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The Squires of Caerleon: Albionaria Verse
The Squires of Caerleon: Albionaria Verse
The Squires of Caerleon: Albionaria Verse
Ebook73 pages57 minutes

The Squires of Caerleon: Albionaria Verse

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About this ebook

Braelyn is furious with the world.

Deemed too rumbunctious and unladylike by her mother, she has been sent away from home to the city of Caerleon to study in the court of the King of Lloegyr. Follow Braelyn as she explores her new home, makes friends with a prince or two, and discovers herself along the way. 

This brand-new story is the first in a series of Arthurian inspired stories. This series of Novelettes set the groundwork for larger stories to come. Dive into an expansive new fantasy universe, full of knights, love, and Faeries. 

PublisherDevan Gillard
Release dateMay 1, 2024
The Squires of Caerleon: Albionaria Verse

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    Book preview

    The Squires of Caerleon - Devan Gillard

    Chapter One

    Braelyn hated Caerleon .

    She had only been in the city for two months but in that time, she had concluded that her mother’s choice of her new home had been specially chosen to torture her. An irrational sentiment and a very dramatic one. Her mother would have just rolled her eyes at her if she had been here.

    Braelyn had always hated her skirts but the addition of the corset she had been forced to wear at court, was an added torment. Her shoes were tight and the hairpins that a maid had tediously worked into her hair dug into her skull.

    She found herself hating most things these days. Perhaps she was homesick, she missed her family’s estate on the outskirts of the kingdom Lloegyr, where she could go riding over the castle’s rolling hills or go on adventures with her four older brothers. Following them as they got into all sorts of trouble. There was no one to have fun with in Caerleon.

    There was no fun at home either, she supposed. Not since her mother had forbidden her brothers from letting her tag along with them.

    Ladies do not roll around in the dirt, her mother scolded her after Braelyn had received a nasty cut on her arm and torn her dress following her brother Tristan up a tree. Her brothers had received a hefty berating. Then their mother had sent Braelyn, her only daughter to the city of Caerleon, away to be tutored in the court of the king.

    She was supposed to be training to become a proper lady. Braelyn was only thirteen summers old and had shown enough of a rebellious spirit at this point that it was she couldn’t help but think that her mother was being rather wishful in thinking that this place could turn Braelyn into a respectable young woman.

    Since arriving at the castle, Braelyn had been placed under the charge of the late Queen’s ladies-in-waiting. Her current minders were two of the older court ladies, Lady Mary and Isabelle. They had families, of their own, but from what Braelyn was told their children were now grown. Now they helped tutor some of the young wards of the castle, including Braelyn and another young lady, Maeve, while they waited to be called back into service. Most likely to the next Queen of Carleon.

    Braelyn pitied that future woman, whoever she may be. Being Queen seemed like a dreadful job, with all the stuffy clothes and jabbering ladies. Not to mention she would have to marry the prince. Braelyn had little interaction with the Crown Prince since her arrival in Caerleon but from what she had seen since she had arrived in the kingdom, he was a pompous ass.

    Two weeks ago, Braelyn had attended her first ball at court. She had worn a dress her mother had commissioned for her before she left their country estate. It was an awful pink thing that had enough fabric underneath to make half a dozen dresses. Even worse the entire thing was covered in tiny delicate purple butterflies, each hand sewn into the fabric. Braelyn had felt awkward the entire night wearing the garish thing. She toddled around the ballroom like a newborn fawn trying to navigate in the thing.  

    In the midst of her embarrassment, she spotted the prince with his friends, across the room laughing at her. It made her blood boil. Like he would have faired if he had been forced into such a contraption.

    BRAELYN STARED OUT of her window and out at the yard below, hugging a pillow to her stomach. There was quite a scene unfolding below her window. Some of the young men and boys were about to head out on a ride. They were mingling about the courtyard as the stable hands brought out the horses, saddled and ready to go. They were laughing and talking animatedly while dogs danced around their legs.

    Braelyn enjoyed riding, though she had not been permitted to bring her own horse to Caerleon. She had arrived in Carleon in her parents’ carriage which returned to their estate after dropping her off. Her mother was probably afraid she would try to run away, but having her horse present would have at the very least served the purpose of getting her out of this forsaken castle.

    Lady Braelyn, it is time for your lesson.

    Her attention was torn away from the window when one of said women entered her bedchamber. It was Lady Mary, a kind but stern lady. Braelyn believed she had been quite close with the late queen. She was held in high regard in the court and

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