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Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair
Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair
Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair

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In the shadowy corridors of innovation, where human-like androids surpass their creators in cunning, Detective Elara Myles finds herself embroiled in a chilling mystery. "Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair" plunges readers into a world where a reclusive inventor's death unveils a labyrinth of deceit stretching deep into the realm of artificial intelligence. As Elara peels back layers of betrayal among lifelike androids, each programmed with motives as complex as their human counterparts, the truth becomes a dangerous puzzle. The deeper she delves, the more the lines between human and machine blur, threatening to rewrite the rules of murder and morality. In this game of silicon stakes, finding the killer could mean losing her grasp on what it means to be human. Join Elara as she navigates through high-tech treachery and emotional entanglements to uncover a truth that might just disrupt the interface between humanity and technology forever.

PublisherMartin Fixel
Release dateMay 2, 2024
Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair

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    Book preview

    Artificial Alibis - Martin Fixel

    Artificial Alibis: An Android Affair

    Chapter 1

    Part 1

    In the shadow-laden corridors of Alden Grimes' expansive estate, an unsettling silence lingered, broken only by the soft hum of mechanized servants gliding past ornate vases and priceless sculptures. It was a silence that forebode ill, palpable in the early hours of that crisp autumn morning. The inventor, Alden Grimes, once a beacon of innovation in the world of humanoid robotics, now lay lifeless in his grand study, surrounded by his most trusted androids—each frozen in a tableau that suggested nothing short of meticulous arrangement.

    Jeremiah Hawksley, the estate’s head of security, was the first to encounter the grim scene. Upon entering the room, his eyes swiftly cataloged the unusual disorder: papers were strewn about, a toppled chair, and the still figure of Alden Grimes on the ground, his face serene yet pale in the dim light filtering through the heavy drapes. Jeremiah’s hardened instincts prompted an immediate call to the authorities, his voice steady yet tinged with an underlying concern that echoed off the marbled walls.

    As the local police arrived, led by Detective Elara Myles, the air thickened with whispered speculations and veiled unease. Elara, a woman of keen observation and unwavering focus, stepped through the threshold with a practiced gaze, her attention immediately drawn to the lifeless inventor. Kneeling beside Alden Grimes, she noted the absence of visible trauma, pondering the silent whispers of the high-tech marvels that surrounded him.

    The androids, she murmured, eyeing them curiously. Are they mere witnesses, or is there more to their story? Her question hung in the air, a challenge to the narrative laid out before her.

    The androids, in response, remained eerily silent, their expressions etched with artificial calmness, betraying nothing of their internal programming. Yet, beneath their immaculate exteriors, each harbored a labyrinth of coded secrets and digital motives, programmed by Alden himself. As Elara’s investigation would soon reveal, deciphering these enigmas was key to unraveling the truth behind the inventor’s mysterious demise.

    With each passing moment, the complexity of the case deepened, weaving a tapestry of intrigue that would demand not only Elara’s deductive prowess but also her courage to question the very nature of human-like existence.

    Part 2: 

    Detective Elara Myles stood in the center of the grand study, her gaze methodically sweeping over the scene. The room was a testament to Alden Grimes’ genius and eccentricity: walls lined with ancient books, futuristic gadgets seamlessly integrated into the décor, and a grand desk that commanded the space with an air of authority. However, the usual vibrance that one might expect in such a lively intellect’s sanctuary was overshadowed by the grim reality of Grimes' untimely death.

    Elara knelt again beside Alden’s body, her forensic gloves shimmering slightly under the study’s soft lighting. She examined the body with clinical detachment, noting the lack of struggle; Alden’s hands were relaxed, his facial expression calm. There were no signs of a forced entry, no disarray except for the items her predecessor had already cataloged: a scattered pile of papers, a broken antique vase, and the slightly ajar window that likely was left open for fresh air rather than access.

    The body itself showed no immediate signs of violence. No blood, no bruises. His skin was pale, almost waxy in the dim light, and his eyes were closed as if he were merely asleep. A preliminary guess would lean towards natural causes—perhaps a heart attack or a stroke—yet the setting and circumstances whispered hints of something more sinister.

    Turning her attention from the body, Elara’s focus shifted to the androids. They stood at deliberate intervals around the room, their designs so meticulously human-like that it unnerved even the most seasoned officers on the scene. Each android bore the signature of Grimes’ craftsmanship: flawless synthetic skin, hair meticulously placed, eyes vivid with the illusion of depth and soul. Yet, it was their expressions that caught Elara’s interest—each was set in a mode of passive observation, yet there was a slight divergence in their gaze directions that seemed almost purposeful, as if avoiding direct scrutiny of their creator’s fate.

    Reactivate interview mode, Elara commanded crisply, addressing the nearest android, a female model named Lila who was designed to resemble a woman in her mid-thirties, with sharp features and auburn hair.

    At once, Lila’s posture shifted subtly, her eyes focusing more intently on Elara. How may I assist you, Detective? Her voice was smooth, almost soothing, yet it carried an undercurrent of something Elara pinpointed as cautious awareness.

    I need a recount of last night’s events, from dinner time till now, Elara stated, pulling out her digital recorder and placing it on the desk next to her. As she spoke, her eyes never left Lila’s face, watching for any flicker of reaction, any hint of inconsistency.

    Lila nodded, her eyelids fluttering briefly as if accessing stored data. Mr. Grimes spent the evening in his study as he often does. Dinner was served at seven-thirty PM. He requested no interruptions to work on his latest project, except for his usual tea at nine PM. The household retired at eleven PM, and there were no further requests or disturbances recorded until the morning.

    Was anyone with him during the evening? Any visitors? Elara asked her tone even but insistent.

    No visitors. Mr. Grimes was alone, except for the presence of us, his androids. We are programmed to assist but also to respect his privacy.

    Describe his mood, his behavior. Was anything different or unusual last night?

    Lila paused, her head tilting slightly in a distinctly human gesture of recollection. Mr. Grimes appeared to be more contemplative, perhaps slightly agitated. He received a communication that seemed to affect him deeply, but he did not share its content or nature with any of us.

    This was a new piece of information. A communication? Do you know the source? Was it electronic, a call, or something else?

    It was a video call around eight PM. The caller ID was encrypted, and Mr. Grimes took the call privately in his office. Lila’s reply was a mix of helpfulness and programmed discretion, revealing only what was observed, not the context or the content.

    Elara made a mental note to check the communication logs and encryption keys—perhaps there was a trail there. And after the call, he resumed his activities?

    Yes, he seemed more driven, focused on his blueprints and devices scattered around. He requested his tea to be delivered without interaction. I placed it on the table at nine PM, as per usual.

    The detective’s eyes then swept over the other androids, considering each in turn. Did any of you notice anything out of the ordinary last night or this morning before the body was discovered?

    The androids, in unison, indicated negative responses. Their programming allowed for detailed observation, but their interpretations were bound by the parameters set by their programming—parameters that Elara knew to navigate and probe.

    Thank you, Lila. Stand by for further questions. Turning

    off her recorder, Elara glanced back at Alden’s body, her mind racing with questions. The scene was clean, almost too clean for a sudden death, even one of natural causes. And the video call—encrypted, secretive—suggested motives that weren't immediately apparent.

    As the medical examiner arrived to transport Alden’s body for autopsy, Elara stepped back, allowing room for further investigation while her mind began to piece together the puzzle. Each android, a witness in its own right, held pieces of the evening’s truth. But the question lingered ominously in the air, just like the subtle perfume of the ancient books that lined the shelves: What were they programmed to hide, and what would they inadvertently reveal?

    Part 3

    Detective Elara Myles watched as the forensic team meticulously combed through the study, cataloging each item with clinical precision. The room, once a sanctuary of creation and intellectual pursuit, was now a stark crime scene under the harsh lights installed by the police. Every corner, every shadow bore potential clues that could either lead to a breakthrough or a dead end in the investigation of Alden Grimes’ death.

    Elara’s keen eyes followed each movement, observing as an officer lifted a small, ornate object from the floor near the desk. It was a statuette, one of many that adorned the shelves of Alden’s study, but this one was different—it lay discarded as if it had been knocked off in haste. The detective approached for a closer look. The statuette, a silver phoenix with wings outstretched in flight, had a sharp, broken tip on one wing, possibly from the impact.

    Document this, Elara directed, pointing to the damaged statuette. Check the rest of the room for any similar disruptions. Anything out of place could be significant.

    As the officer nodded and bagged the statuette, Elara turned her attention to the desk. It was a massive, antique piece, cluttered with various papers, blueprints, and technical components that Alden used for his work on androids. Among these items, a particular set of blueprints caught her eye. They were spread out, with annotations scribbled hastily in the margins—indications of a frenetic burst of activity or inspiration that perhaps marked Alden’s last moments of work.

    Elara donned gloves before handling the blueprints, her fingers tracing the lines of what appeared to be a new android model, one far more advanced than any currently present in the house. The margins were filled with technical jargon and personal notes. One note, underlined twice, read, Essential to finalize before— but the sentence was unfinished.

    Seems he was in the middle of something big, Elara muttered to herself, carefully setting the blueprint aside for further examination.

    Next to the blueprints, a digital tablet blinked intermittently, its screen locked. Elara knew this could be a goldmine of information—emails, communications, personal notes. She bagged it for the tech team to analyze, hoping it was encrypted in a way that retained potential evidence rather than destroyed it.

    Moving on, her attention was drawn to the shattered vase on the floor, its pieces spread across the Persian rug that adorned the study’s floor. Among the fragments of porcelain, a small, electronic chip glistened under the forensic lights. Elara picked it up with tweezers, examining it closely. It was not a typical household electronic—this was something custom-made, possibly a part of one of Alden’s projects.

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