were different from the previous ones of Tianhuo.

    For some reason they all have special abilities.

    These special abilities make animals more aggressive.

    Moreover, most of these surviving animals like to dig holes underground to travel, so it is difficult to defend against ambushes on humans.

    In this situation, for the safety of the soldiers, the base issued an order not to allow soldiers to rest in the wild at will, so the sentry point was born.

    Because China is a large country, thousands of outposts were built during these three months as the soldiers' search area gradually expanded.

    The sentry posts are named according to the order in which they were built. For example, sentry post No. 315 is the 315th sentry post built.

    Two armed guards stood at the entrance of the 315 checkpoint, vigilantly monitoring the movements nearby.

    Mingchu stuck his head out of the car and looked into the sentry post with some curiosity, only to find that there was a light inside the sentry post, and there was not just one light.

    Looking in from the door, you can see the playground inside clearly.

    She was a little confused, could there be a power station that survived the fire?

    Or maybe there is a large power bank in the sentinel?

    Mingchu, get off the car.

    When Mingchu was confused, the soldiers in the carriage quickly got out of the vehicle.

    One of the female soldiers with a buzz cut greeted Mingchu, and then stood by the car and stretched out her hand towards Mingchu: This car is high, please hold my hand and be careful when getting out of the car.

    Mingchu stood up, took hold of his ill-fitting military uniform, and prepared to get out of the car.

    Her clothes had been completely burned by the sky fire, and the military uniform she wore was given to her by the female soldiers in the search team when she came out of the black cocoon.

    Only outerwear, no underwear.

    This made Mingchu, who never gave up a chance, particularly uncomfortable, especially because the military uniform was not soft but rather hard, and it was very uncomfortable when rubbing against his body.

    But in this situation, Mingchu dared not to complain. It was good enough to have something to wear.

    It's better than streaking.

    Recalling the scene of coming out of the black cocoon naked, Ming Chu was so embarrassed that he could have dug out a magic fairy castle on the spot.

    However, Mingchu was the only one who was embarrassed; Guo Ming and the others didn't show any sign of surprise at all.

    Later, after listening to Guo Ming and others' stories, Mingchu realized that they had become accustomed to this kind of scene.

    According to the soldiers of Guo Ming's team, when they learned at the base that animals had mutated after the skyfire, the leaders immediately thought about whether humans would also mutate.

    So an order was given to check whether there were any humans in the base who had developed superpowers due to the mutation of the Skyfire.

    However, after some inspection, it was found that all the survivors in the base were ordinary people, and none of them had special powers.

    They were extremely disappointed.

    After all, after the Sky Fire destroyed the world, most of the resources on the earth were burned.

    Human survival is extremely difficult. There is a lack of water, food, and weapons.

    In this case, the more powerful the animals become, the more difficult the human survival crisis will be.

    After all, there are only so few supplies. Not only humans are short of food, but animals are also short of food.

    Without the addition of new resources, survivors and surviving animals are natural hostile forces.

    If after humans run out of weapons and can't find anything that can replace weapons to resist mutant animals, then humans will definitely become the food reserves and hunting targets of mutant animals.

    There is no doubt about it.

    But God is always fair.

    Two months ago, a team of search soldiers found a very strange large black cocoon while searching outside.

    After they moved the black cocoon back to the base and handed it in, scientists from the base's research institute cut out a living female human from the black cocoon.

    After waking up from the black cocoon, the woman was able to release clear water from her fingertips.

    Her appearance made all the survivors realize that there are mutants among humans too!

    The entire base was shocked and quickly ordered all troops to focus on searching for the black cocoon.

    After more than a month of searching, the search team found nearly a hundred mutants for the base.

    The abilities of these mutants are like the magic in Chinese legends. Some can make sand and rocks fly, some can release water from their fingertips or condense gold, soil, etc.

    All these people have become treasures of the base.

    Because these mutants survived the burning of heavenly fire, they were given a very romantic nickname: Phoenix.

    Originated from the ancient Chinese legend, the phoenix is reborn from the ashes.

    However, in the past month, the discoveries of black cocoons have become fewer and fewer, and what is even more terrifying is that most of the phoenixes found in these black cocoons were dead.

    According to the research and speculation of scientists at the base, Phoenix cannot wake up on its own in the black cocoon and needs external stimulation.

    Moreover, when Phoenix was in the black cocoon, she was very vulnerable because of her deep sleep.

    The black cocoon has a protective effect on them, but it is not omnipotent. As time goes by, the protective power of the black cocoon will gradually decrease.

    Therefore, Fenghuang'er might die in the black cocoon without even having the chance to break out due to various reasons.

    Sure enough, in the past month, almost none of the Phoenix children found by the search team survived.

    Therefore, the leaders of the base issued an order to intensify the search for black cocoons, striving to discover all black cocoons as soon as possible and seize more Phoenix children.

    As for the dead Phoenix children found, they could not be left to be exposed in the wilderness.

    After all, China pays great attention to the idea of resting in the grave.

    Therefore, in recent times, soldiers in the search force will carry body bags with them and bring the dead Phoenix back to the base.

    For this reason, the soldiers in these search forces are also nicknamed corpse pickers.

    And Mingchu is the only Phoenix they have found so far who is still alive after sleeping in a black cocoon for three months.

    So it's no wonder why Guo Ming and the others were so excited when they found out that Mingchu was still alive.

    Guo Ming and his team also contributed to the creation of these nearly one hundred phoenixes, so they had naturally taken precautions against Mingchu emerging naked from the black cocoon.

    Otherwise, female soldiers would not bring an extra set of clothes when they go on missions, just to detect female mutants.

    It's just because of the scarcity of resources, we only have coats.

    Mingchu had never taken a military truck before.

    The military truck was very high, so she was pushed up when she got on. When she got off, she naturally didn't dare to just roll over like the soldiers.

    After she pulled her clothes in place and bent down, the female soldier grabbed her armpits and lifted her off the military card.

    The female soldier was about 1.80 meters tall, very tall, very strong, and full of strength. She picked up Mingchu, who was 1.6 meters tall and weighed less than 100 kilograms, as easily as drinking water.

    Thank you, Meijie.

    Mingchu landed on the ground, and shyly stood up from the female soldier's arms to express her gratitude.

    Although the female soldier had a buzz cut and looked like a stern and cool girl, her chest was very soft. Mingchu lay in her arms, his heart beating uncontrollably.

    The female soldier was called Qin Mei. Although she was a soldier herself, she liked soft girls very much. What's more, Mingchu was a phoenix, so Qin Mei liked her even more. After learning that Mingchu was several years younger than her, she directly asked Mingchu to call her sister.

    You're welcome. Let's go in.

    After Qin Mei finished speaking, she pulled Ming Chu towards the sentry post.

    Guo Ming and his team had already gone ahead.

    Although Mingchu learned about what happened after the skyfire from Guo Ming and others, he had been in a deep sleep for three months and had not experienced it personally, so he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

    Qin Mei's behavior made her uneasy heart relax a lot.

    Mingchu obediently followed Qin Mei and entered the checkpoint after being checked by the guards.

    As soon as he entered, Mingchu looked around like a bumpkin entering the city.

    The outpost was spacious, and was chosen to be a school before the apocalypse.

    Although part of the school had been burned down by the fire, it was not known whether the building materials of the school were fireproof, so it was not as shaky as other houses. Although the doors and windows were gone, the walls were intact without many signs of cracking.

    More importantly, the school's walls were made of bricks, so they were not burned down.

    The guards were therefore put under much less pressure.

    Mingchu didn't dare to look at the sentinel point blatantly, but she discovered a lot of new things with just a quick glance.

    For example, the power supply station that Mingchu had previously speculated about surviving did not exist because there were no electrical wires in the outpost.

    Mingchu originally thought it was a surviving mobile power source, such as a flashlight, but after taking a closer look, it wasn't.

    These light sources as bright as light bulbs come from small balls of light the size of marbles.

    These light balls were placed in recesses deliberately carved into the wall.

    Although these light balls are small, they are very bright. The brightness of one is enough to match that of a large energy-saving lamp worth 800,000 before the end of the world.

    Although Mingchu's movements were small, they could not be hidden from Qin Mei who was holding her.

    Qin Mei glanced at her, and seeing her puzzled expression, she explained, These balls of light are lightning balls. They were specially made by Fenghuang'er in our base who can release lightning. A lightning ball can be used for about three days. The energy is specially collected, so it won't hurt people. Although it's not as good as a light that can be turned on and off at will, in this case, it's good enough to not have to grope in the dark at night.

    Ming Chu never expected that the lightning power could be used in this way!

    In this apocalypse of the skyfire that has almost regressed to the primitive society, it is simply a must-have in every home!

    When she enters the base, she must build a good relationship with this Phoenix and get some lightning balls!

    There were not many soldiers in the sentry post. Apart from Guo Ming and his group, there were only ten soldiers guarding the sentry post.

    In addition to the two at the door, there are eight more in the sentry post.

    After all, this is just a temporary resting place, and only teams that pass by here at night and need to rest will come in.

    After Guo Ming and the others came in, they had already stepped into the sentinel office to say hello.

    After a while, the person in charge of Sentinel Point 315 followed Guo Ming and others out.

    Is this the Phoenix who has survived in the black cocoon for three months?

    The person in charge of the sentry point was a male soldier about the same age as Guo Ming. He stood next to Guo Ming and looked at Mingchu with some surprise.

    Although Mingchu was a little uncomfortable with his strange look, fortunately the person in charge didn't mean any harm and was just simply surprised.

    The person in charge was very observant and immediately withdrew his eyes when he noticed that Mingchu was uncomfortable.

    Guo Ming took a step forward and said to Ming Chu, Comrade Ming Chu, this is Zhang Li, the person in charge of the 315 outpost. We will rest here tonight and continue on our journey tomorrow.

    The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries, and then Zhang Li led them into the sentry post lounge.

    The lounge was converted from a minor classroom. It was spacious and furnished with bunk beds covered with old cotton mats.

    It should be the dormitory supplies of the surviving students in the school dormitory.

    After entering the lounge, Qin Mei and the others placed their belongings on the bed, and then took Ming Chu to eat.

    Because of the supply at the outpost and the shortage of supplies, they didn't bring much food when they went out to search. Mingchu hadn't eaten since he woke up.

    The eating area is in the hall outside the lounge because the school cafeteria has been burned down by the skyfire.

    There were a few surviving cafeteria tables and chairs in the hall, with black marks of burning on them, but they were wiped clean.

    Mingchu sat on the chair, and Qin Mei quickly brought her a bowl of food from the room opposite with the word canteen hanging on it.

    Mingchu hasn't had hot food for three months since he fell into a coma due to the burning of the heavenly fire.

    Although I was unconscious and didn't feel hungry in the black cocoon, my stomach started rumbling as soon as I smelled the hot food.

    But when she took the bowl and saw the food in it, she was shocked...

    Chapter 4. The color of Huhu is weird, and the smell is a bit...

    Is this weird, neither yellow nor green porridge, which smells a bit unpleasant up close, their dinner?

    When she looked carefully into other people's bowls, she found that, yes, this was really their dinner!

    Mingchu knew that food would be in short supply after the skyfire.

    After all, she had learned from Guo Ming and others that when the heavenly fire came, it burned down several grain storage points in China.

    Today, the Chinese base relies on the only two remaining storage points to supply food to the nearly 50 million surviving people.

    However, even though I knew it, it was still hard to accept seeing it with my own eyes.

    Have you been eating this kind of food for the past three months? Mingchu asked, pointing at the strange porridge in the bowl.

    While Ming Chu was shocked, Qin Mei had already picked up the bowl and drank most of it.

    She raised her eyebrows when she heard that: Yeah, what's wrong?

    Mingchu originally wanted to ask, can this kind of thing be eaten?

    But when she saw Guo Ming and the others all lowered their heads and drank the porridge without a word of objection, she couldn't ask this question.

    Although Mingchu's parents died early, her adoptive parents had no children and were very kind to her. She had never suffered any hardship in her twenty years of life.

    But this doesn't mean that she can't see the situation clearly and is ignorant.

    On the contrary, because she has experienced two sets of parents, she is much more sensitive than her peers. Although she is not very smart, she knows how to deal with current affairs.

    Nothing. Mingchu shook his head and said, I just haven’t eaten it before, so I’m a little surprised. But it looks quite like mushy peas.

    What Mingchu said was indeed the truth. Although the porridge in this bowl had a strange sour taste, it did look like pea porridge on the outside.

    It’s just not that thick, it’s clearer, maybe because more water was added.

    After saying that, Mingchu picked up the bowl and took a sip.

    The taste was as she expected, very strange, a mixture of astringency and sourness, with a little bit of saltiness. If it was before the end of the world, Mingchu would definitely spit it out immediately and throw away everything in the bowl.

    But at this time, Mingchu did not vomit.

    Food is precious nowadays. No matter how bad it tastes, it cannot be wasted.

    If she wasted food, Qin Mei, who liked her the most in the hall, would definitely hate her.

    And looking at the current situation, if she doesn't eat this bowl of porridge, she may have nothing to eat tonight.

    So Mingchu frowned and swallowed it hard.

    Seeing Mingchu swallow it, Qin Mei raised his eyebrows and a look of praise flashed in his eyes.

    She originally thought that Mingchu would throw a tantrum and refuse to eat, or even spit it out directly, but Mingchu did not do these, which was a rare thing.

    You must know that when the base was first established, many survivors in the base caused several troubles because they could not accept the weird-tasting food paste.

    Later, the chief personally ordered that each person only had one meal. If it was wasted, he would starve.

    It took several hungry meals before those people accepted the reality.

    Therefore, Mingchu's guess was correct. If she really wasted this bowl of paste, she would have no choice but to go hungry.

    After Mingchu swallowed the paste, the strange taste left in his mouth became stronger. But at the same time, his stomach, which had been empty for three months, relaxed and made a gurgling sound due to the introduction of hot food.

    More hungry.

    For the sake of her own stomach and not to waste food, Mingchu took a breath and used the method she used to drink Chinese medicine. She picked up the bowl, pinched her nose, and poured it into her mouth quickly.

    Soon, Mingchu finished the bowl of strange-tasting porridge.

    Although the hot porridge tasted strange, it didn't seem that hard to accept after I finished it.

    Moreover, Mingchu finally felt full, and his stomach felt warm and comfortable.

    Come, drink some water and rinse your mouth. As Ming Chu put down the bowl, a pot of water was handed to her.

    Mingchu quickly took it, gulped down a few gulps, and the strange taste in his mouth was finally suppressed.

    When she put down the kettle, she realized that everyone in the cafeteria was looking at her.

    Mingchu blushed as she recalled her bold drinking style just now. She closed the lid of the kettle awkwardly and gave it back to Qin Mei.

    Thank you, sister Mei.

    Qin Mei smiled and said, You're welcome.

    Qin Mei put the kettle away and said, Do you feel better now? This grain paste really tastes bad. I thought you couldn't finish it. I didn't expect you to be so good.

    Ming Chu shook his head and said, It really doesn't taste that good, otherwise I wouldn't drink so much water, but I think I'll get used to it slowly in the future.

    Guo Ming at the side said, Indeed. You know, I almost vomited the first time I ate this grain porridge, but this is the situation now. Food is scarce, and it's good to have something to eat. You are better than me.

    Upon hearing this, the others also talked about their first time eating grain porridge, and they all praised Mingchu for not wasting food.

    Mingchu felt a little embarrassed by their praise.

    However, she also understood one thing from the words of this group of soldiers, that is, nowadays, the food supplied to everyone in the base is all this kind of mushy.

    Although she had such a guess in her mind, she was still a little confused. Why did the base leader order all the food to be made into paste?

    Although supplies are in short supply, the outside world is not without danger. It is very important to maintain the combat effectiveness of soldiers. Aren't you afraid that you will not be able to keep up with your physical strength?

    She thought so and asked.

    Qin Mei explained: This is a method that the base leaders came up with to ensure the stability of the base and evenly distribute the survival supplies.

    Under Qin Mei's explanation, Mingchu understood the source of the confusion.

    It turns out that since the base was established, more and more survivors have gathered.

    As of recently, nearly 50 million survivors have been gathered in the base.

    Before the end of the world, these 50 million people will only be the population of two big cities in China.

    However, at this time, supplies were extremely scarce, the army suffered heavy losses, there were not many weapons, and the deterrent effect was insufficient. It was not easy to keep these 50 million people safe.

    Whether it is for the sake of mankind's fire, for the continuation of Chinese civilization, or for the stability of the base, the leaders will never give up the survivors' exclusive possession of supplies.

    This approach is tantamount to committing suicide.

    Therefore, we can only try our best to solve all the problems that may cause □□.

    The biggest hidden danger is the distribution of survival supplies.

    The most important survival supplies are food and water.

    Water, almost all the fresh water on the surface evaporated, and even the ocean was almost dried up because of the sky fire, revealing the cracked seabed.

    The scope of human activities did expand, but the extreme shortage of water resources put the survivors in a desperate situation.

    The base also tried its best to search for underground water, but could not find it at all.

    Before the first Phoenix appeared, the base relied on surviving barreled and bottled water to supply everyone with drinking water.

    During that time, many people did not die under the fire from the sky, but died of thirst due to lack of water.

    Fortunately that period didn't last long.

    Now there are nearly thirty water-type Phoenix children in the base, which can barely supply drinking water for everyone on the base.

    But it's just barely, it can only guarantee that everyone will not die of thirst.

    Food is even more problematic.

    Since the Sky Fire, all the green plants on the earth have been burned, and the barren land left behind has been unable to be cultivated for some reason.

    Without new food sources, the base can only rely on the food from the remaining two storage points to support the survival of 50 million people.

    Although the food in these two reserves can sustain 50 million people for about a year, food must be used sparingly as long as the land cultivation problem is not solved.

    Therefore, in order to distribute water and food evenly and not cause base □□.

    The leaders stipulated that all grains should be ground into powder and cooked into paste, and then spoons of uniform specifications should be used to facilitate even distribution.

    Except for the military personnel, everyone else, including the top leaders of the base, is the same.

    There are two meals a day, and there is no breakfast, only a bowl of hot water to replenish water.

    At noon, there is a bowl of thick grain porridge like pea paste to support the afternoon work.

    Having a bowl of thin drink at night with more water added can not only replenish the water lost throughout the day, but also make you feel full enough so that you won't wake up hungry at night.

    In this way, although the porridge is unpalatable, it can not only ensure that the food can last for a longer period of time, but also ensure that everyone will not die of thirst or starvation.

    Moreover, there are many types of grains in the storage points, and these grains are ground into powder and mixed together to ensure uniform nutrition.

    It really kills three birds with one stone.

    It’s just that the taste of the porridge is so strange because of the mixture of grains of various flavors.

    But these are not big problems when it comes to survival.

    As for the soldiers, in order to maintain their physical strength, they have three meals a day unlike ordinary people, but the food is also porridge.

    But apart from these, they also have some additional subsidies, that is, they have an adequate supply of clean water, and they will have some edible supplies distributed outside of the storage points.

    For example, some things that can be carried around and stored for a long time, such as compressed biscuits and canned food, were found in underground warehouses.

    However, these supplies are specially used by soldiers in the search team who are out on missions, so that they can quickly replenish their energy and water while on missions outside.

    Guo Ming and his friends had finished eating the compressed biscuits before they met Mingchu, so Mingchu didn't know about it.

    After listening to what Qin Mei said, although Ming Chu still didn't like the taste of the porridge, he had to admire the leader's method.

    The Chinese people are very hardworking.

    As long as they have something to eat and drink, are not starving to death, and are not forced into desperate situations, they will never rebel.

    Although the paste is unpalatable, it can stabilize the hearts of the people in the base and allow everyone to survive together with peace of mind.

    After eating the paste, Mingchu followed Qin Mei back to the lounge.

    Guo Ming and the other male soldiers slept next door, while Mingchu, Qin Mei and a female soldier named Deng Mo slept in the same room.

    There is also lightning ball lighting in the lounge. In order not to disturb sleep, before going to bed, Qin Mei took a black cover and covered the thunder ball, which was comparable to a large light bulb.

    The lounge suddenly fell into darkness.

    Mingchu lay on the bed tossing and turning. Although she had something in her stomach, she was not sleepy at this time because she had slept for three months.

    Qin Mei and Deng Mo on the side had already fallen asleep and were chatting.

    Mingchu, who couldn't sleep, started racing in his mind.

    Although she just woke up today, the information she received today was more and more explosive than in the previous twenty-three years combined.

    She still felt that the end of the world was a bit unreal, as if she was in a dream.

    However, at this moment, the snoring in the room and the sticky taste left in her mouth reminded her that the end of the world was real.

    Mingchu sighed and then remembered his own situation.

    Guo Ming and his team took her out of the black cocoon and told her that she was a precious phoenix with special abilities.

    She did discover a power within herself.

    But the strange thing is that she has been secretly experimenting all day, but she can't release this power!

    She couldn't create water, lightning, earth, or metal out of thin air like the phoenixes that Guo Ming and the others talked about.

    She also cannot control things in the outside world like those supernatural beings in apocalyptic novels.

    Although Guo Ming and the others did not ask her to demonstrate her special abilities, Ming Chu felt a little panicked. Her situation did not

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